Tag Archives: patriot act

Top federal court rules against NSA’s phone records program

A federal court has decided that the National Security Agency’s bulk, warrantless collection of millions of Americans’ phone records is illegal.

The sweeping decision from the Second Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday represents a major court victory for opponents of the NSA and comes just as Congress begins a fight over whether to renew the underlying law used to justify the program.

That program “exceeds the scope of what Congress has authorized,” Judge Gerard Lynch wrote on behalf of the three-judge panel.

The law “cannot be interpreted in a way that defies any meaningful limit,” he added.

Additionally, the government’s rationale behind the program represents “a monumental shift in our approach to combating terrorism,” which was not grounded in a clear explanation of the law.

The Second Circuit’s decision provides the most significant legal blow to the NSA operations to date and comes more than a year after a lower court called the program “almost-Orwellian” and likely unconstitutional. The appeals court did not examine the constitutionality of the surveillance program in its ruling on Thursday.


Congress last reviewed the law in 2011, but even then, many lawmakers were not aware of the details of the NSA’s bulk collection practices.

Because most of the details were kept classified, “Congress cannot reasonably be said to have ratified a program of which many members of Congress – and all members of the public – were not aware,” Lynch wrote.

FK – And that’s the problem. When the bastards vote on laws they haven’t read they need to be dragged down the capital steps by their heels, given a speedy treason trial and hanged on the granite gallows out front. That’s why we need a militia in every county in this country.

McConnell, GOP defend NSA

The Secret of The Muhammad Garland TX Shooting


FK – It’s not about the guns or the Second Amendment. We can win that battle and still lose the war. See earlier post below.

Former terror suspect well known to the FBI is named as one of two gunmen shot dead by cops after attack on anti-Islam ‘draw Muhammad’ art contest near Dallas


FK – Sounds like a poorly planned and poorly executed attack to me…


FK – Another reason we need a militia in every county in this country to protect the Bill of Rights.

Establishment GOP Wants to Provide Illegal Immigrants with Driver’s Licenses

FK – The best thing the ‘right wing’ could do for Mexicans is end the drug war.

Massie: Clock ticking to scale back spy powers

Congress faces a critical deadline, and time is running out. On June 1, 2015, three provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act will expire. The actions of the U.S. Congress between today and June 1st will affect the privacy and liberty of millions of innocent Americans.

The 2001 USA PATRIOT Act was drafted and swiftly passed in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Due to the nature of the crisis, the goal was simply to pass a bill as quickly as possible. Many congressmen did not have an opportunity to thoroughly read, analyze or vet the bill’s numerous and lengthy provisions. In fact, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, one of the original authors of the Patriot Act, later declared that he was shocked by how the law was used to spy on innocent Americans.

Congress and the American people now know, thanks to whistleblower leaks, that federal agencies like the National Security Agency regularly perform mass surveillance on Americans without bothering to obtain a warrant. As constitutional law scholar Randy Barnett wrote in the Wall Street Journal, “The National Security Agency has seized from private companies voluminous data on the phone and Internet usage of all U.S. citizens. … This dangerously violates the most fundamental principles of our republican form of government.” He concludes that “[s]uch indiscriminate data seizures are the epitome of ‘unreasonable,’ akin to the ‘general warrants’ issued by the Crown to authorize searches of Colonial Americans.”

FK – Too many ‘conservatives’ have no problem with the police state if it’s enforcing their version, sub-version or subversion. We are still a very primitive species, existing in a very dark age.

All who voted for that law without reading it should be tried and put to crushing large rocks with a sledge hammer in a northern state.

Real Talk: The Patriot Act


FK – Darn it, I usually have to watch her vids twice, once for aesthetic value and again to try to hear what she actually said.

The Patriot Act likely will not be repealed until enough Patriots go to the District of Commie Criminals and do what will be required.

Repeal The Patriot Act!


FK – And here’s another good idea:

Bring charges of treason upon Barack Hussein Obama

FK – That would only be a good start. Then we move on to the ‘progressive caucus,’ the republicrats, Wall Street banksters, and on and on, with vids of the executions on YouTube for the world to see.

Do you think we’re ‘safe’ from today’s military?:

US soldiers raped at least 54 Colombian children with immunity

Pentagon chief considers easing of enlistment standards

During 2006-07, the military steadily increased the number of bad behavior waivers as the services — particularly the Army and Marine Corps — struggled to meet deployment demands in Iraq and Afghanistan. The services let in more recruits with criminal records, including some with felony convictions, in order to meet recruiting quotas.

And in some cases, the services relaxed age restrictions, allowing older people to enlist or rejoin the military.

But as the wars dragged on and suicides, sexual assaults and other bad behavior by service members spiked, military leaders began to question whether there was a link to the relaxed enlistment standards.

Carter also is considering other changes to help ensure the military attracts the best and brightest, including programs to pay off student debt, improvements to the retirement, promotion and evaluation systems and doing more to allow sabbaticals for service members.

FK – Maybe they should start by getting the empire out of ‘foreign entanglements,’ bring the troops home and let them hunt our real enemies here so they can have some real pride in upholding and increasing Human Liberty:

hunt commies