Tag Archives: patriots day

The Man Who Fired The Shot Heard ’Round The World

I am absolutely convinced that one of the biggest reasons America is in the sad condition it is in today is because the sermons most Americans frequently hear from modern pulpits refuse to deal with the salient issues of the day and, therefore, our Christian people are mostly uneducated and ignorant of the great Biblical truths relating to liberty and Natural Law. This milquetoast preaching, along with a totally false “obey-the-government-no-matter-what” misinterpretation of Romans 13, have made it next to impossible to find Christian men with the courage and resolve, and even more importantly, the knowledge and understanding, to stand against the assaults on our liberties.

America cut its spiritual teeth on the powerful preaching and exemplary examples of men such as James Caldwell, John Peter Muhlenberg, Joab Houghton, and, yes, Jonas Clark. That most churches do not have pastors such as these is the main reason America is in the miserable condition it is in today.

Then again, for the most part, our churches have the kind of pastors they want, don’t they? I wonder just how many churches today would even tolerate the kind of sermons Jonas Clark delivered. So, ask yourself, dear Christian friend: if you claim to be a patriot, why do you stay in a church that lacks a patriot-pastor? We have the kind of government we vote for and the kind of church we attend and give to. Think about it.

At any rate, this Sunday, April 19, marks one of the most significant dates in American history. And it is significant, in great part, because of the courage and sacrifice of a pastor and church congregation. I wonder how many pastors across the country will even mention it from the pulpit this Sunday. I wonder how many people in the congregation will miss it if they don’t.

FK – Modern so-called ‘christianity’ is certainly one of the biggest threats we face. When millions are sitting on their asses waiting for the world to end, too stupid to see how bad things are already, and nobody got beamed up.

April 19, our nation’s real birthday because that’s the day they shot back, should be our biggest holiday.

FK – Our ancestors weren’t perfect. Neither are we. Yes we can!

So You Think The Military Won’t Kill U.S. Citizens?


FK – Do the privates know when it’s time to shoot the colonels? That’s what matters.

US Army Refuses to Address Concerns Over Texas Being Labeled “Hostile” Territory

We need millions more like this, for what will required, whether we ‘want’ it or not:

FK – It’s not a ‘belief’ honey, it’s FACT!

Government watches the rise of well-armed American militias (VIDEO)

Several States Considering Bills to Stop Federal Militarization of Police

FK – I personally don’t care if the cop has a bazooka in his trunk as long as he respects my right to own one. Without the Bill of Rights and Liberty in their hearts, they don’t need any badges or authority over anyone…


The Story of April 19th, 1775, Patriot’s Day, The Three Strikes

FK – They were fighting their own govt. Just like us. How very enlightening. Some of this I’d never heard before.

April 19, the day they shot back, should be our biggest holiday.
This is a multi-front war. Be political but understand that our domestic blood enemies will never just throw up their hands and say “Sorry we bothered you. We’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.” Won’t happen.Best to prepare for what will be required.