Tag Archives: money

Total Emergency Alert: Elite Now Evacuating


FK – Sounds like good news to me, if it’s true. All the cowardly whores and commie trash(Cameron) are leaving so we can have our country back. So it will be up to that tiny courageous minority to do what will be required.

And after we take our country back we can send spec ops to hunt them down around the globe and bring them back to justice.

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

A Woman on the $10 Bill?

FK – Jackson stood up to the banksters. Think about it…

If we want to remove ‘murderers’ then Lincoln, and Washington and Jefferson and Grant have to go. They all killed for the republic or the empire or for taxes.

We draw our food and water from blood-stained ground our ancestors conquered. They would spit on our cowardice.

This mindless pacifism will doom this country.

G7/Bilderberg Wrap Up – When There’s A Will There’s A Way!


FK – Is your driver going for the Hunter Thompson look?

They may not make the same mistake next year with your ‘press passes.’ Reminds me of a meeting I tried to tape several years back here in Kentucky. Because I was carrying a video camera ‘security’ wouldn’t let me in without a press pass or, I think, my socialist security number. It angered me so much that they tried to make a ‘press pass’ from the ‘official’ and ‘legitimate’ news media a requirement for my exercise of my First Amendment rights that I sat the meeting out.

And I’ve had a ‘real’ press pass. It’s like a license to own or carry or use a gun. I have one of those as well. A right applied for is a privilege. But that’s the situation we’re in because the stupid sheeple go along with it, that’s what’s truly so disgusting about it.

It’s all just a big game and the newswhores know it. They get off on the reflection from the ‘stars’ they cover. Plus most of them don’t mind being slaves as long as there’s corn in the trough.

But there are more of you now and you have a venue we didn’t have, beyond video tapes at gun shows and fax machines. Don’t allow them to steal that from you, at any cost. And prep for what will be required. Our domestic and globalist enemies have invested too much time and money and effort in their evil plans to just walk away because of a few protesters.

Or maybe the newswhores are into the game for other prizes:


FK – Is all this being released now to instill fear in the average dumbass so they won’t fight back?

Religion has always been a tool for the manipulation of populations. Most mainstream ‘Christians’ now believe basically three or four things: 1. We’re gonna get beamed up soon so we don’t have to do anything but; 2. We must pay our taxes and obey the government because the Bible commands it and; 3. “There ain’t nothin’ you can do about it cause it’s all been written down,” and; 4. It’s all in god’s plan and it’s his will so we shouldn’t or can’t fight back.

They send their kids to the govt. schools because they are forced to, and teach them on Sundays that none of this matters because they’re gonna get beamed up soon, yet tell them to get an ‘education’ so they can get good ‘jobs’ and buy all the stuff we think we have to have now, while slaving our days away for the workaholic assholes who own/run the corporations and who would trade us all for third world desperate peasants or robots if they could.

The synopsis of modern ‘Christianity,’ in fact for all its existence, has been “Be a good slave, you’ll have paradise in the next life.” I know, I was raised in that ‘thinking'(loosely defined).

I’ve heard this crap all my life and it disgusts me beyond my ability to describe. They want us to fear and obey them, The religions, which were either created for this purpose or were infiltrated and altered for this purpose, exist to serve this purpose.

Societies, cultures, nations, need a basic ‘morality’ and all, even the communistic ones, have one, or at least attempt to. Did the Roman empire survive for hundreds of years based on its monotheism? Hardly. Their republic was killed off after about 80  years, like ours, then they continued under a series of dictators.

Now we are allowed to ‘vote’ for our dictators which are appointed by our elites behind the scenes. The average dumbass goes to vote every four years for a ‘savior’ that’s telling them the same lies the last one did, and promising to wave a magic wand and solve all their perceived problems, and they go along with this for decades without catching on. How pathetic.

It’s just not in my abilities to put a smiley face on all this…

How The IMF Really Works


FK – I feel punch drunk…

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives can’t be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serous problem.

Senators Sell Out America To The Highest Bidder


FK – How much longer?


FK – Why waste money on keeping the trash in prison? This is another fine example of why we need a granite gallows in front of every govt. building and a militia force in every county to make sure the gallows don’t fall into disuse.

The sheeple fully deserve what’s coming, for their apathy and cowardice:


What Deep Web’s Director Learned Investigating Silk Road

Silk Road Was Just Another Tech Company

Outside of the tech press, Winter notes, a lot of the media coverage on the Silk Road has been “drugs and guns and hitmen—just wildly off-base.” Off-base, he says, because when he started interviewing the people who knew Silk Road he didn’t see an outfit that was all that different from those littering Silicon Valley. “I started to meet all these core architects within the Silk Road: vendors, engineers, sellers, administrators, people who were helping with scaling,” he says. “It’s obvious in retrospect but it was just like any large tech company. But it was just not represented that way in the media, so even I was caught off-guard.”

