The recent shooting death by an illegal alien who had been previously deported from the U.S. 5 times, highlights the federal government’s refusal to enforce our country’s existing immigration laws. Please end the existence of so-called “sanctuary cities” by supporting S.1842 that would require cities and states to cooperate with federal immigration agents.
The Obama Administration’s recent decision to end the Secure Communities program that allowed federal immigration agents to detain illegal aliens held at state and local jails is only part of the problem. More than 200 cities refuse to cooperate with federal immigration agents, and the Obama Administration has done nothing to prevent them from doing so.
But Congress shares the blame as well. For years, bills have been introduced to end “sanctuary cities”, but lawmakers have done nothing. I urge you to prevent future tragedies committed by criminal illegal aliens and support S.1842, introduced by Sens. Jeff Sessions and Ron Johnson, that would end “sanctuary jurisdictions” once and for all!
FK – As I’ve been trying to tell people for a long time, the only limit to the coming insanity is the limit we force upon it.
I’m white, live 11 miles from the county seat in rural Kentucky, a mile from the county line. The three closest houses to mine have been broken into at one time or another. More than likely the perps were ‘white.’ There’s plenty of white trash. Most welfare recipients are white. Most homos are white. Most who want ‘gun control’ are white. Johnson, who presided over the creation of the welfare state was white, and from Texas. Who are our real enemies?
It’s the white “Liberal”(commie) trash, our tolerance of them and our neglect to hunt them to extinction that is the cause of this. The responsibility rests in the average dumbass’s lap because this is a representative republic and we all share responsibility for not removing this cancer from among us.
Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.
FK – Planet and species wide we never left the dark ages. Billions still believe it’s perfectly OK that their sadistic asshole of a god is going to burn the vast majority of humans that ever existed alive in fire forever. We are still a very primitive species.
FK – Gee, some of us have been trying to say similar things for years, uh decades now?
We should already have a militia force in place to deal with our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, who have white skin, were probably born here and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.
Verse One:
In the year of sixty one we left our native land for we could not bend our spirits to a tyrants stern command And we rallied to our Buckner while our hearts were sad and sore To offer our blood for freedom as our fathers did before
And we’ll march march march to the music of the drum
we were driven forth in exile from our old Kentucky home.
Verse two:
When first the Southern flag whirled its folds upon the air,
Its stars had hardly gathered till Kentucky’s sons were there,
And they swore a solemn oath as they sternly gathered round
They would only live as freeman in the dark and bloody ground.
And we’ll march march march to the music of the drum
we were driven forth in exile from our old Kentucky home.
Verse three:
With Buckner as our leader and Morgan in the Van,
We Will plant the flag of freedom in our fair and happy land
We will drive the tyrants minions to the Ohio’s rolling flood,
And will dye her waves in crimson with coward Yankee blood.
And we’ll march march march to the music of the drum
we were driven forth in exile from our old Kentucky home.
Verse four:
Then cheer ye Southern braves, ye soon shall see the day,
When Kentucky’s fairest daughters will cheer you on your way,
And then her proud old mothers will welcome one and all
For “United we must stand, but divided we must fall”.
You can learn about the Orphan Brigade at this website.
Waking up is hard to do Barry Bright June 30, 2015
Some days I feel as if I’ve crash landed on a desert island and stumbled upon a couple of cave men, or a group of cave men, beating each other about the head and face with sticks.
This last week or so has been that way, much more so than usual. I’ve seen so many of the same old lies re-flung and so much of the same ignorance re-established as reality I found it hard to write about it, and still do for when I sit down to churn out a column I try to make my paragraphs mean something, and not just be regurgitation from the culture war.
I try to keep up with some general notion of what’s happening in the world around me, having stopped waiting for it to end long ago, not that it couldn’t, but only the still ignorant and pathetic center their lives around the possibility.
From the latest ‘mass shooting’ and the battle flag fallout to the SCOTUS decisions on ‘gay’ marriage and commie care and the natural calls for more authoritarian police state laws there’s been a significant increase in the use of sticks and stones commonly thrown about in our ‘culture war.’
