Tag Archives: mexico

The Social Conditioning of White People?


FK – This is communist propaganda. Call it what it is.

Gee, a Kennedy lying. Imagine that.

This is all distraction. We should be hanging our corporate commie globalists not keeping up with the latest scandal or waiting for the world to end.

What can I do?

As our ancestors conquered we must be ready to defend or we will be conquered. Or maybe we already have been.

Why are we pushing democracy when we’ve lost our Liberty?

“Democracy is the road to socialism.” – Karl Marx

So when will the republicrats repeal the 16th amendment and the evil gun laws and pass a constitutional amendment to ban socialism?

Why are we REFORMING COMMUNISM? WHY is NO ONE asking WHY we HAVE an income tax?

Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!

The most important things to do

The only real reason for the militia

A few things that might matter, or ‘The Basics’ part two

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

They consider us to be livestock. All they do must be assessed with that fact in mind.

West Point Promotes Communist Army Officers While Persecuting Patriots


FK – They probably just think the name ‘che’ is cool. If he had been named ‘Howard’ like the duck forget it.

We allegedly have ABM systems to deal with the Russians, Chinese, et al yet we’re supposed to get all excited about pudgy man who probably can barely hit Japan? What’s the real reason for all this distraction?

Fences work both ways. Search ‘iron curtain.’ If a wall is built it needs to be around the district of commie criminals and other major east and commie coast cities. Then we can stock the enclosures with endangered carnivores and forbid the commie citiot trash from carrying or possessing any weapons to protect themselves from nature’s course.

Some of the Trump groups I’m in on fakebook certainly are very ‘cult like.’ I was kept out of one because of a meme that compared Trump to former prezzes. Go figure. Maybe the trump heads will wake up soon and realize the agenda is Liberty and restoring the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, not hero worship.

Hitler and Stalin were ‘great.’ Greatness without Liberty is an empty ship of state bond for the rocks.

Attempting reason with communists and many ‘conservatives’ is akin to slitting one’s wrists and jumping into shark infested waters.

We must make amerika free again.

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Army Opens Investigation Into West Point Grad For Promoting Communism

FK – There’s no such thing as a right to work covertly or overtly to to enslave those around you. Has this trash yet taken an Oath to uphold the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional? If so it’s guilty of treason and should be tried and executed.

More importantly has Trump removed all the commie Marxist mutt appointees from the military? If not why not?

West Point grad Army officer is ‘official Socialist organizer’ who spreads Communist propaganda relentlessly

Army officials condemn West Point grad for pro-Kaepernick tweets

The Problem With Libertarians

FK – Most sheeple can’t define libertarianism much less spell it and they’ll never read Mises, Rockwell or Rand. That’s why the republicrats and demonscat and Trump ‘spin’ their positions.

And they’re infiltrated, like all the rest. So why do the corporate commies support commie globalists? Is it just the ‘corporate welfare’ or ‘war for profit?’

Full-blown anarchy would result in China openly running commiefornia or in commiefornia becoming another Venezuela, or both, to be followed by the rest of us.

What was that book a few decades back about learning everything one needs to know in kindergarten? Cultures rarely practice what they claim.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

The killer bees of fake news

The killer bees of fake news
Barry Bright – March 3, 2017

Several years back I ate in a small country restaurant in Western Kentucky near some spot-on-the-road town that had its 15 minutes, or paragraphs, of fame framed on the diner’s wall.

The story was from what passed as ‘fake news‘ in those days, at least in the mind of the average sheeple, one of those checkout line tabloids that regularly broke stories about three-headed alien babies visiting the White House.

Allegedly there had been an attack by ‘killer bees‘ in the area, and some people really were stung by honey bees or hornets, I forget, but it wasn’t the big deal the ‘reporters’ had made it out to be.

People actually bought those papers or they wouldn’t have been printed. Sheeple actually believe a lot of garbage or it wouldn’t be produced, sometimes for centuries, or spewed from the mouths of educators, preachers, entertainers, newswhores or politicians.

That stinging story did the same thing all propaganda does in mixing fact and reality. As in there really is a UFO phenomena that most don’t want to think or talk about because it makes them uncomfortable, and for years before the internet politicians would regularly run campaigns based on nothing more than ‘change’ or lower taxes or ‘helping the poor’ or some other simple-minded goobledygook.

