Tag Archives: lord of war

The FBI and Las Vegas Police are LYING!

FK – Who wants to bet it was/is another ‘sting’ either gone awry or what they intended in the first place?

Trust them? I’d be rolling on the floor is this wasn’t all so pathetic.

Whose truth will have authority?

FK – Knowledge has long been power. Most sheeple run from it because knowledge requires responsibility.

Whose version is real?


FK – The only purpose besides general madness for that many weapons in that hotel suite would be for propaganda, so the commie globalist trash can claim, “See, it’s too easy to get ‘weapons of war’ in this country.”

The Second Amendment acknowledges our natural born right to possess and use weapons of war against those who would enslave us or in our case enslave us further. Those that don’t like that don’t belong here.

The commie candidate said it wanted to disarm us.

They restrict our free speech at every opportunity.

They use eco propaganda to control every aspect of our lives.

They lie as easily as fish breathe water and expect our submission.

They are waging war on us all, our Bill of Rights and human liberty.

Why aren’t we hunting them to extinction????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

Is it another false flag?:


FK – We must stop waiting for the world to end and focus on taking our country back so we can hold the war crimes trials and figure out who or what we truly need to hang.

“One of the biggest crimes of the 21st century.” So far.

What can I do?