Tag Archives: new world order

G7/Bilderberg Wrap Up – When There’s A Will There’s A Way!


FK – Is your driver going for the Hunter Thompson look?

They may not make the same mistake next year with your ‘press passes.’ Reminds me of a meeting I tried to tape several years back here in Kentucky. Because I was carrying a video camera ‘security’ wouldn’t let me in without a press pass or, I think, my socialist security number. It angered me so much that they tried to make a ‘press pass’ from the ‘official’ and ‘legitimate’ news media a requirement for my exercise of my First Amendment rights that I sat the meeting out.

And I’ve had a ‘real’ press pass. It’s like a license to own or carry or use a gun. I have one of those as well. A right applied for is a privilege. But that’s the situation we’re in because the stupid sheeple go along with it, that’s what’s truly so disgusting about it.

It’s all just a big game and the newswhores know it. They get off on the reflection from the ‘stars’ they cover. Plus most of them don’t mind being slaves as long as there’s corn in the trough.

But there are more of you now and you have a venue we didn’t have, beyond video tapes at gun shows and fax machines. Don’t allow them to steal that from you, at any cost. And prep for what will be required. Our domestic and globalist enemies have invested too much time and money and effort in their evil plans to just walk away because of a few protesters.

Or maybe the newswhores are into the game for other prizes:


FK – Is all this being released now to instill fear in the average dumbass so they won’t fight back?

Religion has always been a tool for the manipulation of populations. Most mainstream ‘Christians’ now believe basically three or four things: 1. We’re gonna get beamed up soon so we don’t have to do anything but; 2. We must pay our taxes and obey the government because the Bible commands it and; 3. “There ain’t nothin’ you can do about it cause it’s all been written down,” and; 4. It’s all in god’s plan and it’s his will so we shouldn’t or can’t fight back.

They send their kids to the govt. schools because they are forced to, and teach them on Sundays that none of this matters because they’re gonna get beamed up soon, yet tell them to get an ‘education’ so they can get good ‘jobs’ and buy all the stuff we think we have to have now, while slaving our days away for the workaholic assholes who own/run the corporations and who would trade us all for third world desperate peasants or robots if they could.

The synopsis of modern ‘Christianity,’ in fact for all its existence, has been “Be a good slave, you’ll have paradise in the next life.” I know, I was raised in that ‘thinking'(loosely defined).

I’ve heard this crap all my life and it disgusts me beyond my ability to describe. They want us to fear and obey them, The religions, which were either created for this purpose or were infiltrated and altered for this purpose, exist to serve this purpose.

Societies, cultures, nations, need a basic ‘morality’ and all, even the communistic ones, have one, or at least attempt to. Did the Roman empire survive for hundreds of years based on its monotheism? Hardly. Their republic was killed off after about 80  years, like ours, then they continued under a series of dictators.

Now we are allowed to ‘vote’ for our dictators which are appointed by our elites behind the scenes. The average dumbass goes to vote every four years for a ‘savior’ that’s telling them the same lies the last one did, and promising to wave a magic wand and solve all their perceived problems, and they go along with this for decades without catching on. How pathetic.

It’s just not in my abilities to put a smiley face on all this…

T-Files: The Last Card

FK – Ever seen this?:


If Eisenhower really met with an alien ambassador as some claim, or if the elites have, maybe they’re simply acting under orders, at the risk of their own lives?

In the Bible it says something about Jesus or whatever coming and ruling with a ‘rod of iron.’ Doesn’t sound any better than an alien invasion to me.

No, I’m not defending the elites, and certainly not claiming the aliens or whatever are here to save us. We may be nothing more than livestock to them. We’d probably better hope they consider us to be a nature preserve.

Greer et al tend to speak of the others as ‘here to help us’ and provide us with technology to solve our problems. This is naive and childish. Think in terms of a galaxy full of Earth like planets full of beings with competing interests, an ocean of life. Some of ‘them’ may have our best interests at heart, others not so.