Politicians got away with their subterfuge because the average voter, then as now, would rather die than think or take on real personal responsibility for the world they exist in. They often just want to vote for “…the man that’ll “do somethin’ fer me.

We have a representative republic here, not a democracy, which means we elect supposedly superior, educated, thinking, logical, talented, honest, experienced, successful members of our insane human cultures to make important decisions for us. Take all that with a buck-fifty to the truck stop and they’ll give you a cup of coffee.

This means it’s incumbent on the rest of us to pay attention to what these elected public SERVANTS are doing for and to us and to hold them accountable. This is why I’ve maintained for some while now we need a granite gallows in front of every govt. building and a local militia force to make sure it doesn’t fall into disuse.

But back to the newswhores. While working as one back in the 80s I saw that a lot of garbage is produced in the name of meeting deadlines and justifying paychecks. Now we have an internet full of it and an unsuspecting public armed with brand new smart phones that are not only introducing them to the very useful global encyclopedia that is the internet but all the shiny baubles and dark corners that come with it, or rather that come with real freedom and Liberty.

Back in the 90s the net was mostly patriots or at least it was to me. It was the only place to go for ‘real’ not commie or globalist, now ‘fake’ news.

Actually it’s laughable that the mainstream newswhores tried to label us as fake. But that’s a discussion for several books. I explained my reasons for this website several years back, in my early stages of waking up.

We’ve had the internet for 20 years now so in reality there’s simply no excuse for the willful ignorance I see around me every day. But the smart phone phenomena is stressing how many had never owned personal computers or how many have gone on line over time and been exposed to realities they didn’t want to deal with so they shut their computers off and went back to reality TV or sports or soaps or church or whatever their favorite brain-numbing garbage was/is.

Now that smart phones are part of most sheeples’ daily reality they’re also on the social sites or whatever and sometimes seeing bits of information their little brains repel from because it doesn’t mesh with what they’ve been spoonfed all their existences at home, in school or Sunday school or on the evening propaganda cast.

Part of this as I’ve experienced recently is the habit many have, developed along with the skill of texting, of reading a headline and emotionally reacting to it, leaving a nasty response, or an emoje or whatever, without bothering to actually follow a link and turn their inner brains on long enough to actually analyze what someone is desperately trying to get them to understand and share.

My mistake is in assuming that I’m dealing with intelligent adults on fakebook and other places that realize a header might not represent all the info contained therein.


And we let them vote.

Back to the ‘fake’ news. How to tell if a news site is ‘fake’:

Since propaganda, and it’s ‘all’ propaganda, without exception, is a mixture of ‘truth,’ or ‘facts’ and reality, what exactly is fake? This is another subject we could spend years and countless nights around campfires maybe pointlessly arguing over.

Let’s just go ahead and realize that the globalists and the commies and Marxist front groups they fund are and have been working covertly and overtly to enslave us all for decades, really centuries. Those who claim they want to return us to some sort of global plantation, if we’re not already there, are not far off the mark.

In fact, as I’ve written before, we are there.

With these realities in mind, a short guide to how to judge ‘fake’ news:

In journalism school we’re taught that a good reporter looks for the ‘who, what, why, when, where and how.’ Later on with experience a reporter learns to look for the funding and to develop an inline lie detector because most interviewees will be lying about something, either directly or indirectly.

All the ‘isms’ ignore those aspects of human nature/behavior they find inconvenient.

If a story doesn’t have a good representation of some the above w’s and an h or two that’s a bad sign. The net nowadays is full of he/said she/reported and so and so’s cousin, employer, political or religious savior or whatever claims this or that. Sort of like how it’s always been but now the average mush head is much more exposed to it than they were in the check out line.

In the last year or so there’s been almost an explosion(one of those dramatic words we writers like to use) of ‘conservative'(loosely defined) or patriot or whatever ‘fake news’ sites. Beforeitsnews comes to mind. Go study their ‘style.’ That’s what I’m writing about.

Then go read something on the new yawk slimes. That’s the opposite end of the spectrum. Their ‘journalistic style’ may be impeccable but they’re still lying garbage that should’ve been lined up against the wall or walked up the gallows steps long ago.

See how hard and easy this can be?

A professor in college told us to not be afraid to ‘read along the fringe.’ I have no clue if he’d think I stepped off the fringe into free space long ago or not. I wouldn’t know/understand/still wonder about what I do now if I hadn’t. But one still has to use some form of judgment.

