Tag Archives: news

Is Milo Promoting Child Rape?


FK – Milo is political toast. He crossed the line on the biggest taboo there is….

This isn’t about pedophilia or Nazis or commie or Catholic pedophiles but about power. Whenever the evil ones destroy some public figure, any public figure, over any issue, they think they gain power. Sadly to the simple-minded they do.

From the mouth of the beast:


FK – Welcome to the reality of ‘conservative world.’ Yes it sounded very much like you’re advocating consensual sex with 13-year-olds. This is all the simple-minded needed to hear, regardless of what you really think about it. Most of the ‘conservative’ and nowadays liberal(commie) audience will not get past that number.

Welcome to the new age of sexual insanity when we still deny that teens are capable of sexual desire but teach 5-year-olds about Melody’s two mommies or whatever.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war.

Waking up is hard to do

It’s wrong to abuse, coerce, take advantage of, deceive, force, on and on anyone of any age into any situation they don’t want to be in. But we force millions of kids to get on the govt. school bus every day with its bullies and send them to a school with teachers who are just as ignorant of reality as the average mush head regardless of how well they may be able to regurgitate what they were spoon fed in the govt. schools and universities.

There are certain topics the mush heads are scared to death of and you found the center of one, really two, and it will be a while before they get over it, if ever.

And the unmentionables do run the banks and the media and Hollyweird. That’s a whole ‘nuther topic unto itself but one we could much more easily get most to understand.

What to teach your kids

I call them the unmentionables. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Choosing sides

Will Milo survive?:


FK – When I was the age of Milo’s ‘audience’ this stuff wouldn’t have even been discussed in the public sphere, at least not around kids. Are we better or worse off or just as insane as ever but in a different way?

We must first stop lying to ourselves about reality. Sex has been a hot topic since Adam and Eve allegedly figured out what their genitals were for, assuming they weren’t happily using them before they gained the ‘knowledge of good and evil’ and the Hebrew contrived god wasn’t providing them some magical birth control or their offspring were wandering off into the land of Nod or whatever. Sheesh. It’s hard to think about billions still taking that mythology seriously and literally.

As a bumper sticker on a commie’s car I once saw read: “God’s original plan was two naked vegetarians in a garden.”

Now it’s ‘Adam and Steve’ and their adopted son. I feel sorry for the little boy because he may turn out like Milo for possibly similar reasons. No, not his fame and fortune but his obvious perversion, confusion, pain, whatever that will likely here on out interfere with his ability to bridge the gap between an older generation of ‘conservatives'(loosely defined) and a younger generation of ‘libertarian/conservatives'(even more loosely defined) who’ve been indoctrinated in this ‘homosexuality is healthy and normal’ garbage vs. the older generation’s tendency to ignore it or treat it as a ‘sin’ for which it’s adherents fully deserve to be tortured alive in fire forever.

No wait, they deserve the torture simply because they were born as descendants of those who chose knowledge and independent thought over blind obedience.

Yep, we’re still as insane as ever.

When Trump supporters tell me “OBAMA DID IT FIRST!!!”

FK – Exactly.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

Same as the old same?:

FK – Trump is doing a few good things but is he no less a tool than his predecessors? As I predicted, which was easy to do, he’d throw a few bones to all sides during his admin. But then that’s what his election was about. Who or what is really behind him? Bannon and Wall Street? The moneypowers who recognize they have to deal with these uppity patriots and create more controlled opposition?


FK – “The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.” – Sun Tzu

Have we really finally backed our domestic blood enemies into a corner or have they just changed where the corner is?:


FK – Here’s my version: All immigrants who’ve turned into commie voters get kicked out of the country along with the leadership and financial supporters of the amerikan communist insurgency. Then we go to Wall Street with our modern pitchforks and torches.

And why are we really waging war over there? Is it for our empire or someone else’s?:


FK – But what does ‘America first’ really mean? That’s not the same as Liberty first. Are we to be school yard bullies or a tool for a foreign state or pawns for the money lenders?

Most modern Jews are secular Marxists. What is ‘Reform Judaism?’


