Tag Archives: mask non compliance

The gates of hell are closer than most think

In fact they’re right behind us:

FK – Wait until she sees what’s happening a couple years or less down the road. 

AMA teaching doctors how to LIE to the public about covid, instructing them to claim all hospitalizations are “deaths” from covid

“I guess we’re all, or most of us, the wards of that nineteenth-century science which denied existence to anything it could not measure or explain. The things we couldn’t explain went right on but surely not with our blessing. We did not see what we couldn’t explain, and meanwhile a great part of the world was abandoned to children, insane people, fools, and mystics, who were more interested in what is than in why it is. So many old and lovely things are stored in the world’s attic, because we don’t want them around us and we don’t dare throw them out.” – John Steinbeck, ‘The Winter of Our Discontent’

Science like religion has always been politicized because politics is human nature and it touches all. Science was possibly from the beginning a weapon, from the atlatl to the bow to the trebuchet to gun powder to the rocket to the bioweapons.

When I joined the empire’s military back in the 80s I accepted the reality that I might be killed, physically or mentally maimed, at that time hated, because Vietnam was still in the minds of many.

I thought at least in part that it was the right thing to do because I thought that everyone should have the basic skills necessary to fight for freedom when necessary.

When I got involved in the patriot movement and later trained with the militia I knew we didn’t have the largest air force, navy, tax base, whatever on the planet to back us up and might well have all that against us. I simply knew it was the right thing to do.

That turned me into an ‘extremist‘ in the eyes of the empire’s military.

Many of the soldiers and marines are proving what they are by taking the vax to keep their paychecks and retirement plans. They will murder who they are told to murder to defend the evil empire and the Marxist globalists who hold the other end of their leash.

Their ultimate master, money, the real god of this world regardless of pretense, will soon arrive and demand its due, a blood sacrifice possibly far greater than any that has come before. it’s generals, or wives, depending on the situation, fear and willful ignorance, have long worked their magic.

At least half the population has to be lied to, to exist only with the mythologies they are accustomed to: that their governments care about them and work for them; that there’s a a sadistic bronze age god that will save them from its wrath, in reality from themselves; that the corporations that hire them really care about them, sell them the best products and provide them the best job and life available; that the establishment mainstream newswhores, from the local rags to the radio stations to the big city papers to the national broadcasting corporations are presenting them anything close to reality. How pathetic.

So many are too blindly stupid to grasp that the importance of being aware not only of what’s going on in the county govt. but what our evil empire has been doing to other countries and peoples for generations.

All the ‘woke’ morons, the blacks, minorities, white hipsters, gays, trannies, and on and on will like the poor working class whites be cast aside when no longer useful to their users. They will all be shot into the same ditch as the reactionaries.

Those who have been fighting this domestic war for decades, generations, are always surrounded by morons who allow a tiny minority of elite evil to rule them, grossly ignorant of the fact they outnubmer them and grossly apathetic of their right, duty and responsibility to do anything about it.

The ignorant and the desperate are always the best tools for the control grid and those who seek to rule.

The willfully ignorant sheeple fully deserve what’s happening here and what’s coming. 

In Feb. or March of 01 I sat in a meeting of Kentucky State Militia leadership. We were told via ‘govt. contacts’ that in August or Sept. of that year there would be a major event with a major change in law to follow.

The anti-patriot act was written before the alleged ‘terrorist attack’ and none of the republicrats that voted for it read it. It’s thousands of pages long and has targeted real Americans as much as so-called ‘terrorists.’

The federal bureau of instigators have been directly involved in most ‘terrorist’ incidents in the country. They provided the truck and material for the first World Trade center bombing.

If the military were fighting for our liberty they’d all be here, hanging their superior officers and those creatures that fund the Marxist globalist front groups, foundations, mainstream propaganda outlets such as national propaganda radio, the commie news network, faux news and on and on.

Why was building 7 of the World Trade group intentionally demolished? When were the explosives planted there?

The world is not what they teach you in school, Sunday school, or boot camp.

I cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope and King unlike other men, with a favourable presumption that they did no wrong. If there is any presumption it is the other way against holders of power, increasing as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it. That is the point at which the negation of Catholicism and the negation of Liberalism meet and keep high festival, and the end learns to justify the means. You would hang a man of no position, like Ravaillac; but if what one hears is true, then Elizabeth asked the gaoler to murder Mary, and William III ordered his Scots minister to extirpate a clan. Here are the greater names coupled with the greater crimes. You would spare these criminals, for some mysterious reason. I would hang them, higher than Haman, for reasons of quite obvious justice; still more, still higher, for the sake of historical science. – Lord Acton

Few understand how deep our state is:

Deep State, Deep Trouble

FK – While I agree with this in spirit I must point out that we have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them.

