Tag Archives: liberals

ATF temporarily shelves proposed ammo ban while power to proceed remains intact

Case in point, in April of last year, ATF issued a special advisory banning importation of 7N6 5.45×39 ammunition for the same reasons – that it was not considered “sporting,” that it was considered “armor piercing,” and because “ATF’s analysis also concluded that the ammunition could be used in a commercially available handgun … which was approved for importation into the United States in November 2011.”

“The Special Advisory letter claims that in 2011 a Polish made 5.45×39 Onyks 89S pistol was submitted for import approval by an unspecified entity,” The Bang Switch reported at the time. “It’s so obscure in fact that only 200 were produced in Poland and to my knowledge none were ever imported nor sold on the U.S. market as semi-automatic pistols.”

That hardly matters when the criteria being argued about include concepts like “sporting purposes.” The term appears nowhere in the Constitution, and its first documented enforcement over firearms was in 1938 German law. Likewise, the Constitution is similarly silent on any branch of government, let alone a federal agency, having legitimate delegated authority to override the clear “shall not be infringed” mandate in the Second Amendment.

As for potential armor-piercing capability, the opinion rendered in the Supreme Court’s 1939 Miller decision provides guidance on founding intent. The court held a weapon falls under Second Amendment protection if it “is any part of the ordinary military equipment, or that its use could contribute to the common defense.”

FK – The only ‘sporting purpose’ to the Second Amendment is when the “Liberal”(commie) and other assorted authoritarian trash runs or shoots back.

More on this:

Breaking: ATF pulls plug on ammo ban proposal

Senators’ letter to ATF: Proposed ammo ban ‘does not follow law’

FK – They’ll be baaacckk. You can count on it. The only ultimate solution to this internal/infernal war being waged on Human Liberty and the Bill of Rights will be doing what will be required. After all these years so many are still brain deep in denial of this simple reality.

How Frank Marshall Davis Transformed America

When Rudolph Giuliani mentioned that President Barack Obama, as a young man, was under the influence of Communist Party member and suspected Soviet espionage agent Frank Marshall Davis, Giuliani struck a nerve. In contrast to his claim that Obama didn’t love America, his remarks about the Davis-Obama relationship were not opinion, but fact. That is why a Washington Post fact-checker has been assigned to investigate Giuliani’s claim. We shall see whether the Post, at this late date, covers a story that could have been Pulitzer Prize-winning material more than seven years ago.

As the former New York City mayor noted, Obama’s grandfather turned him over to Davis for mentoring. His black father had taken off and his mother was mostly spending her time elsewhere. But the question remains: what kind of influence are we talking about? Paul Kengor’s book, The Communist: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor, explains Davis’s influence on Obama’s economic views. Rusty Weiss and I quoted Kengor in a piece we did on how Davis’s anti-white racism also influenced Obama.

Less well-known is how Obama adopted Davis’s outlook on sexual matters.

Davis, who died in 1987, was a heavy drinker and marijuana user who wrote a pornographic novel, Sex Rebel, disclosing that he had sex with children, including a 13-year-old girl.

FK – This article and another it links to are interesting and useful but gets turned into a rant on ‘gay marriage.’

What’s amusing/ironic about the ‘gay marriage’ issue is that most of the homos fighting for it are “Liberals”(commies) who have no problem going to big govt. and begging ‘permission’ to be ‘legally’ joined to the person they ‘love’ while many to most of those opposed will also claim to be small govt. ‘conservatives’ who ignore the fact that marriage was once a purview of the church and the church alone. But they have no problem allowing the govt. to decide who’s ‘married’ or not.

I don’t know all the ins and outs of the legalities of ‘same-sex marriage’ as it probably varies from state to state anyway. It’s probably already possible to make almost anyone your beneficiary or power of attorney in most situations anyway. The corporations should be forced to deal with people in whatever way their cusomters wish. The insurance companies in particular are making billions off the fear of the sheeple anyway.