Now for the easy part: Just because you’ve always been told something is/isn’t true doesn’t mean it is/isn’t.

Just because a headline or article seems to ‘attack’ your newest or oldest object of worship doesn’t mean it really does or isn’t doing what all ‘real journalism’ should be doing: not letting anyone, or any institution, or group or government or ideology off easy.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group or an individual whose motives can’t be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem. In fact we have several.

Human history is a story of climbing out of a well of darkness where some think they were told they deserved to be tortured alive in fire forever for choosing independent thought over blind obedience. Sadly many are still there and will waste their time in this world waiting for it to end. And we let them vote.

Others blindly put their blind faith and blind patriotism into Earthly or otherwise saviors who are no more deserving of it than any god.

Climbing out of the well involves clinging to all sides when the occasion demands. Sometimes there are poisonous snakes on one side and killer bees on the other and there’s always casualties.

And as the ancient book of tribal propaganda claims, I think in this case very truthfully, “They shall cry ‘peace’ and safety,” and there will be none.

We’re better off demanding Liberty, and justice for those who think they can make a living lying the rest of us into their version of slavery.


We have become the product, and thus the news:

FK – Schmidt worked to get hitlery elected. It should be hung the same day, on the same scaffold.

We’ve all been turned into mental goldfish so we can focus on the clickbait?

I’ve certainly become more picky about what I call a ‘friend.’ Most ‘friends’ end up expecting me to be like them and sadly most of the time there’s little to nothing about their existence in this world that I envy. Here in the suburbs of podunk finding someone who can have more than a 30 second conversation about something that actually matters is a lifelong quest in itself. The cities aren’t much better in reality. The average sheeple would rather die than think.

The net is a tool like any other that can be used for good or ill. The mistake is that we as the common sheeple allow evil players into our systems and our elected public servants assist them in their evil in the name of false security.

Let me know when I can have my own stand alone holodeck.


How long till we’re all sitting on the curb?:


FK – Anti-war left dead as a dodo? Really? WTF planet are you on?

Wanna bet Soros or whatever rich sick globalist bastard succeeds him will have commie robots on the streets carrying signs and demanding ‘just-us?’

Those without the intelligence or skill sets to run the robots can return to the land and garden for a subsistence. Just ask the Venus project or whatever. Of course they also want to bulldoze all the major cities! :0

What about those who watch NWNW on their TVs? They can be hooked up to computers and thus the net now ya know. I’m watching this and other YouTube propaganda on a 24″ monitor which at one time was a ‘big’ TV.


And I’ll admit I did forward this on fakebook. Even if he didn’t say it, it’s easy to imagine him or his former ‘friends‘ doing so. And the sad truth is it’s not far off the mark.

Trump dares you to read/watch this!

Well, here we go again. I don’t apologize, not one damn bit.

“There is one source, O Athenians, of all your defeats. It is that your citizens have ceased to be soldiers.” – Demosthenes

Is it a conundrum or blatant deception? Only time may tell…

FK – I agree with him up until the large numbers he’s claiming for child trafficking and ‘organ harvesting.’ Sounds like stuff you’d see on ‘beforeitisnews’ or some such. How about some real documentation for these claims? I’ve been hearing this kind of stuff for years and never seen any real proof of it.

When a kid goes missing around here all hell breaks loose. Could CPS siphon off a few as is often claimed or from war zones? Yes, but I have a hard time with the numbers. If the numbers really are that high I’d start looking off planet for the real reason.

And I wasn’t surprised when Trump won, well a little, but only because I wasn’t sure how effective the demonscat party’s vote fraud would be. Without that I figured, with the way Trump took the primaries, from some very ‘good'(loosely defined) candidates, like Paul and Cruz, he’d have no problem beating the pants off hitlery. Not that we’d like that visual.

This is an extremely dangerous time, even more so than I’ve been claiming in the past. Trump could declare almost any group to be ‘the enemy’ and his glassy-eyed followers would go along with whatever he did to it.

Just post something like this in certain groups on fakebook and see what the reaction is. Much of the time if the header is trump negative the morons won’t even follow a link. They’d rather die than think.

And the ‘left/right paradigm’ may be a created fiction but the fact remains that if millions or billions believe a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you over it that makes it very real.

Accountable? If we’d held the last several prezzes accountable they’d all be dead, executed for treason and waging war on the Bill of Rights and human Liberty. But this is no longer a nation of men.