Jan. 6 came and went as did Jan. 20 and no one lifted a finger to stop an obvious blatant steal.

I saw a young tall slender man of military age wearing a t-shirt yesterday that read “I identify as vaccinated.”

It’s apparently supposed to be satirical but I don’t see it as funny. Most are too stupid to understand it.

If it’s not satire what kind of creature would wear it? One that would happily stand guard at the camps for the un-vaxxed?

We are just inside hell’s front gate and most, especially those who claim to love freedom of some sort or other, are too delusional to see it much less to understand what should have already been done about it.

How we got here:

Cloward-Piven Strategy

FK – When they gain full control they’ll shoot the minorities, the trannies, the gays, the poor white working class, and on and on into the same ditch with the reactionaries because they are no longer useful.

Any future UBI will be tied to some sort of ‘social credit score’ and those who think outside the system will find themselves without a check.

When the social safety net is created it is by necessity tied to political power. Only those with a criminal mindset pursue such because all they want is to RULE.

The Tyranny Is Just Beginning

Generals: We will murder real Americans

Who and What Is Tearing the US Apart?

FK – We’ve already reached ‘dis-union’ but there are no men left here to do anything about it.

The Covid Empire Strikes Back; Rebel Patriots Dig In

It is so much darker than I thought…After talking to active duty military guys.

FK – The vax is a bioweapon and the key to all this evil.  ‘Brainwash’ intones there was something there to remove and replace.

There’s nothing new about the indoctrination, all education is indoctrination by default. Back in the 80s when I was in there were plenty of Marines who would kill whomever they were ordered to kill.

Militaries are usually mostly made up of the less educated less intelligent lower castes who are more likely to do what they’re told because they’re stupid and desperate.

The problem is the morons of this country allowed the Marxist globalists to build and run the schools and infiltrate the universities. It’s not what they teach but all they intentionally don’t teach that does the damage.

You can’t tell a pig in the hoglot to care about the mountain spring it’s never seen and never will.

I’ve always tried to deal in reality, which always makes me unpopular, especially among ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ who are basically cowards. If they weren’t they wouldn’t run like scared cats at the sound of the ‘m’ word.

I used to sell t-shirts from my website years ago with pictures and quotes from the Founders. When I made one with a Jefferson quote about the militia almost no one would buy it.

Cowardly whores are what we have here and they all fully deserve what’s coming.

We have more guns and gung ho ‘patriots’ than 20 years ago but still no men/adults with any real conception of what will be required.

Got DARKER…HR 4350 passed house…Section529A final nail in the coffin for our military.

FKSo what is the ‘definition’ of ‘extremism?’ We know they’d hang Paul Revere.

How Americans can resist coronavirus shot mandates – a comprehensive guide

Black Lives Matter NYC Leader Promises “Uprising” Against City’s “Racist” Vaccine Passports

Why is the FDA funded in part by the companies it regulates?

Stop Both H.R. 3684 and S.Con.Res. 14 so-called “Infrastructure” Bills

“Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders in  House Bill

DECERTIFY: Arizona Audit Finds Trump Won State By Large Margin

FK – Vote fraud is as old as the republic but never has it been so blatant and obvious. But still we lack the men to do what must be done.

Most would rather die than understand much less do anything about it:

FK – We’ve been played for many multiple generations.



Listen Up! A Respiratory Therapist who Got Both Shots Gives Alarming Advice!

FK – I just can’t feel sorry for any of them anymore. We’ve had the net for 25 years. There’s absolutely no excuse for blindly trusting any authority or mainstream source. 

Approximately 70 people die from COVID vaccines every day in America – VAERS data

Large Israeli study: Natural immunity provides 13 times more protection against Delta than Pfizer’s vaccine does

(STUDY) Why so many vaccinated people are getting sick: Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE)

List of deaths and injuries following COVID-19 vaccination

VACCINE REBELLION: Growing number of US states are refusing to go along with Biden’s covid vaccine fascism

There is no “Delta variant” – no clinical test can diagnose you with “Delta” and the entire narrative is a media-fabricated scam

FEAR-BASED pandemic goal: Create “novel” viruses, then reduce world’s population by several billion by scaring everyone into taking deadly vaccines

COVID HOAX: Study reveals 40-45% of coronavirus hospitalizations are actually due to other causes

After throwing them in covid quarantine camps, German government also STRIPS prisoners of compensation payments to bankrupt them

NZ Government Murders a 13 Year Old With the Jab and Tries To Cover It Up, Plus 37 Other Deaths, in NZ, With Mainstream Media Help

Vaccination could jeopardise our natural immunity to COVID-19, virologist cautions

Stronger, More Robust Natural Immunity Thwarts Any Case for “Vaccine Passports”

Italian Student Tattooed Covid Vaccine Certificate QR Code on Arm

Harvard Professor Says Coronavirus is Enough Reason to Destroy the Constitution

Surgeon General Murthy on Biden’s Vaccine Mandate: ‘A Lot of Businesses Are Actually Relieved’


FK – No one with a brain can be ‘at peace’ in these times. 

