FK – And no one is gonna get beamed up. My longstanding standard answer to such:
Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.
It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.
The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?
FK – So what journalist made the contact with the NASA guy? Who’s the real source?
I’ll stick to thinking, not ‘believing,’ that they want us here for some reason, doing what we’re doing. Either we’re their petri dish, their resource or if we’re lucky one of their nature preserves. Or maybe it’s for some reason we’re not capable of understanding.
They may very well allow us to ‘destroy ourselves’ for various reasons. Or they may ‘save’ us to fight again another day. After all we were ‘made in their image.’ Would an intelligent cow love the farmer that takes it calf and turns it into hamburger?
Yet the ‘scientist’s’ words are very arrogant. We don’t even rank as tadpoles in the mudhole and we do lots of stupid things like wage war over whose sadistic asshole of a god is going to burn the vast majority of humans that ever existed alive in fire forever. Sometimes there are real reasons for some humans'(very loosely defined) versions of ‘stupidity,’ i.e. hunting “Liberal”(commie) trash and other authoritarians to extinction would be a good thing.
As always we are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.
Whatever you think about Barack Obama, he is endlessly clever and aggressive in pursuing his political agenda, particularly the elimination of the private ownership of guns.
So we have been watching, with increased concern, Obama’s plan to give up U.S. stewardship over the Internet at the end of the fiscal year –- on September 30.
At stake in the internet controversy is responsibility for an organization called the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). This corporation oversees internet domain names –- who gets them and what they consist of.
After September 30, if the UN assumed effective control over ICANN, it could use its position to ban pro-gun speech on the Internet.
(Already, the UN is pushing massive gun bans and universal gun registration.)
When the government’s contract with ICANN ends, Obama has promised that the UN would not take over its role. But, like virtually everything else coming out of Obama’s mouth, that is a lie.
FK – Most of what comes out of the mouths of “Liberal”(commie) trash is a lie. If the evil creatures couldn’t lie they wouldn’t need oxygen.
A good explanation of what’s happening:
FK – There are plenty of authoritarians in this country who hate the net and want to control it.
Take Action to Prevent Anti-Gun Censorship of the Internet
Click on the Take Action button to email your Representative and Senators. Tell them to tack language onto the continuing resolution prohibiting Obama from effectively turning control of the Internet over to the UN.
FK – Bundy Ranch was open rebellion. The Fed Nazis just didn’t shoot back. Now they’re railroading people into prison, business as usual, and this nation of non-men is doing nothing about it.
Here’s the only thing the ‘vets’ needed to say to the witch: “If you succeed in passing ‘Australian style gun control’ we will come to the District of Commie criminals and build the granite gallows that should already be there and hang you from it. Then we will execute an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we cleanse our land of the plague that is destroying it from within.’
But then most of our ‘vets’ aren’t men either, but cowards and prostitutes. Simple fact.
Anything else the CFR witch says means nothing, anymore than anything Trump says means anything. We know the witch’s record for which it should’ve been tried and executed long ago along with its husband of convenience and Trump has no record of supporting Human Liberty. So this is all a charade, a play put on for fools and children.
Anyone who’s watched this crap, the 4 year quest for the idiot vote, for a couple decades and hasn’t caught on to the sham is in reality lying to themselves, even if only on a subconscious level, because the last thing the average dumbass wants is personal responsibility for the world around it. That’s why they look for a prez or a savior to wave a magic wand and solve their problems for them.
It’s all about fear, and greed:
FK – Because the moronic voters(tea partiers, conservatives, ‘moderate’ commiecrats, etc.) still think our greatest enemies have brown skin and are hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.
FK – I thank you for writing what I have wanted to for months but my level of disgust with the human animal has been too high for too many years now.
If only we could ensure all ‘liberty’ activists would at least read it. I fear it’s over the head of the average dumbass.
Now back to business as usual:
FK – As the old saying goes if you want to know if you can trust the govt. just ask the Indians.
I’m in favor of affordable gas as much as anyone but what price do we make others pay to get it? Do we always just ‘take it’ as Trump wants to do? Is that the ‘christian’ thing to do?
As a commenter wrote in the YouTube comments, the Bundy’s are in prison for allegedly ‘destroying’ native artifacts.
I won’t get into the issue of how absurd it is to pretend that our own cemeteries will still be cared for 100 years from now when most people don’t even know where their own great-great-grandparents are buried. Or how absurd it is when the Indians(native Americans) demand control of all human remains past a certain age because it’s ‘their’ ancestors when their ancestors were just as nomadic as ours. See Kennewick Man.
The sad truth is that for most it’s only about this:
FK – I’ve seen versions of this for years. The question that’s long been in my mind is: Is there enough gold and silver to go around? What would a ‘dollar’ really be worth if we went back to a gold or metal based system? As the old folks around here used to say about the not-so-good-old days – “No one had any money.” Would we be like them? Lots of us have no money now whether we don’t earn it or whether our incomes can’t keep up with our incessant craving for the newest thing.
And there were cycles of depression, boom and bust, before the Fed was created. There probably always will be no matter what economic system we pretend to adopt.
