Tag Archives: politics

SJW Laci Green takes the Red Pill?

FK – Let’s see, on the one hand you acknowledge they only want our capitulation then you claim we need ‘dialogue’ with those who have proven over multiple decades they will keep lying to our faces and keep expecting us to pretend they’re not lying when they know full well we know they’re lying.


WE ARE AT WAR! Yes, some can be ‘red-pilled,’ many will have to be exterminated. Simple sad fact. We’ve had the net for 20 years now. It’s easy to learn how evil the twin evils of socialism and gun control are yet our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, keep trying to shove both down our throats at the point of a govt. gun. Does this tell you anything?

The questions that matter are ‘Who is originating and funding the propaganda that spews out of the SJWs’ mouths and what is its real purpose, to destroy ‘the right'(those who wish to be free) or the ‘left'(those who wish to enslave everyone) or both?’

Her original vid:

FK – Waking up is a process. I’ve been doing it for 20 + years. Think ‘enlightenment’ without all the new agey horse crap. The fight for human liberty is the pinnacle of human endeavor.

Think the bumper sticker commies like that reads: ‘Question Authority’ then think ‘What does one do when authority refuses to be questioned?’ Protest? No, they’ve already refused to be questioned and protesters are being thrown in prison, which can happen here as is happening to those in Europe who dare to question why fundie ragheads(and think how indoctrinated you are in PC that you don’t like that description of those who adhere to an ideology that is completely antithetical to all western civilization, and feminists, supposedly stood for) are being imported in large numbers, put on welfare and allowed to breed.

Your generation is possibly the most indoctrinated in authoritarianism in modern history, surpassing even places like Cuba or the ‘former’ Soviet Union or even N. Korea. Simple fact.

You’ve been taught to hug the whales and the trees and the sexually degenerate and instantly fully hate anyone who questions these edicts, closing off your minds and ears to all reality. Simple fact.

I grew up during the ‘sexual revolution’ and it wasn’t. Human biology still demands much of the same insanity our so-called ‘morality’ always has. We’ve gone in the opposite direction for the last several years thanks to the ‘right’ and the ‘left’ so-called. Now it’s the ignorance of abstinence because of the fear of a sadistic god vs. the ignorance of calling obvious birth defects and mental illnesses ‘happy, healthy and normal.’ How absurd.

All politics is violence since all government is force hence voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in since you are electing someone to hire someone to stick a gun in your neighbor’s face and force your particular brand of human insanity down their throat at the point of a govt. gun.

If nothing else ‘free speech’ is telling others what they don’t want to hear and not being forced to lie in order to save their feelings or their particular system of authoritarianism. Personally I’m sick of all sides expecting me to lie for them.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

The idea of ‘harmful speech’ is abhorrent to human Liberty since our Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, forces our governments to acknowledge the most basic right we posses: To fight back against and kill them when necessary.

Our nation was founded by ‘subjects of the King’ who killed their government’s employees to improve human Liberty. It is a process that history proves and is proving now will have to be repeated. Lose sight of that and you have the sad pathetic situation we have now.

If your generation ever grows up, and it seems unlikely, they should seek out those who taught them their ‘feelings’ are more important than human Liberty and drag them to whatever tree or light pole is handy and hang them until dead.

‘Social Justice’ is a commie/globalist phrase created to control your minds. It’s only really meaning, like ‘democracy,’ is another form of manipulation.

I think of what the ‘apostle’ Paul allegedly wrote about his education before his conversion which was loosely: “I count all I learned before as dung.”

Your education/indoctrination by the mainstream/govt. schools and news/entertainment media was mostly dung. And that’s mostly because of all the important stuff they hid from you. And it’s obviously a far greater crime than was committed on my generation.

We’ve had the net for 20 years. It’s easy to learn how evil the twin evils of socialism and gun control are yet our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies tell the same re-hashed lies and arrogantly expect us to pretend they’re not lying while shoving both of the aforementioned down our throats at the point of a govt. gun. How long does it take for you to catch on?

Once again my standard answer to such:

Let’s make amerika free again!

Are we ready for the outcome of voting for the lesser of two evils, and eventually getting more evil than we can handle?

Is there a militia force in your county yet? Why not? Are you afraid of the ‘m’ word that’s in the Second Amendment?

The patriot newbie guidebook

The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.

Who’s our greatest enemy? Those who build the Trojan Horse or those who open the gate?

Nothing will get better until we stop worrying so much about the fundie ragheads and start rounding up and at the least deporting our real enemies, our domestic enemies.

