Tag Archives: money

Will Obama Ever Be Tried For His Crimes?


FK – The Marxist mutt will be making millions from speeches and book deals just like the klintons if enough don’t see the necessity of doing what will be required.

Extreme secrecy eroding support for Obama’s trade pact

If you want to hear the details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal the Obama administration is hoping to pass, you’ve got to be a member of Congress, and you’ve got to go to classified briefings and leave your staff and cellphone at the door.

If you’re a member who wants to read the text, you’ve got to go to a room in the basement of the Capitol Visitor Center and be handed it one section at a time, watched over as you read, and forced to hand over any notes you make before leaving.

And no matter what, you can’t discuss the details of what you’ve read.

“It’s like being in kindergarten,” said Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), who’s become the leader of the opposition to President Barack Obama’s trade agenda. “You give back the toys at the end.”

For those out to sink Obama’s free trade push, highlighting the lack of public information is becoming central to their opposition strategy: The White House isn’t even telling Congress what it’s asking for, they say, or what it’s already promised foreign governments.

FK – Treason by any other name?

And they have the gall to brag about it:

FK – You bastards are re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, if you’re not knocking holes in the side.

How much did this propaganda cost? Did that knock a hole in the deficit?

We didn’t send you up there to play games with our domestic blood enemies, but to defeat them!

Eventually enough will have enough, and you’ll look out your windows and see us coming, and we won’t be packin’ signs.

Or will we wait for them to come for us?:


FK – We tried to build a militia years ago to deal with this evil but the average amerikan would rather sit on their ass and eat steak and ice cream and wait for the big beam up. They fully deserve what is happening to them.

Or are they prepping for something else?:


FK – You mean excuse, not spark…

Are you ready for a “Long Hot Summer”? The prospects for urban riots are hyped as a breach of domestic security

FK – Are they just working on our minds, so far?


FK – I think WWIII ended with the fall of the Soviet Union. We’re now into 4 or 5…

‘Biblical prophecy’ is a horrifying thing, not because it might be true but because the elites are so obviously using it to keep billions of brain-dead morons sitting on their asses waiting for the world to end. It’s one of their biggest tools, a way to keep the slaves working while not seeing the necessity of fighting back.

The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional. If we lose that we lose all.


FK – The best thing our enemies could do for us would be to bring in foreign troops. It’ll be a lot easier to get Bubba to kill the furriners than his cousin in the NATIONAL guard or his neighbor on the local cop force. Simple sad fact.

Are we headed toward a ‘turning point?’


FK – A lot of so-called humans need to stop waiting for the world to end and wake up and grow up and think about the future of humanity: Will it be under Liberty or some from of slavery, as we have now?

This is why they are militarizing: “The world will become Baltimore when people realize they cannot acquire basic resources”

Inside the Military-Police Center That Spies on Baltimore’s Rioters

More recently, conservative libertarians have expressed fears that MCAC is using its LPR technology to track gun owners traveling through the state. John Filippidis, a Florida man with a concealed carry permit, was driving, unarmed, with his wife and daughters in the family SUV to a Christmas gathering in December 2013 when he was stopped by Maryland transportation police outside the Fort McHenry Tunnel in Baltimore:

Retreating to the space between the SUV and the unmarked car, the officer orders John to hook his thumbs behind his back and spread his feet. “You own a gun,” the officer says. “Where is it?”

“At home in my safe,” John answers.

“Don’t move,” says the officer.

Several hours later, after multiple police had unpacked and inspected his entire minivan, Filippidis was sent on his way with nothing but a warning. Maryland authorities have never revealed how they knew he owned a gun.

FK – Any nazi participating in such evil should be hunted and eradicated.

Vote for an honest Kentucky politician

FKWhy I take deep umbrage at this. We don’t have any jerks like this in Ol’ Kaintuck, just mccommie, and heiny, and the guv, and the attny. gen. and most of the House… Sigh.

Sourced here.

The politicians have to reflect the willful ignorance of the voters to get their votes.

What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter. Questions for your candidate

Establishment GOP Plots to Empower Obama on “Progressive” Trade

In a controversial move that came as a shock even to many of the American people’s elected representatives, a coalition of establishment lawmakers in both parties — primarily Big Government Republicans — unveiled a secretly negotiated globalist plan to empower Obama with “fast-track authority” for “trade.” Under the bill, backed by top establishment GOP figures, the administration will have an even freer hand to negotiate pseudo-free trade deals with foreign governments — deals that critics say will harm U.S. sovereignty, the U.S. economy, and more. Despite GOP talking points about “free” trade and “markets,” Obama’s own AstroTurf group, Organizing for Action, sent an e-mail blast to supporters on Friday boasting that the administration was “crafting a progressive trade agreement.”

In a White House blog post, the administration also bragged about how “progressive” its establishment Republican-backed plot was going to be. “Passing a modernized [Trade Promotion Authority] TPA is important for two reasons,” the White House said. “First, it will help us close the deal on negotiations in the Asia-Pacific on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (or TPP), the most progressive trade agreement in history.” (Emphasis added.) The post also boasted about foisting radical new rules and regulations on other nations via “trade” regimes, adding that the “TPP will be the greenest trade agreement in history.” Instead of addressing real criticisms, the White House propaganda points mostly attacked strawmen: “We can’t afford to close ourselves off,” for example.


As suggested by Greenley and JBS, which supports genuine free trade as opposed to sovereignty-subverting managed trade, the pseudo-free trade schemes are part of a much larger agenda that ultimately has little to do with trade at all. Globalist architect Henry Kissinger, for example, a longtime proponent of a “New World Order,” explained even recently that regional regimes would be crucial to imposing global governance on humanity. “The contemporary quest for world order will require a coherent strategy to establish a concept of order within the various regions and to relate these regional orders to one another,” he explained in his latest book, World Order.