Anyone should be able to name anyone else anything they want at any time, if we exist in a free country. But the homos and the ‘church ladies’ have gotten wound up in a pissing contest over whose god, govt. or some sadistic asshole, is in charge of all our lives. If we existed in a ‘free country,’ world, universe, dimension, whatever, we would be.

This is the best and most informative line from the second article:

“For Communists like Robeson, “democracy” was a codeword for communism.”

Yep, that’s what it is. “Democracy is the road to socialism.” – Karl Marx

The commies sometimes point out real issues, it’s their solutions that are usually evil. One doesn’t replace heart disease with cancer and claim to have really accomplished anything other than providing a longer existence under greater misery.

The Next American War in the Middle East—Let’s Win This Time!

With that Clausewitzian point in mind, we can add a codicil: In addition to making the enemy want to stop fighting, the victor must be able to hold his own political support together. And here, the recent history of the US in the Middle East is not very encouraging. Operation Iraqi Freedom, launched in 2003, was popular enough—even though the mission wasn’t quite accomplished—and in 2004, George W. Bush was re-elected, albeit narrowly. Yet by 2006, support for the war had dropped precipitously, and the voters vented their frustrations on Republicans in Congress; the GOP lost control of both the House and the Senate in those midterms. And even though Bush’s 2007 “Surge” was a military success in Iraq, it didn’t change the domestic politics back home. In 2008, Republican John McCain lost the White House in a landslide, and Republicans in Congress took another drubbing.

So then we saw what happens when political support for a war evaporates. As we know, the new president, Barack Obama, couldn’t wait to get the last US ground forces out of to Iraq. He completed the US withdrawal in 2010, as he had promised to do. In fact, his “success” in withdrawing from Iraq was one of his key campaign planks; the 2012 Democratic platform included a headline praising the 44th president for “Responsibly Ending The War in Iraq.” And with that platform, Obama went on to win a second landslide.


Not surprisingly, hawkishness was on display at CPAC: The February 26 headline in Politico read, “Hawks Fly High at CPAC.” One of those war-birds at the Gaylord hotel, of course, was Marco Rubio. As Breitbart News’s Charlie Spiering noted, “As expected, he featured a robust foreign policy in his speech which is enjoying a bit of a comeback in the era of ISIS.” Yet in terms of upping the ante, Rick Perry flew even higher: ISIS, he declared, is “the worst threat to freedom since communism.”

FK – The worst threat ‘since’ communism? Really? Who are our real enemies? What does Perry think(I’m being gracious toward a NWO hack) is in the now red house?

If the ragheads get a foothold over here it’ll be because of laws passed or not enforced by our domestic blood enemies. Keep the troops home, bring the troops home, and open “Liberal”(commie) trash and Zionist bankster season. Let’s fix our problems here for once.


Why Big Oil Takes Huge Risks In The Arctic


FK – My response to this young propagandist:

You’re not seeking very far. Global warming is a lie. How do I know this? Because the “Liberal”(commie) trash that calls themselves ‘environmentalists’ keep repeating it over and over again.

When I was your age and younger they told us A. We’d all starve to death by now. B. We’d be out of oil. C. We’d be living on space stations.

There’s always been climate change, as long as there’s been a climate. Why don’t you do a show on carbon credits and how much ‘money'(carbon credits) the evil global corporations are making from them and how they’ll be used to control every aspect of our existences in this world. Would your ‘sponsors’ let you do this?

The important thing to remember about the global warming propaganda, and it’s ‘all’ propaganda, is that the “Liberal”(commie) trash who call themselves ‘environmentalists’ to hide their evil will use it as an excuse to control every aspect of our existences in this world. The ‘evil’ corporations love it too cause they can make money off carbon credits and the governments love it because it’s another way to control us all.

Amnesty danger to gun rights conspicuously absent from LaPierre CPAC speech

In his speech Friday before the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Md., National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre discussed a host of issues impacting gun rights, declaring they all depend on each other. Curiously absent from his speech was any acknowledgment of the danger amnesty for illegal aliens with a “pathway to citizenship” would pose to continued government recognition of the right to keep and bear arms.

That’s because credible polling confirms it would add a massive influx of new Democrat and “gun control”- sympathizing voters to the rolls. And that tracks with warnings issued by Gun Owners of America, curiously alone among national gun rights advocacy groups in sounding an alarm.

GOA has warned that the “pathway” will provide for millions of new anti-gun voters with the electoral clout to undo all hard-won legislative and judicial gains gun owners have enjoyed in recent years. That the administration is working toward that goal is corroborated by what Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, the official behind so-called “executive amnesty,” told the United Conference of Mayors, when he maintained that “the approximately 11 million people who are in the country illegally have ‘earned the right to be citizens.’”

Despite knowing this, and knowing that that one of the supposed “pro-gun Democrats” who betrayed NRA and gun owner support has openly proclaimed immigration “will decide who is in charge of this country for the next 20 or 30 years,” the NRA head talked about all kinds of other issues but didn’t breathe a word about amnesty.

FK – The ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group is ran by big money republicrats who put profits and their lifestyles before human Liberty.

Commie watch – The Tea Party is Getting Worse: Media May Want a New Narrative, but GOP is Still Nuts

It’s not over in the U.S. Congress, where a shutdown-in-miniature is unfolding between the White House and the Tea Party wing of the GOP. It’s not over in Wisconsin, where a Tea Party-darling governor is slashing the state university system’s funding, changing its mission statement (while lying about it), and fighting tooth and nail to humiliate people on government benefits. It’s not over in North Carolina, where a billionaire-backed Tea Party government is also going after the public university system in its effort to turn the state into Kansas. And it’s not over in South Carolina, where one state representative hopes to mainline National Rifle Association propaganda to a generation of public school students.

Let’s stick with the South Carolina example for a moment, because I think it tells us much about the contemporary GOP’s character. According to Kimberly Johnson of Al Jazeera America, the recent decision on the part of PTR Industries, a gun manufacturer, to move its headquarters from Connecticut to South Carolina has inspired Republican state Rep. Alan Clemmons to propose what he’s calling the “Second Amendment Education Act.” As the name implies, the bill would “provide all public elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools” with “instruction in the Second Amendment” for no fewer than “three consecutive weeks in one grading period in each academic year.” The curriculum would be written by the NRA, of course.

FK – I knew what the snake flag stood for before the ‘tea party’ was cool. I knew we needed “Liberal”(commie) trash season years ago.

Here’s the article about the “No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group maybe doing something right:

SC bill aims to prove state gun-friendly through NRA curriculum in schools

FK – We need to get the entire Bill of Rights back into the schools and the “Liberal”(commie) trash out of them and into a leaky rowboat headed to Australia. Though sometimes they are partly right about some things:

The Hard Right in Congress Has a Dangerous Plan to Strip American ‘Terrorists’ of Their Citizenship

FK – We should be stripping the hard corps “Liberal”(commie) trash activists, by whatever cute names they call themselves, of their fake ‘citizenship’ and shipping the creatures out of the country. They can’t be traitors, for one can’t be a traitor to something one has always hated. They’ll do the same to us if they can, if they can’t ‘re-educate’ us in a FEMA camp.

Western states emerging as Second Amendment battlegrounds

On Saturday, as reported earlier by this column, critics of the recently-enacted ban on open carry in the Washington House and Senate galleries and during committee hearings in nearby legislative office buildings, will gather in Olympia to challenge the ban. Some will reportedly tempt arrest. There are mixed feelings in the firearms community about the effectiveness of such a move.

Some believe that all of this is building toward some sort of reckoning between gun owners and those who want to abolish the right to keep and bear arms, regardless what they say about supporting the Second Amendment. Ultimately, they may not oppose that right, just as long as nobody actually exercises it.

The West has become a battleground for Second Amendment rights. It’s not so much an urban versus rural phenomenon as it is a battle of values that was inevitable. It’s what the late Charlton Heston called a culture war. It’s not coming to a neighborhood near you. It’s already there. This year in state capitols all over the western landscape, citizens and politicians need to decide quickly which side they are on.