If the watchers decide to announce themselves in such a way that the average dumbass can’t ignore their reality any more, what would that do to global society? All the groups and sub-groups would try to use the new ‘reality’ for their own purposes and their propaganda would take on ‘universal’ elements and our cultures might even collapse from the pressure.

The religions would simply re-invent themselves or find a verse that says this was the reality all along and the simple-minded will go along with it while tithing to pay for missionaries to go ‘save’ the poor ‘lost’ little grey men. Then a TV preacher can buy a multi-trillion dollar starship.

Their tech is so far advanced of ours that many would consider them to be gods. We’re still a very primitive species existing in a very dark age after all, when billions think it’s perfectly OK that their sadistic asshole of a god is going to burn the vast majority of the human race that ever existed alive in fire forever, and knew billions of years before he created them that would be their fate.

I actually heard a radio preacher saying that recently. So most aren’t ready for any reality that’s not Earth/human centered.

Watch the vids on this page.

The Bilderberg Group’s Plan for Global Government

FK – The average dumbass is clueless about what’s going on around them and does nothing but graze, breed and die. It’s up to that tiny minority as always. That’s why we preserve and increase human Liberty, for the tiny minority in each generation that actually cares about it and will use it to advance humanity and civilization instead of sitting on their asses waiting for the world to end like mindless morons.

From the maelstrom:

FK – Oh I’d have to have one of those shirts. With all these young guns in the alt. media covering this maybe there’s a chance of getting the word out to the kids who’ll have to exist in the NWO, and fight it.

Their goal needs to be this: a real global Bill of Rights that forces all govt.s to acknowledge our most basic right: the ability, tools, mindset, training, education, to fight back against any and all who would enslave humanity or enslave humanity further. It’s ‘further’ for all of us actually. We have a long way to go.


FK – Vid could use some background on this guy.

Nothing wrong with getting rich, unless it’s done dishonestly or you’re fucking over people for profit. Then that needs to be addressed. If Wall Street is trying to run our govt. or our world that needs to be addressed as well. Maybe we need a granite gallows in front of the stock exchange and a New York militia force to make sure it doesn’t fall into disuse.

FK – And a report from a homeboy:


FK – Someone needs to ask what the gun laws are over there and how ‘security’ would be conducted for these rich elites here in the states in such an area. I have no problem with them having some ‘security’ but their meeting(s), seminars, whatever, if about the things many say they are, need to be open to the public, recorded and posted on YouTube unedited.

It’s way past time to demand accountability of these creatures.

U.S.A Plans Gag Order For Firearm Speech Online. ITAR. Gun Videos Need Approval? WeaponsEducation

FK – So if this is real, and I have my doubts, but I put NOTHING past our domestic blood enemies, do you plan to comply? When Google shuts down YouTube gun vids, because it’s a govt./globalist tool that’s mainstreaming the net, will you use your money to create an alt. video system? Will the NRA help to organize, arm and train the militia force we will need to stop the govt. from imprisoning people like you or will they let you go to prison?

I’ve been hearing about foreign nukes being smuggled into the country since the Soviet/cold war era. Not that it’s not possible. When 9/11 happened the only thing I was surprised about was that it wasn’t a small nuke and wasn’t far worse. But a big show is all they(the elites who really pulled it off or allowed it to happen) were looking for. They knew the brain dead sheeple would be shocked that anything bad could happen here so they got away will only killing 3000 sheeple in the name of increasing the police state.

If you haven’t you really need to read “The Prince.” It shows how governments work and what they’re capable of.

Should talking about doing what the Founders did be illegal? Really? They started out as smugglers, tax evaders, illegal gun owners, and they killed govt. employees all the way back to Boston one day, and spent the next 8 years killing govt. employees. They would spit on us for our cowardice.

