The revelation of this “Unified Agenda” prompted a Fox News discussion last week, where GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt debated an anti-gun (Bloomberg) spokesman. You can view that debate here.
Sadly, this is one of those “we told them so” moments, where gun owners nationwide warned Republican Senators that a Department of Justice run by Loretta Lynch would be no more favorable to us than it had been under Eric Holder.
For nearly a month, gun owners like you fought to prevent the confirmation of Lynch to be Attorney General of the United States.
But despite withering pressure from the grassroots, Senators like Orrin Hatch of Utah and Mitch McConnell of Kentucky thought they knew better than the “fools” who elected them.
ACTION:Contact your Senators to rebuke those who supported Lynch and to thank those who opposed her. Urge them to use the congressional “power of the purse” to remove the funding for every single one of Lynch’s new, anti-gun regulations.
FK – I still have a hard time with the idea that a small town faked the deaths of 20 kids. Other govt. or NGO shooters or the Federal govt. being involved in some other way, yes, no problem. They are fully capable of that.
And while we’re ‘on the subject.’
FK – All mainstream doctors are basically pill pushers.
Why Mr. Biggs would admit to such in a YouTube vid is a curious thing to me. They’ll be knocking his door down next. The evil creatures look for any excuse.
ACTION: Copy-n-paste the pre-written letter below — and then click here to email Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. By doing so, you will express your disappointment with his leadership and demand that he take immediate action to safeguard Second Amendment rights. Also, GOA members should take note of a special message for them at the bottom of this alert.
Gun Owners Betrayed: Congress Needs a Wake-up Call Right Now
Not too long ago, the Pew Research Center released a major study showing how Americans feel about gun rights vs gun control. And the results are sending shockwaves through the liberal media:
* FIFTY-TWO percent of respondents see gun rights as more important than gun control, up from 45 percent!
* FIFTY-SEVEN percent of respondents said guns help prevent becoming a victim of crime, up from 48 percent!
Andrew Kohut, founding director of Pew Research Center, says that: “We are at a moment when most Americans believe crime rates are rising and when most believe gun ownership — not gun control — makes people safer.”
Of course, crime rates are not rising, but that belief, says Kohut, has pushed people toward the pro-gun position. Kohut notes that, “Republicans have become far more supportive of gun rights during the Obama years.”
It would be great to be a fly on the wall in the boardrooms of the anti-gun lobbies today … especially when it was reported that these gun control organizations “outspent groups like the National Rifle Association (NRA) and Gun Owners of America (GOA) at a rate of 7 to 1” (courtesy Breitbart).
FK – It’s so sad that the general population is so stupid that most of them are incapable of understanding the real reason for the Second Amendment is not common ‘crime’ nor ‘sport,’ unless the “Liberal”(commie) trash is running or shooting back.
FK – GOA is the preeminent ‘gun-rights’ group, the ‘no compromise’ gun lobby. The NRA has a lot to answer for. They had to be dragged kicking and screaming into this war.
It is not surprising that the New Jersey moderate was not invited. But the lack of an invitation for Paul stands out.
The Daily Beast reports that Paul did request an invitation to the convention, but was denied:
However, a source with knowledge of Paul’s dealings with the NRA said the claim that he did not request an invitation to the convention was “not true.”
Further, the source said, “Is that really how invitations work?”
Paul has an A-rating from the NRA, but the objective grading of his gun-rights credentials has little to do with the politics of the pro-gun lobby, wherein his involvement with extremist groups tied to his father, former congressman and libertarian-icon Ron Paul, has not won him many friends.
“Sometimes the NRA doesn’t like it when people are bigger defenders of the issue than they are,” the source suggested. “They also don’t like it that he helps other, stronger groups like the Gun Owners of America and the National Association for Gun Rights.”
The Pauls have long been associated with Gun Owners of America. On the top right of their website, they have a Ron Paul quote emblazoned: “The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington.”
FK – Another nail in the NRA’s coffin. If only we could get all 5 million members or whatever to join GOA.
FK – Waiting for some god’s ‘grace’ won’t get it done. We must stop waiting for the world to end…
Contrast with this:
FK – The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!
Only 3-4 states or so have ‘constitutional carry.’ So we’re a ways from ‘having it back.’
.”…and we’ll fight you in the streets and the hills if you ever tell us to ‘turn them in’…”
But somehow that part gets left out.
Great P.R. speech. This isn’t ultimately about P.R. is it? Winning their hearts and minds might be a great concept. How did it really work in Vietnam?
The crime issue is as always a red herring. If ‘gun control’ could be proven to reduce common crime it would still be evil.
The coming war may not be started over guns, the tools we will have to use to restore Liberty here. Last year’s events at the Bundy Ranch proved that. That was the single most important event of 2014. Did anyone at this convention mention it?
Will the NRA grow the rest of the way up and work to organize, arm and train the militia force we will most definitely need someday to do what will be required?
We had hoped that a newly invigorated Senate Republican majority would have been a little more enthusiastic. But, in the end, we squeaked out a couple of victories on the Budget Resolution last week — and blocked the Bloomberg brigade from ever getting to first base.
FK – The republicrats are back to standing around with their fingers in the dike. Pathetic creatures. See next post.
FK – I call them communists. I don’t apologize for it. We MUST stop apologizing to our domestic blood enemies for calling them what they are and for saying what should be done to them.
FK – Do rapists commonly carry paper bags thick enough for that cow? If so we can hope the creature someday sees the need for self defense. That’s the only way it may learn.
FK – “College is for a larnin’ yer Marxist ideahology. All others step aside or bow down and kiss whatever we stick in yer faces, and they ah ain’t no limit ta that.”
We need to begin kicking this trash out of our country before it’s too late. The ‘gun rights’ battle is only one of dozens in this war and those who claim to love Liberty aren’t doing as well on the other fronts…
FK – Doesn’t surprise me, religion was created as another way to help keep the slaves working. On top of that, look under the hood on most of these ‘clergy persons’ and you’ll find a Marxist motor.
The tale told by Anthony Mitchell of how he and his family were robbed of these rights is compelling and cautionary.
Mitchell was sitting at home in Henderson, Nevada, on the morning of July 10, 2011, when the phone rang. Officer Christopher Worley of the Henderson Police Department was calling Mitchell to tell him that the police were going to take over his house. In order to gain “tactical advantage” over Mitchell’s next door neighbor, Officer Worley reportedly explained, police were going to set up shop in Mitchell’s house.
Mitchell was not asked if he would mind such a surrender of his home. The officer was informing Mitchell that they would be commandeering his house. In his legal complaint against the Henderson Police Department, Mitchell claims that he didn’t want to get involved with the police department’s operation against his neighbor and accordingly refused to let police occupy his home.
Not surprisingly, Mitchell’s refusal didn’t sit well with law enforcement. Again, according to Mitchell’s complaint, Officer David Cawthorn of the Henderson Police Department, one of the members of the force who were named as defendants in Mitchell’s lawsuit, “outlined the defendants’ plan in his official report: ‘It was determined to move to 367 Evening Side and attempt to contact Mitchell. If Mitchell answered the door he would be asked to leave. If he refused to leave he would be arrested for Obstructing a Police Officer. If Mitchell refused to answer the door, force entry would be made and Mitchell would be arrested.’”
It isn’t hard in the these times of police militarization to predict what happened next.
Just before noon, five (or more) officers of the Henderson Police Department “arrayed themselves in front of plaintiff Anthony Mitchell’s house and prepared to execute their plan,” according to the narrative laid out in Mitchell’s lawsuit.
After showing up at Mitchell’s door, the officers allegedly “banged forcefully” on his door and demanded that Mitchell and his family open up.
Seconds later, Mitchell claims, “officers … smashed open his front door using a metal ram.”
Standing in his living room in shock, Mitchell says that the officers “aimed their weapons” at him and ordered him “to lie down on the floor.” Fearing for his life, Mitchell complied.
FK – The trash involved in that fiasco should be arrested, tried and executed. In reality the militia should have been called so they could have dealt with them that day in the way they so rightly deserved.
FK – You should be all about our natural born Liberty, our most basic right. Our ‘civil rights’ are often what ‘they’ say they are… and ‘they’ consider us to be livestock.
Why didn’t you ask LaPierre why the NRA isn’t fighting illegal immigration? The commies want the illegals here because they know they’ll vote commie. What will that to do our ‘gun rights?’
I wish we could get every NRA member to see the light and join GOA, the ‘no compromise’ gun rights group. That’s gunowners,org
FK – THIS IS NOT A DEMOCRACY! Read the Constitution! Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote. That’s what the Second Amendment was written to acknowledge.
The problem is the ‘sporting purpose’ definition in GCA ’68. Why isn’t the NRA pushing hard to repeal GCA ’68 and the NFA and ‘all’ the gun laws?
The purpose of the Second Amendment is our natural born right to kill government employees when it becomes necessary. Why are so many too cowardly to publicly state this simple truth?
Why isn’t the NRA fighting illegal immigration? The commies want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie. What will that do for our ‘gun rights?’
Why isn’t the NRA training the militia for what will be required?
I wish we could convince the 5 million members of the NRA to join GOA, the ‘no compromise gun lobby.’
We expect more gun-related showdowns in the next 72 hours than in the next 9 months combined. At least 5 gun-related amendments are expected on the Budget Resolution — a once-a-year vehicle that gives senators an opportunity to get hundreds of votes on any issue they choose.
And at least five senators have chosen to get votes on guns.
We have already told you about the Crapo amendment to shut down Operation Choke Point — which has been used by Eric Holder to try to financially strangle the gun industry.
FK – In reality they should only be allowed to vote on one issue at a time and only consider one bill at a time and be required to pass a test to show they actually read it before they vote on it…
While allegations that Norquist is “an agent of influence” on behalf of Islamic interests will raise concerns of many NRA members and gun owners in general, Beck did not cite one reason why his activities in that regard conflict with NRA’s bylaws, the charter that defines director eligibility and all other matters pertaining to operational policies. And while it’s useful for NRA’s voting members to know the truth about such ties (not surprisingly, Norquist and his American Conservative Union allies dispute and condemn the legitimacy of such criticisms) so that members can decide if that’s a personal show-stopper for them, chances are his reelection is already a done deal.
FK – Are you familiar with the concept of ‘controlled opposition?’
FK – The SCOTUS is not the final arbiter of our rights. We are. They are our employees. They will ultimately have to be forced to accept this reality or they will force us to accept a deeper slavery than we now enjoy.
The ‘other side’ seems to have discovered their 2A rights:
FK – How many of them are Fed agents or narcs or informants? Someone should have done a poll. They need to work on their ‘marching’ as well…
Search the names on their patches if you don’t know the history of the ‘Black Panthers’ and gun rights.
Speaking of history:
FK – Our domestic blood enemies know full well a nation of pacified ignorant children is a nation of future willing slaves.
This is what happens when they run things:
FK – Why would they ‘outcry’ over a situation they created for their own purposes?
FK – We need to be kicking the creatures in the head, not allowing them to play games with our natural born Liberty. We either put them in their places or they will do so to us.