It’s almost enough to make me agree with those who claim comment sections should be shut down because of all the ignorance spewed about in our e-political sphere. But not quite. As I told someone a while back, the comment sections are how we’re winning this war, but now, a few months later, I’m not so sure all internet activists are trying to take us where we’d like to go.
If politics is like making sausage, making propaganda in the internet age is like feeding that now famous pink goo through a high speed fan, or jet engine. Propaganda a few decades back was lies and truth mixed, now it’s run through a blender. The blender is the willful ignorance of the common sheeple, even of many ‘awake’ political activists(or paid trolls, take your pick).
The human race seems to be at an interesting age. I’ve been saying for years we’re headed for another civil war, but now I fear it will be such as the Reformation was in Europe, where millions died over whose sadistic asshole of a god would get to burn the vast majority of humans who ever lived alive in fire forever and after it’s over few will really understand why it was fought, as with most wars, and we will be rewarded with yet again another version of authoritarianism.
But, probably despite many proclamations about the future and the end, the ‘reformers’ and their enemies somehow survived, or rather civilization, loosely defined, survived, and here we are, ready to kill each other over the same old arguments and maybe a few new ones.
A lot of this is truly distraction from more important issues, but that’s a cheap definition. The battle flag is important because it represents an understanding of our history that many lack due to the success of our domestic blood enemies in building the government schools and universities to indoctrinate the youth in statism; and ‘gay’ marriage is important, though it’s a more complicated issue that won’t be solved by the culture war; and commie care, like most socialism, will ‘help’ some people but will of course grease the skids on our ever increasing rate of descent into hell on Earth.
Yet the reality is when you see a battle flag flying in a yard many still think it simply means the owner is a Klan member or some such. We’ve had the internet for 20 years now, so that is the fault of the average dumbass that still depends on a suited smiling whore on the weaponvision to tell it what to think.
Our domestic blood enemies, who have white skin and for the most part were probably born here and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, will use any excuse to force us at the point of a government gun into their version of reality.
But too many fail to understand they are simply defending their own version of authoritarianism and though they may be more ‘awake’ than the average dumbass they still have a lot to learn.
Waking up can be hard to do for some. Many get to a certain point and run up against a wall of reality that so challenges their indoctrination that they can’t scale it, or won’t even try because it’s safer to hide in the bushes and wait for the world to end or for their god or political savior to come solve all their problems for them:
“Since government has been involved in marriage, they have done what they always do — taxed it, regulated it, and now redefined it. It is hard to argue that government’s involvement in marriage has made it better, a fact also not surprising to those who believe government does little right.” – Rand Paul
I don’t pretend to understand all the ‘legalities’ of the ‘gay marriage’ issue as they vary from state to state. But if all they wanted was to treat their partners as legal equals that probably could’ve been accomplished without rubbing their political enemies’ faces in their sickness.
But their enemies in the culture war are as much to blame. We are still a very primitive species when so many call an obvious birth defect or mental illness a ‘sin’ and pretend it can be prayed away when some are so obviously blessed by a not-so-loving god with birth defects that don’t fit into the ‘mainstream’ of society and probably never will.
We have gone in my lifetime from one insanity to another, when ‘sex education‘ was provided years after it was truly needed, if at all, to one where little kids are exposed to concepts they won’t need and shouldn’t want for years.
In the church I grew up in we heard about Sodom and Gomorrah, but I had a very vague idea, even into adulthood, what a ‘queer’ really was or did. Only later in college and boot camp did I learn how green I was and in one situation I would’ve been better off if I’d known what signals to watch for. Ignorance doesn’t serve civilization, but neither does wantonness in the public sphere where others are forced to see it when they don’t need nor want to.
The culture war won’t get them the real help they need, or simply leave them alone to live in the best peace they can find in this cruel and dangerous world. But then many of the ‘gay’ activists are “Liberal”(commie) trash who aren’t interested in leaving anyone alone to live in peace and Liberty. And they’re too stupid to understand that when the system they’re trying to install comes to power it will find no more kindness for them than the current one, excuse me, the one we lost.
