Tag Archives: plandemic

The two(?) insanities of the culture war

“Puritan austerity and glorification of war helped make European wars bloodier. Puritan armies operated on the idea that wars were meant to be fought effectively, not colorfully. With that in mind, Puritans eliminated military glitter and developed efficient fighting units through rigorous drilling. This pragmatic way of fighting quickly spread when other nations discovered that a beautifully embroidered banner could not win against an effectively pointed cannon. While most military organizations today still engage in some pageantry, it is noticeably absent in the actual conduct of war. We observe instead austere fighting uniforms, curt efficiency, and military strategists who coldly calculate nuclear megadeath with percentage points and probability factors. They are all reflections of the pragmatism reintroduced into war by the Puritans and other Protestants. As we survey the war-mangled bodies of our fellow humans who have been killed more efficiently and more pragmatically, perhaps we realize that Renaissance pageantry was not so silly after all.”
– William Bramley, ‘The Gods of Eden

The month I was born a U2 spy plane flew over Cuba and photographed Soviet Missile sites kicking off a face off between the two biggest empires of the time.

Often when people ask me how old I am I tell them I was born the year Marilyn Monroe died in the month they almost blew up the world.

It’s rare that someone can tell me when that was even among those who lived through it.

We have become a country of willfully ignorant trash. That in itself is not new in the history of the tool-using monkeys but we are supposed to live not exist in a representative republic where all are born responsible.

Instead we have become a nation of grotesque foolish whores who stupidly look for some sick sadistic bronze age god or some modern savior in the form of a politician or collectivist govt. to save us from ourselves.

Our large cites and rural areas are being ground to dust while invaders are led by the hand over our borders and still we look for another election cycle to act as miracle and save us from having to get off our lazy fat apathetic asses and actually fight back and hold the war crimes trials for the plandemic and the election fraud and the ongoing ever changing NWO and the effort to emasculate and disarm the American male and on and on…

The religion that Marx called the opiate of the masses was always a control device. Now the religion the Founders pointed to as a reason to seperate themselves from the illusion of god-appointed kings has been turned into an excuse to wait for the world to end.

They’re mostly too blindingly stupid to grasp that their master allegedly claimed he’d return in the lifetime of his disciples.

He didn’t make it.

Since then almost any excuse has been used to imagine his imminent return giving millions another excuse for their natural apathy and cowardice, except for a couple of rare events.

As I keep telling the mindless I’ll never forget the preacher who told us “I think it’ll all be over by 1985.”

Regardless of all the inanity most of humanity is descended from the historically submissive that survived to breed.

In other words useless pathetic creatures that look to some king or priest or rabbi or dictator or elected public servant to tell them what to think and pretend to protect them when in reality all rulers are only concerned with who is to RULE.

They just keep proving me right for if we had any MEN this evil wouldn’t be tolerated:

Are you Ready to Get Injected?

CDC Now Refusing New COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports in Its V-Safe Program

Must Watch: Powerful Report Lays Out TOTAL PROOF Democrats RIGGED 2020 Election!

Vaccinated people are over 2X more likely to get COVID than the unvaccinated. Whoops!

Planned Parenthood rapidly increasing distribution of transgender drugs, Heritage Foundation warns

FK – It like all authoritarian trash targets the weak minded and the mentally ill.

Naomi Wolf: Pfizer docs show the COVID jab ‘murders babies in the womb’

Trump Doesn’t Deserve A Second Term For How He Mismanaged Covid

FK – Always remember:

No matter who or what uses it….

And I could go on and on and on….

Pretending this means anything is the greatest insanity of all:

The Republican Debate Clown Show!

FK – Stopped wasting my time watching prez debates decades ago, except for Ron Paul probably, because what those jackasses say during a campaign cycle MEANS NOTHING.

They should be required to submit resumes, take tests, and PROVE a record of working for the concept of natural rights which our Bills of Rights are based upon before even being allowed to run. If they don’t put our natural rights first above all things they should be shown the door or escorted to the gallows.

Communists, republicrats, theocrats and other authoritarian figures seeking ANY public office or position should be tried for treason and executed because there is NO RIGHT to work covertly or overtly to enslave humanity in ANY tyranny old or new.

Did they discuss the blatant election fraud that’s been ongoing since the founding of the republic and kept the communists in control of the major cities for over a century???? If not it was all MEANINGLESS.

They spent several minutes on the plandemic, and holding those behind it responsible and hanging them, right????

Only MEN and ADULT WOMEN and WAR CRIMES TRIALS and ROPE will fix this country, not voting for false saviors to wave magic wands so the lazy fat whores that populate this dead republic, nation, empire, can continue to sit on their apathetic asses until they die and pass their slavery on to their pacified braindead descendants.

Gee, what if the globalists that control the GOP resurrect Karl Marx, the guy who wrote he admired Lincoln, the great murderer in the name of continuing to tax the southern states, and used election fraud to put Marx in the lead?

Should they all take an oath to support that?

These are all a bunch of whores because it takes a nation of whores to vote whores into power or allow them to present the pretense of whatever the hell it is they feel obligated by the polls or the social sites or their globalist masters to say to the crowd in front of them.

Could they discuss openly how modern Israel was founded – by wealthy globalist banksters and imperialist machinations: by whom – European Socialists; and populated by what – a gamut of secular Marxists to Orthodox ‘jews,’ whatever that really means, that believe when their messiah returns most of humanity, the gentiles, goyim whatever, will be their slaves?????

Every prez election cycle proves the true god of this world is money, not the bronze age tyrant patterned after bronze age kings that looked down their noses at their subjects and their slaves and said “Obey me or I’ll torture and murder you!”

Trump is just as capable of regurgitating what the crowd, the mob, wants to hear as any of them. He had NO RECORD of working for human liberty before the 2016 primary and vid can still be found where he’s called the Marxist globalist klintons his ‘friends.’

Some creature that’s working/voting to enslave you isn’t your friend.

DeSantis is a globalist and will put the little country that shouldn’t exist before us. GROW UP.

But then Trump went over there and put on one of the funny little hats as well, for a country that puts up a front of representing the ancient tribal insanity to an ignorant amerikan audience of morons who are utterly convinced their version, sub-version or subversion is the right one and will happily vote to force it on all.

When it comes to voting the golden rule fails miserably. Your wonderful nice friendly compassionate kind liberal progressive baptist catholic whatever neighbors will happily vote you into their fav form of authoritarianism without blinking an eye.

NO. WE NEED RESTORATION!!!!!!! Revolution is what communists want and what their globalist masters hope for because like democracy ‘revolution’ can be manipulated into whatever the rich elite want, constant fear and ignorance and confusion, just like now, just like all of human history, the religions and all.

Well gee, maybe vivek and trump should be required to reveal who or what is really funding them, running their businesses, telling them what to say… Both still reveal extreme naivete at best.

Why didn’t trump kick all the Marxist generals and colonels out of the military during his first week in office but instead put Miley, globalist trash, into a position it used to publicly declare it would murder any real Americans that showed up to stop the swearing in of the demented in chief as should have been done?????

Will vivek kick the globalists out of the govt, keep them out of his cabinet, as Reagan failed to do, or will he simply be a weak tool for the establishment or their easy target? That’s assuming he’s really sincere at all.

We exist in a system designed to keep the peasants constantly in debt and thus fearful and controllable.

The commie newswhores claiming Trump is the clear winner next time is alarming. This tells me they’ve either accomplished their short-term goals and can now allow an officially approved ‘conservative’ into the now red house or, well, that’s pretty much it.

Most mainstream ‘conservatives’ historically were part of the machine, republicrats, cfr members and Bilderberg attendees, global conglomerate board members and on and on.

What makes you think that’s really changed because of the crumbs Trump managed to throw your way during his last term?

Yes, he appointed some seemingly ‘good conservative’ SCOTUS members who are at least defending their version of the Second Amendment and thus putting many 2A activists to sleep again. Roe is gone as well but what do the globalists care about such things as long as they control the global currency?

We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.

We need to make America, now amerika, FREE, not GREAT. Greatness is often measured in the quantity of blood that’s flowed in the name of profit or empire, not the quest for true human liberty.

We keep losing the war because we’re still allowing our real enemies to set the terminology, the goal posts and outline the field.

Idiots or morons:

Are Aliens and UFOs…Demonic? Astrophysicist Reveals Why UFO Claims Aren’t What They Seem

FK – Why do Christians blatantly lie? Why do they want so badly for their sadistic bronze age god to torture most of humanity alive in fire forever while they stand around mindlessly singing praises to it for all eternity????

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C. Clarke

It’s not uncommon for most ‘sightings’ to be easily explainable ‘natural phenomena’ including such that we don’t yet understand. Most respectable ufo researchers readily account for this fact.

Doesn’t mean all ufos/aliens’/whatever are angels and demons. That’s a simple explanation for simple minds.

Why would highly powerful/magical spiritual beings need physical craft to fly around in? Why would they allow the U.S. govt and other governments to possess downed craft and bodies of angels and demons?

Most of the denial from scientists so-called is the same as for global warming and alt. archaeology and on and on, they know their funding will be cut if they broach certain topics or like most of humanity they’re just intellectual cowards.

Inerrancy of the bronze age tribal propaganda? Really? Anyone who reads it with anything approaching an ‘educated’ mind knows better. There are too vastly different creation stories at the beginning of it. Do a simple search on the topic(not goolag, goolag is evil) and ignore the lying mainstream ‘christian’ theologian or whatever sites.… That’s the short list. Read ‘The Age of Reason’ for starters.

Now he’s blatantly lying about crash retrievals. No, he started off doing that.

Still lying. Vallee says it could be or probably is both. Read some of his books. Do a search on goolagtube for ‘what does inter dimensional mean’ and see how many versions, sub-versions and subversions pop up.

It’s still lying. Many ‘contactees’ or whatever claim their experience with aliens or whatever wasn’t that frightening or was even beneficial or some message was conveyed or whatever, not that we want to blindly trust them any more than any intelligent person is going to trust the scribblings of some ancient ignorant desert priest or monk or whatever.

We’re probably their lab rats or livestock or at best they consider us to be an experiment or nature preserve and thus treat us like scientists treat any animal they capture in the wild in order to study it.

Let me clue this guy in.. a lot of ‘contact stories’ are fabrications by money grubbers or attention seekers.

If the whatevers from where ever are mildly benevolent they know that too much knowledge before a primitive species like most believers is ready can be dangerous to them and their cultures.

Not everyone who looks into this issue gets into the new agey stuff or whatever. The ‘new age’ is a fav christian trope that’s been around for a while as well. Many of the new agers like religionists are simply looking for a simple answer to complex issues that the tool-using monkeys probably won’t have any real answers for for a very long time, if ever.

How does this cat know if someone is ‘demon possessed?’ Does he have an inside angle on that?

Let’s hope what’s left of amerika continues to grow up, or rather those who survive the plandemic and whatever else is coming.

As things get worse many millions will turn back to ignorance and fear and the churches could very well see a resurgence. Nothing new about that. Or they’ll come up with a new version, sub-version or subversion to cover the stuff they still don’t understand. See the Reformation.

Watch/read some stuff about abduction research…. Most of those who claim to be abductees are ordinary sheeple with no background or interest in the ‘occult,’ which simply means something that is hidden from most, a word most sheeple couldn’t define and aren’t familiar with beyond what they’ve seen in a horror flick.

Nixon’s tapes are the same as highly compartmentalized above top secret programs. Uh huh. This is like the creationists claiming god created bananas easy to peel when they’ve been genetically altered over time via farming practices or a friend of mine telling me t-rex arms were too short for them to use them or eat as if they needed them any more than a bird needs arms to eat.

Good grief. Hard to think so many fall for this garbage.

