Tag Archives: monika lewinsky

Hillary Clinton Supporters Actually Don’t Support Hillary

FK – Time to stop stupid sheeple from voting. One of those things that must be done.

Clintons Made A Whopping $25 MILLION Making Speeches Over 16 Months

FK – Made the mistake of voting for klinton in 92 when it said it was against NAFTA. That was the only reason. Then of course it pushed NAFTA through ‘the party of the little man’ congress and signed it and bragged about it. See the Wikipedia entry on NAFTA. That was the real beginning of my political enlightenment. Haven’t voted for a mainstream candidate for prez since. No more NWO hacks in the now red house.

Keeping the inter-generational constituents happy:


FK – If I’m not mistaken most food stamp recipients are white so it’s definitely a racist program.

Soon You Might Be Able To Receive Food Stamps Over The Phone

The report says that the increase of participants from 17 million in 2000 to nearly 47 million recipients in 2014 is one reason why the application process should be made easier and less costly, but others have argued that more relaxed entry requirements into the program are the very reason it has expanded so much.

“The evidence suggests that much of the increase was due not to the economy[,] but to deliberate policy choices by both federal and state governments, which loosened eligibility standards and actively sought new participants,” a report from the libertarian Cato Institute detailed. “At the same time, evidence that the expansion of SNAP has significantly reduced hunger or improved nutrition among low-income Americans is scant at best.”

FK – Of course, the commies are creating more inter-generational constituents.

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients

And one from the other side:


FK – No more NWO hacks. What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter. Questions for your candidate.

Bill Clinton’s Penis and Obama Could Stop Hillary 2016 Along With Jewish Pervert Jeffrey Epstein


FK – Ah the klinton years. Such bittersweet memories.

Let hitlery get elected. It’ll continue to sell guns and ammo and keep the idiot ‘tea partiers’ off the golf course and the couch. Electing another NWO hack republicrat will solve nothing. We need to let the commies continue to wake up the sheeple and piss the people off so that they will eventually be forced to come to grips with what will be required.

Bill’s libido threatens to derail Hillary — again

They’re all tools:


FK – Our real enemies are here, not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

Why 1995 is the Year that Created the Future

FK – Is this ‘professor of journalism’ really unaware of a book written by one of it’s alleged peers?: ‘The Third Terrorist

The author has been interviewed on mainstream news channels.

McVeigh was a tool. Kinda like our presidents. The OK city bombing deflated what had been a burgeoning patriot/militia movement.

I ignored the O.J. trial to the best of my ability. More distraction for the sheeple. This ‘professor’ is playing his part. Is this channel?

Collin Powell was/is another tool in waiting to be activated. I attended a rally for Pat Buchanan in 96 I think it was in Georgia. A newswhore told me there were more people there waiting before Buchanan even arrived than showed up for Dole the day before.

I haven’t voted for a mainstream recommended(so and so can’t win so vote for the whore who can) candidate for prez since 92 when I voted for Klinton because it said it was against NAFTA, another lie for its masters. I foolishly thought we could tolerate a little of its socialist evil. Won’t make that mistake again: http://www.willowtown.com/promo/blogfppolawrns.htm

The most important thing about the Lewinsky affair is when she told the newswhores “I was taught to lie.” Which meant to me her parents raised her that way which says a lot about a portion of our society that is working openly to destroy our nation and the Bill of Rights from within.

Communism is alive and well here, regardless of who or what really created it. When millions believe in a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you over it, it becomes very real.