So who or what is our real enemy? A tiny no. of fundies who manage to kill a few mush heads now and again or our own white home-grown “Liberal”(commie) trash that works relentlessly to disarm and thus fully enslave millions?

What will we do when a commie SCOTUS rules it’s OK for the “Liberal”(commie) trash, our real enemies, to demand we ‘turn them in?’ How many cowards will comply? Those are the questions that matter.

What’s an ‘illegal gun?’ Those two words are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment. A right applied for is a privilege.

Was the last ‘mass shooting’ site a ‘gun free zone?” Why are commiefornia and others still ‘may issue’ states? Why do we seek ‘permission’ to exercise the most basic right any creature possesses, that of self defense?

If the Marxist mutt and other commie extremists that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ tell us to surrender our weapons and thus our most basic right, they’ll find out what blood really is.

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Rules for the militia

And once again, I’m proven right:

FK – Help? It needs a straight jacket.

What we have here is one insanity vs. another. As usual.

What to teach your kids

Trump as click bait, and other things…

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The purposes of gods and golden rules
Barry Bright May 5, 2017

As usual, this got me started:

The problem with the ‘golden rule’ is that most sheeple and many people don’t mind being slaves to one form of authoritarianism or another and thus have no problem voting their neighbors into the same slavery.

‘Everything won’t just ‘work out,’ because we let morons vote. We also let sheeple vote for a check or a job or some other benefit and we let whores enhance revenue and protect the state and its laws for a check and a retirement plan and we let our soldiers go to foreign lands to kill for democracy and power and resources and one insane philosophy or another that says its god should be the one to get to burn billions, including little kids and babies, alive in fire forever.

Things ‘worked out’ in this country for 200+ years as the slaves hoed tobacco and picked cotton and in the Soviet Union where 70 million, more or less, were murdered by human ignorance.

Everyone who ‘believes in’ a divine being is ‘religious,’ can’t have one without the other. Once you say “There’s a divine being,” you usually start asking what it really is and really wants which history shows leads to all kinds of problems.

Not that religion doesn’t have its purposes, the elites have always used it as a way to keep the slaves working while waiting for paradise in the next life.

Image result for common laws of all religions

Still works. Before or after that the priests who usually work for the kings, or vice versa, set about writing down ‘the rules‘ all the plebes have to exist by which of course usually include “Obey the magistrates appointed over you because they were appointed by god,” and “All that happens is ‘god’s will‘ anyway so you may as well show up for work today,” and “Pay your taxes, to Caesar, or whatever, cause all god wants is your soul,” and on and on. Get the idea?

What especially amuses me are those who don’t live any more of a ‘christian’ life than my dog does, who will jump out of their pants to defend a belief system that obviously doesn’t mean much at all to them except as a way to escape eternal punishment or to gain ‘eternal life,’ whatever that might really mean.

I’ve read the new testament‘ a couple times and have been studying it more lately, and those parts of the ancient tribal propaganda I can stand to read, and the more I learn of it the more absurd and disgusting it becomes to me.

It’s really funny how the alleged writers of the new testament couldn’t agree on the genealogy of Jesus or on what happened after his alleged resurrection. How our own governments do the same basic thing the ancient Hebrews or whatever did, call on god or our modern god, democracy, another false god(and don’t miss the comments on that link), in the process of murdering those whose land and resources we seek to obtain or obtain for others.

Most sheeple and people have a very simplistic view of what their chosen ‘belief system’ is or is supposed to be and often can’t cite a single verse of the ancient tribal propaganda of whatever tribe to prove their version, sub-version or subversion one way or another.

The slightly smarter believers can regurgitate a few words of scripture or maybe carry on a real conversation about their theology but still refuse to acknowledge that it is what it is: a collection of writings, fiction, mythology, legend, propaganda, made up or slightly ‘based in real events’(like a modern movie or novel) over a long period of time by people who shared a similar mindset, that of seeking to control others and the world around them and create a more perfect world order under their version, sub-version or subversion of what ‘they’ consider to be ‘right’ or ‘moral.’

I call this the busybody gene. We see it in religious folk and in communists and fascists and in all sorts of other isms.

We do need basic laws and all governments seek to enforce a basic morality, usually for the benefit of the state and those who run it. The elites always consider us to be livestock. There is nothing more important to understand than that.