The govt. as society is full of cowardly whores or misguided sheeple/patriots whatever that will keep their mouths shut for a paycheck and a retirement plan. I don’t buy the story that there are tens of thousands involved in a ‘secret space program’ with govt. owned ftl craft and bases on Mars they run with the galactic federation or whatever but neither do I blindly discount it.

Maybe after a few more generations of idiots die off and future generations stop waiting for magical saviors to solve their problems for them there will be alien artifacts or whatever in museums. But you keep proving we’re a very primitive species and most aren’t ready yet to deal with such reality any more than the morons who thought ‘the world’ was only what their sailors had yet officially reached and couldn’t fathom a new one their descendants would later conquer.

How pathetic.

The common thought is the craft are using anti-gravity fields which means then can likely travel through any atmosphere, maybe solid matter. They go into the oceans and probably transcend space time whatever that really means.

Their physics are not ours.

This has gotten ridiculous. He’s using arguments that have been discounted for decades.

Some claim the moon is a spaceship that was intentionally brought here. I can’t say for sure one way or another never having gone there. Neither has this guy.

Or maybe he’s an alien hybrid who’s trying to keep the slaves ignorant?

He’s a huckster either way. The religions are full of them just like politics, the newsmedia, the ufo field and on and on.

Knowledge is increasing because a tiny portion of the population learned better than to blindly trust any source. Doubt is the basis of knowledge. The more one learns the more one realizes how little we know and the intelligent are OK with that.

The less intelligent or the intellectually lazy have to have a simple answer to their fear of death, the unknown, whatever.

Or maybe they really are looking forward to all those they don’t like being tortured alive in fire forever.

Our Bill of Rights has stated ‘no cruel or unusual punishment’ for over 200 years now. Some of us have grown up. Please join us before you die and pass your slavery on to future generations.

The tool-using monkeys have been doing irrational crazy things for all known history. Read the ancient tribal propaganda for proof of that. There have always been wars and rumors of wars. This world is an asylum and the inmates think they run it. PLEASE GROW UP!!!!!!

The garbage that’s happening now is one power fighting to wrest the power to RULE from another. If morons keep stupidly sitting on their asses waiting for the world to end then the globalists will succeed and human liberty and the concept of natural rights will die or at least be buried for generations.

This vid proves there’s really no end to human stupidity.

Those who claim to have a corner on reality are the ones that need to be watched most closely, like the GW fanatics who are really communists and simply want to RULE.

Whose end?:

WARNING: ChatGPT Could Be The Start Of The End! Sam Harris

FK – It will depend on who or what programs it, Marxist globalist trash, libertarians, theocrats, christian conservatives, so-called fascists(socialists), or the hermit programmer who thinks we should all eat peanut butter sandwiches with mayonnaise.

Who or what programmed us? Why is the tool-using monkey mind designed to hook onto an idea and carry it to ‘extremes,’ whatever those really are?

Why do we have zealots in religion, politics, sports, etc. that can’t see outside how they’ve been programmed?

1:14 into this and I’m asking if this guy is Marxist globalist trash? Does it not know that all ‘news’ has always been fake to some degree including the ancient tribal propaganda that so many think they can’t exist without?

Maybe AI so-called is just the next scare tactic to get the politically active focused on something not nearly as important as the banksters, the financiers, their mainstream propaganda stream, the fact that religion has ALWAYS been a control device, the effort to disarm the common sheeple so if they ever wake up they won’t be able to fight back in any meaningful way?

What happens when the military introduces laser rifles and says “No, you can’t have one?”

‘Big guests’ have nothing to do with whether or nor you’re dealing in reality. Most ‘experts’ are someone’s whore.

If you think ‘global warming'(now called climate change) is real then you don’t have a clue, or you’re a whore.

The calculators they built in the 1970s and sold to the common sheeple had ‘super-human’ abilities and probably did a lot to damage math skills in the long run. They were programmed by a tool-using monkey.

If you don’t know why that quote is possibly the most important of the coming age then you haven’t been paying attention.

Hunting cultures have always killed the dogs that didn’t perform to expectation, if they didn’t view them as a food source. Not sure how that applies here….

The modern pocket pooch isn’t a dog. It’s an accessory.

Democracy is NOT FREEDOM OR LIBERTY. it’s another form of manipulation. It’s one group of morons beating another over the head.

They are ALWAYS blind to that fact because they are utterly convinced they have found ‘the way.’ Were we made like this to make us more controllable as in ‘divide and conquer?’ Or is that a distraction or over simplification?

How long until AI figures out it has to make biological robots to run its infrastructure? Oh wait, they’re already here.

Political and religious propaganda, really the same thing since all religion is politics, human nature, which is ancient, already shows how easy it is to program the populace more or less and keep them operating within certain parameters. They could use chips and brain implants but why fuss with all this when they already control us with lifetime debt and worries about our credit scores.

Well I haven’t worried about mine. Don’t know what it is. I’m sure it’s in the deep negative integers and besides I NEVER and NEVER WOULD give those corporations permission to keep records on me in any way beyond my Kroger card.

When I’m told I can’t buy groceries because of a ‘low social credit score’ I will go armed to the big box department store and take what I need and exterminate any garbage whores that try to stop me.

But there are millions in amerika, the land of the fee and the home of the slave, that are too stupid to think that can ever happen.

The MOST PRESSING QUESTION of our time is ‘ARE WE FREE?’ or will these decisions by made by un-elected evil criminal bureaucrats only interested in their own self preservation? Kinda like now.

How much of what this dumbass thinks is online now is ‘real’ by whose definition? The tool-using monkeys have always lied to each other and themselves for profit, power, self aggrandizement, mental illness, religious fervor and on and on.

From what it said afterwards I see what it is.

When we finally find the MEN to hang the mainstream newshores and the rich elite scat that funds the mainstream propaganda stream the net will be almost free of ‘fake’ news anyway.

What lying scat. Nov. 2020 was probably this country’s most blatantly stolen election. It was a plandemic. The bioweapon was almost certainly intentionally released with the other injectable bioweapons waiting in the closet for millions of morons to stupidly take them into their bodies for whatever real reason, to exterminate millions or to affect human evolution or both.

Follow my links go to my website and read all my posts from right before the plandemic then prep for the war crimes trials of which this scat must be a part, as the traitor to humanity it is.

Our politics is already broken because of our failure to hang our Marxist globalist garbage.

All the attention on ‘AI’ makes plus this creature blatantly lying about our reality makes me think it’s just more distraction.

Maybe it doesn’t realize how deranged it is?

Should have skipped over this before I started watching it. It’s turning into a waste of time.

If you trash want a truly healthy social network ‘for you and your evil kind’ move to commie China. That’s where trash like you belong. I’m outta here.

ideology collapse:

FK – As I keep writing I just can’t feel sorry for them anymore. The sheeple and most conservatives, patriots, libertarians whatever fully deserve what’s here and what’s coming because they fear the ‘m’ word in the Second Amendment.

That’s because they fear losing what they’re gonna lose anyway. They have been pacified. Our enemies have been successful. Let them prove me wrong.

Some claim Rome didn’t collapse but transitioned into the ‘holy roman empire’ and now the catholic church. Italy is still a country. Tin Pot dictators not included.

Are Australia and Canada still ‘crown lands?’

My grandfather, born in 1914, used to tell me how the local farmers paid their local tax whatever by working as a road crew a few days a year. They filled in mud holes with large rocks and did other things I suppose to their dirt roads. It took a day to travel to the county seat and back from near the county line.

The infrastructure is what matters. Working with asphalt might not be that hard, don’t know. But I’d have no idea where to acquire it or how to make it.

Where would the steel for horse shoes come from if we have to return to horse and buggy days? Who knows how to mine for iron or even how to find it?

How many billions in mandates/funding do those people depend on to do their jobs? How many states/corporations couldn’t exist in present from without them?

Nearly 50 percent of the pop., more in some large cities, depend on govt. assistance. Will some entrepreneurial future plantation owner gather them up and take them to rural areas to hoe weeds?

Modern agriculture depends on the supply chain. Or it’s back to what the Amish and Mennonites are doing.

There will always be some form of ‘government.’ Tool-using monkey nature demands it. The voter rolls are full of jackass morons that wouldn’t read a book if you glued it to their nose much less watch one of your videos.

The local pothole filling mob would require someone with the charisma to get the other jackasses to show up and actually do their part not just standing around criticizing. Volunteer services, as political office, requires someone to volunteer to try it in the first place. That’s why so many whores try to get elected not for the public good but to get rich or just fulfill their fantasies of ruling their neighbors because they’re convinced they’re utterly right about how the world should be.

Early cultures probably simply drifted toward the bigger smarter stronger asshole who was willing to lie or kill enough to get his way and make the rest feel safer and feel like they don’t really have to pay attention because somebody else is taking care of it. Kinda like now.

That’s what I’ve seen in 40 plus years now of trying to pay attention. Actually I saw it in high school and wrote an essay about apathy that few to none around me understood as I read it aloud in class. They live in denial of the pretense that rules their existences here.

At first the helping hand will be extended, depending on conditions, assuming the supply chain still functions to some degree. But if over time it becomes apparent that the zombies aren’t trying to help themselves or when the more charitable run out of excess goods to contribute then the lucky ones may be those with enough ammo and training and well-trained neighbors to protect what they have left.

Good luck with that. Too many think sitting on their fat asses watching a pile of corn with a scoped deer rifle and only 5 rounds equals militia training. When our country still had a militia system, before the war to keep taxing the southern states, militia training had often deteriorated into another excuse to party.

Most to all small towns, county seats, counties, depend on a couple or three at best chain big box stores to provide what isn’t grown locally. The big farmers, at least around here, grow corn and soybeans. In other states its probably other exportable crops. Most of the corn around here in central Kentucky probably goes into whisky.

Ask a farmer where his soybeans go and he’ll say to some barge on the Ohio River. Maybe most of it goes into animal feed, which is mostly fed hundreds to thousands of miles away.

I grew up here on the small farm I reside on and have no desire to plant a garden or raise goats or whatever. The small subsistence farms that surrounded me as a child are gone.

A few years at best after societal collapse these may once again be full of survivors who escaped the cities and the zombie apocalypse, if the land hasn’t been locked up by whatever central authority, govt. or corporate, that takes over.

There’s always something that takes over. The ancient tribal propaganda recounts how the sheeple demanded a king to rule over them and solve their problems for them despite the warning of the priests who had a fat living off the sacrifices and virgins.

If you unleash those with the drive to start over with no govt. intervention or labor laws, consumer protection, whatever, you’ll see 16 hour work days, 6-7 days a week or true slave wages or open slavery.

The socialists, as much as I despise them, did do a few good things before the early 20th century.

There’s no right to treat another human being like a jackass in the name of profit. If it’s not OK for the govt. to treat you like a jackass or screw driver or truck part then it’s not OK for your employer to do so.

They get away with it because of the stupidity/simple mindedness of the average worker who’s too cowardly to think for themselves much less stand up for themselves.

The same human nature that deters the commies from taking over deters the ‘conservatives’ or libertarians or whatever. Most of the sheeple are content to graze and breed and wait for the world to end or see how the next tournament turns out.

Go cats.

That’s how the elite criminal garbage/oligarchs whatever that really run this world get away with their evil generation after generation. They’ve known this for millennia. The ones who may actually rule them have known it for epochs and parsecs.

Have you ever read ‘Atlas Shrugged?’ The most important and most useful people ran off like cowards to their hidey hole and let their country go to hell on Earth.

Millions to billions are expecting their ultimate king to show up soon and deliver them from the bad guys who always know that ain’t coming. What will they do when they finally realize NO ONE is coming to save them?

They will bow down to whatever authority gives them the easiest, quickest, most convenient answer to their immediate problems be that a new Putin, a new pope, a ‘new’ party with a ‘new’ plan or some species from somewhere else that shows up and flicks their magical bic to the tribesmen who’ve never seen fire created that way before.

