Tag Archives: new world order

Adolf Hitler’s Warning


FK – Is there an online text translation of this speech? It should be included for verification if it exists because most of us don’t speak German.

Hitler, like most ‘humans’ was ‘right’ about a few things and wrong about many others. One cannot cure heart disease with cancer and vice versa.

The point to it all is we need to stop choosing from among the various forms of authoritarianism.

Regardless of the real source:


FK – But what is ‘Reform Judaism‘ and why are most ‘Jews’ secular Marxists?

1 in 4 Americans Know Government is the Enemy – #NewWorldNextWeek


FK – It will take more than a couple of alt. YouTube journalists to make them ‘freak out and run away.’

The current occupants of the moon, possibly its creators, may not agree so heartily with the ‘right to mine.’ Why haven’t we gone back to the moon? Why did it ring like a bell when struck with one of our primitive tools?

We already know space is out there. We need a modern day Columbus to plant a flag and open it for business? Might not work out so well. Some of the natives might be better armed/advanced than us.

We don’t need to ‘reform’ a corrupt system. That’s the problem. All the ‘reform’ is what got us where we are. The commies/globalists are constantly ‘reforming.’ They’ve been reforming the schools all my life.

Didn’t vote for Dubya either time. Haven’t voted for a mainstream candidate in the prez race, the quest for the idiot vote, since 1992. By ‘mainstream’ I mean some piece of trash the mainstream newswhores tell the brain dead sheeple “can win” and is thus OK to vote for.

Report: More Than 1 In 4 Americans Believe Government Is The Enemy

FK – Maybe when enough finally realize the elites consider us to be livestock the farm animals will turn on the farmers. The pacification program has been very successful. We have a Second Amendment that millions take to the range and the deer woods but is kept hidden away while we protest with signs and internet comments and our real enemies just sit back and laugh.


FK – Since most ‘environmentalists’ are communists guess what? Communism mixed with capitalism = fascism. Not a new trick there. The environmental movement was probably founded originally as a tool, or at the least infiltrated soon after. Infiltrate, overtake and overcome is the standard.

As noted in the notes nothing was done about the ‘revelations.’ What does this tell us about our enemies, our greatest enemies, that have white skin, worship govt. as god and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world?: The only limit to their arrogant lies is the limit we will be forced to force upon it.

But sadly western civilization lacks real men and women to stand up to this evil. Even so-called ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ have been pacified with ice cream, soft couches and a false sense of ‘right and wrong.’ The real wrong is not fighting back when it is so obviously necessary.

I decided 20 years ago which side of history I want to be on. I’ve been waiting all this time for the rest of the dumb-asses to catch up.

Well, a few more of the sheeplets are catching on:


FK – Now the question is what other tools does she know how to use?

And let’s not forget the unmentionables:


FK – Hitlery will do the same thing the Marxist mutt has done: Wake more sheeple up, piss more people off, sell lots of guns and ammo, keep the ‘tea partiers’ and ‘conservatives’ off the golf course and the couch and if we’re lucky will put another commie on the SCOTUS and after a few commie rulings come forth the NRA and several other milquetoast ‘right wing’ groups will be forced to fish or cut bait, in other words, fight.

It will not be a war for expensive suited shysters.

My now standard response to the prez race and its quest for the idiot vote:

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

ISIS Warned Of A Canadian Attack Soon To Come


FK – They want to bring this here so they can scare the sheeple, mostly ‘conservatives,’ into more stupidity.

The elites with their commie/globalist tools created the situation in Europe. They only killed 100+ out of a population of millions, just like here when they killed or allowed to be killed only 3000 out of a population of 300 million then shoved the Patriot Act down our throats without even reading it before they voted on it, an act of treason.

He has more links with the vid.

ISIS as U.S. Creation: The Clearest Authenticated Video Evidence to Date


FK – One hand washes the other and the right doesn’t pretend to know what the left does.


FK – If the global ragheads had any real power or money they’d have done us the favor of nuking the district of commie criminals by now and maybe new yawk city with it’s population of marxist unmentionables.

The average dumbass, tea partiers, etc., can’t grasp that those who can enslave billions are far more powerful than those who are allowed to kill a few thousand.

Knights Templar Widipedia page. And look, they’ve been brought back to life, somehow, for some reason.

A report from over the pond:


FK – As one of the commenters asked, “Why were they carrying passports anyway?”

If the game is global as some game why isn’t Putin one of the players? How does a de facto dictator continue to rule the Soviet Union, excuse me, Russia?

The Europeans are losing their minds:


FK – That’s why they want our guns. Any garbage that shows up to check my home or property for suitability will be killed immediately.

More on the ‘superstition’:


FK – War is always a good solution for them. Money to be made, population to be thinned, fear to be created, endless distraction…

Paul Ryan taps GOP power broker David Hoppe for top job

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has selected David Hoppe, a former adviser to Republican congressional leaders and a longtime Washington lobbyist, to serve as his chief of staff, should Ryan be elected House speaker this week, as is widely expected.

The hiring was finalized after Hoppe and Ryan, both Wisconsin natives and proteges of the late New York congressman Jack Kemp, had conversations about Ryan’s desire to staff the speaker’s office with seasoned aides who are also deeply familiar with conservatism, according to people briefed on the talks.

FKThe Heritage Foundation is part of the problem. They’re replacing bonehead with another tool. Search GOA on Ryan and the danger he presents. 

You Won’t Believe The SHOCKING Truth About the Iraq War Revealed in AMAZING New Memo!!!


FK – Which prez, uh tool, was it that said “If something happens in politics you can bet it was planned that way?” Oh yeah, FDR, the leader of the party of ‘the little man.’

None of them can be trusted. They should all be required to spend their days with a rope around their necks so it’s handy.

Smoking gun emails reveal Blair’s ‘deal in blood’ with George Bush over Iraq war was forged a YEAR before the invasion had even started

Irwin Schiff Pays the Ultimate Price for Liberty


FK – Yes, amerika has political prisoners. Thanks to all the cowards who claim to love Liberty but who are too pathetic to say publicly what needs to be done much less prepare for it.

Some of his books are still available.

The End Of The U.S Empire Is Here

FK – Who can make war against the Beast? We’d better, or it will consume us.


FK – So who really runs Saudi? The empire could roll over them militarily in less than a week, probably much less. Why hasn’t it done this? Who or what is really in control of the oil?


UFO Video Media Mix-Up! – Open Minds UFO Report

FK – The are diff levels of newswhores, from the yellow ‘enquireristic’ types in England to the commie rags like HuffPO. They may be ‘careful’ about this subject but regularly lie about others. Simple fact.

But then the alt. media can’t be blindly trusted either:


FK – Encryption sounds reasonable to me, not being all that ‘scientific.’ One thing does not necessarily prove or disprove the other. The question might be what do some of these alien races have to gain by manipulating our governments, cultures, religions, and on and on?

GOP candidate Ben Carson says he probably wouldn’t have shot Michael Brown


FKWhy are so many of our RINO candidates pandering to commie propaganda? Because they’re NWO hacks!

GOP candidate Ben Carson says he probably wouldn’t have shot Michael Brown

Kentucky Cop-Killer was Obama Supporter, Attended Mike Brown’s Funeral

JIM ROGERS – Greece Will Collapse & People Will Be Terrified


FK – Great empires seem to need good leaders and a submissive obedient population. Greece seems to have lost both long ago.

FK – Will the ‘anarchists’ consent to interviews? I’d like to know what their ‘real’ goals are… And please why do the Greeks not like Americans(amerikans)? I can guess….