Tag Archives: liberals

WARNING: Get Ready and Get Prepared


FK – As many others have said the Founders would’ve been shooting by now. They went to war over much less.

The modern preachers and church have been prostituted by the state. But then maybe it was meant to be that way from the beginning: Obey the magistrates appointed over you; pay your taxes to Caesar(though we have no Caesar here); sit on your ass and do nothing because it’s all been written down and there ain’t nothin’ you can do about it(I’ve heard that one many times, though not in those exact words); cause we’re all gonna get beamed up soon but send your children to the govt. schools so they can get good jobs and have good incomes until Jesus comes; be a good slave and you’ll have paradise in the next life.

We need to stop waiting for the world to end and start thinking about what ‘civilization’ will transition to next, because that’s what history is, transition. It’s the book of ‘Revelation’ not the book of “OMG the world’s gonna end so we need to stock up on beans and raise a garden.”

The Founders stood up like men and women and killed their enemies. They conquered this continent and we draw our food and water from its blood-stained ground. Too many have forgotten or never knew that or are too squeamish and/or pathetic to want to think about it.

Every time another moron says “There ain’t nothin’ you can do about it,” for whatever excuse then another nail is driven in Liberty’s coffin. Those who do so are really the ones who are killing our country, not those who won’t follow whatever version, sub-version or subversion of the ancient tribal propaganda they interpreted to suit their own desires.

Try 160 years. And for the benefit of the simple-minded I’m not advocating a return to chattel slavery or taking the vote from women and on and on. Read “The Real Lincoln” and learn what that war was really about then read “The Life of Johnny Reb” and “The Life of Billy Yank” and see in their own words what they fought for. Lots of ignorant 19-year-olds die on battlefields.

The Romans lost their republic about 80 years after its founding as we did, and their empire survived for hundreds of years afterward and only completely collapsed after monotheism was introduced into their society.

I’ve been hearing about ‘the end’ for over 50 years. I’ll never forget the preacher who stood before me in a revival in the late 70s and said “I think it’ll all be over by 1985.”

How disgusting.

The Founders didn’t go dig a hidey hole and they already new how to subsist. They organized and trained and did what was required by going forth to meet their enemies where they were.

We have a Bill of Rights that makes us ‘exceptional’ among all other nations, a document that recognizes rights found in no other and even a ban on ‘cruel and unusual punishment,’ something primitive religions and those who follow them don’t have.

The sad fact is the next war will also likely be fought over which form of authoritarianism will dominate and as usual millions will die over causes they barely understand. That is the human condition until we learn a better way.

GOP candidate Ben Carson says he probably wouldn’t have shot Michael Brown


FKWhy are so many of our RINO candidates pandering to commie propaganda? Because they’re NWO hacks!

GOP candidate Ben Carson says he probably wouldn’t have shot Michael Brown

Kentucky Cop-Killer was Obama Supporter, Attended Mike Brown’s Funeral

Should You Join a Militia?

There is historical basis and precedence for militia. Our forefathers even went so far to plan for the need of a “well-regulated Militia” and outlined this in our Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights. Their reasoning in my, and countless others minds, was that a militia could one day be “necessary to the security of a free State”. The militia concept was preferable to a standing Army which many of our founders were vehemently opposed to.

For example, James Madison said:

In time of actual war, great discretionary powers are constantly given to the Executive Magistrate. Constant apprehension of War, has the same tendency to render the head too large for the body. A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people.

Simply put, we might need our own defensive forces to step in to defend us in dire circumstances. Each state used to be responsible for their own militias. State Militias still exist, but they are nothing like the forces they once were, they are rare and most people think the National Guard has taken their place.

This article isn’t an argument about the Second Amendment, or a dissection of those words our founders sacrificed so much for. The common expression of Militias today exist as a symbol largely that has been used by people on both sides of the argument over whether Militias are necessary or unneeded relics that should be confined to history.

One side of this argument almost universally depicts any group that calls themselves a Militia as radical, violent, racist and bent on overthrowing the government. The other side largely views the role of a militia as some bulwark against a rising fear of tyranny. The question on my mind started largely with a simple question that one of our readers posed a while back. Should you join a militia?

FK – In my estimation there is really only one reason to join a militia, even though many I have trained with may disagree, and this is to restore our Liberty, the Bill of Rights, and the form of government we are supposed to enjoy in this country. All the ‘fighting terrorism’ and ‘civil service’ and preparedness and disaster readiness and on and on are only public relations functions at best.

Our real enemies are right here. They have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

We should have, decades ago, established a militia force in every county in this country to deal with: the BATF Nazi trash who have proven themselves to be murderers, and exist to railroad people into prison in the name of evil laws that the Second Amendment doesn’t allow; the IRS Nazi trash who steal people’s property and ruin their lives and imprison them in the name of enforcing a tax that isn’t supposed to exist in this country and in fact wasn’t ratified by enough states to become law; and the FBI who have been involved in one way or another with every ‘terrorist’ incident over the last several years; the ‘drug war,’ like the ‘war on terror’ which would not exist if all the ‘right’ people on all sides weren’t profiting from it.

But since we don’t have a nation of men but a nation of cowardly whores we have the situation we have: lots of small groups under several different names, some public, hopefully many not, who will have to deal with the ultimate blood war that history shows always comes, in the best way they can.