The purpose of the law‘ should be to keep real criminals out of society’s mainstream. Thus we should have a militia force whose sole purpose is to closely watch/regulate the governments and send elected, hired and appointed malefactors to the work camps when they seek to enslave us. We need police who understand their first allegiance is to human Liberty and our Bills of Rights. We need soldiers who know the same and who will uphold their oaths and put the liberty of the people before corporate profit.

We need to bring the troops home and have them hunt our real enemies who have long been here for our domestic blood enemies with white skin do not simply disagree with us they are waging war on human liberty and our Bills of Rights.

Image result for the primary teaching of every religion

Waking up is hard to do and I sometimes wonder if our life spans weren’t shortened so that too many wouldn’t exist long enough to figure things out.

Long experience has shown me that often all one has to do to be labeled an asshole or ‘know-it-all’ is to act as if one attempts to know anything at all. The average sheeple would rather die than think or take on personal responsibility for the world around it.

And far worse is that rare individual who has the courage to say what will be required. Few on the ‘right’ or the ‘left’ can stomach this, especially since their stomachs are so full nowadays of steak and ice cream and the processed foods that fill our over-stuffed super markets.

When our Founders wrote of the ‘pursuit of happiness’ I think they meant it was an individual choice, not an idea of what happiness should be enforced from above. Those who seek to enforce their idea of ‘happiness’ on all deserve no respect, whether they do it at the point of a gun or at the threat of eternal punishment. Simple truth.

However we do have to ‘educate’ or rather indoctrinate each generation of blank slates, children, in a love of Liberty or they will fall into the same trap humanity has sought to escape since someone invented a ‘new cave order’ by rolling malefactors around in the fire for all to see.

It’s hard to worry about one’s ego when one is sitting in prison for breaking some law written by some authoritarian or another that forbade possessing some thing that they didn’t think we should possess. Whose ‘ego’ is winning then?

Ever notice that a lot of ‘higher thought’ or ‘morality’ is just stuff someone made up according to whatever situation they found themselves in? Nowadays we have shelves full of ‘self help’ books and an internet full of memes that illustrate this beautifully.

What should we already be doing about it so we can live in a free country they lie to us and tell us we exist in, when we so obviously don’t?

What are we but little bits and pieces that we pick up over time? A sad fact is most struggle their entire existences in this world to pick up as little as possible. I’ve long had a natural curiosity, and I developed a natural distrust of anyone who expects me to ‘believe’ what ‘they’ would have me believe simply because they claim it’s ‘right.’

As a teenager that had attended a rural southern Baptist church all my life I got tired of seeing my peers get ‘re-dedicated’ and re-saved by a god they obviously didn’t really understand and would probably never put forth the effort to while the adults were telling me obvious bullshit because to them I was still a child, or in reality, because the average adult is still a child.

I remember one cousin, after we had reached legal age, if I remember correctly, discussing the rural folklore that claimed the cattle in the field bowed down at midnight on Christmas Eve. I don’t know of anyone who ever went to look.

An age old irony of so-called human civilization is that in our efforts to become civilized, if indeed that’s what most even seek, we can’t fathom that the height of civilization is to learn to leave others the hell alone and that would include not forcing others to lie about what they think we are or do.

Religion’s ten teachings

The real golden rule is to not do to another what they don’t want done to them unless they have proven themselves incapable of existing among others without harming others or their property.

But I expect it’ll be a long time before the tool-using monkeys get smart enough to apply it on a regular basis. Religion is really cultural, in the way ‘the scriptures’ are interpreted and lived in each generation and in each individual. I’ve sat around enough campfires listening to various versions, sub-versions and subversions to know this to be true.Image result for common laws of all religions

Change is coming, however slowly.

Image result for the primary teaching of every religion

It’ll probably take a few more wars over resources or power or over whose sadistic god will get to burn billions alive in fire forever before they figure it out.

The Teachings shared by all religions

15 Great Principles Shared By All Religions

And then we have the illusion that some systems will ever ‘co-exist’:

Image result for common laws of all religions

Antifa Chick Goes to Turkey With Muslim Loverboy, Gets Raped and Beaten

FK – So why do we tolerate this trash, I mean the trash that wants to let the fundies in our country so they can(maybe) get them to vote commie(for a govt. check)????

Even mainstream ‘conservatives’ are finally seeing what I and others have been screaming at them for years:

America’s Second Civil War

FK – I’m not sure how much ‘ego’ will have to do with that.

And it’s still one insanity fighting another for the control of the hearts and minds of the human species.