Similar notions have been promoted for decades. In 1962, globalist Lincoln P. Bloomfield, with the Institute for Defense Analyses, prepared a report for the U.S. State Department entitled “A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations.” In it, he outlined how regionalism — along with conflict and cooperation among supranational regional powers — would be the fastest way to impose world government. For decades, top U.S. officials openly promoted world federalism and Atlantic Union, with the congressional record being packed with brazen evidence.

FK – Will we really just sit back and let them destroy us?

BLM Now Attacking Oregon Gold Miner


FK – The problem is these old laws no longer benefit the rich, the oligarchs, and the citiot ‘environmentalists'(communists) who stupidly vote to keep them in power.

Gee, two govt. employees claim a sheeple threatened them. Which will the Federal Judge believe? They could have killed him and probably gotten away with it.

We need to be using the eco-commies to fertilize the trees so they can ‘get back to the Earth.’

Oh they consider us to be property alright, livestock. There’s nothing more important to understand than that.



And some good advice:


FK – As they say, don’t do stupid things.

Plus an interesting and relevant article:

Combat Mindset and Killer Instinct

BRICS and the Fiction of “De-Dollarization”

The financial media as well as segments of the alternative media are pointing to a possible weakening of the US dollar as a global trading currency resulting from the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) initiative. 

One of the central arguments in this debate on competing World currencies hinges on the BRICS initiative to create a development bank which, according to analysts, challenges the hegemony of Wall Street and the Washington based Bretton Woods institutions.

FK – Well that puts a different spin on it. We already have a global currency, it’s called the dollar.

What is Hemp?

There is an urban legend that the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence were written on hemp paper. This is not true. The documents housed in the National Archives were written on parchment, which is treated animal skin, typically sheepskin. According to the Library of Congress, analysis by paper conservators has determined that the paper that Thomas Jefferson used for his draft of the Declaration is mostly likely Dutch in origin. While hemp was commonly used to make paper in Southern Europe during this time, the Dutch were much more likely to use flax or linen rags.

Restriction in the United States began in 1937, according to the Hemp Industries Association. Taxing and licensing regulations made it hard for farmers to grow hemp.

During World War II, the lack of available abaca and jute prompted the government to start pro-hemp farming campaigns, including a video called “Hemp for Victory,” to meet the Navy’s demand for rope. Hemp demand fell after WWII and government restriction on the plant resumed.

FK – I know what my favorite use would be, that would involve 3-5 million patriots going to the District of Commie criminals and doing what will be required.


FK – Yeah, the cordage thing, we need lots of that now.

4 Scary Things About Big Data And You

FK – They can re-construct this.

Phone Surveillance Revelation Should Prompt Reassessment Of NSA Spying

Human Rights Watch Sues DEA Over Bulk Collection of Americans’ Telephone Records

Snowden To Oliver: ‘NSA Has The Greatest Surveillance Capabilities We’ve Ever Seen In History’

Crunch Time For Surveillance: PATRIOT Act Renewal Vote Next Month A Key Metric In The Fight Against Surveillance

Fight 215

FK – The only thing I was shocked about on 9/11 was that is wasn’t far worse… Only the brain-dead sheeple were ‘shocked’ that we exist in a dangerous world and the current global empire of note is the greatest danger we face.

NSA’s Prism surveillance program: how it works and what it can do

NSA slides explain the PRISM data-collection program

And we volunteer for it:

FK – Neither my pix nor my real birthday is on Fake Book. I only use it to piss off my domestic blood enemies and maybe enlighten the sheeple. Don’t put anything on there you want them to profit from, if that’s possible.

The other edge of the pointy sword:

FK – Waze depends on the dependability of those using it. It works OK as a GPS. The cop and traffic reporting not always so much.

US Lobbying Fails as Allies Flock to China-Led Bank

Ever since its initial proposal by China as an alternative to the IMF and the World Bank, both of which are dominated by the United States, the proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has been a target of heavy lobbying by the US, which has been warning allies and client states it would be strongly in their best interests not to join.

The US effort is also becoming a colossal failure, as nations across the region, as well as European powers, are flocking to the China-led bank, and seemingly everyone of note on board at this point.

FK – Is that a yearn for the yen? As always, all my stock is on four legs.

Stock market rigging is no longer a ‘conspiracy theory’

Another Oligarch Preaches to the Peasants – Charlie Munger Says “Prepare for Harder World”

FK – An earlier vid:

Gold and Silver Legal Tender Bill Passes in Arizona, To the Governor’s Desk

A bill “legalizing the constitution” by authorizing the use of gold and silver as legal tender was given final approval by the state Senate in Arizona today. It now moves to the Governor’s desk for a signature

Introduced by Rep. Mark Finchem and six cosponsors, House Bill 2173 (HB2173) re-affirms gold and silver as legal tender in the state of Arizona on a voluntary basis. It reads, in part: “Legal tender is money and is not subject to taxation or regulation as property other than money.”

HB2173 previously passed the state House by an overwhelming 34-23 margin. Today, the Senate concurred with a 17-12 vote.

This bill would mark the first step toward currency competition. If sound money is given a foothold in the marketplace against Federal Reserve notes, the people would be able to choose the time-tested stability of gold and silver over the central bank’s rapidly-depreciating paper currency. The freedom of choice expanded by HB2173 can allow Arizona residents to secure the purchasing power of their money.

FK – This is the kind of stuff that starts wars. It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out. I’m betting the governor gets cold feed and vetoes it…