FK – This is why they wanted your weapons. And you surrendered them without a fight.
When will you realize that ‘democracy’ is what got you in the mess you’re in? Democracy is always ‘all front and no substance.’ Allowing ignorant people who only want a check or benefit to vote is what’s killing western civilization. That’s how we got ‘the worst prez in U.S. history.’
The EU sounds like a trial run for the global govt. the elites want so badly.
When the income tax was passed here it was promised as only a one percent tax on the super rich. During WWII it was put on everyone and never removed even though the 16th Amendment was never ratified by enough states to become law.
“Not paying attention.” Now you’re beginning to catch on. And we let them vote.
Politics is human nature and vice versa. But the audience you’re addressing is too childish to understand that.
And peace is an illusion for children. Peace and love without Liberty is slavery. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.
FK – If Trump finds a way to force the arrest, trial for treason and execution of hitlery and its husband of convenience before the election maybe I’ll vote for him.
Otherwise my standard statement stands:
I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.
They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.
Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.
Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.
Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.
FK – Trump has only proven that he can make money and be an entertainer. I’ve known or known of too many who can do that but are otherwise ignorant of the world around them.
I’m not smart or educated enough to pinpoint the ‘middle ground’ between ‘free trade and open borders’ that the human race is still way too culturally backwards to handle and some system that would keep the corporations and governments from treating us all like jackasses or replacing us with robots which they will happily do as soon as they can figure a way to program them to buy the crap they make for their masters.
I do know this: We must stop choosing from among the various versions of authoritarianism and stop looking for saviors and stop waiting for the world to end.
And we need to elect actual statesmen who understand what the problems are:
FK – And for every law they pass they should be required to repeal 100 laws, for the next 100 years…
Meanwhile let’s mindlessly focus on ‘making amerika great again’ with no clear idea or definition of what that would mean.
It doesn’t mean allowing open treason to continue:
FK – Will the CFR abandon its witch? I’ll believe it when I see it. Will it ever receive the justice it deserves? Only if we ever have a nation of men again.
Others think it may get some version of justice:
FK – The CFR will not likely abandon its witch.
Will justice, real justice, not the ‘just-us’ beast system, be served? Not unless we become a nation of men again and do what will be required.
Is the ‘system’ and are the parties being destroyed on purpose?:
FK – Do the country a huge favor and hand out sub-machine guns at the door. It’ll save us ammo farther down the road.
We are in a very dangerous time:
FK – It’s really very simple: Those who oppose any part of the Bill of Rights don’t belong here, regardless of which demagogue they claim to support.
I’ve been watching this too many years to entertain any fantasies of having anything in common with “Liberal”(Commie) trash other than basic physical needs. Many of these young commies will never change and will have to be eradicated or deported if we are to save our nation.
HItlery and Sanders both should’ve been executed for treason decades ago. If only we had a nation of men.
Trump may actually mean some of the things he’s saying in his campaign, as horrifying or gratifying as that may be. Amerika will likely survive him, four or eight years, or much less. Until enough of those who claim to love Liberty decide to develop the resolve to do what will be required little will really ‘change.’
Oh, but the commies can’t be ‘violent’ can they?:
FK – So sad when they’re so pretty and so brain dead at the same time. But she’s a victim of the govt. indoctrination centers and mainstream newswhores. Do these kids deserve the world they are bringing on themselves and their parents are too cowardly to stop?
Death threats are not OK? Really? What is the IRS or any other agency enforcing commie laws doing when it sends out its black-suited Nazis to enforce the evil laws you and Sanders espouse? Will your socialist system be truly voluntary? Never has before. Your kind killed 200 million in the 20th century alone and is not likely finished.
Anything to do with ‘democracy’ is a shit show. The word ‘democracy’ is not in our constitution. We have a Bill of Rights that is supposed to protect us from such but the reality is it’s our responsibility to protect ourselves from our blood domestic enemies. When will we?
FK – The biggest problem is the sin committed by the author of this column: calling the commies by their cute names and thus allowing them to hide behind them.
The numbers sound about normal to me, many to most young humans(loosely defined) are more ‘liberal’ and become more ‘conservative’ as they age. The problem is we let them vote before they’ve reached mental maturity and we also allow ‘adults’ who’ve never learned to think abstractly or about anything but their own miserable existences to vote.