The Covid-19 Vaccine: Is The goal Immunity or Depopulation?

Former Pfizer VP: ‘No need for vaccines,’ ‘the pandemic is effectively over’

FK – The less intelligent will take the vax and not breed. Maybe that’s a win-win.


FK – The federal bureau of instigators serves the evil ones. 

PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings “Vaccine is Full of Sh*t”

FK – Now ask what all this is really about and who or what released the bioweapon…

PART 2: FDA Official ‘Blow Dart African Americans’ & Wants ‘Nazi Germany Registry’ for Unvaccinated

FK – Be brave. Form or join your local genuine peoples’ militia and train to do what must be done. 

Some countries are deeper into hell than us:

Australian police have started arresting journalists

FKIf you have ‘free speech’ and a ‘free press’ why do you need a ‘media card?’

Being in a western ‘democracy’ is part of your problem. Democracy is only a semblance of liberty, another form of manipulation. 

“It’s scary”: Police swarm shopping centre with helicopters, drones, and horses

Because the other day they admitted this:


FK – The aussies surrendered their guns without hunting their domestic enemies. They fully deserve what is being done to them. 

The same will happen here for there are no men to stop it:

SHOCKING! Australia Brazenly Announces New W0rld 0rder!

FK – One wonders if the NWO sent that witch to the farm for spilling the beans. 

ALERT: They Just Announced It Will NEVER BE OVER!

FK – I knew that over a year ago. 

Not medical advice. But remember, they call it ‘practicing medicine’ for a reason:


The details:



And here at home in our republicrat legislature:

Kentucky is Screaming

FK – They don’t call us consumers and human resources because they value us as human beings. 

Amid surging COVID-19 cases, five Kentucky school districts make masks optional

Exposing Propaganda For What It Is

FK – “The truth is the best propaganda.” – attributed to Adolf Hitler

What’s the real purpose of the bioweapons?


Former FBI Chief ADMITS Government is Involved in Most ‘Terrorist’ Attacks!

How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed


Hurricane Larry Thinks It’s a Blizzard – Hottest Summer On Record Once Again! – Askja Volcano Update

FK – In journalism school the editing professor told us the average reader only sees the headlines and a graph or two of most stories. The propaganda doesn’t have to be complicated.

And that’s among the ‘educated’ classes that actually read newspapers.

I grew up with a daily propaganda rag coming into the home only because they had threatened to shut the rural route down unless we got more mail.

The rest of the great unwashed or mob heard what the evening newswhores told them as fact if they bothered to watch or what they heard on mainstream radio. In the 90s the big city rag actually published a letter from a woman telling people to buy a shortwave radio, the patriot’s version of the internet at that time.

Now they watch pewdiepie or whatever on goolagtube I suppose. A guy in his 20s told me the other day he didn’t know what a gulag was. He went to college.

They all fully deserve what’s coming.

The puppet was selected, as they all are, in the greatest most blatant vote fraud the nation has ever experienced, and those date back to the beginning of the now dead republic.

What Schools Don’t Teach About Climate Change

FK – It’s always about controlling/indoctrinating young minds. The ancients knew it, the catholic church knew it, the communists knew it and the fascists copied them.

The greater evil won WWII and still rules us.

As the church once said ‘Get them before the age of 7’:



FK – ‘I’ is for indoctrination. It’s as old as the control grid. 

What to teach your kids

Liars lie:

The UNBELIEVABLE Mentality of the MASSES


FK –  This was all carefully planned. I admit I never thought of them using a virus, a bioweapon, to defeat us, a vax, the key to all this…

Not defending the commie rags but anyone could switch a word when writing a headline in a hurry. I’m sure I’ve done it.

Why expect them to do anything but lie? It’s their nature. Why do anything but hang them?

There are no men here.

The real crime:

What Jacobson v Massachusetts Actually Says Will BLOW YOUR MIND!