And of course he misses the fact that the ‘first’ civil war was the last war fought over Liberty and the bad guys won and we’ve been reading their history books ever since.

I really like what this guy had to say(from the comment section mentioned above):

Brazen Heist LetThemEatRand Feb 18, 2017 8:42 PM

So then Plutocracy is the right word, a subset of Oligarchy.

The problem must be human nature down to its core. I’m always fascinated with how human psychology changes between the individual and the collective. Man as a collective creature behaves much more irrationally, as the collective IQ drops substantially and man feels part of a group, thus exonerating himself of responsibility and sense. A sort of halo effect. As you say, we have collectively allowed the usurpation itself.

People collectively look for a sheperd. People give up their power too easily in a group. Also self-interest has always been a problem, the “agency problem”. Democracy, like Communism, is proving to be too ideal given our behaviour. We are also far from ready for Anarchism, which is kind of alot like Communism if one really thinks about it, except there is the anarcho-capitalist flavour which I prefer. But I’ll admit, humanity is not yet ready for that either. We can’t even handle Captialism. All these are ideals, but the Hegellian Dialectic has trapped us into a pendulum from one extreme to the other. And here we are swinging yet again. When one gets tired of the predictability of the pendulum, you start trading on it and making money out of it.

Democracy, like religion, is another form of manipulation:

The word they used was ‘unalienable.’

And don’t miss this segment:

FK – Remember when the official deficit was less than a trillion dollars?

The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiters of our rights. WE ARE!

And from another ‘democracy’:

The false God of democracy: why we need an unelected House of Lords

Analyzing the Realms of Disclosure with Pedogate & UFO’s


FK – So-called ‘free energy’ has probably ‘been kept from us’ for far longer than a century, probably for a reason, as in we’re not ready for it. I wish I could see things differently. But billions happily slave away with no conception of what human Liberty should or could be and with no sense of the personal responsibility it entails. Every quadrennial cycle of the quest for the idiot vote proves this.

Who deserves to vote?

What would the results be if millions of us were daily melting down the phone lines to our congress critters and legislators and local elected public servants demanding our Bills of Rights, our natural born Liberty, be restored?

With no desire to understand human Liberty and the personal responsibility that comes with it most deserve to be treated as slaves. Simple sad fact. We preserve what freedom we can for that tiny minority in every generation that actually uses it to move humanity forward. But we still exist in a very dark and dangerous age where billions are perfectly willing to kill millions in defense of ‘their’ sadistic god who they hope will burn the vast majority of humans that ever lived, including kids and babies, alive in fire forever while they stand around happily singing praises to it. I can’t think of anything more pathetic.

I think Wilcock, greer and such are full of crap. There are a lot of hucksters in the ‘ufo community’ same as most others. It’s a good bet they ain’t all here to ‘save’ us, anymore than some guy mowing his yard steers around all the ant hills.

All religions are successful cults. The most successful don’t require too much responsibility on the part of their adherents, as in “We’re gonna get beamed up soon so we don’t have to worry about anything that happens here,” while they pass their slavery on to their descendants.

It’s all about power, control, dominance, hegemony, empire. What they fear is enough of us finally realizing that we outnumber them.

Ya know, I really have no desire to hurt the feelings of that walrus with two kids I see in the redneck mecca who I think had no business breeding and its kids that can’t help that they were born and will likely end up like their parents. So I don’t think boundless telepathy would be a good idea. We’re having enough trouble managing the net and all the govt. and corporate surveillance that the average sheeple is too stupid to understand how evil it is, as in “If I’m not doing anything wrong I have nothing to worry about.”

Maybe universal esp would be a good thing if we were all pre-programmed mindless biological robots designed to stay within certain performance parameters…. Uh wait.

I don’t think we yet understand whose illusion we’re destroying.

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Maybe the younger generations will find a way out of this darkness:


FK – If we kept the phone lines to congress and the state legislatures melted down as we should they’d be forced to pay attention. Instead everyone’s gone back to the couch or the golf course since the great savior was elected.

The war is ongoing.

War is not always voluntary

The patriot newbie guidebook

The Basics

Our enemies seem to be on the run:

FK – Antifa or whatever cute name they’re calling it this week has probably been temporarily called off because it was bad press(propaganda). We can’t be presenting the wonderful, loving, civil, pacified commie ‘left’ as being ‘violent’ especially when they strive so hard to disarm us all so we can’t hunt them when enough finally understand the necessity of doing so.

“Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?” – Josef Stalin

Don’t worry, they’ve simply gone off to some dark corner to lick their wounds and re-hash their same ‘ol lies.