On top of that the commies/globalists created the welfare state whereby they’ve paid generations of stupid lazy ‘humans’ to breed and then allowed their offspring to vote with full knowledge and understanding of the situation that would create from the beginning.
Nothing will get better until those who claim to love Liberty put on their big boy pants and come to grips with what will be required.
But we are no longer a nation of men are we?
If we were we wouldn’t tolerate this for a heartbeat:
FK – Distraction or an issue of importance or some of both? You decide.
We need to stop chasing all the distractions and focus on re-establishing the Bill of Rights:
FK – So, what are we do? What will be required? Do we have a nation of men to do that? Not yet.
Don’t be deceived and get ready cause no one is gonna get beamed up:
FK – And it still may not be clear after all the dust settles. What matters is whose and how many dead bodies it may settle on.
FK – What you need to know is that the elites consider us to be livestock. Everything they do must be analyzed in that light.
Unfortunately after spending/wasting 20 years of trying to get the average dumbass to disengage its head from its ass I would have to agree on that point. They, the common sheeple, are herd animals mostly only concerned with grazing and breeding and finding a shepherd with a well-trainded sheepdog to ‘protect’ and shear them.
Oh for a nation of men.
This election cycle has done and will continue to do tremendous damage to their party structures. But a listing ship doesn’t always sink. Is this the beginning of the fracturing of amerika?
Or the fracturing of the two-party system?:
FK – Kristol is not a ‘leading voice on the right.’ It’s globalist CFR scat like it’s tool the CFR witch that should’ve been executed for treason decades ago, both of them, and the witch’s husband.
Trump has been dissolving the republicrat party, for better or for worse and will likely trounce hitlery in the fall. But it’s a long way to November.
Many ‘conservative’ republicrats still have their heads up their asses and have a very poor understanding of human Liberty which often stems from valuing ancient tribal propaganda over our Bill of Rights. The Trump vote is probably a stand against this.
But even King David, who was called a ‘man after god’s own heart’ or some such in the atp had his faults. But then that was after the Israelite prophets had tried to warn their people away from having kings for all the things they would do to them.
Oh such sweet irony all this is. If forced to with a gun to my head I’d vote Trump over Romney or any other NWO RINO hack. But we’re not there yet, we just have fed nazis that show up to break their oaths by enforcing evil laws that don’t belong in a free country.
The hitlery will keep ammo and gun sales high and keep building the militias and keep the dumbass ‘tea partiers’ and ‘conservatives’ off the golf course, the couch or their knees and maybe actually paying attention and doing something, like prepping for what will be required.
Whether we’re creating a monster or a mess that can’t or won’t be untangled is yet to be seen. With millions voting for blatant commies we have a lot of rats to run out of the barn, if it doesn’t burn down around us.
I call them the unmentionables. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.
I like how the native amerikans practiced ‘spear control.’ They obviously kept the weapons used by their soldiers locked up in a government armory so they couldn’t be used against the government or other domestic enemies. That’s the way to do it, right?
No. That’s why we keep our spears at home and must repeal the laws that say we can’t possess weapons equal to the common infantry soldier or Marine, because our greatest enemies in this time are here. They have white skin and call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ but those smarter than the average dumbass know they’re really communist/globalist trash that we’ll have to use our weapons on or they will dominate every thing we do, instead of almost everything as they do now.
This is what we’ll have to use them on:
FK – What’s paying this commie trash’s salary? Why isn’t it at the least being kicked out of our country?
Because we no longer have a nation of men.
A little more:
FK – We must dismantle communism in this country or what’s left of America will die and amerika will completely take it’s place.
Will this happen? I don’t see any men who are willing to do what will be required to make it happen.
The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:
Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.
Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ who vote to kill them every time they vote.
Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights
FK – So why is Soros still stealing our oxygen when it so clearly is waging war on this country and its Bill of Rights?
Because we no longer have a nation of men.
Can we convince them with reason?:
FK – Let me help you Julie: The commies infiltrated the schools and universities decades ago. Young adults’ brains are not fully developed yet and most of them haven’t had to pay many bills or take on any real responsibility yet they’re generationally convinced that they’ll accomplish ‘peace in their time.’ In other words, they’re stupid. I’ve watched this for 45 years or so…
You won’t defeat them with reason. Have the highly educated intelligent klintons that know they’re tools for the globalists developed anything resembling a conscience and started working for Liberty after all these years? You certainly won’t convince a lot of them, especially the working class, by bragging about capitalism when so many ‘capitalists’ are allowed to treat their employees like jackasses while making inferior sometimes poison-filled products.
Profit should be great, when earned in an honest way while not taking advantage of others. The problem is that the ‘others’ are often desperate for a job, any job, and they’ll tolerate being treated like jackasses just to get a check, for decades on end. Don’t believe me? Go get a job in a factory for a while or deliver some freight.
To win this war, and it is a war, our domestic blood enemies view it as such despite all their false pacifism and false civility, that’s why they work to disarm us, we need to get all the isms to stop ignoring those aspects of human nature they find inconvenient and to kill off their sacred cows.
If it’s not OK for the government to treat us like jackasses it’s not OK for our employers or any other institution or entity to treat us so.
FK – Oh good grief. Enough already. The commies aren’t interested in ‘understanding the opposing side.’ They intend to destroy us, our country, our Liberty, western civilization, the Bill of Rights which is what makes us exceptional.
When the hell are you people GONNA GROW UP?????!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a WAR!
Oh sorry, I didn’t notice it was a Trump supporter, i.e. brain donor.
The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:
Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.
Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ who vote to kill them every time they vote.
Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights
FK – Every time I read the Federalist Papers I start going “bullshit, bullshit, bullshit’ under my breath because all the things Hamilton said couldn’t happen has happened and far worse. The Anti-Federalists were right.
Capt. Clay Higgins directed his warning at the Gremlins gang, explaining that ten suspected members have been arrested, but seven remain at-large.
The fugitives are accused of committing murders, thefts and drug-related crimes. In many cases, however, victims declined to cooperate with police.
Higgins warned the wanted gang members that they will be brought to justice.
“If you raise your weapon to a man like me, we’ll return fire with superior fire. … I’ll meet you on solid ground anytime, anywhere, light or heavy, makes no difference to me. You won’t walk away,” he said.
FK – One version/edit of what I assume is the original vid in question:
FK – Another maybe well-intentioned LEO that still has some waking up to do.
FK – The amerikan commie lawyers union is sometimes right about certain issues they point out but mostly they’re part of the problem. Does this LEO understand they are a far more dangerous enemy than a few mush headed victims of the commie indoctrination system that were created by the welfare state to be parasites and thus reliable constituents for the amerikan commie insurgency?
Does he realize the ‘drug war’ is as much a part of the problem as the drugs and that he looks as if he’s about to go to war, a posture that’s a direct result of the ‘drug war’ and the police state atmosphere it was created to foster?
FK – Who or what are our real enemies? What color is their skin?
Once again too many are distracted by the outcomes of the amerikan communist insurgency instead of focusing on the insurgency itself:
FK – White men? What white men? I haven’t seen any in quite a while. They’re too busy being whores for the banksters or sitting on their asses waiting for the world to end.
FK – Regardless of how or why Scalia died this creates a very dangerous situation in this country, a country full of morons that falsely think we have to abide by whatever ruling comes down from a commie court. Let me be clear on this:
WE DO NOT HAVE TO OBEY THEM!!!!! The SCOTUS is not the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!
The most important single issue right now is this: When will the so-called ‘good and intelligent’ people congeal into an alternative government with a fighting force that will be necessary to do what will be required?
FK – Read the comments on that one. I’m not enough of a legal eagle to say if this will apply or not. Regardless, my comments above stand.
We MUST draw a line in stone that is etched in deeply enough to carry the blood away. Our domestic blood enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world will NEVER just throw up their hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you. We’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.”
It’s not in their arrogant nature to do such. We WILL have to hunt them to extinction to save this country. It’s time to wake up to this reality.
More funny stuff:
FK – The commies never give anyone or anything a ‘fair hearing.’ If they did they would voluntarily commit themselves to the hangman for they are all guilty of treason and of waging war on us all, the Bill of Rights, human Liberty and this country.
FK – Young idiots vs young idiots. And I must disagree about its future. It could be president one day. Don’t laugh.
Every prez election cycle which amounts to a quest for the idiot vote shows how bran dead millions of the mush heads are, from those who vote just so they can get a check or a job to those who stupidly think that what any prez candidate says during a campaign means anything at all.
What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.
Think about what that means. Think about what it means that they can steal money out of people’s bank accounts because of their corruption. But then who is they? When the sheeple and people fail to hold our elected, appointed and hired public servants accountable they fully deserve what ever is done to them.