FK – It’s all about keeping the skeer on while pretending to do something about a phenomena they really can’t and maybe don’t want to control…

Leaked Documents from Bilderberg Group Show Secret Plan for New World Order


FK – What the common folk often don’t understand is how adept the elites are at ‘planning.’ Not that they’re perfect at it, but they have the time and resources and inclination for it that the average dumbass never will.

Who Owns the Federal Reserve?

FK – So what banks/shareholders are the dividends paid to? Follow the money…

Is this true?:

The Insanely Profitable Federal Reserve

Or this?:

Fed Sent $77.7 Billion in Profits to Treasury Last Year

Or this?:

Chart of who “owns” the Federal Reserve

Or this?:

Who owns and controls the Federal Reserve

“Unfortunately, Mullins’ source for the stockholders of the New York Fed could not be verified. He claimed his source was the Federal Reserve Bulletin, although it has never included shareholder information, nor has any other Federal Reserve periodical. It is difficult researching this particular claim because a Federal Reserve Bank is not a publicly traded corporation and is therefore not required by the Securities and Exchange Commission to publish a list of its major shareholders. The question of ownership can still be addressed, however, by examining the legal rules for acquisition of such stock. The Federal Reserve Act requires national banks and participating state banks to purchase shares of their regional Federal Reserve Bank upon joining the System, thereby becoming “member banks” (12 USCA 282). Since the eight banks Mullins named all operate within the New York Federal Reserve district, and are all nationally chartered banks, they are required to be shareholders of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. They are also probably the major shareholders as Mullins claimed.”

Read the rest of that one.

I’ve been hearing this stuff for years. I’ve never seen documentation that ‘proves’ it’s the Rothschilds or whomever. Maybe one of the various books on this subject proves it one way or another. It’s been years since I read Devy Kidd’s booklet on the subject. I don’t remember to what level she addresses ownership.

Or maybe this one?:

Who Owns The Federal Reserve?

Or maybe we need to look at other things:

Meet America’s Money Masters


How To Fix America


FK – I’ve said before that things have gone ‘too far’ and have for some time been trying to tell those who claim to love Liberty that it will take more than a few election cycles to fix this mess if it can be fixed. The recent action or inaction of the republicrats after re-taking the Senate proves this. We’re gonna have to go up there, not packin’ signs.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. If you have that you have a serious problem. We have a serious problem….

Globalists Using Muslim Terrorists as Pawns

FK – Nothing new about proxy wars and the mindless falling back on mythology in hard times, per the comments below(follow the link). If this country is to be saved, if the Bill of Rights, what makes us ‘exceptional,’ is to be saved, it will take that tiny minority standing up and doing what will be required.

I’m not a billionaire and I can figure it out:


FK – How can someone that ‘smart’ not have known what he was doing when he voted for the Marxist mutt the first time around?



FK – The collapse has been on-going for decades. For me it started with NAFTA(passed by the party of the little man). That changed things around here when the factory was sent to Central America.

I find it amusing that the commies and the ‘one percenters’ are fighting over a $15 minimum wage when many factory workers in this state don’t make that and are forced to work 12 hour days. The elites want desperate workers who will do or say anything to get or keep a job.

What about the comparison between the stock market and the Baltic Index?

The Hitlery will do the same thing the Marxist mutt has done: Wake lots of sheeple up, piss lots of people off, sell more guns and ammo than her husband ever thought about and maybe, just maybe, awake enough to what will be required.

A republicrat NWO hack in the now red house will put the brain dead tea partiers back to sleep or send them back to the golf course.

Time to throw a rock in the mudhole:


FK – Anyone for boiled frog?

The war will be here soon. If not just prepare your tongue for boot lickin’.

Commiefornia will have to be re-invaded and re-conquered and the commies there eradicated.

There aren’t enough cops or soldiers to police the coming police state. We outnumber them. Remember that.

China Export Shipping Declines by Two-thirds

FK – So much for China running the world? Who will be running ours? Not us if we don’t stop waiting for the world to end.

McConnell Might Save Obama’s Trade Deal — and Lose Senate in 2016

FK – Which tells us they don’t work for ‘us.’ I didn’t vote for Mccommie.

After NAFTA was passed by ‘the party of the little man’ American corporations didn’t move their factories out of the country because they felt sorry for the peasants in foreign lands. They want workers who will do or say anything to get or keep a job, show up on time and never ask inappropriate questions.

They’ve long had some workers around here on 12 hour days. It’ll be 16 eventually, as in China.

None of this will get better until enough figure out that we outnumber them and the upper middle class, the people with the brains and the money, figure out there’s no more corn in the trough. Until then it may be a rough road.