Tag Archives: military



FK – If this is real and the commies and NWO hacks in our govt. are allowing it to happen, who are our real enemies?

Mexican Authorities Say ISIS Camps Located a Few Miles from Texas and New Mexico

Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By Feds on US Border—Ft. Bliss Increases Security

Infowars Reporter Featured in New ISIS Propaganda Video

Direct link to the alleged new raghead vid.

FK – Who’s allowing this? Who are our real enemies? Don’t be suckered into looking for them in caves on the other side of the world. They’re right here. If 9/11 wasn’t an inside job someone certainly knew it was gonna happen.

What are they really prepping us for?


FK – And something more recent:



FK – Do the alleged raghead infiltrators have this much ammo?:


Chief of Staff: U.S. Army at 33% Readiness

In a speech last week, U.S. Army Chief of Staff Ray Odierno said that budget cuts were negatively affecting unit readiness in addition to downsizing the Army to historically low numbers.

“Right now, we are at 33 percent readiness,” Gen. Odierno said, referring to the Army’s 32 Brigade Combat Teams.  “What keeps me up at night more than anything else is that I might get a mission to send some of our soldiers and we haven’t properly trained them or given them the right equipment to do their job.”  Now at less than half the desired level of readiness for its Brigade Combat Teams, the U.S. Army should be maintaining 70 percent readiness, he said.

“If sequestration occurs [in 2016], for the next three to four to five years, we’ve moving towards a hollow army,” Gen Odierno said in a January speech.

Since Gen. Odierno became the U.S. Army Chief of Staff three years ago, the Army has shed 80,000 troops, with another 40,000 likely to be dropped through attrition.

FK – Sigo(a commenter) is right. But I must ask what if the general is just lying in the hopes for a budget increase? How is ‘readiness’ really defined? Readiness for what? A two front war? Civilian insurrection? Or just more of the same NWO corporate profiteering we’ve seen for decades?

If some are right when they claim the Marxist mutt fired the officers who won’t go along with its plans then just how ‘hollow’ or hollow headed or hollow hearted is the military?

Why Is the Pentagon Moving Communications Equipment to the Cheyenne Mountain Complex?

So You Think The Military Won’t Kill U.S. Citizens?


FK – Do the privates know when it’s time to shoot the colonels? That’s what matters.

US Army Refuses to Address Concerns Over Texas Being Labeled “Hostile” Territory

We need millions more like this, for what will required, whether we ‘want’ it or not:

FK – It’s not a ‘belief’ honey, it’s FACT!

Government watches the rise of well-armed American militias (VIDEO)

Several States Considering Bills to Stop Federal Militarization of Police

FK – I personally don’t care if the cop has a bazooka in his trunk as long as he respects my right to own one. Without the Bill of Rights and Liberty in their hearts, they don’t need any badges or authority over anyone…


Utah bikini officers? Ogling Utah officers allow bikini babes to fire their guns

Utah officers, hot under the collar? A pair of Utah police officers, suckers for a group of bikini clad girls, have been suspended for allowing the beachwear babes shoot off their “guns.” The men were engaging in firearm practice when – in a very beer commercial-esque moment of lascivious spontaneity – a busload of babes in bikinis rolled in. The officers, clearly overcome by the moment, handed over their police-issued firearms to the chesty chics, who blew off a few rounds while the men sat and “supervised.”

Writes The Associated Press on March 8, via Fox News: “The Utah Department of Public Safety imposed the discipline in December on Rob Wilkinson, a Utah Highway Patrol sergeant, and Justin Hansen, a State Bureau of Investigation agent. Wilkinson, who received a three-day suspension, and Hansen, who received a one-day suspension, were at the Big Shot Ranch near Grantsville in June when British bikini models posed for photos and were videotaped firing guns for a calendar called ‘Hot Shots.’”

Wilkinson and Hansen each were cited for “bringing discredit” to the force, and because they actually appeared in the related video made by “Hot Shots,” for “wearing their uniform during a promotion for a product.”

FK – We know what the ‘product’ is but what are they really selling?

The queen and the “Liberal”(commie) trash in their govt. were probably angry that some of their subjects got to touch a weapon of any kind, that not being the best way to keep us enslaved.

Over here it’s about simple human biology and envy…

Any publicity is good publicity?

Don’t watch this unless you want your man card punched:

FK – I’m thinking I may have posted this a few months back when the story about the guardsmen broke. Oh well, it didn’t hurt me to watch it twice.

The Truth About Spock | RIP Leonard Nimoy


FK – I’ve already forgotten about the white bear. What does that mean?

All characters in plays are abstracts. Spock’s sacrifice is something most don’t understand. The Federation is a military order. In war soldiers often report they’re fighting for their brethren in war, not some higher cause.

Watching the original series re-runs beat going to church on Sundays after I got old enough to begin to see through that bravo sierra. It gave far more hope for the human race than billions being burned alive in fire forever.

I didn’t realize then how over-acted/overdone the acting/dialogue was. Ditto for the 90s version. Now I think I prefer the older one as the FX seem less hokey now and more nostalgic. Voyager was PC crap.