If I had money to blow, I might join the NRA, if I could join as a life member and maybe actually have some say in how the org. is ran. But the simple fact is the NRA had to be dragged kicking and screaming into this war. Gun Owners of America, JPFO, even SAF, are far better groups. The NRA does a lot of good things because it has the money and the membership, but a lot of that is PR. We don’t need PR. We need warriors. This is a war. WE ARE AT WAR!

The battle over guns and the Second Amendment is only a small part of that war. We could win the gun battle and still lose the war.

WHAT CONSTITUTION? Obama Plans To Muzzle Gun-Related Speech

FK – Another vid on this subject:

FK – “Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns,
why should we let them have ideas?” – Josef Stalin

Are foreign governments demanding this behind the scenes so their sheeple don’t learn about future arms making tech?

But what will enforce this evil?: “Physical enforcement of the ITAR; and all import and export laws of the United States is performed by Homeland Security Investigations Special Agents (formerly U.S. Customs) under Immigration and Customs Enforcement, an agency of the Department of Homeland Security. Additionally, Customs and Border Protection Officers, also under the Department of Homeland Security, inspect imports and exports at U.S. Border Crossings and International Airports and enforce import and export regulations.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Traffic_in_Arms_Regulations

From the NRA article: Penalties for violations are severe and for each violation could include up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $1 million. Civil penalties can also be assessed. Each unauthorized “export,” including to subsequent countries or foreign nationals, is also treated as a separate violation.

Take this lemon, which I can’t help but feel is more distraction, and use it to make lemonade. Use this propaganda to beat the message into the average dumbass’s(the average NRA member and ‘gun rights leader’) head that we MUST shut down the BATF Nazis and replace them with nothing and repeal ‘all’ the evil laws they enforce.

Otherwise this is another reason why we must install a granite gallows in front of every govt. building and organize, arm and train a militia force to make sure they don’t fall into disuse.

If we are not resolved and prepared to use the Second Amendment in the way it was intended we may as well admit our guns are toys and we don’t really ‘need’ them.

As far as commenting goes, you can talk to the “Liberal”(commie) trash until you’re blue in the face and it will be pointless because that evil trash will still be lying when hell thaws out again. Unless we develop the resolve to conduct the thorough and extensive “Liberal”(commie) trash season we so desperately need then our domestic blood enemies will not give up until they are forced to stop.

It’s truly beyond my comprehension why we didn’t start hunting them years ago. The only answer I can come up with is that we exist in a nation of cowardly whores, and most of them are self-proclaimed ‘liberty activists,’ and ‘patriots’ and ‘pro-gunners.’ How pathetic.

Google is working to mainstream the net. They are part of the evil. Time to wake up to the big picture.

Obama’s Proposed Changes to ITAR Regulations Might Make Gun Reviews, 3D Printed Gun Diagrams Illegal

Obama To Circumvent Congress With ‘Gag Order’ On Firearm Coverage

FK – From the NRA:

Stop Obama’s Planned Gag Order on Firearm-Related Speech

Summary of the proposed rule on regulations.gov

PDF of the proposed rule

Who Owns the Federal Reserve?

FK – So what banks/shareholders are the dividends paid to? Follow the money…

Is this true?:

The Insanely Profitable Federal Reserve

Or this?:

Fed Sent $77.7 Billion in Profits to Treasury Last Year

Or this?:

Chart of who “owns” the Federal Reserve

Or this?:

Who owns and controls the Federal Reserve

“Unfortunately, Mullins’ source for the stockholders of the New York Fed could not be verified. He claimed his source was the Federal Reserve Bulletin, although it has never included shareholder information, nor has any other Federal Reserve periodical. It is difficult researching this particular claim because a Federal Reserve Bank is not a publicly traded corporation and is therefore not required by the Securities and Exchange Commission to publish a list of its major shareholders. The question of ownership can still be addressed, however, by examining the legal rules for acquisition of such stock. The Federal Reserve Act requires national banks and participating state banks to purchase shares of their regional Federal Reserve Bank upon joining the System, thereby becoming “member banks” (12 USCA 282). Since the eight banks Mullins named all operate within the New York Federal Reserve district, and are all nationally chartered banks, they are required to be shareholders of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. They are also probably the major shareholders as Mullins claimed.”

