Tag Archives: moving

The Surreal EVIL Still Oozing from Hillary Supporters


FK – Are we ready? Of course not.

Who deserves to vote?

What if the elites do it instead?:


FK – What an opening statement for someone who worked tirelessly to put Trump in the now red house.

But you wouldn’t want the militia to provide security for Trump right? They’d be just as trustworthy as the Secret Service.

Have you been ‘forgotten?’:


FK – The forgotten man needs to wake up and grow up and figure out what will be required.

If enough of us can stop waiting to get beamed up:


FK – Maybe we should wait and see what Trump actually does while applying extreme political pressure to the republicrats in Congress and demand they repeal the gun laws, shut down the BATF Nazis; repeal the 16th Amendment and shut down the IRS and the Fed and pass an amendment banning all forms of socialism forever.

Wouldn’t that be better than whining about all our little butt hurts right now?

Meanwhile for the globalist commie trash it’s business as usual:

FK – So much for globalist commie trash respect for free speech and a free press huh?

When are enough gonna figure out what must be done?

At the least we must demand that the republicrats in the Congress and Trump shut down the U.N. and bulldoze their building and create a Liberty school so citiots can be taught what kind of country and govt. we’re supposed to have here.

Here’s some basic instruction for them:


FK – In general he’s correct, if we had a future prez that had a real record we could look at to judge his possible future actions instead of nothing but mouth and rhetoric not based in past actions. Maybe we should wait and see what Trump actually does or doesn’t do before we gloat too much…

Will we be saved by a miraculous troglodyte?

Though it’s hard not to pretend everything’s gonna be OK:

FK – Can anyone tell me who is telling the Saudis to fund ISIS and ‘attack’ us with fundie ragheadism? Maybe that’s the real question. The Saudis were a creation of the Brits, just like the modern state of Israel, that was founded by European socialists btw.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights