Tag Archives: mexico

Giant Plasma UFO Over Arizona! Secret Hologram Test? 12/1/16

FK – Looked more like a cat than a craft sitting on that.

Have you heard of the Thunderbolts Project? Maybe you should ask them what they think.

What is really out there?:

FK – Yeah the Maya were really good at peace and love with their human sacrifice and constant war with their neighbors.

There are no guarantees that this phenomena means anything. There certainly are no guarantees that ‘contact’ will be peaceful. If humanity were ‘forced’ to finally openly admit and discuss this it’s unlikely the ‘discussion’ would be peaceful unless the ‘aliens’ came down and ruled us with an ‘iron rod.’

We’re poised to kill millions or billions over whose sadistic god will get to burn billions alive in fire forever so it’s unlikely we’d all ‘agree’ on what the watchers are or want. Doomsayers would sell many books most likely.

They could just be space kids playing games with the tool-making monkeys.

What we can do in our back yards:

FK – Has the military learned how to direct that beam yet? What did they really do with the files they stole from his apt. after he died?

Trump’s Muslim Ban in Action

FK – Trump is a ringer, faker or something like it.

One wonders what he plans to do about all the black Muslims in the large cities, many of whom actually believe the crap that spews out of Farrakhan’s mouth. Have you researched him any or listened to their radio programs? I would assume the district of commie criminals is eaten up with it.

There are millions of ‘christians’ who aren’t burning witches but should we deport all of them because of the few who might? I’m sure some would if they could get away with it judging by a lot of comments I see online about various issues. After all the catholics’ infant baptism isn’t a symbolic act. The protestants only wait until they’re a little older so they can scare them into it.

All this is distraction to keep us from attacking our real enemies, our domestic enemies that wear expensive suits and carry smart phones and call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ and ‘businessmen.’

We’re still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark age.

Who’s our greatest enemy? Those who build the Trojan Horse or those who open the gate? Nothing will get better until we stop worrying so much about the fundie ragheads and start rounding up and at the least deporting our real enemies, our domestic enemies.

So who or what is our real enemy? A tiny no. of fundies who manage to kill a few mush heads now and again or our own white home-grown “Liberal”(commie) trash that works relentlessly to disarm and thus fully enslave millions?

Colonial Williamsburg’s Nutshell History: The History of Legal Immigration


FK – About halfway through you get the current spelling right: ‘amerika.’

The rest is half history, part propaganda, but then it’s ‘all’ propaganda.

Should’ve mentioned all the socialists who came over after the 1848 failed socialist revolution in Europe and helped elect Lincoln.

Most amerikans don’t know what real freedom and Liberty is since many to most would likely describe themselves as ‘free’ when we’re anything but.

The ‘civil rights’ movement was communist insurrection plain and simple. The commies, evil authoritarian trash that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ when they’re anything but want the modern illegals here so they can get them to vote commie. Simple fact. They are waging war on this country, its Bill of Rights, which is what makes us exceptional, and human Liberty, because they hate all the above.

We can’t call them traitors even though most of them were born here, because trash can’t be a traitor to something it hates.

And I suppose I have to state this for the sake of the simple minded: If I could snap my fingers and each time exchange some of our white “Liberal”(commie) trash for any real human of any color from anywhere who wanted to come here and live in real Liberty I’d wear them out snapping them. That would be a better magical solution to what will be required but alas we don’t have any magic handy.

Our ancestors fought a bloody 8-year war to gain us our independence from monarchy, the ancient rule of god-appointed kings and some semblance of human Liberty which a few have been trying to expand ever since while another minority works to annihilate it and the majority sits back and ignores the process or pretends it’s not happening because it’s easier.

Make no mistake, we must have a similar though probably far bloodier restoration in our future, or future generations will have to be issued knee pads for that is where they will be spending the majority of their time.

Johnson’s welfare state has had the exact result it was designed for: creating generational parasites to be guaranteed constituents for the Democratic party. They started paying stupid lazy sheeple to breed and knew full well what the results would be.

“Diversity’ like ‘democracy’ is a key term used to manipulate the simple-minded, like the narrator of this vid.

Others are so close yet so far:


FK – The tumor put down it’s roots long before you or I were born. It will take considerable blood to extract them.

Obama’s Amnesty Agenda Exposed By U.S. Customs Agent


FK – (The only other comment on this vid when I viewed it was to use the FEMA camps for the illegals. This is my response)Most of them are just pawns, like the ‘troops.’ Who are our real enemies? Who or what ideology wants the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie? Use the FEMA camps for our real enemies, our domestic blood enemies with white skin who were born here and who decades ago infiltrated every institution with the goal of subverting them. Throw the assholes who hire the illegals in there with them. Then we can hold the treason trials.

