Tag Archives: policital correctness

A Word To The Criminal Migrant

FK – The roots of your problems go back to WWII when with our empire’s help you defeated the lessor of two evils and allowed the greater evil, watered-down communism, by many cute names, to rule you.

When they demanded your guns you surrendered them without a fight. That was your ‘democracy’ speaking. Now you are full-blown slaves and it was done by white-skinned Europeans, not brown skinned fundie ragheads. Now your domestic blood enemies are driving their western culture destroying bayonet into your hearts and you fully deserve it.

But then we do to, just not as much. Because we should’ve opened “Liberal”(commie) trash season a long time ago.

Meanwhile on the continent:


FK – It’s not ‘feminism.’ It’s communism by another name. Your ‘democracy’ brought this on you. It’s time to throw ‘democracy’ on the trash heap of history and demand Liberty.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

To our next door neighbor:


FK – What is ‘royal assent?’

The problem is giving any authoritarians ‘political capital’ in the first place.

Our tolerance of them will be our destruction.

Will we be saved?:

FK – As I’ve written before Trump was probably programmed to throw a few bones to the ‘conservatives’ because the elites see the sun setting on their hegemony, at least in this country and they needed someone to keep his finger in the dike until they had time to re-group and slither out from their dark corner with a new plan and slightly altered lies.

One of the bones:

The “Trump-Effect” Ends Gun Free Zones Before He Even Takes Office

FK – That’s a good bone but we still have a long way to go.

And the more I think about it the arrogant officer class in the military is probably hoping Trump and the rest of the milquetoast ‘gun rights’ activists will accept this and move on instead of demanding that everyone has their right to carry(their most basic right, that of self defense) on any federal property acknowledged and not ‘granted.’

And which direction will Trump truly take?:

FK – Keeping the commies out of power would be a good thing but the outcomes show that wasn’t the real goal huh? They won in all but Korea and even there kept half the country.

We need to bring our troops home, activate the militias and ‘national guard’ and hunt them here.

And what ‘free speech’ do we truly have?:

Imam charged for preaching Jews ‘offspring of apes and pigs’

FK – So which political correctness is worse? The Euro commies protecting the fundie ragheads in the name of ‘human rights’ or the Euro commies and ‘christians’ and others having a ‘special group’ that no one can criticize?

I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

It’s already here:

Former Sanders Spokeswoman: “We Don’t Need White People Leading The Democratic Party”


FK – So the white-skinned commies who are our real enemies will be kicked out of their own party? This commie cow is in for a rude awakening.

Are you beginning to see the connections yet?

The patriot newbie guidebook

Net Neutrality Lays Groundwork for Internet Taxes

When the FCC created new rules for Net Neutrality by reclassifying the Internet as a Title II public utility, Chairman Tom Wheeler dismissed the idea of new taxes and fees as a myth. Now that the Net Neutrality Order has been made public, it is becoming clear that Chairman Wheeler is being less than honest. The real myth is that Big Government can regulate one of the greatest innovations mankind has ever known without adding to its cost. The reality is that new taxes and fees are coming.

While the order does not in and of itself create new taxes or fees, it lays a groundwork for others to do so, without ever calling it an Internet tax. Specifically, states and local municipalities can now increase taxes on property owned by Internet Service Providers because public utilities are allowed to be taxed at a much higher rate than other businesses. Wheeler and others who sold Americans on the Net Neutrality scheme point to the Internet Tax Freedom Act (ITFA) and say that it prevents “state and local jurisdictions from imposing new taxes on the Internet,” but since the Internet is now considered a public utility, it would be the providers — not the Internet itself — that would be taxed. Of course the ISPs will have to consider those taxes as business costs and pass them along to consumers. The result is going to be higher and higher Internet bills — the very thing Wheeler and his ilk say will not happen.

To make matters worse, the ITFA comes up for reauthorization in September, and though it has been reauthorized five times, there is no guarantee that will happen again. If reathorization fails, states and local municipalities could add to their coffers by taxing the Internet directly as well as by taxing the property of ISPs at the higher rate allowed by the Title II reclassification. Furthermore, there is a difference between the theory of the order not creating new taxes and the reality of the federal government passing regulations and then expanding them to something larger.

FK – Imagine that. What’s next, subsidizing net access for the poor? Betcha ‘right wing extremists’ and other undesirables won’t qualify.

Pair this with the ongoing effort to mainstream the net and sweep all non PC content into some dark corner that most of the sheeple will never see.