Maybe it’s truly time to practice some of that love thy neighbor stuff. But then, that can be made impossible when your neighbor is working tirelessly to enslave us all further, and completely, and when those fakebook ‘friends‘ vote to kill those who don’t agree with their evil agenda despite their arrogant claims of pacifism and hatred of the police and military, who they will cheerfully send to break down your door if you happen to think we’re supposed to live in a free country. And the basis of all human Liberty is the right to fight back.
We must stop choosing from among the various forms of authoritarianism or our future will be no less bloody and pathetic than our past.
And we must decide what is to be done and agree on some solid interpretation of what our country is supposed to be about. I think this quote pretty much sums it up:
“At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life….” – Anthony Kennedy
FK – Someone else has been sniffing glue, or something, and not actually reading his book:
FK – So whose version, sub-version or subversion will crawl out of the swamp next time?
And let’s not forget the unmentionables:
FK – The indoctrination machine is still doing the dirty work of it’s masters. The SCOTUS is not the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!
Most ‘Jews’ today are secular Marxists. Simple fact. As always if we have a group whose motives can’t be questioned, we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.
“The President wants to blame an inanimate object — the gun,” [said] Erich Pratt, spokesman for the Gun Owners of America. “But that just deflects blame away from the real culprit: gun-control policies that leave people defenseless in the face of evil perpetrators who are never effectively prevented from acquiring weapons.” — Newsmax, June 20, 2015
They’re coming for you.
Anti-gun Senators Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey just announced they want to bring back their toxic legislation stripping Americans of their gun rights without due process of law.
And the President is ready to sign this gun ban into law.
You may recall our battle against the Manchin-Toomey language in 2013. Their legislation sought to BAN many private sales of firearms, forcing countless gun buyers to run to a dealer and submit to a background check before making their purchase.
Thankfully, Senators Toomey and Manchin failed because Gun Owners of America and its members got in their way. According to the New York Times, and other liberal media outlets, GOA was able to put enough heat on the Senate to defeat this pernicious legislation.
FK – Think the republicrats won’t turn on human Liberty and our most basic right? Think again;
And they’re not ‘progressives.’ They’re communists. Please don’t call them ‘leftists,’ or ‘liberals’ or ‘progressives’ or any of the other cute names the commies dreamed up to hide their evil. Doing so only helps our domestic blood enemies wage war against Human Liberty and the Bill of Rights.
And we Americans haven’t turned in our guns to our govt. When they take the First Amendment we fall back on the Second. That’s what it’s for.
FK – If the so-called ‘good people’ would get involved and help form, organize and train the militias ways could be found to deal with the infiltrators et al. This should have been done years ago. We are way behind the eight ball. Why are the ‘gun rights’ and ‘patriot’ and ‘liberty’ movements so full of cowards? How pathetic.
And they’re not ‘progressives.’ They’re communists. To them we’re the ‘reactionaries.’ Most of them know full well the evil they do. The political activists among them have the intelligence and ‘acumen’ to understand their own propaganda. They are evil and know how to target their dupes. We should have been hunting them long ago but we exist in a nation of cowardly whores.
Governments will always be able to get guns thus we need to be better armed than them.
The ‘crime’ issue is a red herring. Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to lower crime it would still be evil. All ‘gun control’ is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to more ‘control’ until full civilian disarmament is achieved. Thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against Human Liberty and executed.
When guns are outlawed “Liberal”(commie) trash season begins. The Newswhores die first.
FK – Here’s where our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, who have white skin and who were born here and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, want to take us:
FK – If the fundie ragheads gain any power here it will be because our domestic blood enemies allowed or encouraged it.
As I wrote before:
FK – Why do we allow such trash to stay in our country when its avowed purpose is the overthrow of our form of government, the one we’re supposed to have, not the one we have, and the Bill of Rights? I’m referring of course to the “Liberal”(commie) trash more-so than the fundie ragheads, for the fundie ragheads will gain power over us via the policies instituted by our greatest enemies, our domestic blood enemies, the “Liberal”(commie) trash and their elite masters.
FK – So who are our real enemies?:
FK – See how the creatures lie about their intentions. Their evil will only stop when we force it to stop.