What to teach your kids

“Most people prefer to believe that their leaders are just and fair, even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which he lives is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one’s self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.” – Michael Rivero

The YouTube Controversy: Who Benefits?


FK – Give me a break. This is about control. Google is evil. Alphabet CEO Schitt or whatever tried to put hitlery in the oval office.

The racism/hate crap is as always just an excuse. The corporates and workaholic assholes that fund the commie front groups don’t want their human resources to have inconvenient thought patterns.

Hint: They don’t call us ‘human resources’ because they value us as human beings. And yes, they should be required to value us as human beings. There is no ‘right’ to treat a human being like a jackass or a robot or a resource whether it’s a govt. or corporate or whatever entity doing so.

The income tax in amerika is illegal. The 16th Amendment wasn’t ratified by enough states to make it law but the sec of the treasury at that time lied. An income tax is the second plank of the Communist Manifesto, thus it’s evil. It wasn’t even forced on the common worker until WWII and they never took it off.

It was a matter of time until google et al tried to shove all dissenters into some dark corner of the net where the average sheeple dumbass will never go, usually out of fear. They know the average dumbass is a herd animal. That’s how and why they do the crap they do.

This has probably been planned for a while and Trump may be part of it. The bombs are still falling in the Middle East aren’t they?

Cable and satellite weaponvision was a ripoff from the beginning, regardless of the commie infiltration of the news media.

A corporate workaholic asshole that’s addicted to money and the power it brings having ‘genuine moral outrage?’ Oh that’s a hoot. I’ll think of that the next time one of them is trying to shave every penny off my ass that it can.

Capitalist Bezos of Amazon fame bought the Washington Compost as some call it and its editorial policy(communist) didn’t change.

When the net was new it was mostly patriots. We had no where else to go. It was a matter of time until the amerikan communist insurgency tried to dominate or destroy it through infiltration or actions like these. No surprises here.

Will Google re-mainstream the net?

It’s all because of our failure to hunt them to extinction. We should’ve kept the troops home from Korea and Vietnam and killed the commies here first. Trump needs to bring the troops home now and open “Liberal”(commie) trash season.

But it’s more profitable for all involved to keep bombing the Middle East.

Propaganda has always been a mix of truth and lies. And it’s ‘all’ propaganda. The ‘alt-right’ is just an excuse for controlling speech, just like ‘the war on terror’ or ‘the war on drugs.’

And stop calling them ‘progressive,’ and ‘liberal’ and ‘left wing.’ They’re statist authoritarian commie trash that took on those cute names to hide their evil from the stupid. When you use their labels you help them wage war on us all.

The killer bees of fake news

As I wrote about google et al:


FK – One hopes he realizes the ‘bloody fight’ will not be metaphorical.

Conservatives – Creating their Own Worst Enemy?

WOW! Wait Until You Hear What The UFO are PLANNING: LA Marzulli Tells All

FK – This guy is obviously another religious huckster.

Who wrote the religions? Where did the religions come from? The same hands and minds that create ‘the news.’ It’s ‘all’ about control. Why do so many have no problem with the concept that ‘their’ sadistic god will burn billions alive in fire forever including little kids and babies? Because we are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous time.

The ‘lying signs and wonders’ have been with us all along and the ancient tribal propaganda is part of that. If someone tells me they put blind faith in any source or group I know I’m dealing with a child.

The way to avoid being ‘deceived’ is not to blindly trust ANY source especially one that was clearly patterned after the ancient tyrannical kings that looked down their noses at their subjects and their slaves and said “Obey me or I’ll torture and/or kill you.”

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

You’re not gonna get beamed up children. It’s time to wake up and grow up and take personal responsibility for the world you exist in. The ancient tribal propaganda isn’t gonna save you. It wasn’t even written for you.

The killer bees of fake news

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Choosing sides

Michael Heiser – Who is “Satan” in the Book of Job?

Another form of blind faith:

FK – “I’d hitch a ride…” Uh yeah…. Superior tech does not guarantee superior ‘morals.’ Assuming they’re capable of such, or that we are.

UFOs: A Game of Perception

FK – Funny how they started pushing ‘democracy,’ another manipulative lie, and not Liberty.

“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.

Was the NSA really passed to fight the cold war when we were funding and selling grain to the Soviets and our banksters had financed their revolution?