This situation will not likely change until the upper middle class, the ‘people'(loosely defined) with money and intelligence, figure out there’s no more corn in the trough.

So all I can reasonably offer at this point is this: Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Or as our domestic blood enemies like to say “Think globally, act locally.”

This will likely be true at the beginning of any future conflict whereby we will have to erode our enemies’ support at the foundation in the vein of the movie “Michael Collins.”

From my own personal experience this is my immediate advice: Rules for the militia

Predictive Programming For The Coming US Civil War In New Captain America Movie


FK – Back in the 90s I expected civil war to break out before 2000, during the klinton era, when hitlery didn’t have to run for election.

Now I understand that for that to happen the hogs will have to figure out there’s no more corn in the trough. Anything else will likely be fake.

But I do keep dreaming…

Thomas Sowell – Legacy of the Welfare State

FK – Why? Is the interviewer a moron? The amerikan communist insurgency is waging war on this country and the Bill of Rights and human Liberty. This is a nation of cowardly whores or we would be hunting them.

Josh Cook interviews Stewart Rhodes, president of Oath Keepers


FK – An interesting comment on the vid and my response:

teddybruscie 1 day ago
I see the problem here. He has a misunderstanding of what’s going on.

The issue isn’t a false choice, the issue is the people in Ferguson never had the choice to begin with. Black people have been discouraged from having guns through felony disenfranchisment laws that tell you that if your commited a felony you can’t own a gun. A black person with a gun has historically been a threat. We’ve lived with this for generations. We don’t arm ourselves because we fear we would be gunned down unjustly and we know the cops will fix the evidence and assassinate our character to justify their actions. So it’s a systemic problem. Our skin is already a threat, to have a gun would only increase that threat. Now you can say that that’s a false perception but black bodies are constantly seen as threatening and thanks to places like Fox News a black person with a gun is typically portrayed as a thug simply by how he chooses to dress.

As far as police presence we don’t have a say in that. Black communities have been a police state for a century. We’ve never had control over them. So the presence we get is what we get.

And if you look at the Ferguson report you would see that the police have systematically violated, suppressed and removed the rights of the black people in Ferguson to where if they were to get a gun much of them would be have been arrested. So people can’t practice rights that they’re not allowed to practice.

So he’s talking about choices we’ve never safely had.

And the reason there was backlash is because people did not know who they were so they saw them as an extension of the Police through vigilantism that we attribute now with George Zimmerman. So people saw them as a group of Zimmermans looking for a reason to shoot black people.

But my biggest issue isn’t even with them, it really with black groups like the Nation of Islam and the Huey P Newton gun club who should have been there instead of them. Who should have been out there with their guns and protecting the people of Ferguson.

waypasthadenough 1 second ago
+teddybruscie Sir, what political ideology has the black urban population been voting into power all these years? What color is their skin? Who are our real enemies?

NRA News Cam & Co | Chris W. Cox: “We’re Going to Win This Country Back”


FK – There’s not supposed to be any such thing as an ‘illegal’ gun or ‘illegal’ gun owner. There are no ‘good gun laws.’ It reads thusly: “…shall not be infringed.” Dictionaries are free online nowadays. We must stop apologizing to our domestic blood enemies and stop pretending that their rhetoric(propaganda) has any relevance what so ever. Doing so only helps them destroy us.

The battle for the Second Amendment, defined on a web page linked below, is part of a larger war for the entire Bill of Rights and for the entire country and for the future of human Liberty. We could ‘win’ the gun battle and still lose the war.

The NRA needs to cleanse its ranks of RINOs and fat cats who only care about votes or safaris or clay pigeons. A Second Amendment treated as a toy to be taken out of the gun safe on weekends and played with at the range is a toy that can be regulated and repealed.

Without the backbone and gonads to openly discuss the evil we face and what will be required to destroy our domestic blood enemies who have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world the NRA or any other ‘gun rights’ groups is just an empty shell waiting for the right foot to crush it.

As for the ‘so-called Second Amendment groups,’ I’ve been watching all this for 20 years, since I began waking up. The NRA had to be dragged kicking and screaming into this war. Simple fact. And it’s still a long-long way from where it should be.

Why isn’t the NRA openly working with the militias, Oathkeepers and other groups to train people for what will be required?

Every presidential administration in my lifetime has waged war on the Bill of Rights and human Liberty. If anything the Marxist mutt has helped our cause because it keeps gun and ammo sales high and keeps the ‘conservative’ idiots off the golf course and the couch so that maybe they’ll eventually learn enough about the situation we face to understand and take personal responsibility for what will be required.

Putting a RINO NWO hack in the now red house will not help us. It will only put millions of idiots back to sleep. Every republicrat candidate in the race is questionable, even Rand Paul, and he’s the only one who’s even in the ball park of what a president is supposed to be. The rest aren’t worth the hemp it would take to remove them from this mortal coil.

What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.

Questions for your candidate

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

FAIL: MSM Demonization of Patriots Exposed


FK – The mainstream commie newswhores have for decades now been the domestic blood enemies of the Bill of Rights and human Liberty. When the war begins the newswhores die first.

Ferguson Embattled as Shooting Breaks Out Again


FK – Refuse to participate in the staged race war. Our real domestic blood enemies have white skin and infest our govt., schools, universities, news and entertainment media.