When international exchanges of currency take place it’s usually by electronic means so it’s all ones and zeroes with a label anyway, except for the un-laundered drug money headed to the big banks. I read an article years ago that claimed most U.S. currency is over seas and most of that is counterfeit.
The elites get away with this garbage because they know the sheeple will always just graze and breed and only notice the wolf when it actually looks or acts like a wolf. And not always then…
Who can make war against the Beast? We could if only we would learn that we outnumber them.
Without our Liberty, our supposed riches mean nothing because they can be taken from us on a whim.
Help Deluge Congressional Offices in Favor of Concealed Carry Reciprocity
Congress is coming back into session next week.
And while gun grabbers are going to renew their push for more restrictive gun controls, Gun Owners of America plans to counter by demanding a vote on concealed carry reciprocity.
Over the past couple of weeks, GOA activists like yourself have sent thousands upon thousands of emails to Representatives and Senators, urging them to cosponsor concealed carry reciprocity.
As a result, we were able to double the number of cosponsors on H.R. 923 in just a few weeks.
We now have over 110 Representatives who are cosponsoring Constitutional Carry reciprocity.
But we’re not satisfied with stopping there.
Gun Owners of America is also planning to flood legislators’ desks with postcards over the next couple of weeks.
Our postal mailing is going out the door as you read this email, so GOA members should be receiving their postcards soon.
Your Representative will be returning to Washington, D.C., after the Labor Day weekend holiday.
So call him or her at 202-225-3121 and remind him/her how important it is to get Congress to take up Constitutional Carry reciprocity before the elections.
FK – My congress critter, Whitlessfield, is a lame duck and has been useless. Maybe Comer will do something about this.
FK – Some more background on the evil the pathetic cowardly sheeple of this country tolerate:
FK – The words ‘illegal gun’ are not found in the Second Amendment!
The prez assassination attempt was the excuse. The reason is the communists/globalists want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally see the necessity of doing so.
FK – Someone should tell the CFR witch that a rock in the mouth can help its throat stay lubricated then help it insert a cinder block.
So all Trump supporters are doing is electing another savior without whom we won’t survive? That’s the most pathetic thing, a very obvious thing, I’ve heard admitted in a while.
We should be ready no matter which demagogue is elected. If not the apathetic cowardly sheeple fully deserve whatever they get.
Oh for a nation of men.
THE ONLY WAY we tolerate having a con con is with a militia company outside the front door to arrest and execute any “Liberal”(commie) trash that shows up. But we don’t have the MEN to do that do we?
Johnson’s running mate should’ve already been tried and executed for signing ‘gun control’ in the form of an ‘assault weapons’ ban while it was the governor of a commie state. But we lack the MEN to do what should be done.
Trump has no background that proves what it will or won’t do. It could appoint commie judges in the name of ‘compromise’ just as easily as the CFR witch. It could ‘compromise’ on ‘gun control.’ It could ‘compromise’ on TPP just as easily as the CFR witch or Johnson or any other demagogue.
Only a child thinks anything a prez candidate says during the quest for the idiot vote means anything. What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.
FK – This is hilarious, pathetic and horrifying all at the same time.
But then most of these mal-educated morons weren’t even born when Morrison died.
One wonders if he were alive now and young if he would trade his six guns for a black rifle and lead the Green Berets with a real conscience in doing what will be required.
Meanwhile some young men and women may actually understand what will be required because the outcomes of tolerating “Liberal”(commie) trash are a little more in their face than here. But our time will come:
FK – Thank You. Brought tears to my eyes. I don’t know how many young amerikans will wake up in time to do what will be required, if any. But I don’t think they’ll be able to deny reality all their lives like their parents and grandparents did. It will be in their faces and on their backs like it is in your country.
Do whatever you think you have to do but do it smart.
And don’t let your pathetic pacified cowardly prostituted preachers lie to you:
FK – The communization of the west is what happened. That’s the war. The fundie ragheads are just another symptom. It’s time to dump ‘democracy’ and demand Liberty.
It’s time to start thinking Normandy. Peace won’t fix this.
And if you fear calling the trash what it is and openly publicly saying what needs to be done to it they’re wagging you.
So who are our real enemies?:
FK – There used to be a saying back in the day: “If five Klan members are having a meeting three of them are Feds.”
FK – All this crap including the ‘homophobia’ propaganda is commie in origin. It’s about using any minority with real or imagined grievances to further the commie goal of destroying the Bill of Rights and our form of govt., or what’s left of it, which isn’t much.
We draw our food and water from blood-stained ground. Our ancestors conquered this continent. That’s what happened. We must stop apologizing for it, heal whatever real wounds still exist, and get on with conquering our natural born blood domestic enemies and eradicating their cancerous ideology or we’re not gonna have a country bad or good to complain about and certainly no right left to complain.
More on the complainers:
FK – Regression is the idea. Or maybe they’re all fakers, paid protestors, etc being used in a chess game.
Young ignorant sheeple fall for their crap. Old commies must know what the real score is. They always use minorities with real or imagined grievances to further their goals. The sad fact is that ‘conservative’ and ‘libertarian’ types do often ignore or condone how people of all colors are treated like jackasses in the name of profit. Sad fact.