Tag Archives: obama care

Kentucky’s 2015 Lie of the Year

Watching Kentucky Democrats try to figure out how they got decimated in the November elections has been a lot like an old Seinfeld episode. Sorting through all the “yada yada” has been funny to watch — thanks Speaker Stumbo — but what is most interesting is the lack of self-awareness evident in all the self-delusion.

While Stumbo’s infamous “Democrat Jesus” tirade attempted to make elephants’ lack of availability in ancient Bethlehem an issue and Jack Conway spent millions trying to convince Kentuckians that Matt Bevin’s taxes should keep them awake at night and left-wing shysters Bluegrass Family Values tried to win in 2015 by recycling Mitch McConnell’s worst lies from 2014, none of these held a candle to Kentucky’s 2015 Lie of the Year.

The really big lie that ran Jack Conway and friends out of contention in 2015 was that Matt Bevin was going to take health insurance away from 500,000 people. Conway and Steve Beshear even doubled back and labeled Bevin “callous” for doing what he was never going to do.

FKI don’t doubt commie care played a part but more likely it was the evangelicals’ anger over the county clerk not doing her ‘job,’ or rather being put in jail for it. But then I didn’t really expect Bevin to win, neither could I vote for him. In fact for the first time in decades I just couldn’t bring myself to vote at all.

Report: John Boehner to Resign from Congress

But more mainstream Republicans said it would be a pyrrhic victory for the tea partyers.

“The honor of John Boehner this morning stands in stark contrast to the idiocy of those members who seek to continually divide us,” said Rep. David Jolly (R-FL) of Florida.

“The shutdown caucus as I call them has a small victory,” Jolly said.

FK – As if the imperialistic beast system would actually ‘shut down.’

Speaker Boehner stuns Congress, announces resignation

There is a Hit List and This is How Doctors End Up On It (8 dead in just 2 months!)


FK – Can’t trust the corporates, can’t trust the commies. What are we to do?

Merck Created Hit List to “Destroy,” “Neutralize” or “Discredit” Dissenting Doctors

Dead Scientists And Microbiologists – Master List

Congress is Exempt from ObamaCare?!

FK – What about those who refuse to pay the fines? Will we stand by while their property is seized and they are imprisoned like the pathetic cowardly slaves we have become?

And it’s ‘commie care.’ The klintons tried to do the same thing.

Obama Care Here to Stay, Treason with Trade, Iran Nuke Deal Dead


FK – I had to look up the banksters’ numbers:

At $72.8 Trillion, Presenting The Bank With The Biggest Derivative Exposure In The World (Hint: Not JPMorgan)

As they used to say about the dollar, an instrument of debt, it’s backed by your future labor. Better get busy…

Oh, but it’s all an ‘opportunity’:


FK – If money is no problem please send me a check with a few zeros and commas on it and I’ll happily invest most of it via your recommendations. Otherwise best to prep for what will be required…


ObamaCare Could DISARM MILLIONS of Gun Owners!

FK – They fear the veterans. Remember, we outnumber them.

Concealed Carry Permit Applications Surge amid Growing Unrest

FK – A right applied for is a privilege. When the war starts no one’s gonna need a stinkin’ permit…


FK – Gee, so many conspiracy theories in one vid. Someone might mistake them for Infowars.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?


FK – Modern propaganda is truth and lies ran through a blender. You can lead a jackass to the library but you can’t make it think.

Police data manipulated to gain crowd control resources

GOA Alert: Will Republicans Repeal one of the Most Devious Anti-gun Laws on the Books?

“As odd as it seems, ObamaCare contains provisions that jeopardize gun ownership,” — Rachel Alexander, TownHall columnist

Remember ObamaCare?  That’s the anti-gun “Obamanation” that feeds information on gun ownership into a federally run health database.

The original law prevented doctors from doing this, but then Obama’s lawless Executive Action #16 in January of 2013 effectively (and unilaterally) repealed this prohibition on doctors asking their patients about guns in the home.

ObamaCare also opens the door for the ATF to troll that database in order to impose gun bans on millions of Americans with mental disabilities — in much the same way that the Veterans Administration has disarmed almost 200,000 law-abiding veterans.

“As odd as it seems, ObamaCare contains provisions that jeopardize gun ownership, especially for veterans,” says TownHall columnist Rachel Alexander.  And it’s organizations like Gun Owners of America, she says, that “continue to expose these sneaky backdoor attempts at gun control.”

Sneaky, indeed, but that could all be changing now.

FK – This is a multi-front war. Click on the link, send a message to your elected public SERVANTS who are supposed to FEAR us. Then get ready for what will be required.

Poll: 60% of Republicans want Boehner out

Boehner has lost the confidence of his own party voters, according to the telephone survey conducted Dec. 26-30 by pollster Pat Caddell on behalf of People’s Poll.

The national poll reveals that only 25 percent of GOP voters would vote to keep Boehner.

The official speaker’s election is scheduled for Jan. 6.


It was in a commentary in the Washington Times, Phillips explained why he thinks Boehner should be replaced.

“A month after its incredible victory, the GOP squandered its mandate, surrendering to the Democrats,” he wrote. “The GOP-led House of Representatives did not proclaim its mandate and hold off on major decisions until the Republican majority in the Senate was sworn in. No, they went to the GOP position of preemptive surrender and gave President Obama and the Democrats almost everything they wanted.

“Despite the pleas and demands from the base, the GOP did nothing to stop Mr. Obama’s executive amnesty. They even rewarded left-wing billionaires who had spent millions to keep the Democrats in power by extending so-called ‘Green Energy’ subsidies,” he wrote. “The architect of the Republican surrender was House Speaker John Boehner.”

Despite Boehner’s earlier reliance on the tea party, as soon as he was in office, he ignored the movement, Phillips wrote.

FK – They’re all boneheads. Call them anyway. Then get ready for what will be required.

More conservative Republicans say they won’t back Boehner for speaker

The nine members who have declared their opposition to Boehner are Yoho and Gohmert, and Reps. Jim Bridenstine, R-Okla.; Paul Gosar, R-Ariz.; Steve King, R-Iowa; Dave Brat, R-Va.; Marlin Stutzman, R-Ind.; Water Jones, R-N.C.; and Thomas Massie, R-Ky.

“We have heard from a lot of Republicans that said, ‘I would vote for somebody besides Speaker Boehner, but nobody will put their name out there,'” Gohmert told “Fox & Friends” on Sunday morning, in announcing his own bid. “That changed [Saturday] with Ted Yoho.” Gohmert also hinted that at least one other member would launch a challenge from within the GOP.