Supposedly the affects of the Wells broadcast has been over-hyped over the years but the fact remains the average sheeple, even with mild distrust of ‘officials’ and govt. still usually blindly believe what they’re told by them and dis-believe any ‘fringe’ info they get from those who aren’t in positions of authority, aren’t wearing a suit or aren’t wealthy or in some other way ‘approved.’

One reason for the Nazis’ success in Germany was their opposition to the Bolshevik Jews who were working to communize Germany, Europe and the world. They succeeded in Russia with help from our banksters.

Is the CIA behind the ‘flat earth’ psyop or the ‘young Earth creationists’ or the ‘global warming’ alarmists?

It’s all about sewing confusion to prevent real organization among the ‘grassroots’ who are now so divided they can’t even agree on who their real enemies are, from fascists in the woodpile to brown-skinned ‘terrorists’ hiding in caves on the other side of the world to communists posing as liberals and progressives, all of whom firmly ‘believe’ in their version, sub-version or subversion of reality or someone’s ancient tribal propaganda, and all very willing to kill each other over it.

The sad reality is that the ‘elites’ are right about the common sheeple, in that most of them would rather die than think. Yet we still have a shadow of the system the Founders created and if enough would understand we’re supposed to be truly free here, not existing under statism or some interpretation of ancient tribal propaganda that wasn’t even written for us and act on that knowledge by shutting down the phone lines and email servers of our elected public servants much could be done to restore the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional.

Who are the ‘watchers‘ helping now?

What to teach your kids

Who deserves to vote?

The killer bees of fake news

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…



FK – Pathetic cowards that hold the mentality of “I’ll end up in a concentration camp,” deserve to be there.

Your stuff is usually on my sub page, along with all the other ‘extremists.’ The European peasants who came over here were partly trying to escape forced ‘allegiance’ to a ‘lord’ or king.

Think about it. We have many today who would bow down to a ‘savior’ that promised to wave a magic wand and solve all their problems for them. Oh wait, see last year.

The rich always seek to make themselves the new royalty, blue bloods, class that must be obeyed and can’t be questioned. Now we just call them CEOs and billionaires and ‘community organizers.’

Google’s Eric Schmidt: Fake News Can Be Detected

Alphabet Chairman Eric Schmidt: We ‘can’t guarantee’ ads won’t appear next to offensive content

The killer bees of fake news

Will Google re-mainstream the net?

More rhetoric without action:

FK – How long have we had the internet? 20 years plus. There’s no excuse for the evil they do. Have the klintons changed? A large percentage of them never will. Their arrogance/hubris will not permit it. Large numbers of them will have to be ejected or eradicated. Time to wake up and grow up and put on the big boy pants.

When a tool-using monkey has committed itself to a false belief system to the point it’s willing to kill you over it nothing will move it but force.

Maybe now Belushi can stop rolling in his grave:

FK – Gee, SNL is finally funny again, after 30+ years.

The patriot newbie guidebook

“Where Does This Crisis End?” – Kurt Schlichter Lays Out The Left’s Violent Endgame

he Democrat Party, its Media serfs, and Social Justice Incorporated are all outraged because we uppity normals are again presuming to rule ourselves, and their agony is delightful. Less delightful is how, in the process of trying to claw their way back into power, they are incinerating the norms and rules that preserve our political order. That stuff Hillary babbled about honoring the legitimacy of elections? Yeah, no. There’s an invisible asterisk only liberals can see that explains that the norms and rules are void when liberals lose.

So, where does this crisis end?

We know where the leftists want it to end, with us silenced and subservient forever, toiling to pay taxes for them to redistribute to their clients as they pick at, poke at and torment us. You look at the things Trump stands for and all of them are about lifting the yoke off of us – cutting taxes, slashing regulations, guaranteeing the Second Amendment, protecting our religious liberty, and safeguarding us from terrorists and illegals. But everything liberals want, everything Hillary ran on, is about clamping the yoke ever tighter around our necks – raising taxes, issuing more regulations, disarming us, limiting our religious freedom, and putting us at risk from terrorists and alien criminals. The whole leftist platform is about putting us down and keeping us down.

They are certainly not going to risk us ever being able to repeat November’s rejection. California’s decline lays out their tyrannical road map. When the Democrats took power here, they “reformed” the election laws to lock-in their party, co-opted the “nonpartisan” redistricting process, and changed the ballot initiative system to make sure we will never see another unapproved proposition. They ensured there is no way to stop illegal aliens from voting because they want illegal aliens voting.

FK – Gee, I’ve been trying to tell you people this for years.