See what our domestic blood enemies’ ideological brethren are doing in Europe:


FK – Why does western civilization and those who claim to love human Liberty tolerate this garbage? Cowardice, plain and simple.


Will America Dump Trump?


FK – I can’t imagine being constantly afraid for 4-8 years that whatever is on the top of Trump’s head might decide to fly off to its home planet at any moment…

And fences work both ways. End the policies that attract the illegals. Stop the commies from registering them to vote. Look at commiefornia. It’s already gone and will have to be re-invaded. Bring the troops home, activate the militias and take our country back.

What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter:

Questions for your candidate

Trump On Hillary: Worst Secretary Of State In History


FK – The problem is the idiots keep voting for a candidate to “…make amerika great again…” No president is capable of that, well unless we get one with the backbone and gonads to do what will be required, which I’m not holding my breath for. Even Paul doesn’t have that much courage. We are a nation of cowardly whores.

I was going to lead this post with a Rand Paul vid on Trump that showed trump harping on the klintons and what nice ‘people'(loosely defined) they are. Then I noticed Paul has disabled comments on that vid and apparently on others, ticking off a lot of YouTubers and would be voters. I may be a past voter because of it. We’re truly in the shit can on this prez election cycle. But then that’s really nothing different.

Free speech is what the internet is. If Paul or his lackeys don’t get that they have a serious problem and deserve no more of anyone’s support. Holding their feet to the fire means just that.

Putting another NWO RINO hack in the now red house will only put millions of ‘conservative'(loosely defined) idiots back to sleep as they saunter off to the couch or the golf course or the fishin’ hole or the stock market, whatever their thing is. Hitlery in the now red house will at least keep everyone awake and pissed off and learning, and they all have so much more to learn in order to accept the reality of what will be required.

Tell Congress to End Sanctuary Cities

The recent shooting death by an illegal alien who had been previously deported from the U.S. 5 times, highlights the federal government’s refusal to enforce our country’s existing immigration laws. Please end the existence of so-called “sanctuary cities” by supporting S.1842 that would require cities and states to cooperate with federal immigration agents.

The Obama Administration’s recent decision to end the Secure Communities program that allowed federal immigration agents to detain illegal aliens held at state and local jails is only part of the problem. More than 200 cities refuse to cooperate with federal immigration agents, and the Obama Administration has done nothing to prevent them from doing so.

But Congress shares the blame as well. For years, bills have been introduced to end “sanctuary cities”, but lawmakers have done nothing. I urge you to prevent future tragedies committed by criminal illegal aliens and support S.1842, introduced by Sens. Jeff Sessions and Ron Johnson, that would end “sanctuary jurisdictions” once and for all!

FK – Click on the link, send the message…

What is a #Cuckservative?

FK – Makes me wonder how many of the congress critters are on the payroll. What she may not understand is how deeply the ancient tribal propaganda is ingrained in millions of brain dead blindly obedient amerikan ‘children’ of the hebrew god. For many of them, it’s basically all they know, beyond what it takes to survive day to day or pay off a mortgage. It’s easier than thinking.

I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Cuckservatism: Response to Taylor Millard

The Conscience of a Cuckservative

FK – I can’t abide mindless hatred of any person or group because they were born a certain way. But that’s not what this should be about. It’s about culture. Human culture, planet wide, is still very primitive and we still exist in a very dark age when billions find it acceptable that their god, that’s ‘their’ god, which was patterned after ancient tyrannical kings that said “Obey me or I’ll torture and/or kill you,” will burn the vast majority of humans who ever existed alive in fire forever. How disgusting.

Hitler was a socialist and as a consequence an authoritarian thus for the benefit of the mindless and the brain dead I have to state I could never countenance many of his actions but that doesn’t mean he was wrong about every thing. The German people choose the lessor of two evils, the Nazis vs. the Bolshevik Jews. Think about that the next time you vote for one of the approved candidates in a presidential election cycle. Vote for the lessor of two evils long enough and eventually you get more evil than you can handle.

Every day we creep closer to the time of choosing between death and viciousness.



FK – If this is real and the commies and NWO hacks in our govt. are allowing it to happen, who are our real enemies?

Mexican Authorities Say ISIS Camps Located a Few Miles from Texas and New Mexico

Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By Feds on US Border—Ft. Bliss Increases Security

Infowars Reporter Featured in New ISIS Propaganda Video

Direct link to the alleged new raghead vid.

FK – Who’s allowing this? Who are our real enemies? Don’t be suckered into looking for them in caves on the other side of the world. They’re right here. If 9/11 wasn’t an inside job someone certainly knew it was gonna happen.

What are they really prepping us for?


FK – And something more recent:



FK – Do the alleged raghead infiltrators have this much ammo?:
