Tag Archives: obama

Did CNN Just Provoke an Inauguration Day Attack in Front of Millions?


FK – Desperate commies grasping at straws.

I think it’s highly unlikely there’ll be an ‘attack’ of real significance. But only a political child would think it impossible.

It would not serve the NWO’s purposes to carry out such a brazen rebuttal of ‘the people’s will,’ whatever that really is.

If they decide Trump is to die Air Force One will go down at the hands of a surface to air missile in the hands of a fundie raghead or ‘right wing extremist’ or maybe even a modern Weatherman of some sort. Or there are many other ways. Just ask the CIA.

The words ‘press pass’ aren’t found in the First Amendment. Anyone who decides to be a ‘member of the press’ can do so, without govt. permission.

Prez press conferences should be held in large auditoriums and the mainstream Marxist corporate network newswhores should be required to sit in the back.

The patriot newbie guidebook

BREAKING: Obama Bans Free Speech In The Dead of Night


FK – We must stop allowing them to indoctrinate the young.

What to teach your kids

Obama Quietly Signs The “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” Into Law

It’s all about control:



This seems appropriate:

Politics is Fake and Staged


FK – But the morons will vote for them anyway.

Don’t Worry, Obama Assures He’s Not After Your Guns


FK – And the trash has been lying to us for decades, to our faces, when it knows that we know its lying, and arrogantly expecting us to pretend it’s not lying, and we haven’t started, conducted and completed an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season?

Oh for a nation of men.

It’s hilarious that the Marxist mutt does admit it has sold more guns than probably even the klintons. If Hitlery is elected this will continue. We can only hope that one of them or maybe Sanders will do something so arrogant that finally enough will see the necessity of doing what will be required.

Here’s someone with the guts to at least say what the Second Amendment is about:

FK – I agree with Mr. Pratt and greatly respect him. The GOA far outshines the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group. But what is a ‘drivers license’ but govt. permission to use the ‘public’ highways that we pay for and drive our own property? It’s not about safety or we’d be re-tested on a regular basis and teens probably wouldn’t be driving and anyone over 70 or so would be re-tested every couple years. It’s about the same thing gun registration, GCA ’68, CCWs and on and on are about: being able to find us if they think we owe them time or money. It’s all about their control over us, just like ‘gun control’ is about people control not about the activities of inanimate objects.

We have a long way to go.

Why doesn’t Kentucky have ‘constitutional carry’ yet? We need to get on the ball. The legislature needs a swift kick in the ass.

NEW ADVANCED Military Rifles to challenge US Military & NATO Power


FK – One wonders why the Russkies think they need a new ‘national guard.’ Is it because they fear invasion by the bankster armies, i.e. us?

I suppose they have to disseminate their propaganda this way since they don’t have a CIA connected hollyweird and commie news network and faux news et al.

And what our real enemies are up to here:


FK – Don’t worry Alex, there aren’t any men here either as far as I can tell. Amerika isn’t far behind Europe.

9 Anti-gun Bills Advance in California Senate

DARPA Unveils Game-Changing High-Tech Weapon

FK – Every prez election cycle proves there are millions of morons here who’d happily vote for a king and bow down to it if they thought it would wave a magic wand and solve all their problems for them, or throw those they don’t agree with into a lake of fire.

James Madison: Federal Courts are not the Final Word on the Constitution

FK – One wonders what the anti-federalist’s had to say about it.

As I read the Federalist Papers, especially when perusing Hamilton, I find myself repeating, “bullshit, bullshit, bullshit” under my breath because everything he claimed couldn’t happen has happened and far worse.

Our ancestors killed their fellow British subjects over a small tax on tea, and the British Parliament’s ban on colonial currency, and several other issues, all of which pale in comparison to what the empire beast system does today.

And hundreds of millions either suck happily at the federal tit or sit on their hands and wait for the world to end.

Response to Ammon Bundy


FK – It’s time to live to fight another day guys. This whole op was ill-advised from the beginning.

It’ll be hard enough to get Bubba to put down the steak and ice cream and shut off the big screen when the black-suited Nazis have just killed his dog or grandma or kid on their way through his door. You’re more intelligent than this and you stuck your necks in the noose for the Fed Nazis and their commie/globalist masters so in reality you can’t expect others to come join you. That’s the sad reality of your situation.

This war is a shit bowl, kinda like the over all world. We inch forward when we can and the rest of the time try to hold our ground or find a way to re-position and just survive. We’re gonna need you for the big fight that’s coming. Make no mistake, it’s coming.

Ammon Bundy Admits Defeat, Calls On Remaining Oregon Occupiers To “Stand Down, Go Home”

This is not how to run a restoration:

‘If they stop you from getting here, kill them!’: Remaining occupiers ask for backup

Oregon occupiers: What officials say happened at traffic stop

Oathkeepers: Malheur SITREP – 1900L 29 JAN 16

FK – A zoomed excerpt from the killing:

FK – When I first watched the original vid I thought he pulled a gun.

FK – Now we’ll likely see how the Fed Nazis railroad patriots into prison.


FK – Tricky? There are no perfect wars nor perfect warriors. We must get over, grow out of, this mentality.

FK – Regardless of how ‘planned’ it was to kill Finicum or how ill-advised to stupid this entire op has been from the beginning the fact remains that we’ve had the internet for 20 years now and the average dumbass can get it’s ignorant paws on a smart phone and spend some time educating itself about this evil system which means those ‘educated’ Fed Nazis are fully capable of understanding the evil system they participate in. What choices are they making on a daily basis? That is the question that matters.

And on a not so slightly different note:


FK – It’s not about the Marxist mutt. It’s about the system that appoints a prez after a contest that amounts to a quest for the idiot vote. During every prez term some idiots say that prez is going to declare himself dictator and never leave office. I’m pretty sure I heard that about Bush the First, and certainly about every elected tool since then. It’s all absurd. The elites who appoint them don’t need them to stay in office, only to do what they’re told until the next tool is shuffled in.

It will likely take blood conflict to end this process.

Though we keep lying to ourselves about this reality:


FK – I’ve been watching this process for 20-30 years. Blood conflict will be necessary for two reasons:

Not enough average dumbasses see the necessity of becoming truly politically involved, that means more than voting based on choosing which spin or sound bites has the most emotional appeal which means we will wake up one day, as the Europeans are now, with our backs against the wall.

Our domestic blood enemies, who have white skin and wear expensive suits will NEVER throw up their hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you, we’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.” They will have to be forced to end their nearly completed overthrow of our Bill of Rights, which is their real enemy. The loopholed, ignored con-stitution was never a worry to them because it was probably their creation.

A dictatorship would not be necessary, just a few simple to understand constitutional amendments, such as: no more ‘gun control;’ no more socialism of any kind; no more income tax on any level; no tolerance of commie/authoritarian front groups because in reality there’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to work to enslave those around you; a strict definition of what government property is and should be; a militia force to make sure the granite gallows in front of every government building doesn’t fall into disuse. It’s not rocket science.

Will it be easy? Will it make a ‘perfect world?’ The doctor that oversaw your momma squeezing you out didn’t hand you a warranty guaranteeing you a rose garden. It’s time to wake up and grow up and get over it because nobody’s gonna get beamed up.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

The Real Reason Oil Is So Cheap And How Rockefeller and Rothschild Are Involved

FK – I hope gas goes down to 50 cents a gallon and stays there.

Many of us cannot afford to play the ‘bigger game.’ Survival is the order of the day.

There was plenty of oil in the 70s. They embargoed to get a price raise.

In the early 80s the eco commies were claiming we’d be out of oil by now. Another bunch, maybe the main bunch, we need to be hanging.

Who really owns or controls the Saudis? Why haven’t we invaded them?

Why is it so hard to focus on our real enemies?

He has several links.

Who’s protecting whom?


FK – As long as the sheeple need to eat and wipe their butts there will be an economy of some kind. As long as the elites value their votes for whatever real reason the steak, ice cream and satellite signals will continue to flow.

Another false warning, among so many?:


FK – Predict doom long enough and eventually you’re right.

Let’s hope groceries get cheap again. I haven’t noticed those going down with fuel.

So are most investors just middle class Jim Bobs with a few thousand in the market or is it mostly the more heavy hitters?

Many to most factory workers probably don’t make 15 bucks an hour. Around here the sheeple think 12 bucks an hour is a ‘good job.’

The Marxist mutt and the hitlery are well aware they are lying for their masters, who ain’t us.

It’s looking like they’re going to ram Trump into the now red house on the votes of Tea Party idiots who’ll vote for any smooth talker that promises to end their greatest fears. No wait, that’s the demoncrat constituents, right?

6 Reasons the Marxist mutt(Obama) Is Untrustworthy on Guns

During last night’s CNN “townhall” on “Guns in America,” President Obama ruefully noted that “I’ve been very good for gun manufacturers,” because fear of new firearm restrictions under his administration has repeatedly driven up sales. Yet he expressed dismay at Second Amendment supporters who do not trust him on this issue, who buy into the “imaginary fiction in which Obama’s trying to take away your guns.” At the same time, he demonstrated, both in his comments during the CNN special and in a New York Times op-ed piece published the same day, why he is not trustworthy. Here are six reasons:

FK – I take issue with the headline out of the gate. That’s like saying the fox and the hawk are untrustworthy on chickens or that pimps are untrustworthy on chastity. It’s an absurd time-wasting argument. The crime issue is a red herring, always was, always will be.

Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to lower common crime it would still be evil.

All ‘gun control’ is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to more ‘control’ until full civilian disarmament is achieved. Thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against Human Liberty and executed.

The Marxist mutt like all who forward ‘gun control’ are waging war on the Bill of Rights, human Liberty and those who truly value those principles. Every time the evil creatures and their ignorant dupes vote they vote to kill us.

What will we do when when a commie SCOTUS rules it’s OK for the “Liberal”(commie) trash, our real enemies, to demand we ‘turn them in?’ How many cowards will comply? Those are the questions that matter.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Cases in point:

FK – The evil lying trash knows full well what it does. And no they probably wouldn’t attempt to raid 60 or 80 or more million homes and ‘come and take them’ but they would ban possession if they could, demand a turn-in, as they’ve said Australia and England did with praise, forbid children learning how to shoot and thus generate multiple generations with no conception of their right, duty and responsibility to fight back against bad government when necessary.

They would on occasion raid a home as the IRS does to keep the fear up and pry guns from cold dead hands because we’re still too cowardly and pathetic to have a militia in every county to deal with such evil. In 2-4 generations most of the weapons in civilian hands would be turned in by ignorant cowardly descendants of real patriots who instead of understanding and acting on what will be required said “Molon Labe, come and take them,” with no plan, no organization, no understanding of the necessity of going and killing our domestic blood enemies in their own lairs.