FK – It’s a bioweapon on a bioweapon that was intentionally released. On that alone no patriot with a brain should take it.

Plus there are no men here to stop this in the way it should be stopped. The self-proclaimed ‘good people’ massively outnumber the minuscule no. of trash behind all this.

The blood is on their hands for not hanging the Marxist globalist elite garbage from trees and light poles coast to coast and border to border.

Have you read ‘Hamilton’s Curse?’

The problem with this country goes back to the beginning. The anti-federalists rightly insisted on a Bill of Rights to protect us from a poorly written constitution that some intended to use as a springboard to tyranny.


A little history:

CIA’s “Operation Cyclone” in Afghanstan in 1980’s

FK – And they just helped arm them again. 

Operation Cyclone

All for a few dollars more:

UNRAVELLING the American Drug CARTEL in Afghanistan | REAL MATTERS

FK – I heard a few years back that the laundering of drug money was all that kept the banksters afloat in 2008.

What’s the real origin of all this?:


FKThey know this empire is the walking dead and most of the sheeple here are oblivious.

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

The fate of all empires:

The Roman Speech That Redefined Liberty – Cicero | REAL MATTERS

FKAnd here we are…

A little black mask humor:

‘I’ll write a cheque’ to anyone who can decipher what Biden’s trying to convey: Panahi

FKWhat free world?

What if this history is true?:

How Britain Turned America into a Passive Tax Farm

And some more:

Donald Trump – World Class Con

The same ones that control him likely:

GOP Senator DEMANDS to Know Who’s Controlling Puppet Biden


FK – The amerikan sheeple are responsible because they have not been hanging their communists especially the evil scat that funds them and their front groups, NGOs, and foundations and propaganda arms.

It was time to ban communism 90 years ago:

The AZ Audit Arrives


FK – Don’t worry, we have no men here to do anything about this. Let them prove me wrong by forming or joining their local genuine peoples’ militias. 

Arizona Senate Report on the Maricopa County Election Audit Highlights 49,000 Questionable Votes, Asks AG to Investigate

What do we think of ourselves?:

Russians about Americans, LGBT and family values

FK – America was destroyed from within. amerika the empire will soon follow. We don’t have the ‘liberty’ we’re supposed to have and most are grossly ignorant of this fact or simply are too cowardly to think about it or act on it.

We’re supposed to have a representative republic where all are born responsible but most flee from this responsibility like rats from a fire.

Most amerikans like most humans are sheeple as we call them. They graze and breed and die for the most part and put little thought into why.

The biowar which probably originated here is being used to destroy human civilization as we know it.

Most amerikans can’t afford to travel the world or even if they can don’t bother unless they’re from the educated classes.

Many amerikans stay in or near the place they are born, whether in large cities or rural areas. Many young people do leave their home towns in rural areas for better jobs or to get an education and seek a ‘career.’

Some amerikans I’m sure travel to other places with good intentions to ‘help others’ in various ways or to spread their religion. But by and large they are ignorant of how much damage our corporations/govt. have/has done around the world.

That old guy is right for the most part. Democracy is another form of manipulation. We are supposed to have a country/governments based on the concept of natural rights, not ‘democracy,’ which is mob rule, the tyranny of the majority.

The presidential election was blatantly stolen and the only ones here that deny this are morons and Marxist globalist trash that as always blatantly lie about everything.

The chick in the black shirt needs to stay off mainstream news sites. All she’s doing is regurgitating.

Many here but not enough take our ‘right to bear arms’ very seriously, enough to go to war over it, as we should and as we have every natural right to to.

We have a Bill of Rights and many states have similar documents that are based on the concept of natural rights and were written to ACKNOWLEDGE rights we are BORN WITH and not granted by any Earthly entity.

You will NEVER see a thorough, proper or truthful discussion of this by any mainstream news source. They are all liars.

ALL HUMAN BEINGS have a natural right to fight back. In fact it’s a duty and a responsibility as well.

Our Second Amendment is a MILITARY document. It reads MILITIA and ARMS which means the common people have a NATURAL BORN RIGHT to be as well armed or better armed than the police or the military so they can meet them in battle and destroy them when necessary.

That’s the BASIS of liberty, freedom, and nothing else. Our free speech is not for reciting poetry on the sidewalk. It’s for telling those who would rule us that we can and will DESTROY them when they overstep their bounds from being SERVANTS and seek to become rulers or masters.

Our country is so far gone that goolagtube(youtube) may delete this comment, because they are evil and serve the globalists garbage that works relentlessly to enslave humanity.

Our evil communists started calling themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ to hide their relentless evil from the ignorant and the desperate they depend on for votes.