Read the rest of that one.

I’ve been hearing this stuff for years. I’ve never seen documentation that ‘proves’ it’s the Rothschilds or whomever. Maybe one of the various books on this subject proves it one way or another. It’s been years since I read Devy Kidd’s booklet on the subject. I don’t remember to what level she addresses ownership.

Or maybe this one?:

Who Owns The Federal Reserve?

Or maybe we need to look at other things:

Meet America’s Money Masters


How Much Of America Is In A Drought?

FK – Wow, 4 minutes eleven seconds without mentioning ‘global warming(man caused).’ I’m impressed.

Climate change is UN-led hoax to create ‘new world order’ – Australian PM’s adviser

FK – Of course there’s been ‘climate change’ as long as there’s been a climate, which the evidence shows is billions of years. The evidence also shows the “Liberal”(commie) trash will use any excuse, real or imagined, to control every aspect of every existence on this planet. It’s in their nature. They won’t stop until we force them to stop.

A New Stockholm To Be Built Within 6 Years


FK – Who’s doing this? The ragheads in their governments? No. The commie globalists by whatever cute names they call themselves are doing this. They will do it here. They are doing it here. Who are our real enemies? They have white skin and were born here. They’re not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world. Keep telling yourself there’s no conspiracy.

UN: World’s population to grow by 1.1-B in next 15 years

INVASION: Here Are the 190 US Cities Obama Selected to Dump Muslim “Refugees”

Mediterranean boats will bring 500,000 Islamic State terrorists to Europe, blasts Farage

Establishment GOP Plots to Empower Obama on “Progressive” Trade

In a controversial move that came as a shock even to many of the American people’s elected representatives, a coalition of establishment lawmakers in both parties — primarily Big Government Republicans — unveiled a secretly negotiated globalist plan to empower Obama with “fast-track authority” for “trade.” Under the bill, backed by top establishment GOP figures, the administration will have an even freer hand to negotiate pseudo-free trade deals with foreign governments — deals that critics say will harm U.S. sovereignty, the U.S. economy, and more. Despite GOP talking points about “free” trade and “markets,” Obama’s own AstroTurf group, Organizing for Action, sent an e-mail blast to supporters on Friday boasting that the administration was “crafting a progressive trade agreement.”

In a White House blog post, the administration also bragged about how “progressive” its establishment Republican-backed plot was going to be. “Passing a modernized [Trade Promotion Authority] TPA is important for two reasons,” the White House said. “First, it will help us close the deal on negotiations in the Asia-Pacific on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (or TPP), the most progressive trade agreement in history.” (Emphasis added.) The post also boasted about foisting radical new rules and regulations on other nations via “trade” regimes, adding that the “TPP will be the greenest trade agreement in history.” Instead of addressing real criticisms, the White House propaganda points mostly attacked strawmen: “We can’t afford to close ourselves off,” for example.


As suggested by Greenley and JBS, which supports genuine free trade as opposed to sovereignty-subverting managed trade, the pseudo-free trade schemes are part of a much larger agenda that ultimately has little to do with trade at all. Globalist architect Henry Kissinger, for example, a longtime proponent of a “New World Order,” explained even recently that regional regimes would be crucial to imposing global governance on humanity. “The contemporary quest for world order will require a coherent strategy to establish a concept of order within the various regions and to relate these regional orders to one another,” he explained in his latest book, World Order.

Similar notions have been promoted for decades. In 1962, globalist Lincoln P. Bloomfield, with the Institute for Defense Analyses, prepared a report for the U.S. State Department entitled “A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations.” In it, he outlined how regionalism — along with conflict and cooperation among supranational regional powers — would be the fastest way to impose world government. For decades, top U.S. officials openly promoted world federalism and Atlantic Union, with the congressional record being packed with brazen evidence.

FK – Will we really just sit back and let them destroy us?