Tag Archives: pacifism

Zbigniew Brzeznski 2016: The New World Order Is Dead, Long Live The New World Order!


FK – Allowing the U.S. to split is unacceptable. That would mean allowing some states like commiefornia, new yawk, mass., Connecticut, and a few others to completely enslave their sheeple under communism, creating borders that can’t be crossed without passports, visas, vehicle inspections, loss of the most basic right of travelers. It would be like crossing a border into marxico or commieda. Crossing the border into Mexico with one bullet is a 5 year prison term. Going hunting or fishing or hiking or camping in Canada? Your handgun must stay at home and if a Grizzly eats you the “Liberal”(commie) trash and animal Nazis will be there to pass it the salt and pepper.

Those too stupid to be able to defend themselves deserve whatever happens to them but the trash has NO RIGHT AT ALL to force the rest of us into their pathetic mindless pacifism. We should be forcing such demonscat out of our country.

We need to be concentrating on hunting and eradicating our “Liberal”(commie) trash and preventing the demonscat from ever participating in our governments again.

They are already waging war on us and have been for a long time:


FK – The 9th Circuit Court is in Commiefornia. What a surprise. What other evil have we heard coming from that pile of demonscat?

Commiefornia must be re-invaded and re-conquered. It’s time to bring the troops home and activate the militias and carry out an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season.

Federal Court Rules Medical Cannabis Patients “Do Not Have the Right to Buy a Gun”

What else are the demoncsat up to?:

FK – The newswhore needs to learn that the words ‘illegal gun’ are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment. As for Egor or whatever why hasn’t it been tried and executed for waging war on the Bill of Rights?

Because we no longer have a nation of men.

Catholic priest tells his parishioners to carry guns because ‘they can’t trust in God to stay safe’

A Catholic priest has told his parishioners to carry guns – warning that faith alone is not enough to keep them safe.

Edward Fride, the pastor at Christ the King in Ann Arbor, Michigan, suggested churchgoers attend classes to gain a concealed pistol license.

In a pro-gun letter to parishioners, he warned that crime had gone up in the area while budget cuts meant that there had been a ‘significant reduction in the availability of an armed police response.’

FK – Gee, are they really beginning to wake up to what their ‘savior’ and their 3000-year-old tribal propaganda actually said?:

“But now one who has a money bag should take it, and likewise a sack, and one who does not have a sword should sell his cloak and buy one.” – Jesus Christ. Luke 22:36

“When a strong man (a man of superior physical strength) armed (to furnish fully with arms; weapons) keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace.” – Jesus Christ. Luke 11:21

“Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood.”  The word of God to Jeremiah. Jeremiah 48:10

“Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.” – Psalm 144:1

Ann Arbor Catholic priest tells parishioners to pack heat

Read: Priest’s letter to Ann Arbor church about guns

FK – Now we need to get the NRA and other gun groups off their asses and push for total repeal of ‘all’ the gun laws and the organization, training and arming of the militia force that will be necessary to do what will be required.

But there’s still plenty of stupidity to go around:

West Michigan residents told not to fear black bears

FK – Large predators that have lost their fear of man are dangerous. End of discussion. The problem is when the animal Nazis tell us we can’t kill them when we need to.