The killer bees of fake news

The patriot newbie guidebook


Two big reasons my generation hates free speech

FK – You should’ve reached out and slapped the shit out of each of them and said “There is no ‘safe space’ on this planet children! Time to grow up!”

‘Post modernist?’ Another cover word for communism? Don”t use their cute terms. It only helps them hide their evil.

We really need to stop wasting so much time over-analyzing the evil creatures and work on how to eradicate them from western civilization.

Good luck with the war that’s coming.

The killer bees of fake news

Trump as click bait, and other things…

Trump as click bait, and other things.
Barry Bright
Jan. 2017

“The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.” – Sun Tzu

Here’s what a Trump presidency means in a nutshell:

There are still millions of voters who don’t understand how dangerous it is to vote for a candidate based on what spews out of its mouth during an election cycle.

Anyone ever heard “Never again?” Of course we knew what hitlery was and is. We’ve had the internet for 20 years. It’s incredibly easy to learn how evil the twin evils of socialism and gun control are yet hitlery and its followers relentlessly strive to shove both down our throats at the point of a government gun.

They are waging war and we pretend it’s just another day in America, the land of the not-so-free.

This is another one of those times when I have visions of cave men beating each other with clubs and rocks.

A week or so ago I posted a couple links to several ‘conservative’ fakebook groups and other social media sites. I expected the header to gain a few extra clicks but was surprised when the visits for one were almost doubled from normal.

The responses were not surprising. A handful of course dismissed the post out of hand, not stopping to ‘think’ that maybe I didn’t ‘agree’ with the headline, at least not completely. But that’s groupthink for you, the same human nature that kept the Marxist mutt in the now red house for 8 years.

Oh yeah, the Marxist mutt awarded its vice president ‘The Presidential Medal of Freedom.’ Huh? That’s like the naked emperor giving out a strategically placed fashion ribbon.

Biden should wear it around its neck where ever it goes and see if it can get free coffee at the truck stop, or ran over in the fast lane.

The second link I posted around was my rant on a vid about UFOs and religion. It got very few views in comparison to the other one and fewer comments. But one comment stood out, and I can’t see or link to it because apparently the commenter blocked me on fakebook.

This took place on the Militias United group. The commenter seemed upset that I insulted his belief system, one that claims all babies are born deserving of eternal torture in fire, and claimed that if my opinion represented the militia he wanted no part of it, in so many words.

Well of course my ‘opinion’ doesn’t represent the whole militia. That wouldn’t be true if I were commander of the ‘national’ militia, an entity that doesn’t exist to my knowledge.

His kind of concrete thinking is what I find to be so horrifying, dangerous, proving we still exist in a very dark age and dangerous time, yet we let people like that vote.

Now I recognize that Kentucky’s governor and our new prez owe their seats to this kind of thinking and I think they may both manage to do some good during their terms, but I doubt that either will manage to do what must be done or what will be required. Several books could be written on that subject.

Sigh. For the record, may they prove me wrong.

There is a huge shift coming. I see the old ways of thinking dissolving before our eyes and yet I see billions clinging to the authoritarianisms of the past. This clash will not be pretty.

Some things Trump must do to ‘prove’ his worth to me:

Mean it when he say’s he’ll shut down the Fed and include the IRS and the income tax. Of course he’ll have to have republicrat help with that and that would require all his voters shutting down congressional phone lines instead of sitting on the couch or the golf cart waiting for a magical wave of the prez wand.

Good luck with that. This is noted because another of my posts to several ‘social sites’ about an actual way to make a difference got a small percentage of the views the other one did. To be fair it was about a proposed Kentucky law.

I’ve been telling people for a long time that we could ‘win’ the gun battle and still lose the war. Many armed to the teeth armies have gone down in defeat, either by surprise attack or slow agonizing depredations or a loss of will among the leaders or people(see Vietnam).

So of course Trump needs to push to repeal ‘all’ the gun laws and bring the Waco murderers to real justice along with many others.

He needs to pardon all political prisoners, and there are many, from those convicted of breaking evil gun laws to those who stood against the IRS.

He must bring the troops home and activate the ‘National’ Guard and the militias and root out our real white-skinned enemies from the top down. There are hundreds to thousands of Marxist front groups in this country. There are probably hundreds outside the district of commie criminals alone. The schools and universities are full of Marxist agitators.

How many employees of federal and state bureaucracies could be classified as such? Their ability to write ‘regulations’ that have the affect of law and the power to destroy lives must be ended.

