Tag Archives: minds

Social Media Alternatives: Minds.com with Bill Ottman


FK – The goal from the beginning has probably been to shove the dissenters off into a dark corner of the web where the average dumbass sheeple will never go.

I’ve yet to use an alt social platform that matched the convenience of fakebook or twatter or gootube. Well some of the vid channels work similarly to gootube but so few viewers, which is where the powers want us.

Minds seems to require payment to get my post into feeds. Never get any hits from them. Their token or whatever thing is poorly explained as usual. I don’t have time to research all that crap.

All this besides the fact our domestic enemies could be behind many of these alt sites as well. Gab or Medium or whatever it is is full o’ commies.

Radicalization is a term used by the controllers. The Founding Fathers were radicals. They overthrew via the spilling of blood millennia of ‘god-appointed kings.’ They killed government employees, a process that history shows always has to be repeated.

Reddit is ran by commie trash. Check the name.

What a nation of pacified morons we have become.

Welcome to a nation of morons

Welcome to a nation of pacified morons or WHAT MUST BE DONE NOW!

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Want to Know What’s Gonna Happen November 4th, 2017? NOTHING!


FK – This is a test, and only a test, to see if we can create panic on social media. The drill is over and the sheeple graze on. We will still be slaves next month, the month after and on and on, and no one is gonna get beamed up.

Trump needs to bring the troops home and have them hunt the communist globalist leadership.

As we speak, the culture war continues:


FK – We’re all basically a bunch of spoiled children existing in a bubble unique to our time. Human history is slavery, high infant mortality, high child and adult mortality, orphans, step parents, marriages of convenience because in the not-so-good ol’ days there had to be a husband and wife unless an older child could take on the responsibilities of one or both of the parents.

They didn’t have a redneck mecca full of processed foods and cheap China made junk to shop in either. A trip to the county seat and back might take all day, or much longer. Before that it was the village and the local land Lord who our ancestors had to pledge allegiance to.

There was no welfare state that paid the stupid and the lazy to breed in the name of creating inter-generational parasites that could be counted on to be dependable constituents for the demonscat party.

Trump won partly because he’s a famous billionaire. Simple fact. That lent credence to what he claimed during his campaign regardless of the fact he had NO POLITICAL RECORD to back any of it up. Why do you think the ancient tribal propaganda promises those who seek ‘paradise’ pearly gates and streets of gold?

The beat goes on:

FK – As I predicted Trump would throw a few bones to the ‘conservatives’ or whatever and overall things would continue as usual, slavery and injustice for all. Now go pledge allegiance to that flag.

Trump as click bait, and other thingsā€¦

The most important things to do