Tag Archives: papers

“Few and Defined,” not “Anything and Everything.”

FK – The anti-federalists, who gave us the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, were right.

Reading the Federalist Papers one tends to start muttering “bullshit, bullshit, bullshit,” under one’s breath as Hamilton wrote about all the dangers that weren’t there but that history shows have proven far worse than the antis could’ve imagined.

What the commie globalists can’t do on the fed level they’ll do on the state and local level. We shouldn’t be tolerating commiefornia or any of the other commie state and local governments. Trump needs to bring the troops home and for once have them focus on our real enemies.

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

APRIL Enigma: The Date When Bad Things Happen 4/15/17

FK – The most important April event: Patriots Day, the day they shot back. It’s our nation’s true birthday and should be a national holiday and celebrated more than the fourth.

The surrender of the Confederacy was indeed a sorrowful event. It allowed the radical Republicans, who were the ‘big govt.’ advocates of our day, to turn our nation into an empire. Read “The Real Lincoln.”

At least you mentioned tax day, the day millions file forms they’re not legally required to file for an amendment that was never ratified by enough states to become law:

Freedom Above Fortune

The Law That Never Was

And you missed the early April tornado outbreak of the early 70s.

The first guy to ever run a marathon dropped dead. Which may be why I never had any desire to participate in one.

If world war III(or whichever number we’re really on now) happens it may very well be due to this insanity.

But we’ll forgive you. You young fellers can’t be expected to know everything.

The killer bees of fake news

Migrants Riot in Sweden, But Trump Still Mocked


FK – Will they be using that footage in the next installment of ‘World War Z?’

Do the govt.s of any police state, including ours, pay for those vehicles which probably belong to sheeple who are simply trying to survive and may not be able to just go out and buy another one?

Such rioters should be shot on sight and those doing so given an award.

Yet in such places, large cities, ran by “Liberal”(commie) trash, one can be arrested simply for choosing to be able to defend oneself. So who or what are our greatest enemies? What should we be hunting?

And still we fight the wrong war:

FK – Why stay hung up in the word games our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, the white-skinned “Liberal”(commie) trash created for their benefit?

They’re globalist communists. Our failure to hunt them to extinction is why our country and western civilization are dying.

The patriot newbie guidebook

Where will you stand?

FK – Who or what is letting them in? Who or what are our real enemies? The real war was already here.

Trump as click bait, and other thingsā€¦