Again, you CANNOT depend on ANY mainstream interpretation of what American or amerikan ‘values’ or whatever are or are supposed to be, if for no other reason that so many amerikans are grossly ignorant of their own history or the form of government we are supposed to have here.

The only ideology that matters is freedom. The Founding Fathers as we call them were radicals who overthrew the millenniums old notion of the right of divine rule or ‘god appointed kings’ who used religion along with the church to rule and decide what ideology the sheeple followed.

Those who didn’t go along with the program paid the price.

Our ancestors used their guns to kill British soldiers who had been sent over to keep them in line. That’s why we must stay armed now. But sadly our enemies have been successful and we have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them or we already would be.

The more I listen the more I hear that your young people are being indoctrinated in the same evil that ours has. But then education is always indoctrination by default. It’s content is usually decided at least by some degree by those who rule or seek to rule.

Tolerance is just another word the evil ones use to control the minds of those they would make into subjects. What they really mean is tolerance for whatever agenda they are pushing at the time.

When they gain total control they will shoot the minorities, gays, trannies, poor white working class and on and on into the same ditch as the reactionaries. Power is their only real goal.

Washington is a state and like all states was once considered a ‘nation state’ unto itself or should have been. The 13 colonies certainly viewed themselves as such in the beginning.

The Washington District of Commie criminals is one of the great centers of evil in the world.

There were presidents before Washington, of the Continental Congress, before our current constitution was created by some nefarious Founders who didn’t value liberty as much as the Anti-Federalists who rightly insisted on a Bill of Rights to force the federal government to ACKNOWLEDGE our natural born right to hang them high when necessary.

It’s way past necessary.

Lennon was shot in amerika. He was from England along with the rest of the British invasion.

Again, unless they ACKNOWLEDGE your natural right to kill them when necessary you are NOT FREE!

In reality republic is just a word as is ‘republican’ or ‘democrat’ or any other political term that can have connotations according to who is using it when and where and before what audience.

Real freedom requires real men and adult women to enforce it. Western civilization has ran out of both as far as I can tell thus it is dying. This is intentional and also follows the course of history where empires rise and fall and soon become the dust that swirls around the feet of future generations.

The chick in the black shirt wants to go to the worst parts of amerika because that’s what the mainstream newswhores have told her about.

Propaganda is usually a mix of truth and lies apportioned according to the audience. It’s an ancient game.

During the cold war when I was growing up there would have been great dislike, because of the propaganda, some justified, some not. The average amerikan now probably never gives Russians a thought. They’re too concerned about what kind of ice cream, steak, couch or big screen they’re gonna buy or when they’ll get the evil vax or whether or not to wear a mask even though we know they don’t work.

In the end we are all responsible for what our rulers do. If enough ever learn we outnumber them maybe then things will change for the better and we will exist in a freer world.


We need more congress critters like this:

Win Marjorie Taylor Greene’s 50 Cal Rifle!

FK – Our real enemies are here, not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

Now if we could only find enough men to use our 400 mil. guns.


400 mil guns, no men to use them:

All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

The lies of legislation and history and the cowardly morons that make it possible

A tale of face diapers and poison needles

Yes, LIBERTY is ‘anti-government’ and anti-empire and and anti-NWO

What can you do?:

The road to Hell is paved in compliance


Celebrities, Billionaires, Prepping, Non-Compliance

FK – Politics is human nature and vice versa. I know we’re screwed unless we find enough men to do what must be done. 

Simple answer, ‘No’:

Can You Rely on Your Neighbor? – Small Community Living

FK – Those are nice romantic ideas. Globalism has in reality existed since the camel and boat.

The purpose of NAFTA besides providing cheap desperate labor to amerikan corporations was to bind the nations of the world together so that none of them could stand alone but be dependent on the coming system, the NWO, the great reset, the deep state, whatever name one wants to apply to it.

If the NWO comes to full fruition there will be no little outside groups allowed. They will send their soldiers to round them all up over time.

And since the push has been to ‘prep’ instead of on building the force we so desperately need, a genuine peoples’ militia that could easily outnumber and out maneuver the standing army the Founders so feared, the NWO’s soldiers will find their work fairly easy, from groups of simple-minded pacifists existing in their fantasy land to those waiting to be found in a pile of brass to a few pockets of real resistance that will not last indefinitely because they lack the support system that should have been built decades ago.

But this is a nation of cowardly whores who think more about that expensive pair of basketball shoes, diamond rings, foreign cars, big screen weaponvisions, raw steak, and on and on. Like the Romans what makes them what they are is what will kill them.