FK – A ‘dangerous criminal’ is presumably but not always someone who has been convicted of a violent crime and is in prison. If we have a ‘dangerous criminal’ in prison that cannot be trusted with weapons why are we letting him out? Why has the ‘pro gun’ community ignored this obvious question for so long?

We need to end the ‘drug war’ and free the prisons up for those who actually belong there. When felons are ‘trusted’ to return to society they need to get all their rights back. No person should be deprived of their right to self defense. If they’ve ‘paid their debt to society’ society has no business treating them like second class citizens.

But then we need to repeal GCA ’68 and the NFA and all the other evil ‘gun laws’ anyway don’t we?

The ‘crime’ issue is a red herring. Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to lower crime it would still be evil.

All ‘gun control’ is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to more ‘control’ until full civilian disarmament is achieved. Thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against Human Liberty and executed.

JPFO had the right idea years ago: Destroy gun control.

In theory, the Milky Way could be a ‘galactic transport system’

“Obviously we’re not claiming that our galaxy is definitely a wormhole, but simply that, according to theoretical models, this hypothesis is a possibility.” Can it ever be tested experimentally? “In principle, we could test it by comparing two galaxies — our galaxy and another, very close one like, for example, the Magellanic Cloud, but we are still very far from any actual possibility of making such a comparison.”

To reach their conclusions the astrophysicists combined the equations of general relativity with an extremely detailed map of the distribution of dark matter in the Milky Way: “the map was one we obtained in a study we carried out in 2013,” explains Salucci. “Beyond the sci-fi hypothesis, our research is interesting because it proposes a more complex reflection on dark matter.”

As Salucci points out, scientists have long tried to explain dark matter by hypothesizing the existence of a particular particle, the neutralino, which, however, has never been identified at CERN or observed in the universe. But alternative theories also exist that don’t rely on the particle, “and perhaps it’s time for scientists to take this issue ‘seriously’,” concludes Salucci. “Dark matter may be ‘another dimension’, perhaps even a major galactic transport system. In any case, we really need to start asking ourselves what it is.”

FK – We can test this easily enough. Send several busloads of hardcore “Liberal”(commie) trash through it. If the aliens send them back we know there’s intelligent life out there. If not, oh well, no big loss to Earth.

Rights rally Feb. 7, I-594 repeal referendum bill announced

A proposed referendum to the people to repeal Initiative 594 will apparently be introduced today by State Representative Graham Hunt (R-Second District), as organizers of an “Our Capitol, Our Rights” rally this Saturday are urging people to protest the ban on open carry in Capitol House and Senate visitors’ galleries, and during public hearings in nearby office buildings.

The ban has drawn criticism from many Second Amendment activists, though others in the firearms community have been critical of the demonstrators whose action set in motion the chain of events. Southwest Washington activist Rick Halle with the Gun Rights Coalition sent an impassioned letter to the Washington State Patrol underscoring his concerns.

The text of Graham’s measure, HB 1886, is fairly simple. It would send the 18-page gun control measure, passed by voters last November, back to the voters at the next general election. Since it took effect Dec. 4, the measure has been publicly ignored by protesters and criticized by some officials, and is the subject of a lawsuit by the Second Amendment Foundation, and several private citizens.

It’s the second such proposal. A bill was introduced in mid-January by State Rep. Matt Shea to repeal the measure outright. Despite support from activists and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, that measure isn’t likely to go anywhere.

FK – Democracy is two wolves and a sheeple voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed patriot contesting the vote.

Our blood domestic enemies know this, that’s why they want us disarmed before enough come to grips with what will be required.

‘One Percenters’ may find escape leads to trap of their own making

Alex Grey Finally Addresses Obama Painting and All Seeing Eye

FK – If these two, uh, idiots at best, voted, if they voted, and if you value your most basic right, the right to self defense, the right to fight back against govt. tyranny, they voted to kill you.

It’s really that simple.

Trash like this hated my Liberty before I finally recognized what it is and what will be required to deal with it