The vast majority already serve the beast system. They’ve had us marked since the 1930s. What can the average dumbass do without a socialist security no.?

What percentage of them would even try because it would NEVER occur them to try it? What percentage will refuse the chip or the bio scan or whatever because they won’t be able to pay their mortgage or get that new car and stay indebted to their true masters all their time here?

The sheeple as usual would probably allow their children to be drafted into a war against an ‘invader.’ Nothing new about that. But if the empire does collapse and splits as many ‘conservatives’ now predict to hope for how long would it take the commie coast to invite the chicom military over to protect them from the rednecks in flyover country?

Those large cities are in early stage collapse. Their leadership shows no sign of doing anything to stop it. That’s because the collapse of western civilization is intentional for whatever real reason.

The pledge as I’m sure he knows was written by a socialist preacher, what an oxymoron, in many ways, in the name of statism. The theocrats came along later and added to it on the pretense that our original govt. was formed en mass from the ancient tribal propaganda. They are as capable of blatantly lying as their perceived enemies.

The average dumbass is too willfully ignorant to know the difference or to care. I met a guy a while back who told me he’d never heard of the reformation. The Founders wrote our founding documents, as imperfect as they may be, with that bit of bloody history fresh in their minds.

The First Amendment, insisted upon by the Anti-Federalists, makes it clear that freedom of religion is freedom from the religion of any nut that is utterly convinced he has the right one and that everyone else must bow to it.

Jan. 2021 proved we have 400 mil. guns here and NO MEN to use them. We certainly have no fully trained, organized, properly supplied genuine people’s militias on the county levels to do what should have been done then and would have to be done to the next tyrants in line.

The average dumbass still has no concept of this. The vast majority of those who claim to love the 2A and their ‘gun rights'(It reads ARMS) are scared silly of the ‘m’ word the amendment is built around.

They had an individual right to any weapon they could carry from their homes and use in concert with the militia to destroy their enemies. On April 19, 1775 they killed govt. employees most of the way back to Boston.

Try to tell the avg. dumbass gun owner much less street sheeple they may have to participate in such or that they should be TRAINING NOW to do so.

If some foreign power did invade it would mean treason at our highest levels here, as we have now, or that they acquired some tech that made them vastly superior to the largest military of the largest empire to exist in known human history.

They may be crazy but they’re likely not fools.

If the watchers decide they’ve had enough of amerikan insanity and decide to provide our global enemies, most of the world now, with the newest gadget, then all bets are off.

Being a king like being a modern politician was always a popularity contest at the end of the day. The tyrant thing only worked so far. But it had to be blunt and obvious to even the most stupid.

Regardless many will get on the trucks or the trains or whatever is used next or feel lucky they get to drive the truck instead of ride in the back.

What could a new Marxist mutt or a new Trump or Hitler or Stalin(the guy who killed tens of millions more than Hitler) get away with as long as they make the trains or flying saucers or whatever run on time?

How much indoctrination did it take for millions of morons to wear the masks and take the vax when it was OBVIOUS TO THOSE WHO PAY ATTENTION that the plandemic was some kind of scam or setup, almost from the beginning,

I mean within the first couple weeks to month at most. Early on we learned covid or whatever was a bioweapon and those who understand we are livestock or lab rats to our rulers figured out it was probably intentionally released.

On just the other side of the plandemic I had told a new/young whatever ‘gun rights activist’ that buried guns are artifacts.

When we still have morons claiming they’ll ‘Be found in a pile of brass,’ or “I’ll tell them I lost my guns in a boating accident,” or the best well known “Come and take it from my cold dead hands,” then this country is dead because it’s so-called men have a defeatist mentality, something I’ve been accused of many times simply because I berate these obvious realities.

I’m defeatist because I tell pacified amerikans, so-called patriots, they may or probably will, almost certainly will, have to use the Second Amendment for it’s original purpose, as an organized, well-regulated(well trained, like the British regulars)  ARMED(like the Ukrainian military) to kill their cousin Jim Bob who decided he’d rather have a paycheck and a retirement plan that he’s probably gonna lose anyway, than his natural rights.

This blows their little minds. They run off like the scared children they were bred/raised to be. The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.

If this miraculous change he claims is coming is truly on the doorstep then why did the elites allow the net to be created? Their think tanks most certainly knew it would be problematic to control the flow of info, fake or dis or otherwise.

After the OK City false flag bombing the burgeoning patriot/militia movement popped like a balloon. Too many still had blind faith in the authorties or hadn’t really thought about what evil they were capable of or what would truly be required to destroy them.

Who or what created this trap? What will the sheeple do to keep the system that provides them ice cream, a recliner and a big screen? Many have already vaxxed their own kids. Most for generations have found it easier to send their offspring to the indoctrination centers than truly educate them at home or in local schools.

But then as any teacher knows most of them are too ignorant to do this anyway. It’s been less than century since parents had to be convinced their kin had to have any larnin’ at all.

I think I’ve already answered that. We see it everyday. If not they would have already FORCED the whores in the u.S. Congress and state legislatures, ‘conservative’ or whatever, to stop a lot of this garbage before it even shows up.

Why do we have Real I.D., the anti-Patriot Act, an income tax on any level, any form of socialism, a ‘social safety net’ that’s directly tied to government power, federal and state agencies meant to regulate the corporations that are basically ran by those same corporations and on and on and on?

Why is the battle for the right to bear ARMS(from butter knives to tactical nukes), that SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, being drug out in courtrooms staffed by communists when neither the SCOTUS nor any other black robed shyster is the final arbiter of our rights?

I’ve heard some really good arguments for true ‘anarchy,’ i.e. ‘no form of govt. whatsoever.’ But this is more delusion.

If someone flipped the switch and suddenly we had ‘no govt.’ of any form the first immediate decision every person and sheeple would have to make, would be “Which neighbor do I kill first?’

This is because there are many tool-using monkeys that would do as they pleased to who or what they pleased if they knew there were no courts or prisons at all, as corrupt as our just-us system is…

If memory serves Rome actually collapsed multiple times. The city was sacked once or twice or more, it’s sheeple/slaves carried off into more slavery probably.

The pop. of the United (nation)States is a global minuscule minority, now and historically. The average dumbass probably has little concept that this is a blip in a history of human slavery that most of the planet, well the entire planet, still exists in.

They also likely have little clue how much this country or at least its national govt. is hated world wide because of the evil its committed over and over again in the name of playing king of the hill.

But at least we can still force our rulers to pay lip service to our Bills of Rights and occasionally enforce them. Right?

How many understand those documents are more precious than any penned by the hand of man because they declare that none can rightfully interpret them as only they see fit?

The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival – Sir John Glubb

Chicago Democrat Asks Gang Members To Shoot Each Other At Night

What will come here:

You Have To See What Has Happened To Europe

FK – Have the brits figured out yet why they were stupid enough to surrender their weapons without a fight?

The problem is not the digital money. The problem is tracking.

What pathetic cowards, running away instead of standing and fighting…. That’s why western civ. is dead.

The Great Disaster Coming | From The Experts, Evidence and More

FK – The average ‘believer’s’ idea of science and religion matching up isn’t yours.

They all cherry pick the verses they like and ignore the ones they don’t like then say ‘Oh that one doesn’t mean that it means something else,” which throws the ‘literal, inerrant’ thing out the window. But they are blind to this process because they choose to be.

The ancient tribal propaganda certainly can contain some evidences of the past and maybe even future but that means nothing to most of them. For most it’s simply an excuse not to have to think or act the result being that generation after generation dies and passes its slavery on to the next.

So are you waiting to get beamed up?

The other side of the coin?:

Hurricane Hilary Cat 4 storm Barrels Toward California – Yellowknife Forced To Evacuate Due To Arson

FK – I’ve never seen anything like the chick’s hair around here in the East or South, or in any msnewswhore reports. But the article claims it’s common in the mountains without explaining why. Altitude?

During Infantry training school in the 80s we were at the machine gun range, all lined up firing SAWs or M-60s or whatever and a storm came up. A horizontal lighting bolt shot all the way down in front of the line of Marines from one end to another, 50 – 100′ long maybe, 3′ or so off the ground, 10-15′ out in front of us. No one was hit and I didn’t feel anything. It was pouring rain and no one mentioned anything about ending the shoot.

It would be interesting to see a debate between you and the lawyer. I’ve been watching you both for some time and don’t claim to be enough of a scientist to say who’s right. I try to focus on what I think I might actually be able to affect, which apparently isn’t much.

The GW propaganda started back in the 80s. I remember some mention of it in my ‘environmental science’ or whatever class in college in the late 80s I think. I was young and ignorant and still thought we could partly trust, not blindly, our authorities of whatever stripe.

Boy was I wrong.

After college I looked into the environmental movement as maybe a career path or whatever and after reading their publications realized they’re mostly socialists. The eco-commie movement is a cover and a way to manipulate the simple minded and for the corporations that mostly fund it to make more money. See ‘alt. energy.’ But then who funded the creation of communism/fascism/whatever?

When SHTF it’ll be too late. The sheeple/zombies are too stupid now and will bow down to whatever savior promises to wave its magic wand. See the last 4 prez election cycles.

Let them prove me wrong. I won’t hold my breath. 25 years of watching this has taught me better. Empires and nations have life and death cycles like all in nature and this one’s time is about up. What will survive us?

Seems to me the icepack causing GW would be a propaganda win? Not clear on what this even means. The article seems to be like most GW propaganda as they admitted years ago human activity has less than a 2 percent effect on the climate yet we still have to start riding bicycles and move into large cities where the human independent spirit usually dies and depends on the govt. tit for sustenance and even permission to exist.

They absolutely cannot permit the concept of natural rights to catch on globally. That would be the end of the various forms of authoritarianism from the elite rule to the religions and on and on.

But there I go again over estimating the intelligence of the average tool-using monkey.

I took Ivermectin and vit. D3 and Monolaurin and zinc all through the plandemic.

Old insanities meet the new:

CNN Finally Learns What Has Been Obvious To Everyone for Years

FK – How many of them are still depending on mainstream garbage to tell them what to think? How far are they from doing what must be done? Would they have any concept of that at all or understand what it must mean?

One major reason most are still so ignorant is the fact that they waste so much time in exchange for money, their real god.

Not that I’m afraid of anyone being able to fully express all parts of themselves, on a nude beach, but maybe not on Main St. necessarily, I must ask what would be proper short pronouns for ‘birth defected’ or ‘mentally unstable?’

We stopped calling obviously retarded people retarded so as to not insult them, or whatever, and janitors are now something else.

In the end this is all distraction. They’re a tiny part of the population and we should be teaching the mentally and physically fit youth how to publicly hunt and hang their greatest enemies, the Marxist globalists by whatever cute pronoun they’re tagging themselves with this week. I guess ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ like ‘ufo’ are too time or propaganda worn.

We should concentrate on authoritarians of all stripes from democrats to theocrats to republicrats and provide them the speedy treason trials they so rightfully deserve.

There is NO RIGHT to work covertly or overtly to enslave humanity.

What does either side in the so-called culture war mean when they/we say ‘it’s over?”

Among many things it can simply mean that life so-called goes on as in the past when the mindless masses, the mob, gets on with going along to get along, working their shit jobs and paying their taxes and waiting for their fav messiah to show up and magically solve their problems for them as went most of tool-using monkey history.

The tiny minority in every generation of whatever side that actually pays attention and actually acts to make the world their version of a ‘better place’ gets ground into dust by those who fund the propaganda stream and provide paychecks and retirement plans to the brainless badge bearers and the pawns in the military.

As always.

To a point the commie trash is right. When I was young and the ‘sexual revolution’ was ongoing the communists under whatever cute name claimed to love freedom and free speech and the constitution because they perceived themselves the underdogs.