FK – Actually you look like a Khazar to me. But I don’t hold it personally against you. Hating someone for being born a certain way is just as mindless as telling anyone “We’re just alike.”

The real question that matters is will western civilization and even the world be ruled by real human Liberty or ‘democracy’ or some other form of manipulation/authoritarianism?

What is Reform Judaism?

I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Choosing sides

Who does Trump really owe?


FK – Not all ‘jews’ are banksters and not all banksters are ‘jews.’

And who are we supporting and why?:


FK – Gee, no wonder they railroaded him into prison.

If America isn’t a democracy and isn’t supposed to be one(READ THE DAMN CONSTITUTION!) then why are we spending billions to support one?

What does ‘anti-semite’ really mean?:

FK – What other words do they use to control us and shut down simple minds?


Alien Voice Hijacks Television Broadcast? 2/3/17

FK – Well gee, I wonder who would’ve been interested in western civilization giving up its ‘weapons of evil’ in the late 70s? I can’t imagine.

When they’re telling you to disarm you know who and what your enemies are.

Similarly when they’re threatening to torture you alive in fire you know they’re not your ‘friend.’ They don’t don’t love you, like you or even respect you as a human being. They consider you to be a slave.

The message may be right about one thing: There may be many of them here, possessing tech that would make them appear as gods to ancient ignorant tool using monkeys as well as to many modern tool using monkeys.

We are pawns in someone’s game. Read the beginning of the Book of Job.

The most important thing to understand is they consider us to be livestock. So don’t dare try to wander outside the fence:

Newborn seized after “off-grid” parents refuse social security number

Our cold war enemies’ ideological descendants still walk among us:

FK – If Trump truly wants to ‘Make America Great Again’ he’ll bring the troops home, activate the ‘National’ Guard and the militia and round up these ‘protestors’ and put them on an old leaky oil tanker and point them toward Europe where they belong.

I actually have more respect for the real Marxists than the paid protestors. If you’ll do that for nothing more than a check you’re just a whore, the lowest form of life.

There’s nothing ‘wrong’ with them. They’re waging war. Too many can’t grasp that nor its implications.

The patriot newbie guidebook

Anti-Trump protests escalate as BLM affiliated school teacher claims “We need to start killing people”

So many still don’t get it:


FK – Please stop using their stolen key terms to describe them. You’re only helping them hide their evil by not calling them what they really are.

The ‘free speech movement’ was fake just as their pacifism and civility are fake. They only use ‘free speech’ as long as it benefits them.

They are waging war on us all. Wake up to this reality.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Why do we still tolerate this garbage?:


FK – A Muslim commie? Now that’s an interesting twist. The amerikan communist insurgency wants the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie. That’s the issue.

If the republicrats screw up this last opportunity to end communism in this country and fail to pass a constitutional amendment forbidding it and laws that forbid a ‘progressive’ caucus in the congress with treason trials for its members and the leaders of the myriad Marxist front groups in this country then the demonscat will be back in power eventually and they will not be so slow next time to push us all into their total darkness.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

But so few can see this reality and will stupidly dig the ditch they are told to dig.

Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.

It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.

The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?

THEY WANT WAR: Leftists call for protesters to “start killing people” while Obama official demands “military coup” against Trump

What to teach your kids

Do you morons here in flyover country really think their evil will never affect you?:

FK – They fedgov EPA wants to send Nazis to your door to check your pollution output.

EPA To Alaskans In Sub-Zero Temps: Stop Burning Wood To Keep Warm

They should be shot on sight. But this is no longer a nation of men.

What is a man, really?

Maybe there are a few who get it:

FK – Australia(But Loudon is from New Zealand) has already gone down. They surrendered their weapons without a fight so they fully deserve whatever is done to them.

When millions believe a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you over it that makes it very real.

So why is this trash still stealing our oxygen?

And he throws it all out the window at 20:00. Is he just as much of a faker/infiltrator as any of the others?

Our domestic blood enemies will not ‘tolerate’ us until we submit to their will. It’s way past time to wake up to this reality and grow up and take on personal responsibility for the world we exist in because no one is gonna ride in on a white horse or a flying saucer and save us!

Trump as click bait, and other things…

If You’re a LIBERAL, THIS Should Embarrass the HELL Out of You!


FK – Their ‘ideas’ go back to Paine’s time and beyond. They just didn’t call it ‘socialism’ or ‘communism’ back then.

The opening scene reminds me of the mini series ‘Rome’ when the elites were handing out free grain to the plebes or whatever so they wouldn’t overthrow them.

Lincoln worked for years on a plan to send freed slaves back to Africa or some other place they could call their own. I’m beginning to think he really had a good idea except we need to send the white-skinned “Liberal”(commie) trash, our greatest enemies, along with them.

There are good people of color, and plenty of white trash. The time is coming soon when we will have to separate the sheep from the goats.

Marx was supported by Engels. Look it up. The elites created a system in which they create parasites which will behave in predictable ways so they can be easily manipulated. The welfare state had exactly the outcome they were looking for.

But as always they have to keep the lid on a boiling kettle. The question is it about to boil over or is this just another show for the simple minded?

“Democracy is the first step in the Revolution.” – Karl Marx

Their insanity comes from the top down. Who’s telling them what to say and think and funding their marches? Most sheeple are too busy trying to survive to march.

What I’ve been sayin’ all along:


FK – I was trying to tell people, patriots way last year(2015) that no matter which tool lied its way into the now red house the result would be civil war.

The ‘manginas’ may be pathetic but many of them are highly intelligent and perfectly capable of killing their perceived enemies by the millions just like Stalin did. Many are just as sociopathic and amoral as he was. They can buy weapons and ammo just like anyone and their false pacifism and false civility is just that, false.

Can the deer hunters organize and act as a unit? How many of them are physically fit enough to do what will be required?

How far gone are we?:

FK – The tool using monkeys, or self-replicating robots, take your pick, are born as blank slates and are only acting as programmed.

It’d be easy to say it must be that Fukishima radiation but in reality it’s the commie indoctrination, or lack of indoctrination in our history, Bill of Rights and human Liberty.

If we had that maybe we wouldn’t feel a need to go to the govt. to get ‘permission’ to get married or to do a lot of things and the police would know to immediately arrest the law creators instead of the ‘law breakers.’

But I fear a lot of blood, sweat and tears will have to be shed to get us to that point.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

Don’t Count On Trump Being Inaugurated — Paul Craig Roberts

The Ruling Establishment Does Not Intend For Trump To Become President.

The latest “explosive” fake news is that “multiple US officials with direct knowledge” told CNN that they have “classified documents” that Russia has compromising documents on Trump that would allow them to blackmail the US President. The documents consist of memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative “whose past work US intelligence officials consider credible.”

According to antiwar.com “the dossier claimed several figures in the Trump campaign were in league with the Russian government during the campaign, and that Russia had been conspiring with them to groom Trump as an ally for ‘at least five years.’ It also claims exchanges of information between Trump and the Kremlin for ‘at least eight years,’ . . . The dossier names former Trump adviser Carter Page, his personal lawyer Michael Cohen, as well as incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn as having personally and repeatedly met with Kremlin officials on anti-Clinton leaks.”

FK – I personally don’t think Trump has that much to fear, except maybe a stray bullet from a crazed commie indoctrinated by the mind poison spewed out by the mainstream newswhores:


FK – The ‘Russian hacking’ is simply the propaganda stream they’ve chosen to push. Nothing new about this process.

There’s never or very rarely been ‘real reporters’ in this country. Newspapers of the 18th and 19th centuries were usually established to push one party line or another. Then the robber barons bought them out in the early 20th century and allowed the commie infiltration. To what ends? This is chess not checkers.

When the amerikan communist insurgency feels pushed far enough into a political corner a percentage of them will come out swinging.

I’m not for sending them to camps. For many it’s way too late for ‘re-education.’ We’ve had the net for 20 years now. It’s too easy to find out how evil the evil twins of socialism and gun control are yet the evil ones persist in trying to shove both down our throats at the point of a govt. gun. Have the klintons, Soros, et al turned from their evil?

Banishment and eradication should be the only goals of the next blood war.

Here’s Why Liberals Are Suddenly Embracing The 2nd Amendment

FK – I have little doubt that much of the ammo and weapons bought in recent years has gone into commie hands. They are historically more organized and willing to spill blood than those on the ‘political right’ who are often blinded by their inability to understand that every time their ‘liberal'(Amerikan) ‘friends’ vote they vote to kill them.

NavyJack – Communists Intend to Overthrow the United States before Inauguration Day

FK – Good luck with that.

Hitlery openly said it wanted ‘Australian style gun control.’ That would not be tolerated here.

More on the absurdity:


FK – Commiecrat parasites actually ‘read?’ Oh, that’s funny.

They don’t need ‘evidence’ they simply need to repeat the same lies over and over again until they are accepted. Who said that was a good procedure? Look it up.

It’s ‘all’ propaganda and a sham. Every ‘side’ ignores those aspects of human behavior/reality they find inconvenient.

We have a 200-year-history of ‘election fraud’ of various kinds and of ‘foreign influence’ in our policies, laws, whatever. Some claim the War for Southern Independence was brought about partly by British influence in their quest for global dominance.

The way we vote must be changed.

Who deserves to vote?

John Fund: Sneaky feds plot to grab state election power

Corbett’s show notes with links:

What I Learned From the Intelligence Report on “Russian Hacking”

FBI/DHS Joint Analysis Report on Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

Election Interference? The U.S. Has Done It In 45 Countries Worldwide

FK – In all honestly, who the hell would want to waste time reading it? It’s so much easier to take the word of the talking heads and go vote for a check or to get one’s false conscience soothed.

And to throw in a little levity, showing how shallow our domestic blood enemies’ propaganda usually is:

FK – Julie is far cuter than streep ever wished it was. Never could understand its popularity.

Facebook Thought Police to Decide If What Users Post is ‘True’


FK – Everything posted on fakebook is true, isn’t it? Considering otherwise is more thinking than most tool-using monkeys want to bother with.

Seems to be a popular thing:


FK – I’ve only used google as a last resort for some time now. But blindly trusting any of them is foolish.

Will Google re-mainstream the net?

BREAKING: Obama Bans Free Speech In The Dead of Night


FK – We must stop allowing them to indoctrinate the young.

What to teach your kids

Obama Quietly Signs The “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” Into Law

It’s all about control:



This seems appropriate:

We Are Watching The Long Game to Total Censorship Play Out

FK – If the republicrat house passed this we need to be burning up their phone lines to correct them.

The ‘red menace’ was and is real. McCarthy was right. Propaganda in modern times is that pink goo they make into news mcnuggets, or maybe pizza.

I hate on Soros and didn’t make the list. I’m really disheartened.

It’s ‘all’ propaganda. Here’s another propagandist:


FK – Our fedgov and local prosecutors have lied in court for 200 years. Nothing really new about that. All they need is a complicit black-robed shyster and a jury of morons.

Is Trump going to ride in on his casino horse and save us?

The Pentagon only wasted 125 bil.? I’m impressed. Wait, that probably doesn’t include the black budget… Do they ever have yard sales?

And more:


The “Fake News” Psyop: Our Freedom Depends on the Freedom of the Press

FK – The most important thing to do is realize they consider us to be livestock and we are at war with them. And our freedom, our Liberty, depends on what we are willing to do to defend it, up to and including killing our domestic blood enemies.

The patriot newbie guidebook

The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.

Nothing really new about all this:

Why Free Kentucky

Will Google re-mainstream the net?

I’m not so sure about that pipeline thing. What exactly is ‘sacred ground’ and I don’t trust the oil companies but we do need their oil. Simple fact.

Those Indian groups are often commie front groups.

And the fallout:


FK – Quit eating cereal for breakfast a while back because protein in the morning is better than stuff that turns into glucose.

Here’s how to contact Kellogs.

#DumpKelloggs: Far-Left Cereal Giant Kellogg’s Warns of ‘Racial Privilege’