Tag Archives: long range planning

Secret History of the Order of the Illuminati

FK – All this seems rather fuzzy. Should we return to the time of ‘god-appointed’ kings?

It all likely changes, evolves, from generation to generation as perceived problems and solutions change.

If the Illuminati helped bring about our Bill of Rights, the most precious document ever penned by the hands of men, then that was a good thing. If it helps the tool-using monkeys evolve past the ignorance promoted by religions, and vice versa, that would be a good thing as well.

It’s sad that our history and every election cycle, is a choice of the lessor of two evils.

It’s obvious someone has been busy tearing down western civilization for there are no men left here. If there were we would have a genuine people’s militia in every county in this country and they’d be ready by now to take our country back and hold the war crimes trials and sort out all these ‘conspiracies’ and figure out who or what we really need to hang.

Sadly a tiny minority wastes it’s time in this world mentally wading through what is probably at least partially intentional disinfo designed to distract instead of planning and organizing our own restoration.

If we are lucky enough to drive a stake through the heart of commie globalism, whatever its real source, we could very well replace it with a new theocracy, which of course would be many steps backward.

The republicrats aren’t going to save us and there are no men here to do what will be required.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Destroying Christianity From Within