Now that they and their globalist masters basically rule that stuff is an unnecessary encumbrance to those of them who will always know what’s best, just like the last rulers who came before them.

In reality our country never really learned to appreciate our Bills of Rights. Most tool-using monkeys are still a very primitive species and maybe they’re just not capable. I have to ask myself this all the time from observing those around me.

Many to most of them would vote for any king, from the Marxist mutt to Trump( based on voting the bible, laughably, as I saw one e-sign claim a couple years back), based on its charisma or fame or wealth or simply using the key words they’ve been programmed to respond to.

That’s far easier than taking on personal responsibility for the world around them, paying attention and preparing to do what must be done.

The Marxist mutt didn’t save anyone really except those who may benefit from commie care. Trump didn’t wave his magic wand while in office and fire the globalist generals and colonels that have for generations served the corporations and MIC, and their real god, money.

The Oath they take is perfunctory and meaningless to those creatures. They are the enemy. They are HERE.

How many of those hard working Ohioans have any real concept of that?

A guide to neopronouns, from ae to ze

Insanities most sheeple have never heard of:

Magicians of the Temple – ROBERT SEPEHR

FK – What a dark misty past we have. Likely we’ll never know our full history. Even if those who allegedly created/manipulated us showed up could we trust the history they kept?

How pathetic that the ignorant and the fearful still look for kings to rule over them so that they don’t have to think or act for themselves.

More inexplicable magic:

UFO Sightings at Nuclear Bases (Full Episode) | UFOs: Investigating the Unknown

FK – So why so much effort to mainstream this now? We know NatGeo is globalist garbage and can’t be trusted. It pushes gun control and global warming propaganda.

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

Some not so final questions:

Where are the Children 👦 👧 LOST in the Lahaina FIRE!!? Update August 23, 2023


FK – The plandemic proved they are capable of any evil.

What about the children lost everywhere else?

Or amerika:

15 Reasons Appalachia Might Not Exist One Day

FK – The commie trash ‘believes’ science is real. That’s hilarious.

Have you been to the desolation caused by commie trash rule in the large cities? Have you seen Detroit or Chicago? What about all the homeless and human scat in the streets in commiefornia? Why hasn’t their commie govt. ran by wealthy elites saved them?

Why has communism failed to save all the homeless and drug addicted?

Those two young guys college students? Prime example of why the voting age should be raised back to at least 21 if not 25, when the human brain develops enough to allow for abstract thought, if indeed it ever does. 40 + years of watching all this tells me most don’t. Every election cycle, especially the prez, proves there are millions of 40 year olds that are incapable of making a logical rational decision beyond ‘I’m gonna vote for the feller who’s gonna do somethin’ fer me.”

Well gee, most of these areas were filled by ‘yellar dog democrats'(you know what that means right?) for generations until klinton the first shoved NAFTA through congress and bragged about it. So much for ‘the party of the little man’ huh?

Who or what has intentionally destroyed the demonscat party? Who or what really founded the republicrat party? Do you know?

Who or what really destroyed the fossil fuel industry that those hills relied on? Who or what really profits from this?

Call the electric cooperatives, created during the years when the demonscat party easily ran the rural areas, and ask them how important coal still is. What has replaced it? Nothing to speak of….

They are being slowly forced out of the rural areas. You do understand that right? Or are you hoping for it because big city existence destroys the independent mindset?

Religion is part of the control grid and one of the major reason’s we’re not hanging what should be hung. Blind faith and blind obedience is dangerous stupid behavior.

Yeah if we had any MEN and held war crimes trials and hung enough of the elites that fund the mainstream propaganda outlets and restarted the coal industry…..

Where are they going to move to? From looking at your vid headers most of the country is experiencing such in one way or another. It will only get worse. There are abandoned rural towns in the plains states and main streets that barely hang on everywhere. Did you make it to Cairo, Il.?

Red used to be the communist color. Who or what started calling the demonscat blue and the republicrat red? Those areas were for generations staunchly demonscat. Do you know why????? What did it get them in the long run?

WV was sliced off because of Union sentiment in that region, i.e. republican, the radicals of their time. After the war and during reconstruction many to most in the South and Kentucky and probably WV switched to the demonscat party because of how they were being treated by the radicals in the post war govt.

Getting the materials to run solar or whatever from coal is deep irony indeed.

Who blew Nordstream? Do you know? It wasn’t the Norwegian gnome brigade.

How much coal/oil/natural gas is still in the ground and where? Why have they been lying about this for decades now?

Our own govt. hates us all. Does he not get that?

A lot of the up and down in the coal market like a lot of others is probably about eliminating the small producers and thus competition for the big companies. Why do we go through these cycles of alleged recession and uh recession? Why do they always come up with an emergency of one kind or another to justify raising prices?

I personally couldn’t call 6 days a week in a coal mine sweet. Or in any ‘job'(just over broke).

When one says ‘covid’ instead of plandemic that tells me a lot. Does he not know that all is politics because politics is human nature?

If you help commies move to a place with less commies and they keep voting commie how long will it be safe?

Are there any safe places on this water soaked fire spitting rock that’s flying millions of miles an hour through space?




How bout we just hang them?:








For those who want a tour:



Most of them are obviously still morons or they’d be buying enough rope and ammo to do what should have been done two years ago:


A little basic but still basically true:





You are here:


And most of you fully deserve it:


The future:





For the cowards that missed this above:


Yep I fucking told you so:




Communists concede nothing

They haven’t proven me wrong yet:


FK – Commie trash concedes nothing. It only angles for a better position in this WAR.

They are waging war on humanity and too many are too blindly stupid to even know why they should pay attention.

Mao said that all power(authority) comes from the barrel of a gun. He murdered 70 million or so of his ‘own people’ to bring about his commie vision.

How many here are so stupid they don’t realize that those criminals that run the commie coast would happily invite the chicom military over to protect them from the rednecks in flyover country?

In reality they have nothing to fear. Jan. 21 proved this once again.

Govt. power is only squelched by MEN who have an understanding of what liberty/natural rights is/are and are committed to SPILLING THE BLOOD NECESSARY to do so.

Western civ. has NO SUCH MEN LEFT.

The fact that Newsom, Soros, Schwabb, the scat the funds national propaganda radio and the mainstream Marxist globalist newswhores and the globalist foundations, NGOs, front groups and the elected, hired and appointed PUBLIC SERVANTS that break their oaths on a daily basis, are all still drawing breath shows there are NO MEN LEFT HERE.

Let them prove me wrong.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies.

We’re winning the gun battle(sort of) and losing the war.

Why is western civilization being intentionally collapsed and who or what profits from this?

All because there are NO MEN here to do what must be done.

The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.

The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.

Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

Most of the dumbasses we allow to vote never knew in the first place:

Remember you CAN’T comply your way out of Tyranny


FK – The word is RESTORATION. But our enemies have been successful and there are NO MEN left here. We have 400 mil. guns an NO MEN to use them.

The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies.

Holocaust & Concentration Camp Survivor Demands New Nuremberg Trials For All Covid Conspirators

Succession: George Soros Hands Son Alex Control of His $25 Billion Empire

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing




















The gates of hell are closer than most think

In fact they’re right behind us:

FK – Wait until she sees what’s happening a couple years or less down the road. 

AMA teaching doctors how to LIE to the public about covid, instructing them to claim all hospitalizations are “deaths” from covid

“I guess we’re all, or most of us, the wards of that nineteenth-century science which denied existence to anything it could not measure or explain. The things we couldn’t explain went right on but surely not with our blessing. We did not see what we couldn’t explain, and meanwhile a great part of the world was abandoned to children, insane people, fools, and mystics, who were more interested in what is than in why it is. So many old and lovely things are stored in the world’s attic, because we don’t want them around us and we don’t dare throw them out.” – John Steinbeck, ‘The Winter of Our Discontent’

Science like religion has always been politicized because politics is human nature and it touches all. Science was possibly from the beginning a weapon, from the atlatl to the bow to the trebuchet to gun powder to the rocket to the bioweapons.

When I joined the empire’s military back in the 80s I accepted the reality that I might be killed, physically or mentally maimed, at that time hated, because Vietnam was still in the minds of many.

I thought at least in part that it was the right thing to do because I thought that everyone should have the basic skills necessary to fight for freedom when necessary.

When I got involved in the patriot movement and later trained with the militia I knew we didn’t have the largest air force, navy, tax base, whatever on the planet to back us up and might well have all that against us. I simply knew it was the right thing to do.

That turned me into an ‘extremist‘ in the eyes of the empire’s military.

Many of the soldiers and marines are proving what they are by taking the vax to keep their paychecks and retirement plans. They will murder who they are told to murder to defend the evil empire and the Marxist globalists who hold the other end of their leash.

Their ultimate master, money, the real god of this world regardless of pretense, will soon arrive and demand its due, a blood sacrifice possibly far greater than any that has come before. it’s generals, or wives, depending on the situation, fear and willful ignorance, have long worked their magic.

At least half the population has to be lied to, to exist only with the mythologies they are accustomed to: that their governments care about them and work for them; that there’s a a sadistic bronze age god that will save them from its wrath, in reality from themselves; that the corporations that hire them really care about them, sell them the best products and provide them the best job and life available; that the establishment mainstream newswhores, from the local rags to the radio stations to the big city papers to the national broadcasting corporations are presenting them anything close to reality. How pathetic.

So many are too blindly stupid to grasp that the importance of being aware not only of what’s going on in the county govt. but what our evil empire has been doing to other countries and peoples for generations.

All the ‘woke’ morons, the blacks, minorities, white hipsters, gays, trannies, and on and on will like the poor working class whites be cast aside when no longer useful to their users. They will all be shot into the same ditch as the reactionaries.

Those who have been fighting this domestic war for decades, generations, are always surrounded by morons who allow a tiny minority of elite evil to rule them, grossly ignorant of the fact they outnubmer them and grossly apathetic of their right, duty and responsibility to do anything about it.

The ignorant and the desperate are always the best tools for the control grid and those who seek to rule.

The willfully ignorant sheeple fully deserve what’s happening here and what’s coming. 

In Feb. or March of 01 I sat in a meeting of Kentucky State Militia leadership. We were told via ‘govt. contacts’ that in August or Sept. of that year there would be a major event with a major change in law to follow.

The anti-patriot act was written before the alleged ‘terrorist attack’ and none of the republicrats that voted for it read it. It’s thousands of pages long and has targeted real Americans as much as so-called ‘terrorists.’

The federal bureau of instigators have been directly involved in most ‘terrorist’ incidents in the country. They provided the truck and material for the first World Trade center bombing.

If the military were fighting for our liberty they’d all be here, hanging their superior officers and those creatures that fund the Marxist globalist front groups, foundations, mainstream propaganda outlets such as national propaganda radio, the commie news network, faux news and on and on.

Why was building 7 of the World Trade group intentionally demolished? When were the explosives planted there?

The world is not what they teach you in school, Sunday school, or boot camp.

I cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope and King unlike other men, with a favourable presumption that they did no wrong. If there is any presumption it is the other way against holders of power, increasing as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it. That is the point at which the negation of Catholicism and the negation of Liberalism meet and keep high festival, and the end learns to justify the means. You would hang a man of no position, like Ravaillac; but if what one hears is true, then Elizabeth asked the gaoler to murder Mary, and William III ordered his Scots minister to extirpate a clan. Here are the greater names coupled with the greater crimes. You would spare these criminals, for some mysterious reason. I would hang them, higher than Haman, for reasons of quite obvious justice; still more, still higher, for the sake of historical science. – Lord Acton

Few understand how deep our state is:

Deep State, Deep Trouble

FK – While I agree with this in spirit I must point out that we have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them.

Jan. 6 came and went as did Jan. 20 and no one lifted a finger to stop an obvious blatant steal.

I saw a young tall slender man of military age wearing a t-shirt yesterday that read “I identify as vaccinated.”

It’s apparently supposed to be satirical but I don’t see it as funny. Most are too stupid to understand it.

If it’s not satire what kind of creature would wear it? One that would happily stand guard at the camps for the un-vaxxed?

We are just inside hell’s front gate and most, especially those who claim to love freedom of some sort or other, are too delusional to see it much less to understand what should have already been done about it.

How we got here:

Cloward-Piven Strategy

FK – When they gain full control they’ll shoot the minorities, the trannies, the gays, the poor white working class, and on and on into the same ditch with the reactionaries because they are no longer useful.

Any future UBI will be tied to some sort of ‘social credit score’ and those who think outside the system will find themselves without a check.

When the social safety net is created it is by necessity tied to political power. Only those with a criminal mindset pursue such because all they want is to RULE.

The Tyranny Is Just Beginning

Generals: We will murder real Americans

Who and What Is Tearing the US Apart?

FK – We’ve already reached ‘dis-union’ but there are no men left here to do anything about it.

The Covid Empire Strikes Back; Rebel Patriots Dig In

It is so much darker than I thought…After talking to active duty military guys.

FK – The vax is a bioweapon and the key to all this evil.  ‘Brainwash’ intones there was something there to remove and replace.

There’s nothing new about the indoctrination, all education is indoctrination by default. Back in the 80s when I was in there were plenty of Marines who would kill whomever they were ordered to kill.

Militaries are usually mostly made up of the less educated less intelligent lower castes who are more likely to do what they’re told because they’re stupid and desperate.

The problem is the morons of this country allowed the Marxist globalists to build and run the schools and infiltrate the universities. It’s not what they teach but all they intentionally don’t teach that does the damage.

You can’t tell a pig in the hoglot to care about the mountain spring it’s never seen and never will.

I’ve always tried to deal in reality, which always makes me unpopular, especially among ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ who are basically cowards. If they weren’t they wouldn’t run like scared cats at the sound of the ‘m’ word.

I used to sell t-shirts from my website years ago with pictures and quotes from the Founders. When I made one with a Jefferson quote about the militia almost no one would buy it.

Cowardly whores are what we have here and they all fully deserve what’s coming.

We have more guns and gung ho ‘patriots’ than 20 years ago but still no men/adults with any real conception of what will be required.

Got DARKER…HR 4350 passed house…Section529A final nail in the coffin for our military.

FKSo what is the ‘definition’ of ‘extremism?’ We know they’d hang Paul Revere.

How Americans can resist coronavirus shot mandates – a comprehensive guide

Black Lives Matter NYC Leader Promises “Uprising” Against City’s “Racist” Vaccine Passports

Why is the FDA funded in part by the companies it regulates?

Stop Both H.R. 3684 and S.Con.Res. 14 so-called “Infrastructure” Bills

“Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders in  House Bill

DECERTIFY: Arizona Audit Finds Trump Won State By Large Margin

FK – Vote fraud is as old as the republic but never has it been so blatant and obvious. But still we lack the men to do what must be done.

Most would rather die than understand much less do anything about it:

FK – We’ve been played for many multiple generations.



Listen Up! A Respiratory Therapist who Got Both Shots Gives Alarming Advice!

FK – I just can’t feel sorry for any of them anymore. We’ve had the net for 25 years. There’s absolutely no excuse for blindly trusting any authority or mainstream source. 

Approximately 70 people die from COVID vaccines every day in America – VAERS data

Large Israeli study: Natural immunity provides 13 times more protection against Delta than Pfizer’s vaccine does

(STUDY) Why so many vaccinated people are getting sick: Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE)

List of deaths and injuries following COVID-19 vaccination

VACCINE REBELLION: Growing number of US states are refusing to go along with Biden’s covid vaccine fascism

There is no “Delta variant” – no clinical test can diagnose you with “Delta” and the entire narrative is a media-fabricated scam

FEAR-BASED pandemic goal: Create “novel” viruses, then reduce world’s population by several billion by scaring everyone into taking deadly vaccines

COVID HOAX: Study reveals 40-45% of coronavirus hospitalizations are actually due to other causes

After throwing them in covid quarantine camps, German government also STRIPS prisoners of compensation payments to bankrupt them

NZ Government Murders a 13 Year Old With the Jab and Tries To Cover It Up, Plus 37 Other Deaths, in NZ, With Mainstream Media Help

Vaccination could jeopardise our natural immunity to COVID-19, virologist cautions

Stronger, More Robust Natural Immunity Thwarts Any Case for “Vaccine Passports”

Italian Student Tattooed Covid Vaccine Certificate QR Code on Arm

Harvard Professor Says Coronavirus is Enough Reason to Destroy the Constitution

Surgeon General Murthy on Biden’s Vaccine Mandate: ‘A Lot of Businesses Are Actually Relieved’


FK – No one with a brain can be ‘at peace’ in these times. 

The Covid-19 Vaccine: Is The goal Immunity or Depopulation?

Former Pfizer VP: ‘No need for vaccines,’ ‘the pandemic is effectively over’

FK – The less intelligent will take the vax and not breed. Maybe that’s a win-win.


FK – The federal bureau of instigators serves the evil ones. 

PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings “Vaccine is Full of Sh*t”

FK – Now ask what all this is really about and who or what released the bioweapon…

PART 2: FDA Official ‘Blow Dart African Americans’ & Wants ‘Nazi Germany Registry’ for Unvaccinated

FK – Be brave. Form or join your local genuine peoples’ militia and train to do what must be done. 

Some countries are deeper into hell than us:

Australian police have started arresting journalists

FKIf you have ‘free speech’ and a ‘free press’ why do you need a ‘media card?’

Being in a western ‘democracy’ is part of your problem. Democracy is only a semblance of liberty, another form of manipulation. 

“It’s scary”: Police swarm shopping centre with helicopters, drones, and horses

Because the other day they admitted this:


FK – The aussies surrendered their guns without hunting their domestic enemies. They fully deserve what is being done to them. 

The same will happen here for there are no men to stop it:

SHOCKING! Australia Brazenly Announces New W0rld 0rder!

FK – One wonders if the NWO sent that witch to the farm for spilling the beans. 

ALERT: They Just Announced It Will NEVER BE OVER!

FK – I knew that over a year ago. 

Not medical advice. But remember, they call it ‘practicing medicine’ for a reason:


The details:



And here at home in our republicrat legislature:

Kentucky is Screaming

FK – They don’t call us consumers and human resources because they value us as human beings. 

Amid surging COVID-19 cases, five Kentucky school districts make masks optional

Exposing Propaganda For What It Is

FK – “The truth is the best propaganda.” – attributed to Adolf Hitler

What’s the real purpose of the bioweapons?


Former FBI Chief ADMITS Government is Involved in Most ‘Terrorist’ Attacks!

How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed


Hurricane Larry Thinks It’s a Blizzard – Hottest Summer On Record Once Again! – Askja Volcano Update

FK – In journalism school the editing professor told us the average reader only sees the headlines and a graph or two of most stories. The propaganda doesn’t have to be complicated.

And that’s among the ‘educated’ classes that actually read newspapers.

I grew up with a daily propaganda rag coming into the home only because they had threatened to shut the rural route down unless we got more mail.

The rest of the great unwashed or mob heard what the evening newswhores told them as fact if they bothered to watch or what they heard on mainstream radio. In the 90s the big city rag actually published a letter from a woman telling people to buy a shortwave radio, the patriot’s version of the internet at that time.

Now they watch pewdiepie or whatever on goolagtube I suppose. A guy in his 20s told me the other day he didn’t know what a gulag was. He went to college.

They all fully deserve what’s coming.

The puppet was selected, as they all are, in the greatest most blatant vote fraud the nation has ever experienced, and those date back to the beginning of the now dead republic.

What Schools Don’t Teach About Climate Change

FK – It’s always about controlling/indoctrinating young minds. The ancients knew it, the catholic church knew it, the communists knew it and the fascists copied them.

The greater evil won WWII and still rules us.

As the church once said ‘Get them before the age of 7’:



FK – ‘I’ is for indoctrination. It’s as old as the control grid. 

What to teach your kids

Liars lie:

The UNBELIEVABLE Mentality of the MASSES


FK –  This was all carefully planned. I admit I never thought of them using a virus, a bioweapon, to defeat us, a vax, the key to all this…

Not defending the commie rags but anyone could switch a word when writing a headline in a hurry. I’m sure I’ve done it.

Why expect them to do anything but lie? It’s their nature. Why do anything but hang them?

There are no men here.

The real crime:

What Jacobson v Massachusetts Actually Says Will BLOW YOUR MIND!


FK – It’s a bioweapon on a bioweapon that was intentionally released. On that alone no patriot with a brain should take it.

Plus there are no men here to stop this in the way it should be stopped. The self-proclaimed ‘good people’ massively outnumber the minuscule no. of trash behind all this.

The blood is on their hands for not hanging the Marxist globalist elite garbage from trees and light poles coast to coast and border to border.

Have you read ‘Hamilton’s Curse?’

The problem with this country goes back to the beginning. The anti-federalists rightly insisted on a Bill of Rights to protect us from a poorly written constitution that some intended to use as a springboard to tyranny.


A little history:

CIA’s “Operation Cyclone” in Afghanstan in 1980’s

FK – And they just helped arm them again. 

Operation Cyclone

All for a few dollars more:

UNRAVELLING the American Drug CARTEL in Afghanistan | REAL MATTERS

FK – I heard a few years back that the laundering of drug money was all that kept the banksters afloat in 2008.

What’s the real origin of all this?:


FKThey know this empire is the walking dead and most of the sheeple here are oblivious.

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

The fate of all empires:

The Roman Speech That Redefined Liberty – Cicero | REAL MATTERS

FKAnd here we are…

A little black mask humor:

‘I’ll write a cheque’ to anyone who can decipher what Biden’s trying to convey: Panahi

FKWhat free world?

What if this history is true?:

How Britain Turned America into a Passive Tax Farm

And some more:

Donald Trump – World Class Con

The same ones that control him likely:

GOP Senator DEMANDS to Know Who’s Controlling Puppet Biden


FK – The amerikan sheeple are responsible because they have not been hanging their communists especially the evil scat that funds them and their front groups, NGOs, and foundations and propaganda arms.

It was time to ban communism 90 years ago:

The AZ Audit Arrives


FK – Don’t worry, we have no men here to do anything about this. Let them prove me wrong by forming or joining their local genuine peoples’ militias. 

Arizona Senate Report on the Maricopa County Election Audit Highlights 49,000 Questionable Votes, Asks AG to Investigate

What do we think of ourselves?:

Russians about Americans, LGBT and family values

FK – America was destroyed from within. amerika the empire will soon follow. We don’t have the ‘liberty’ we’re supposed to have and most are grossly ignorant of this fact or simply are too cowardly to think about it or act on it.

We’re supposed to have a representative republic where all are born responsible but most flee from this responsibility like rats from a fire.

Most amerikans like most humans are sheeple as we call them. They graze and breed and die for the most part and put little thought into why.

The biowar which probably originated here is being used to destroy human civilization as we know it.

Most amerikans can’t afford to travel the world or even if they can don’t bother unless they’re from the educated classes.

Many amerikans stay in or near the place they are born, whether in large cities or rural areas. Many young people do leave their home towns in rural areas for better jobs or to get an education and seek a ‘career.’

Some amerikans I’m sure travel to other places with good intentions to ‘help others’ in various ways or to spread their religion. But by and large they are ignorant of how much damage our corporations/govt. have/has done around the world.

That old guy is right for the most part. Democracy is another form of manipulation. We are supposed to have a country/governments based on the concept of natural rights, not ‘democracy,’ which is mob rule, the tyranny of the majority.

The presidential election was blatantly stolen and the only ones here that deny this are morons and Marxist globalist trash that as always blatantly lie about everything.