We, the tiny minority that actually gives a damn, have this horse. We need to ride it. If it’s possible we must get millions of Trump’s voters, those intellectually capable, to melt down the republicrats’ phone lines, in congress and in their state legislatures, and force them to restore real Liberty here.

If not the next time the “Liberal'(commie/globalist) trash lies its way back into power it won’t hold back.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

More on the so-called ‘false left/right paradigm’:


FK – It’s called blind patriotism. And western civilization HAS BEEN OVERRUN by the globalist communist insurgency, no matter how ‘real’ or not you think that is nor who really started or funded it or funds it now.

When millions or billions believe a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or enslave you over it that makes it very real.

We’ve had the net for 20 years. It’s easy to learn how evil the twin evils of socialism and gun control are yet the amerikan communist insurgency keeps trying to shove both down our throats at the point of a govt. gun. The young ones may be ignorant through indoctrination but the older ones know full well the evil they do.

Our failure to hunt them to extinction is why our country and our Liberty is dying. Recent elections have replaced one form of authoritarianism with another as usual but it pales in comparison to what the insane ‘left'(communists) would do to us all if they had full control. Simple fact.

Look at Europe for the results of their rule. Multiple generations of morons have tolerated their evil in the name of feel-good mindlessness and now willingly invite an ancient known evil across their borders that will in time destroy them and what is left of human liberty in those lands. Simple fact.

Yes, as I’ve been trying to tell the cowards and morons in the ‘tea party’ and ‘patriot movement’ and ‘conservatives’ and now ‘alt right’ is that no matter who won the last quadrennial quest for the idiot vote the outcome would be civil war.

Lot’s of ignorant 19-year-olds die in wars. Lots of old veterans choose ignorance all their lives and refuse to attempt to understand or accept that maybe ‘their war’ was just another war for profit or empire. Amerika’s military hasn’t fought a war for profit since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

The gap will be bridged by flesh and the trench under neath will be flowing with blood, as it always has in the past. We’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

What too many miss is both sides love ‘the state.’ The only difference is in what aspects of our existences they wish to control/restrict. A large part of recent republicrat success was due to the commie propaganda and activism over ‘gay,’ or ‘transgender,’ so-called lifestyles and in this state ‘gay marriage.’ Voters here consider themselves to be religious for lack of a better word and they are led around by the nose by the ancient tribal propaganda much like many Trump voters are by his rhetoric. Both are looking for an easy answer to their problems that will allow them to avoid taking on personal responsibility for the world they exist in.

Let’s accept for the moment that communism was a created force, by the elites, for their own designs. All they do clearly shows they view us as livestock, whether they abuse us through communism, fascism, corporatism or whatever other ism. All they do must be judged by this fact and the realization that they will accept nothing but submission.

They want jackasses they can beat that will thank them for the opportunity or nowadays robots they can turn on an off on a whim all in the name of getting richer. The game hasn’t changed, only the technology and phraseology.

Both(all) sides rely on fear and ignorance, which varies from individual to individual.

I’ve been watching this ‘open communication’ for 30 years. They’re still telling the same basic lies because they know a new generation of mush heads are always coming up, many they generated them selves via the welfare state and the govt. schools and universities. The older generation of mush heads is usually dominated by those who really pay scant attention to politics and thus never really catch on to what is being done to them as long as they have steak, ice cream, color tv and grandkids to spoil and of course a socialist security check that they think they ‘earned.’

And I must ask, what kind of ‘anarchist’ is he? A real one who truly wants ‘no govt.’ or a commie one who only uses ‘anarchy’ as an excuse to overthrow ‘the system’ so he can install his commie system? I figure the former since he’s at this conference but nowadays all bets are off. Infiltration is one of their favorite tools.

We need to focus on how to win this war if we truly want to be free, or go shopping for a good set of knee pads because both ‘sides’ will have us bowing to one sort of god or another.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

The patriot newbie guidebook

Where are our real enemies?

Disruptive Technology and Free Energy Under Donald Trump?

FK – While ‘free energy’ sounds wonderful I have to ask a few basic questions:

What would happen to the global human population? Would it crash, remain the same or would the rats start breeding to the point that we couldn’t find solitude on the highest mountain?

How do we know these other ‘beings’ have our best interests at heart? Maybe it’s in their interest to hand the tool using monkeys a toy they’re not ready to play with yet?

