Tag Archives: money

Washington just dipped into retirement savings to fund itself

You know things are getting bad when your government begins to stick its hand into retirement accounts just so that it can remain solvent for a few more months.

With the debt limit about to come back into full swing at a staggering $18.1 trillion this week, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has undertaken drastic measures to kick the can down the road until later this year.

One such plan to fund the government includes raiding the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), a 401(k)-style retirement savings plan set up for federal employees.

Specifically, the Treasury wants to go after the G Fund, the largest fund in the plan, which contains Treasury securities that help to finance the national debt. As of last month, those securities in the G Fund make up $193.3 billion of the $451.7 billion of investments in the TSP.

FK – When the governments are finally forced to admit they’re broke everything will change…

Rothschild Power: Fact Or Fiction


FK – Did he ask Gates if he’s heard of Infowars?

Maybe the ‘real’ owners are off planet.

Nothing will get better until the upper middle class, the people with money, figure out there’s no more corn in the trough.

Nothing will be ‘solved’ until enough gather the gumption to do what will be required at the end of which we will have the war crimes trials and travel the globe to find those truly guilty or at the end of which we’ll all be dead or more deeply enslaved than ever but at least the survivors will be able to claim they were human enough to stand and fight.

Remember, we outnumber them.

FK – Sometimes ya just gotta:


Lord Rothschild Warns ‘Geopolitical Situation Most Dangerous Since WWII’


FK – Many spend their entire time in this world ‘muddling along.’

Why, they just want to make us all equal muddlers:(from 2011)

FK – After all, we’re in the same boat:(from Dec. 2008)

FK – Why did his daddy name him ‘Evelyn?’ Was he trying to make sure he’d be tough?

How many will have to get tough or die?

Former US Budget Office president warns economy is nearing final stage of collapse

Man ID’s Trooper; Chastises Him for Breaking Unmarked Car Law!

FK – It’s about revenue enhancement. If the ‘drivers license'(permission to drive one’s own property down a public ‘govt. of we the people’ road) was about ‘safety’ no to few teens would drive and all drivers over 65 or 70 would be re-tested every couple years and we’d all have to get re-certified in some form or another every so often.

Herbal Supplements BANNED from GNC, Walmart, Target, and Walgreens!

FK – I plan to keep taking Gingko from the redneck mecca. He’s probably right about this being coordinated by the drug companies et al. I certainly don’t trust the New  Yawk Slimes or the New Yawk government any farther than I can throw a bull by its bullocks.

Chiropractors have helped me many times. Have to be picky with which one you choose like anything else.

Investigation: Many Herbal Supplements Found to Contain ZERO Herbs

FK – We have connections we don’t yet understand:

FK – Here’s to those famous 12 oz. curls taking fitness to a whole new level. I smoked like a fiend for a year many years ago and quit cold turkey. It wasn’t my drug:

Baltic Dry Plunges At Fastest Pace Since Lehman, Hits New 29 Year Low

The Baltic Dry Index dropped another 3% today to 590 – its first time below 600 since 1986 and not far from the all-time record low of 554 in July 1986. Of course, the absolute level is shrugged off by the over-supply-ists and the ‘well fuel prices are down’-ists but the velocity of collapse (now over 60% in the last 3 months) suggests this far more than some ‘blip’ discrepancy between supply and demand – this is a structural convergence of massive mal-investment meets economic reality.

How Americans Are Spending Their Windfall From Cheap Gas

FK – They best be buying ammunition.

What the market doom-and-gloomers fail to grasp about anemic growth

FK – Doom and gloom sells books, and precious metals. The economy always cycles up and down, but the governments are broke.

Going To The Roots Of The Problem

Well, now, just who was this “John Brown” of Providence, Rhode Island, who ignited the Gaspee affair, and with its flames set afire one of the brightest torches lighting the way towards America’s War of Independence? After John Hancock of Boston, Massachusetts, Brown was probably the wealthiest man in New England, whose family fortune later endowed Brown University, in Providence. For his part in burning the Gaspee, though, Brown could have been convicted of treason and piracy—the punishments for which, if his ignominious death on the scaffold had not been enough, would have included the forfeiture of all his worldly goods to the Crown. (Hancock, too, would have stood in the shadow of the public executioner to pay the supreme penalty for his own acts of treason against Great Britain, had Major John Pitcairn and his Redcoats apprehended him in Lexington on the 19th of April in 1775.)

Although a shrewd merchant, John Brown did not organize the attack on the Gaspee because it was a good profit-making venture, a sound economic investment, or a clever hedge against inflation or depression. Neither did he mount the attack to curry favor from the political Establishment. To the contrary: From the moment he gathered his fellow patriots at Sabin’s Tavern, he stood to lose everything, including his life. His participation in the Gaspee affair was the riskiest speculation he had ever made or would ever make—under the circumstances, at least supremely reckless, in the view of the world perhaps insane. He was, after all, spitting in the eye of the entire British Empire, the supremely puissant “New World Order” of his day. Yet he—along with John Hancock, George Washington, and many other rich and influential Americans who wagered their all in the forefront of the fight for liberty—was eventually victorious!

So it is not impossible for the well-to-do to be clear-sighted, courageous, patriotic, and even self-sacrificing. Or at least it was not impossible then, although apparently it is very difficult these days. It should not, however, be too difficult, even today. For unlike John Brown, who in the comfort of his rich surroundings had nothing material to lose if he and his fellow Americans had simply sat down quietly under British rule, the wealthy among the middle class today have everything to lose if patriotic Americans—especially including themselves—do not stand up, muster their financial and other resources, and bring an end to the Federal Reserve System and the emerging national para-military police state. Because the Federal Reserve System will destroy the economy; and the para-military police state will clamp down on society in the aftermath of financial collapse; and then those who have wealth that can be stolen by political looters will have it stolen. Perhaps not as soon as tomorrow. But too soon for comfort.

FK – As I’ve said for a while, it won’t happen until the hogs figure out there’s no more corn in the trough.