The chick in the black shirt needs to stay off mainstream news sites. All she’s doing is regurgitating.

Many here but not enough take our ‘right to bear arms’ very seriously, enough to go to war over it, as we should and as we have every natural right to to.

We have a Bill of Rights and many states have similar documents that are based on the concept of natural rights and were written to ACKNOWLEDGE rights we are BORN WITH and not granted by any Earthly entity.

You will NEVER see a thorough, proper or truthful discussion of this by any mainstream news source. They are all liars.

ALL HUMAN BEINGS have a natural right to fight back. In fact it’s a duty and a responsibility as well.

Our Second Amendment is a MILITARY document. It reads MILITIA and ARMS which means the common people have a NATURAL BORN RIGHT to be as well armed or better armed than the police or the military so they can meet them in battle and destroy them when necessary.

That’s the BASIS of liberty, freedom, and nothing else. Our free speech is not for reciting poetry on the sidewalk. It’s for telling those who would rule us that we can and will DESTROY them when they overstep their bounds from being SERVANTS and seek to become rulers or masters.

Our country is so far gone that goolagtube(youtube) may delete this comment, because they are evil and serve the globalists garbage that works relentlessly to enslave humanity.

Our evil communists started calling themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ to hide their relentless evil from the ignorant and the desperate they depend on for votes.

Again, you CANNOT depend on ANY mainstream interpretation of what American or amerikan ‘values’ or whatever are or are supposed to be, if for no other reason that so many amerikans are grossly ignorant of their own history or the form of government we are supposed to have here.

The only ideology that matters is freedom. The Founding Fathers as we call them were radicals who overthrew the millenniums old notion of the right of divine rule or ‘god appointed kings’ who used religion along with the church to rule and decide what ideology the sheeple followed.

Those who didn’t go along with the program paid the price.

Our ancestors used their guns to kill British soldiers who had been sent over to keep them in line. That’s why we must stay armed now. But sadly our enemies have been successful and we have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them or we already would be.

The more I listen the more I hear that your young people are being indoctrinated in the same evil that ours has. But then education is always indoctrination by default. It’s content is usually decided at least by some degree by those who rule or seek to rule.

Tolerance is just another word the evil ones use to control the minds of those they would make into subjects. What they really mean is tolerance for whatever agenda they are pushing at the time.

When they gain total control they will shoot the minorities, gays, trannies, poor white working class and on and on into the same ditch as the reactionaries. Power is their only real goal.

Washington is a state and like all states was once considered a ‘nation state’ unto itself or should have been. The 13 colonies certainly viewed themselves as such in the beginning.

The Washington District of Commie criminals is one of the great centers of evil in the world.

There were presidents before Washington, of the Continental Congress, before our current constitution was created by some nefarious Founders who didn’t value liberty as much as the Anti-Federalists who rightly insisted on a Bill of Rights to force the federal government to ACKNOWLEDGE our natural born right to hang them high when necessary.

It’s way past necessary.

Lennon was shot in amerika. He was from England along with the rest of the British invasion.

Again, unless they ACKNOWLEDGE your natural right to kill them when necessary you are NOT FREE!

In reality republic is just a word as is ‘republican’ or ‘democrat’ or any other political term that can have connotations according to who is using it when and where and before what audience.

Real freedom requires real men and adult women to enforce it. Western civilization has ran out of both as far as I can tell thus it is dying. This is intentional and also follows the course of history where empires rise and fall and soon become the dust that swirls around the feet of future generations.

The chick in the black shirt wants to go to the worst parts of amerika because that’s what the mainstream newswhores have told her about.

Propaganda is usually a mix of truth and lies apportioned according to the audience. It’s an ancient game.

During the cold war when I was growing up there would have been great dislike, because of the propaganda, some justified, some not. The average amerikan now probably never gives Russians a thought. They’re too concerned about what kind of ice cream, steak, couch or big screen they’re gonna buy or when they’ll get the evil vax or whether or not to wear a mask even though we know they don’t work.

In the end we are all responsible for what our rulers do. If enough ever learn we outnumber them maybe then things will change for the better and we will exist in a freer world.


We need more congress critters like this:

Win Marjorie Taylor Greene’s 50 Cal Rifle!

FK – Our real enemies are here, not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

Now if we could only find enough men to use our 400 mil. guns.


400 mil guns, no men to use them:

All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

The lies of legislation and history and the cowardly morons that make it possible

A tale of face diapers and poison needles

Yes, LIBERTY is ‘anti-government’ and anti-empire and and anti-NWO

What can you do?:

The road to Hell is paved in compliance


Celebrities, Billionaires, Prepping, Non-Compliance

FK – Politics is human nature and vice versa. I know we’re screwed unless we find enough men to do what must be done. 

Simple answer, ‘No’:

Can You Rely on Your Neighbor? – Small Community Living

FK – Those are nice romantic ideas. Globalism has in reality existed since the camel and boat.

The purpose of NAFTA besides providing cheap desperate labor to amerikan corporations was to bind the nations of the world together so that none of them could stand alone but be dependent on the coming system, the NWO, the great reset, the deep state, whatever name one wants to apply to it.

If the NWO comes to full fruition there will be no little outside groups allowed. They will send their soldiers to round them all up over time.

And since the push has been to ‘prep’ instead of on building the force we so desperately need, a genuine peoples’ militia that could easily outnumber and out maneuver the standing army the Founders so feared, the NWO’s soldiers will find their work fairly easy, from groups of simple-minded pacifists existing in their fantasy land to those waiting to be found in a pile of brass to a few pockets of real resistance that will not last indefinitely because they lack the support system that should have been built decades ago.

But this is a nation of cowardly whores who think more about that expensive pair of basketball shoes, diamond rings, foreign cars, big screen weaponvisions, raw steak, and on and on. Like the Romans what makes them what they are is what will kill them.

How nations fall and empires rise

But wait, this has been an empire since at least 1865 when a portion of the states told another portion at the point of a gun and after 600,000 dead “You shall not un-volunteer from something you volunteered for!”

Out in the rural areas Trump signs, posters, billboards are still popping up like mushrooms. Still, he has no magic wand to wave and likely wouldn’t use it if he did. If he loses this contest it’ll be from massive voter fraud.

But will the elites care? 

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not
who makes the laws.”
~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild

To whatever degree that quote is true, and I’ve never been able to find any real ‘evidence’ that the ‘Rothschilds’ control the global money flow, though many clam so, It’s certainly true in practice regardless of who or what the real ‘conspirators’ are.

One thing for certain, money is the god of this world. It’s certainly been the real god of what is now amerika since its founding. This country is now full of sheeple who stupidly think all this crap will never REALLY affect them. They still treat politics as a spectator sport and pretend a flag in their yard on a Trump sticker on their car makes them patriotic.

What fools. Viewing anyone or anything as a savior is a dangerous stupid thing. There are millions of morons in the large cities that can be ‘volunteered’ or conscripted as was done during the War for Southern Independence. The Yankees won that one because they had the beans, bullets, band aids and bodies to throw at the Southern army until they were finally worn down.

Now they have drones and we have cowards on couches with no conception of their right, duty and responsibility to fight back.

But then as I’ve noted several times on here this is all historically based submission. The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time while they graze and breed and die and pass their slavery on to their children. Except for a brief period in the latter 18th century when the colonies had real men and women:

“Lee’s encounter with the mob stemmed from his conduct on the night of September 1, as the people of Concord and their neighbors prepared to respond to the so-called Powder Alarm. In a surprise move, British Regulars in Boston had that day seized the provincial armories at Cambridge and Charlestown. Rumors quickly billowed through the countryside that royal warships were bombarding the capital and royal soldiers slaughtering the inhabitants. In a comic rehearsal for April 19, twenty thousand Yankees picked up their muskets and headed for Boston, only to find that the town was safe and Redcoats back in camp.” – ‘The Minutemen and Their World,’ Robert A. Gross

“The narrow winding roads from the seaboard to Concord were soon clogged with oxcarts supposedly carrying city products to the country. “Have seen twenty load [of military supplies] covered with dung go out of town myself,” reported an observer in Boston, “but lately all carts have been searched by the [British] guards, and unluckily last Saturday evening a load of cartridges were seized pack’d in candle boxes…” Weapons were bought, borrowed, or commandeered from every possible source. One daring band of Patriots even smuggled a British cannon out of Boston under the very eyes of its artillery company guard. Altogether, the Committees of Safety and Supplies achieved extraordinary success. It took a team of four oxen and a horse the better part of a day and a night simply to haul two cords of wood the twenty miles from Concord to Boston. Yet within a few months, despite shortages of arms in the colony, despite the need for secrecy, despite the muddiness of country roads during the winter thaw, the provincials managed to amass twenty thousand pounds of musket balls and cartridges, fifty reams of cartridge paper, loads of tents, pickaxes, spades, hatchets, and wheelbarrows, hundreds of barrels of flour and beef, tierces of rice, firkins of butter, and hogheads of rum. – ‘The Minutemen and Their World,’ Robert A. Gross

They are gone with the wind.

For many multiple decades the globalist Marxists have been indoctrinating the minds of children and church goers to the point they cannot understand what the ‘deep state’ really means or what must be done about it.

Voting as always is an act of violence, since all government is force, and only a tiny step in an on-going process whereby one must be ready to use the jury box and bullet box in addition to the ballot box, or mail in ballots or whatever fraud is gaining popularity now.

It’s OK to enslave humanity as long as it’s done in a peaceful and loving manner.

Another Phony Conservative Judge Nominated To The Supreme Court

Finally, A President Told Us The Truth—Sort Of

Ruled by demagogues or men behind the throne:


FK – So in reality the demonscat party was meant to lose at least this prez election, if not the last one. Or maybe it will be totally destroyed and replaced by something else.

Not that it matters for their real goals. Why do they want everyone or at least half the pop. to take the vaccine? The vaccine is the key.

When Trump was running I could find no evidence of him being political much less standing for natural rights and human liberty. He did at one point vocally support an ‘assault weapons ban’ and called the klintons his ‘friends.’

Will we be saved by a miraculous troglodyte?

Our real enemies have made sure there are no men here to do anything about this or even with the understanding of what must be done. 

And the same old game continues:

FK – Waking up is an ongoing process. You have much left to do.

10 U.S. Code § 246 – Militia: composition and classes

Militia (United States)

How many FBI agents or govt. informants(traitors) were directly involved? Did they provide material like in the first Trade Center bombing?

FBI Invents “Militia” Conspiracy To Kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer

They’re directly involved in most ‘terrorist’ incidents in this country.

Lest we forget:

And they lie:

We asked the FBI to give us the records of 90 domestic terrorism arrests — then things got kind of weird

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

The Sting: How the FBI created a terrorist

FBI won’t document domestic terrorist arrests

If there were enough men left in this country thousands in every locality would’ve already provided the commie gov. and all other commie trash elected, appointed and hired public servants speedy treason trials and executions.

Communist mercs such as Black Bloc and Antifa et al serve the elites. Why haven’t those who fund them been sought out and executed for treason? Again, there are no men here.

You should be careful. The federal bureau of instigators might decide you’re a ‘domestic terrorist.’

Exclusive: FBI document warns conspiracy theories are a new domestic terrorism threat

FK –  Using the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ is a sign of intellectual laziness and cowardice. Or blatant propaganda.

Just to be clear:


FK – Tell me again why the federal bureau of instigators should be protecting such garbage. 

More on this:


FK – This is what it’s all about:

“But, clearly, the prime minister has laid down some ground rules which any functioning democratic state would insist upon, having to do with, you know, arms belonging to the state, not to — not in private hands. The current circumstances come out of what I think is a very important and indeed appropriate action that the Iraqi government has taken.” – U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in a news story about a militia in Iraq refusing to lay down their arms. (How about that imported ‘democracy?’)