Hell, millions(billions) can’t make a logical rational decision before they enter a voting booth and we’re thinking about handing them the keys to the universe? I don’t think so.

What will these ‘free energy devices’ cost? How will we prevent the corporations and banksters from obtaining the patents and charging a lifetime of payments for one?

Free energy or cancer cures won’t mean squat without real Human Liberty.

What to teach your kids

Hey Donald: You Can Be a Citizen of America *and* a Citizen of the World!

FK – Well let’s see, a demonscat congress passed NAFTA and Bill Klinton signed it and bragged about it after declaring during its first campaign that it was against it.

The republicrats control the congress and ostensibly the now orange house and many state legislatures and are still balking at doing what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed. They don’t even have the courage to repeal commie care or the gun laws or shut down the IRS or the Fed.

Libertarians have a great ‘philosophy’ that human kind is clearly too backwards to understand much less accept at this point. Israel’s prime minister has just announced he wants to base their law in the Talmud while commie morons in this country say they’d have no problem with Sharia law and judging from many comments I see on fakebook and other social sites on a regular basis many ‘christians'(very loosely defined) would return to burning witches and other undesirables if the opportunity presented itself. And we’re supposed to think we’re ready for ‘open borders?’

Fences work both ways, search ‘iron curtain.’ American corporations didn’t move their factories after NAFTA was passed because they felt sorry for the peasants in Latin America and Asia. They wanted ‘compliant'(desperate) workers who would do or say anything to get a job, show up on time, do what they’re told and NEVER ask inappropriate questions, and oh yeah, put up with ridiculous work hours and ridiculous wages.

Don’t believe me? Go spend some time in an industrial setting or delivering freight.

They’ll do the same here if they are allowed to get away with it.

So human nature being what it is, supremely fucked up and slavish, I don’t expect to live to see the situation improve markedly. The blind faith so many put in Trump, and hitlery and the Marxist mutt and Bush the second and various versions, sub-versions and subversions of sadistic gods that were patterned after ancient tyrannical kings sadly proves this.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

And don’t miss this:

Is There Any Such Thing As A Principled Politician Anymore?


YOU Will Be Paying for the Wall

FK – Just wait till the commies force us all to go solar and then come up with a scheme to tax our use of sunlight.

Taxing the wind will be easier, we’ll just install a meter into the mouth of every piece of “Liberal”(commie) trash. That will be the ultimate ‘free’ energy.

The tariff seems high but that doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be one or labor laws to protect workers here and abroad. They’d have us all on 16 hour days if they could get away with it, living down the sidewalk from the factories, earning just enough to go in debt at the company store. Kinda like now.

Until they perfect mechanical robots to replace the biological self-replicating robots that have gotten out of hand.

But sometimes we get lucky:

FK – One less commie is always a good thing.

I invented the concept of “Liberal”(commie) trash season years back to ‘deal with a problem,’ the plague that is killing western civilization.

Eventually their limitless arrogance will startle the sleeping giant that is ‘middle’ America out of its slumber and they will begin to hunt amerikans.

Or maybe not:


FK – “Liberal”(commie) trash season. An idea whose time is way past due.

And we should start at the top:


FK – Will Trump survive to preside over the war crimes trials or have the courage to do what will be required?

The Millions Year War

FK – So explain this:

FK – Or maybe some of us will be going there:

NAFTA Works. Just Look at Texas

FK – So has the average wage increased or kept up with the devaluation of the dollar in this country since NAFTA? What about other benefits? Have work hours been reduced or increased, i.e. are workers forced to do more overtime and thus have less time for themselves and their own goals?

What about the average wage in countries American corporations moved their factories to? What are work hours/conditions like there?

The factories weren’t moved because their owners felt sorry for the peasants and wanted to provide them a ‘better life.’

I find it sad that the commies want a 15 buck an hour ‘minimum wage’ when many factory workers in this country don’t earn that much, while destroying their health in one way or another in the name of keeping a job(just over broke).

They don’t call us human resources because they value us as human beings. If it’s not OK for our governments to treat us like jackasses then it’s not OK for our employers to treat us as such.

Most sheeple have jobs because they’re poor and need money to exist not because they give a damn about the corporate ‘mission'(someone else getting richer). Yet we’re expected to lie at job interviews and say how much we ‘want’ to waste our time in exchange for money on that assembly line, in that warehouse or in that truck. Simple fact.