Tag Archives: natural rights

GOA’s 2016 Congressional Voter Guide

FK – We need to prepare for what will be required.

GOA’s Congressional Rating: A Powerful Tool to Help You Promote Gun Rights this Election

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Forward GOA’s Voter Guide to Everyone You Know!

Election Day is less than two weeks away, and early voting has begun in many states already.

So I want to hand you a powerful tool.

It is GOA’s Congressional Rating for 2016 — a tool we hope you will use to determine the best candidates on the Second Amendment.

FK – For the sake of the simple minded I will state: Voting in elections other than the prez, or what I call the four year quest for the idiot vote, can be profitable to those who seek to restore Liberty to this land.

GOA is far superior to the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group that has a very poor track record of scoring local and state legislative candidates.

Regardless WE ARE AT WAR and eventually blood, sweat and tears will be required for our white-skinned domestic blood enemies, the “Liberal” and ‘progressive(commie/globalist) trash will never throw up its hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you. We’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.” Even if they do tell that lie they will be simply going off to some dark corner to re-group and re-arrange their lies to better affect the simple-minded among us.

It will require an eradication.

The patriot newbie guidebook


Cities repealing overreaching gun laws across Pennsylvania

Doylestown, Bethlehem, Allentown and Liberty, includes the list of dozens of cities across the Keystone State that are in the process of scrapping illegal laws to comply with an National Rifle Association-backed preemption measure.

The municipalities are scrambling due to Act 192, signed into law last year by Gov. Tom Corbett (R). As outlined in the language of the law, member groups such as the NRA can stand in for local citizens in challenging ordinances in court that exceed the state’s own gun laws.

The gun rights group at the time called the bill “the strongest firearms preemption statute in the country” and a “much-needed protection for gun owners in the Keystone State.”

In the scant weeks since its enactment, towns from one side of the state to the other have dusted off their laws and evaluated them for compliance.

FK – Every state needs pre-emption on gun laws and a militia force in every county to conduct an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season because our domestic blood enemies are never satisfied with a small slice of our cake, our our Liberty:


Bloomberg Suggests Banning Young Minority Males from Gun Ownership

FK – The evil gun laws, that should ‘all’ be repealed, already ban youth from carrying handguns. If a 16-year-old has the responsibility to drive a 2000 lb vehicle down the highway that same young adult has the right to defend herself.