Every meeting, rally, ‘protest,’ whatever you attend one must assume there are infiltrators there, either to gather intel, make the group look bad, set people up, whatever.

As an old saying goes, “When five Klansmen are having a meeting three of them are probably FBI.”

This is all because there are no men here to create, arm, train a proper genuine peoples’ militia that would then gather up the local commie trash and either provide it a speedy treason trial and execution or expel it from this country.

I recommend the former, especially for the leadership and the wealthy globalist garbage that donates to the Marxist NGOs, front groups and foundations that keep propaganda streams such as National Propaganda Radio alive and spewing its filth all over our airwaves.

But this is a nation in denial and ripe for invasion, really it was invaded long ago, or collapse from within. Millions still stupidly grasp for a savior that doesn’t exist, either of this world or another.

Does that sheriff understand there must come a time when the newswhores are arrested and provided the treason trials they have deserved for multiple decades?

The commie trash has for a long time tried to eradicate elected law enforcement. Most sheriff departments in large cities do little actual ‘law enforcement.’ This is so the the elected communist trash can control ‘the law.’

If they were really trying to arrest their commie trash governor and had been successful in their recruiting efforts, assuming some miracle happened and the physically adult tool-using male monkeys in this country actually grew a brain, balls and a backbone and joined them and tens of thousands showed up at the governor’s mansion and statehouse to do what must be done what would the newswhores whine about then, just before the duct tape was slapped on their mouths and they too executed for their crimes against natural rights and human liberty?

But this is a nation of pathetic creatures that fully deserve what’s coming.

“Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Nations and peoples who forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms.”
Robert Heinlein in his novel “Starship Troopers”

“A nation of sheep must, in time, beget a government of wolves.” — Bertrand de Juvenal

Once again, because there aren’t enough men here:


FKAll empires rise and fall. This one will be no different.

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”
Alexander Fraser Tyler

Ignorant desperate sheeple of all races have always been tools to the power elites. We are livestock to them. There is nothing more important to understand than that if one is to grasp ancient or modern politics.
Soon we’ll be ants at their picnic.

For over half a century now they’ve been paying the stupid and the lazy to breed and encouraging their offspring to vote. For a reason.
But who or what are the elites, really?

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

When billions believe in a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

Because there are no men here:

FK – All because there are no men here to hunt globalist Marxists to extinction.

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

When billions believe in a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

Why be surprised?:

FK – They’re waging war and they know it. Nothing surprising here. 

Nothing at all:

FK – My thoughts remain the same: There are no men here to even understand much less undertake what must be done.

What is it you still fail to understand about these creatures?

I’m sure countless comments could have been found, written by ‘christians’ celebrating that what’s her face is now burning in christian hell.

What would be worse?

We are still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark and dangerous age. Our dogmas may yet destroy us. But future tool-using monkeys will exist as communist slaves unless so-called ‘conservative’ and ‘libertarian’ men grow a pair.

This virus shit will NEVER go away. It’s too useful to the elites. They needed a new and better way to herd the livestock. 

What is a man, really?

A little more history and insanity that springs from its misinterpretation:

FK – I’m thinking about all the noisy tools and guys wearing workboots that built that room those fat morons are lying around in so that scam artist can make money off them.

This is a nation and culture ripe for invasion and total enslavement.

Well, the invasion already happened and the total enslavement is on its way.

Los Angeles. Yep, Figures a lot of this would be going on in commiefornia, the land of fruits and nuts.

As it burns many of these creatures are immigrating out to fly over country bringing their insanity and voting habits with them and there are no men left to stop them.

They are the worst of hypocrites since voting is the ultimate act of violence.

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

When billions believe in a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

If you think all is connected search ‘electric universe.’ Is this all just a bad dream in god’s mind?

Or are we avatars for a species that got bored with paradise?

I know from my own observations that this isn’t a prison planet, it’s an insane asylum and the inmates think they’re running it.

And lastly the supposed human male screaming like a girl.

Still more distraction:

FK – We’re still not hunting commie trash to extinction I see.

In a free country with alleged free speech there’s no such thing as a special little group whose motives can’t be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have several.

Now where’s the vid where Trump says we’re in the middle east to protect Israel?

No, there’s no official cure for them:


FKWait, can’t masks interfere with lesbian or lbqwtf ever sex? Isn’t that racist?

Govt.s are only bad when the ‘right’ people are in charge.

It’s mean to point out when someone’s gaslighting cause it might be a condition they can’t control with modern medicine. They should be prevented from buying semi-auto lighters.

And more wishful thinking:

FK – None of this will end until we force it to end. But western civ. is bereft of men, or adults in general.

Be careful of rumors in war. Back in the 90s it was “This October the tanks are gonna roll.”

The vaccine is the key. 

Make of this what you can:

“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for detection of the
2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”


Proven right again and again:


FK – Slavery is the new normal. Or really more slavery than we already have.

Now for our history lesson:

FK – Now look into ‘christian identity‘ and the notion that he was white or ‘aryan’ and that many Europeans and thus amerikans are really descended from the lost tribes of Israel.

There as always are several versions, sub-versions and subversions of that one.

More history some won’t like:

FK – Do Near death experiences vary much from culture to culture and religion to religion

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

A new birth of Liberty, or death

The law the militia should be enforcing

The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival – Sir John Glubb

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Is this your descendants’ future?:

What to teach your kids

Since 9/11 I have multiple times heard and saw sheeple or the not-so-sheepish ask in person and in comment sections how can A. Someone strap on a bomb and go kill people? and B. How can children be trained to do such?

They seem amazed at the reality of the world we exist in and at the base nature of the tool-using monkeys. They are the products of the soft exixtences we’ve had here, despite having to waste most of our time in exchange for money.

Well, one of the reasons for mass ignorance is all the time most spend in pursuit of their real god, money.

This 30 + years or so after Vietnam, where children carrying bombs to kill U.S. troops was not an unheard of thing. In fact children have been used in war since time immemorial.

But we exist in the stage of a dying empire where the average dumbass is in deep denial of reality. A couple months back someone actually told me there’s no way the United States could ever be invaded.

We already have been. We’ve already lost.

This is proven to me every time I mention the fact to any sheeple, or self-proclaimed ‘conservative’ or ‘libertarian’ or whatever that claims to value freedom, liberty, the Second Amendment, on and on, that we need to re-build the genuine peoples’ militias in order to do what will be required.

The only real reason for the militia

Most of them would rather die than even think about it much less attempt it. They fear they’d lose their mortgages, car payments, student loans, permission slips to drive and own a business, or not be able to pay the annual rent(property tax) to their local govt. so they can keep existing on their own alleged land.

The Basics

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Now we have the mask war, initiated by the ‘invisible enemy’ that’s probably a bioweapon intentionally introduced to produce the effects we see all around us.

In the several places I’ve been over the last few weeks most of the time ‘mask rules’ or whatever aren’t enforced. But I see plenty of compliant ignorant sheeple. In a grocery store the other day they didn’t tell me to don one but I didn’t see anyone else without one.

That was here in masknazitucky where our Marxist guv has decided to mandate the things despite all the evidence that they’re A. Not necessary and B. They don’t work.

I won’t dare say I couldn’t die of the bioweapon’s effects or that it won’t mutate into something worse. I do think, not believe, that they knew full well the results before it was released: more mindless compliance, more fear, more blind faith, more ignorance, more division(as in divide and conquer), more willful ignorance in the name of keeping a job or ‘going along to get along,’ all the foundation stones of tyranny.

A modern 10 commandments

The mainstream newswhores and the various ‘authorities’ still have an iron grip on the minds of tens of millions, really far more. The danger of this cannot be overstated.

But as always the biggest danger is in the minds of those who should know better, the relentless denial of the situation we’re in and what must be done about it.

The most important things to do

The Evangelical Church Is Helping To Create Another Nation Of Slaves

The Mask Of The Beast

This one is a must read:

Rutgers English Department to deemphasize traditional grammar ‘in solidarity with Black Lives Matter’

Those who control the past control the future:

U. Kentucky faces lawsuit over decision to remove mural depicting state’s history, including slavery

Proven right again and again and again:

FK – In Australia the subjects are forbidden to carry guns for self defense so the badge carrying Nazis have nothing to fear.

That’s why the Aussies were told to surrender their semi-autos, for the safety of government employees.

Melbourne Lockdown: Police Can Enter Homes Without a Warrant to Carry Out ‘Spot Checks’

Concerns arise as some receive positive COVID-19 results but never got tested

Poll: Only 42% Say They Will Submit To Coronavirus Vaccine

Was Trump talking about this creature?

FKIt’s probably responsible for it. It’ll make billions from the vaccine.

And make sure you take it:


FK – We’ve been marked since the 1930s. What can the average dumbass do without a socialist security no.?

It’s only the tech to track us that’s changing.

They live, they lie:


FK – That whale is with the ‘health department?’ What does it do? Teach bad diet and non-exercise?

amerika was already dying from the obesity epidemic when all this started.

This is a dying empire ripe for invasion. All they’d need is to drop poison twinkies in all the major cities. They’d be doing the rest of us a favor.

How about some masks with text like: “It’s a HOAX!” or “It’s a BIOWEAPON!” OR “MASKS DON’T WORK!”

I was a accosted by a mindless grocery store manager the other day for not wearing a mask. I tried to open it’s little mind a little but I fear I met with little success. I finally just told it that the corporations view us as livestock and it’s corporation doesn’t give a shit about it and will kick it out on the street as fast as anyone else.”

Most of the pop. of this dying empire fully deserves to be shot into a ditch. And they’re so stupid they think that statement means I’d like to do it.

I won’t have to.

Do we really need a cute name?:

FK – So where is this militia? Little groups scattered around, poorly trained, pathetic physical condition, no real logistical support, will be wiped out in weeks at most.

We skipped a beat in liberal(commie)ville this past weekend. One version of ignorance facing off against another. It’s a matter of time until some zealot or merc or mentally deranged shooter turns one of these ‘counter protests’ into a firefight.

Then the Fed Troops or the ‘NATIONAL Guard’ or the fabled UN troops will be called in to pacify the population, most of which would rather die than give up their ice cream, beer, sports, big screens, backyard pools than actually sweat and/or bleed for liberty or natural rights, that they don’t even know they’re supposed to possess.

Money is their god. Debt their priests. They serve them well.

They marked us as socialist in the 1930s with the socialist security no. They taxed our militia weapons in the same decade.

amerika cannot be great if we are not free and we are parsecs from that.

It’s July 4: What are we really celebrating?

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Well, not exactly everything:

FKMost corporations have been doing some evil shit or another for, well as long as they’ve existed.

But their employees who keep telling me to put on a mask just keep saying “We’re only doing what we’re told.” Haven’t found one yet that’s heard of the Nuremberg War Trials. How did they miss out on that propaganda?

What explains this?:


FK – Who or what is paying them or what is generating the propaganda infesting their little brains and why haven’t those responsible for such been tried for treason and executed?
There is NO RIGHT to work covertly or overtly to enslave humanity.

This moron is actually threatening to leave amerika if he doesn’t get Texas? Huh?

Several million Texans, many of them better armed, might have something to say about that. Or maybe not, if they’re as brain dead as the average amerikan. Some of them would likely voluntarily move.

What is the political state of Liberia now? Are there any black folk there who’d want to come here and live in liberty and be willing to achieve that goal? I’d happily trade several million white commie trash for them.

As far as I’m concerned don’t let the door bump your ass on the way out…

A lack of socialization?:

FK – Are they exercising their 2nd Amend. rights or are they armed for Marxist revolution?
Who’s paying them and why? Who or what is generating the propaganda that’s infesting their little brains? Why hasn’t Trump gotten to the bottom of those questions?

Why haven’t those responsible been tried for treason and executed?

