Tag Archives: liberals

Dave and Bill celebrate the death of Sarah Brady.


FK – When ted the red kennedy died I remember ‘conservatives’ expressing their condolences for a highly educated if not intelligent evil creature that had spent it’s existence trying to disarm and enslave them. That was very disturbing and disheartening to me. They just don’t get it.

Our domestic blood enemies spend their elite lifetimes working to control every aspect of our existences in this world. When one of them croaks we should celebrate. It is certain they shed no tears when a patriot dies or when one of their black-suited Nazis or soldiers kills a ‘terrarrrasit'(domestic) or causes ‘collateral damage’ such as the children murdered outside Waco, Texas.

But I expected them to be at the range, not that I mind them drinking Kentucky Whiskey. Maybe we should have an annual Sarah Brady shoot on the anniversary of its death?

US police killed more people in March than UK did in 20th century – report

FK – The numbers are likely true but ‘Think Progress‘ is a commie site. It’s staff and ownership should be kicked out of this country. Yes we can!

The amerikan communist insurgency will happily send the cops and soldiers it professes to hate so much to kill those who refuse to comply with their commie laws.

If you value Human Liberty when a piece of “Liberal”(commie) trash votes it votes to kill you.

Governments will always be able to get guns. That’s why we need to be better armed than they are, always.



FK – That’s ‘commiefornia.’ It will have to be re-invaded and re-conquered.

EXCLUSIVE: Illegal Immigrant with Drug-Resistant TB to Be Released into US, say Congressional Leaders

Lawmakers declare vaccines essential to ‘national security’ after taking money from Big Pharma

Why the Article V Convention Must Be Opposed

The Constitution provides us several avenues to amend, or change it. The avenue most Americans are familiar with is the amendment. The least known, until now, is the convention, also identified in Article V. The convention, known in this day as the Convention of the States (CoS), would be convened for the purpose of proposing amendments. Is there anything else that could happen? I can’t say for sure, but consider this: if the US Government had any chance of ridding itself of the chains that Jefferson prescribed, do you think it would take the chance? Any way to rid itself formally of the Bill of Rights?

Who would be sent to this Convention? Remember, if the Article V machinery is sent into motion, think about who will control it? Our current federal government? How many times have you been frustrated with the failure of congressional leadership in both houses to uphold their oaths, or to put our interests first? Guess what? They’ll be forming and planning the convention. Uh oh. There are several pieces of state legislation in the Texas Legislature right now to specify delegates, how they are selected, their qualifications, etc. That sounds great on paper, doesn’t it? Will the delegates faithfully execute the charter given them by the various state legislatures around the country? What did the delegates to the last convention do? Here is the exhausting detail in which the convention is described.

FK – We desperately need to conduct an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season before any such convention is held, to make sure no foxes get into the hen house. It wouldn’t hurt to eradicate a few republicrats and other assorted authoritarians along the way as well.

They lied about the ratification of the 16th Amendment. Think it can’t happen again? If they re-write the entire document, they’ll make up the rules, new rules, as they go along anyway.

The only way I’d agree to it would be with a militia contingent outside the front door to arrest, try and execute any trash that threatened the Bill of rights or the separation of powers in any way. Our domestic blood enemies would love to saddle us with a parliament or something worse.

Battle Over Constitutional Convention Rages in Texas

FK – “It was not clear how a con-con aimed at balancing the federal budget would rein in the out-of-control Supreme Court.”

Because if certain elements gain control of the convention they’ll ditch the Constitution and create their own hell on Earth and try to force us at the point of a gun to exist under it.

The only way I’d agree to such a thing is with a militia contingent outside the front door to monitor the events and arrest, try for treason and execute any trash that attempts to damage the Bill of Rights or our separation of powers.


Here’s what our domestic blood enemies, that we should be hunting and eradicating, the “Liberal”(commie) trash, would like to do:

It’s Not Too Late: Save Democracy By Amending the Constitution

The Constitution should be clarified so that it sustains rather than throttles democracy. Do away with the Electoral College. Ban the practice of gerrymandering. Close the loophole that allows governors to appoint cronies to vacant Senate seats. And then get serious: ask, as Congressman Victor Berger did more than a century ago, why America maintains a House of Lords–like Senate where, today, the vote of a member elected by 121,000 Wyomingites can cancel out the vote of a member elected by 7.8 million Californians. Consider electing members of the House to four-year terms that parallel those of the president, so that the popular will of 131 million voters in the presidential elections can’t be stymied by 90 million midterm voters. Object to any calculus that prevents a majority-black District of Columbia and a majority-Hispanic Puerto Rico from becoming states. Re-examine every barrier to democracy, including those of poverty, ignorance and incapacity. When Franklin Roosevelt spoke of the freedoms required to shape democratic societies, he included “freedom from want” and “freedom from fear.” Let’s restart that debate about freedom and democracy. And let’s do so not in the drab language of bureaucratic reform, but in the radical language of giving power to the people. No constitution can repair every breach in society, but a renewed US Constitution can clear the way for the people—the whole people, as opposed to a handful of elites—to forge a more perfect union.

FK – “Democracy is the road to socialism” – Karl Marx

This is hilarious, where the most commies are:

FK – Yep. So why do so many ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarian’ types still call our domestic blood enemies “Liberals” and “progressives,” when those are only cute titles they adopted to hide their real evil? We must stop apologizing to those who would totally enslave us and treat them as the dangerous enemies they are.

And our domestic blood enemies prove him right:

FK – Thanks to these goons for proving once again our dire need for an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season.

Here’s the explanation from the vid page on what this was about: “Washington, DC– United States Student Association (USSA) staff members interrupted several interviews and blocked students from speaking to two Campus Reform reporters at a student-led protest Friday.”


Repeal The Patriot Act!


FK – And here’s another good idea:

Bring charges of treason upon Barack Hussein Obama

FK – That would only be a good start. Then we move on to the ‘progressive caucus,’ the republicrats, Wall Street banksters, and on and on, with vids of the executions on YouTube for the world to see.

Do you think we’re ‘safe’ from today’s military?:

US soldiers raped at least 54 Colombian children with immunity

Pentagon chief considers easing of enlistment standards

During 2006-07, the military steadily increased the number of bad behavior waivers as the services — particularly the Army and Marine Corps — struggled to meet deployment demands in Iraq and Afghanistan. The services let in more recruits with criminal records, including some with felony convictions, in order to meet recruiting quotas.

And in some cases, the services relaxed age restrictions, allowing older people to enlist or rejoin the military.

But as the wars dragged on and suicides, sexual assaults and other bad behavior by service members spiked, military leaders began to question whether there was a link to the relaxed enlistment standards.

Carter also is considering other changes to help ensure the military attracts the best and brightest, including programs to pay off student debt, improvements to the retirement, promotion and evaluation systems and doing more to allow sabbaticals for service members.

FK – Maybe they should start by getting the empire out of ‘foreign entanglements,’ bring the troops home and let them hunt our real enemies here so they can have some real pride in upholding and increasing Human Liberty:

hunt commies


Retiring commie senator says “Thank You!”

FK – “The same thing I’ve done since I first came to the Senate”: Shove communism down America’s throat.

If it had been successful in some of the laws it wanted to pass it would’ve been killing American families, real Americans who don’t want to be slaves under communism. How sickening and disgusting these creatures are. The evil amerikan communist insurgency has been killing the family for decades.

We will not forget.

If the war crimes trials are held before it croaks we’ll get around to it.

Everyone wishes they could ‘help’ their family like Reid has:

Reid campaign cash paid to granddaughter hits $31,000

And here are some of the creature’s ideological comrades:

Weather Underground bomber unmasked — as city schoolteacher

What Does It Mean To Be Jewish?


FK – I’d get my DNA analyzed in a heartbeat if I could afford it. Supposedly I’m part Ameri-Indian and who knows what else. I don’t lie awake nights worrying about it. It’s time to get past all this crap and work for real Human Liberty and justice for all…

Jim Crow in the Holy Land

FK – In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives can’t be questioned.

FK – Weren’t most of the European ‘Jewish’ immigrants to Palestine socialists? Aren’t most modern ‘Jews’ secular Marxists? What is ‘Reform Judaism?’

Israel wouldn’t exist if not for the British and American empires and the Rothschilds.

Why couldn’t they have immigrated to Western Australia and created their ‘promised land’ there and not endangered the entire world with a war over 3000-year-old tribal propaganda?

FK –  So why did the ‘Hebrews’ sacrifice animals in their temple to feed the priests? There’s even a movement today to re-build the temple and re-start the sacrifices which shows just how insane the human race is.

The ‘statements’ were created by humans for their own purposes. Common sense says this.

The modern ‘christian’ god wants us to be good to our fellow human beings so he can threaten to burn them alive in fire forever? Huh?

The ‘golden rule’ is great until you meet someone who doesn’t mind being treated as a slave, then votes to treat everyone else the same way.

So why didn’t the angel who threw Adam and Eve out of the garden hand them a copy of the ten statements on the way out?

Why didn’t Jesus, the ‘son of god,’ have a secretary so millions wouldn’t die in religious wars fighting over what he actually said/meant?

If it’s about ‘freedom’ why do most mainstream preachers tell their flocks to sit on their asses and wait for the world to end while blindly obeying the ‘magistrates’ appointed over them and willingly paying a ‘voluntary’ income tax that has been defeated in the courts?

I’d be willing to bet the Pharaoh actually kicked the ‘Jews’ out of Egypt because he was afraid they’d end up running the place like they damn near do this modern empire. I say ‘damn near’ because we do manage to do a few things without the approval of the chosen unmentionables.

Even slaves need ‘self control’ to keep from doing things their masters don’t like…

Who are those who really seek to be our masters and why?


GOA Alert: Legislative Shoot-out Expected in the U.S. Senate

Within the next 72 hours, gun owners should expect votes in the U.S. Senate on:

* Outlawing ATF bullet bans

* Concealed Carry Reciprocity

* Prohibiting Senate anti-gun amendments.

We expect more gun-related showdowns in the next 72 hours than in the next 9 months combined.  At least 5 gun-related amendments are expected on the Budget Resolution — a once-a-year vehicle that gives senators an opportunity to get hundreds of votes on any issue they choose.

And at least five senators have chosen to get votes on guns.

We have already told you about the Crapo amendment to shut down Operation Choke Point — which has been used by Eric Holder to try to financially strangle the gun industry.

FK – In reality they should only be allowed to vote on one issue at a time and only  consider one bill at a time and be required to pass a test to show they actually read it before they vote on it…

Liberals at SXSW Want Obama For A Third Term


FK – Yeah sure, use the blondes as a thumbnail then they only speak for a half second…

No prez. candidate ever lost an election by underestimating the stupidity of the average sheeple.

The gun and ammo makers would love it.

Why isn’t there a Marxist mutt cartoon series?:


FK – ‘Feminists’ are like anarchists in that there are real ones and fake ones. But that’s true of all of the ‘isms’.

I grew up in the Bugs Bunny, Johnny Quest and Space Ghost generation and it’s been many years since I watched cartoons so all this is over my head.