Of course the members of the ‘progressive(commie) caucus,’ most of whom probably refused to attend the inauguration, should be at the top of the list, and their donors.

But I’m not holding my breath for that either, nor for the arrest of those who run and own the commie news network, msnbc, or any of the other major networks that have played such a huge role in the destruction of our Liberty, our Bill of Rights and our nation.

The republicrats shouldn’t go un-rewarded either. The republicrat party has obviously been infiltrated for decades, in fact it was the original party of big government.

Any who voted for the Patriot Act, without even reading it, should be hunted down and brought up on charges of treason.

We already had laws to deal with those who allowed the alleged fundie ragheads to allegedly fly jets into skyscrapers and other govt. buildings, but they weren’t enforced, on purpose.

How do I know this? In February or March of 2001 I attended a militia meeting where we were told via connections with government agencies to expect a major event in August or September of that year with major changes in our national law to be passed afterward.

At the very least they knew 9/11 was coming and they let it happen.

If Trump does all the earlier listed things and lives to conduct an investigation into 9/11 and the Waco killers and hitlery’s servers I’ll publicly say I was wrong to not vote for him, even though he had and still has no real record to back up any of his claims.

If Trump has really had a ‘come to Liberty’ moment and developed a real conscience then we should back him, in whatever way is necessary. But then we have the problem that this is no longer a nation of men. Even the self-proclaimed ‘good people’ have been mentally and physically emasculated by a religion that tells them “You don’t have to do anything, you’re gonna get beamed up soon.”

Or this could all be some kind of huge setup, to bring real civil war, to demoralize what few real Americans are left, to turn amerika into a real ‘fascist’ dictatorship as the commies claim…. and on and on.

Millions of the semi-brain dead that used the same human nature to vote for Trump that put the Marxist mutt into office twice would stand for a lot of evil things in the name of ‘making America great again,’ because if you asked most of them to define what that slogan means all you’d get would be a blank stare or some response like “Well, we couldn’t let hitlery win, because we might have to get off our asses and actually do something.”

Blindly obeying the masters appointed over us by anyone’s version, sub-version or subversion of ‘god’s will’ is not what this country is supposed to be about. Neither is it supposed to be about using any and every minority as a way to create division and thus conquer and rule through confusion.

As I’ve written before: “There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you.”

That’s antithetical to what we’re supposed to be about. Blind faith in any human or human institution or human created god, and they’re ‘all’ human created, is the most inane dangerous behavior any tool using monkey can participate in. But they do it every day and I fear it will not end for a long time to come thus our masters or would-be masters will continue to use this weakness to our detriment.

That is, if we aren’t wiped out by Russia’s giant nuclear torpedo?:

Russia Accidentally Reveals Giant Nuclear Torpedo on State TV

Will Trump trim the tree or kill it? More importantly, will we?:


FK – The medical establishment exists to sell legal drugs just like most political entities exist to sell their own particular brand of authoritarianism.

Just as good health requires at the least proper exercise, proper diet and proper rest so does good government require a thinking and active public. The goal of the elites is to squelch such to the upmost of their ability and they know full well that the submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.

There’s another old saying: “Power abhors a vacuum.” There will always be someone seeking to rule and many mush headed willing slaves willing to be ruled for a crust of bread or a color TV or a false promise of ‘salvation’ from those who created/infiltrated their religion in the first place.

The most important thing to understand is they consider us to be livestock. All their actions must be judged by that reality.

Pretending there is no ‘ruling class’ will not make them go away. It really only strengthens them.

It’s always up to that tiny minority. The rest will proudly obey and graze and breed another generation of slaves and pretend they did something good.

The way will be to indoctrinate the police to understand that their most important job is to protect the Bill of Rights, at the price of their lives and to accept the responsibility of arresting those who attempt to infringe on our rights first.

You’re missing the most prevalent aspect of human nature, what I call the ‘busybody gene.’ It can’t exist without forcing its version, sub-version or subversion of ‘what’s right’ on others. It’s been with us for a long time, maybe intentionally as a control device for the self-replicating biological robots, or the tool using monkeys, whichever one prefers.

What the average dumbass doesn’t understand is that after millennia of existing at the pleasure of ‘god appointed’ kings we are now Caesar.

How many bombs will Trump drop?:


FK – ‘Bodycounts’ from the Vietnam era anyone? In those days it was good to brag about the no. of commies killed. We need to return to that. Our real enemies are here, not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

Or will it matter?:


What to teach your kids