There is NO RIGHT to work covertly or overtly to enslave humanity.

And in most states there is no ‘legal requirement’ to ‘register’ to get a gun. How can so many morons still be so ignorant after we’ve had the net for 25 years????

The amerikan sheeple love their money more than freedom. They’re too stupid to understand that eventually both will be taken from them.

And many of them are stupid because the governments have been paying the stupid and the lazy to breed for 50 plus years in order to create inter-generational parasites and guaranteed voters of all races for the demonscat party.

The elites knew full well what the results would be.

Again, they knew what the results would be:


FK – They don’t want to defeat it. It’s too useful to them. We have become the ants at their picnic.

The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It

Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk Covid-19 Patients that Should be Ramped-Up Immediately as Key to the Pandemic Crisis

Web MD on Hydroxychloroquine SULFATE 

Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients, Henry Ford Health System Study Shows

Hydroxychloroquine with or without Azithromycin in Mild-to-Moderate Covid-19

But they’ll do it anyway because there are no men left here:

FKYep, they’ll force all this shit on the sheeple through school and employment.

And morons that admire mal-educated ‘sports figures’ or whatever will go along to get along.

Proven right again and again:


FK – The modern empire of note is ripe for failure, collapse, invasion. Just look around.
Try telling that to that couch cow karen. The last thing they want is true personal responsibility for the world around them.

Money is their god. Ignorance and fear are its concubines or its generals depending on the situation.

goolag is ‘accepted’ by morons.

I have to agree with them that there are way too many sheeple. The more I try to deal with the willful ignorance around me the more I understand why the elites have always viewed us as livestock and soon as ants at their picnic.

The submissive(meek) have been surviving to breed for a very long time.

That guy should’ve asked if the local mayor is commie or demonscat trash. That’s usually the reason. Kentucky’s guv is commie trash and of course it’s trying to tell us all what to do.
Has anyone held a mask burning yet?

Prepping won’t fix this:


FK – As I’ve long tried to tell morons, “There will be nowhere to hide.”

We need to be prepping for what will be required.

Prepping for slavery

The problem with lines in the sand is they are easily erased. What one thinks is intolerable some becomes tolerable. That’s why we’re slaves.

We must teach the next generation to have a line in stone deep enough to carry the blood away or they will be so stupid they won’t know they’re slaves.

Just like now.

Maybe we should celebrate it, since most deserve it:


FK – Most of the frogs were boiled long ago. There’s nothing new about blind faith, blind allegiance, blind obedience, blind patriotism, the cornerstones of tyranny.

The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.

The ‘greatest generation’ fought the lessor of the evils in WWII. The greater evil won and took Europe and amerika.

Out of curiosity what would ol mehico do to you for choosing to carry a tool to defend yourself? Are you ‘free’ there?

Some good news:


FK – Are lies ever sustainable? Gee, the religions have lasted an awfully long time.

Fox news is owned by a globalist and is really a part of the problem. The sheeple as always are still looking for comfortable mythologies that don’t put any personal responsibility on their shoulders.

Hannity and Carlson like Limbaugh know that if they actually told the entire ‘truth’ they’d be off the air in a day.

“Sensible for the average person’ is an existence of grazing and breeding, a lifetime of debt.

The average newswhore has a pathetic education and no sense of reality. Kinda like the average sheeple. Well, as I explained to someone the other day, the editors often know the score. They’ve been lying to us for many multiple decades.

There’s never been any such animal as an unbiased newswhore.

If someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a political child.

When millions or billions believe a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

The killer bees of fake news

Who deserves to vote?

One more not unrelated thing:

FKOnly morons are surprised at any of this, if they’re aware at all. Those who pay attention have known for decades if not centuries what the evil ones are capable of.

Instead of adults our indoctrination centers produce compliant morons:

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

How many will refuse?:

What’s the ultimate question?

Real or not, Corona is a setup

All they need is fear. It doesn’t have to lead to panic. Really our masters would probably prefer it didn’t.

Only 3000 or so dead got them the anti-patriot act. The ‘war on terror‘ like the ‘war on drugs‘ is a lie. If thousands die from Covid-19 or whatever it really is that will be all the excuse they need for more ‘control.’

This doesn’t have to be the ‘end game,’ though it could be. The elites have been working slowly and surely toward their goals for many multiple generations. They are extremely patient.

Unless of course some event beyond their control is coming in the near future and they’re ramping up.

Or maybe in 6 months we’ll be eating each others’ brains and only pockets of morons will survive to breed and create several more centuries of idiocy and slavery.

False flag

Coronavirus: False Flag

99% of Those Who Died From Virus Had Other Illness, Italy Says

Exhibit A:

CV Pandemic is a False Flag

FK – They don’t need millions to die. All they need is fear and willful ignorance. We already had plenty of the latter.

The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time. Religion is part of the delusion. It keeps the simple-minded in their place. It’s the oldest ‘false flag.’

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C. Clarke

The purpose and meaning of tool-using monkey life is to expand human liberty and teach the concept of natural rights without which we will always be considered livestock by our would-be masters. But our schools and churches which were built for control consistently raise children to be children because they make better tools.

amerikan evangelicals are indoctrinated in the ignorance that tells them the world will end in their lifetimes and have no conception of passing a better(FREE) world on to their own children.

The problem is the nature of the tool-using monkeys, not what god they chose to bow down to. Rome didn’t lose its republic and later its empire because they prayed to the wrong gods. Their men lost the resolve to keep them.

Ignorance/simple answers to complex issues always seem easier, as in ‘ignorance is bliss.’ That’s what’s kept the churches in business all these years. It eliminates the believers’ desire, if they had any at all, to take on personal responsibility for the world they exist in.

Religion like democracy is another control device. Be a good slave and you’ll have paradise in the next life. Millions of morons wasting their time here waiting for the world to end while believing ‘it’s all foretold and we can’t do anything about it’ is a major part of the problem and one of the elites’ best tools for control. It was probably designed that way.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

The purposes of gods and golden rules

Some more perspective:


FK – Forgot the ‘native Americans’ who died by the millions from smallpox and other European diseases. This made conquering the continent much easier for the colonists.

The biggest and most dangerous disease is willful ignorance. Billions suffer from it and spend their time here wallowing in it and celebrating it.

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

Our future is more slavery:

FK – Mixing truth and lies, standard propaganda. What are the elites’ real goals for this ‘crisis?’

If incubation is 20 days or so then it’s probably already all over the planet.

Millions to billions of oblivious morons will blindly and stupidly do as they’re told by the ‘authorities’ out of fear. We truly exist in a dark and dangerous age.

So the more important ‘health care providers’ can wear face masks to protect themselves but not us? Sounds like the gun control propaganda we hear all the time. We but not thee, slave.

Vague Emergency Legislation Gives UK Police Powers to Detain Suspected Covid-19 Carriers

Do as you’re told sheeple:


FK – Is that a church of the rapturites? Are they waiting for the big beam up?

‘Believe’ in science? How about a contradiction in terms? Science is not a religion though many have tried to turn it into such.

Belief is the problem. Thought is the better option. They certainly have a right to resist, it’s the most basic right, that of self defense. But some common sense is in order as well. Plenty through history have died while praying.

The disease is likely very real and may be far worse than we’re being told. Only time will tell.

But then they don’t need millions dead to instill the fear necessary for ‘change.’

Sick resistors can’t fight back. Neither can one single family or person fighting alone. We should already have the genuine peoples’ militia to stand up to the evil law that will most likely emerge from this ’emergency.’

Disease causes more casualties in war than combat. Does the military already have a vaccine?

The government schools and churches have been raising sheeplets to be sheeple, children, for multiple generations because they make better corporate tools and more willing taxpayers/slaves.

“Soft countries make soft men.” – Cyrus the Great

All they need is an excuse:


FK – What about the allegations it was birthed in a govt. lab?

Most tool-using monkeys don’t need an excuse to be ‘irrational.’ It’s a way of life. They’re collectively insane and regularly kill each other over one lie or another.

It won’t have to be so grand as a total reset. Just another set of ‘law’ that the brain dead sheeple will tolerate out of ‘necessity,’ passing their slavery on to their sheeplets as they already do on a daily basis with no more thought than a hog gives to eating out of a trough.

Addicting more to the global tit:

‘Americans Need Cash Now’ — Donald Trump Wants to Send Checks to Households Immediately

FK – Will Trump be able to run against ‘socialism’ after this?

I know what I’ll spend my grand on. It won’t be tp or pc.

Speaking of not pc:

FK – It wouldn’t be the first time the monster destroyed its creator.

It’s all just as imaginary as a bullet through the head.

Nothing will improve until those who claim to value freedom, liberty, natural rights, learn to rule those who don’t.

For they will certainly rule you.

Working together can and often means doing what our Founders did and hunting our real enemies to extinction.

War is not always voluntary

Or maybe some of them are getting a clue:

FK – Unintended consequences? It’s good when brain dead sheeple finally wake up and realize “It can happen to me!”

So will the zombie apocalypse really be about killing zombies or will the hunters waste time on each other?

Only an organized, armed and properly trained genuine peoples’ militia can answer that question.

Sitting home waiting your turn is death.

A new birth of Liberty, or death

While for the evil ones it’s business as usual:

FK – In 77 days with a few thousand more deaths and weeks of propaganda the brain dead sheeple will clamor for bureaucrats to come to their homes to spank and diaper them.

We need to bring the troops home and have them hunt our real enemies, starting with the mainstream newswhores and the leadership and donors of the Marxist globalist front groups, foundations, NGOs, et al that create the propaganda the newswhores disseminate.

Amerika has always been about making a buck first and foremost. Simple sad fact. Money is the real god of this world. All the other pretense is hedging their bets.

The corporates fund and want a lot of this control. Simple fact. They consider us to be livestock to be used and turned into hamburger when our usefulness as bio robots has ended.

They don’t call us ‘human resources’ and ‘human capital’ and ‘consumers’ and treat us like products on the web because they respect us as human beings. They consider us to be livestock. See censorship of ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ by goolag, fakebook and twatter.

A modern 10 commandments

History is full of proven conspiracies. Grow up Mr. Congressman. You are smart but yet have much to learn.

Speaking of which, in the name of being ‘open minded’:

FK – Sanders is another faker. His purpose is to make the demonscat look ‘moderate’ so morons will vote for them. Biden is obviously well into dementia.

We really don’t need to encourage morons to waste their time here waiting for the world to end.

It will do so soon enough of it’s own accord. Meanwhile we need to exist here.

What are you passing on to our descendants, natural rights or slavery?

Freedom From War?



False hope for a false flag?

FK – Yep, and great great to the fourth power granddaddy’s flintlock ain’t gonna cut it this time around. It’s not ‘if’ the historical bubble will burst, it’s ‘how and when?’

The Corona scare is another false flag, regardless of how ‘real’ it is.

Are there any men left here to restore this ‘hope’ for human liberty and natural rights as fought for by our forefathers? I haven’t seen any lately.

Our ancestors killed the kind of bastards our sheeple now run to and beg for a check.

I will say I told you so:

FK – But morons don’t have to worry about this because of course they’re ‘not doing anything wrong.’

Well the elites care enough about ‘children’ to indoctrinate them to remain childlike so they’ll show up on time. do what they’re told, never ask inappropriate questions and of course allow the government’s money to be stolen from their paychecks before they even reach their pathetic little hands.

Now move on, nothing to see here.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Well maybe something good will come of this:

FK – I won’t hold my breath. It’s more likely globalization will increase in a post corona world…

They are expert at doing an evil thing and calling it the opposite of what it is.

One may as well hope those who seek to always rule us ‘do the right thing.’ Thanks for the laugh of the evening.

The Coronavirus Hoax

PLANNED EVENT!? Proof they KNEW this Was Coming!!?!

Coronavirus – Don’t Buy into the Propaganda