Tag Archives: martial law

The Truth About “Jade Helm 15”


FK – The ‘truth’ is a tenuous thing. This is war. That usually means half truths, partial truths and outright deception.

The Mexican Military’s Buying Binge

FK – Who benefits from war? Hmmmm…..

And another version:


FK – Many in the military will simply choose their living or their ignorance over Liberty. Always been that way, always will be. Time to stop asking absurd questions and prepare for what will be required.

Supreme Court: Cops can now do anything if it’s an “honest mistake”

FK – They must really want some to consider that it’s open season on LEOs. What else are we to assume?

Any kind of trash with a good memory can make it through shyster school and kiss the right rear ends and become a black-robed shyster. We the people are the final arbiters of our rights, not some court of whores.