FK – They won’t fix a damn thing and you know it. The republicrats and their ignorant constituents are no more interested in real free speech than the demonscat are.
If they were sincere in the slightest Jones would’ve been invited to testify.
FK – The vast majority couldn’t care less, never have and never will. Caring involves action…
The ‘truth’ is that without an extensive and thorough commie globalist season whereby we exterminate enough of the trash to live in a free country again western civ. is doomed. Most would rather die than think about that reality. Probably including you.
FK – The fedgov gets the power to do ‘anything it wants’ by it’s willingness to do so, the whores that will do the nasty work for a paycheck and a retirement plan and the willful ignorance and apathy of the common sheeple and the superior weaponry of the modern empire of note and the cowardice of those who claim they want to be free but are incapable of shedding the blood it will be necessary to shed to fix this mess if it can be fixed.
The anti-federalists were right, just not right enough.
FK – If there were an ‘alien invasion’ such as envisioned by the typical hollyweird film there’d be morons standing around on street corners praying, waiting to get beamed up.
I think, not believe, that our alien relatives know we’re not ready for their reality. We’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age. Every election cycle proves this to me again.
What generally happens to primitive indigenous populations when they confront superior cultures?
We are the primitives… And it’s my guess ‘they’ don’t consider us ready for their tech.
āDisclosureā would mean going to the smallest town and seeing an obvious alien walking down the street or shopping in the local redneck mecca without fear of Jimbob running to his truck for his shotgun or some concealed carrier drawing down on them.
Weāre a long-long as in multi-generations away from that. If the govt. suddenly announced ādisclosureā internet comment sections would suddenly fill with crap about āangels and demonsā and āend timesā and āweāre gonna get beamed up soon.ā Kinda like now.
As always weāre still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.
Simple minded sheeple have to ‘believe’ in something and have a concrete simple answer to complex questions. Nowadays many have a similar ‘belief’ in our contemporary version of ‘science’ which has clearly been and really always was politicized.
The big question is when will mainstream scientists(and preachers/priests/churches) stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?
FK – Much of our modern ‘history’ to include what you saw on the latest propaganda cast is mythology.
Check out the trump groups on fakebook where questioning their savior ‘at all’ can get you banned.
But then fakebook blocks me on a regular basis. Now the evil commie shit is demanding my cell no. in the name of ‘securing’ my account. I can’t even look at anything on suckerberg’s site until I submit to this.
Why are we tolerating their evil?
In reality most ‘suppression’ takes place in the minds of the average sheeple/dumbass. I’ve wasted too much time handing them clues on a silver platter only to have it spat on. Or they just stare at you like a cow looks at a passing train.
Neither ancient nor modern elites want slaves that can think for themselves. They just need to be smart enough to put the rocks/tools/numbers in the proper place.
FK – British troops were known as ‘regulars’ because of the way they were trained to march. Thus well regulated meant ‘well-trained.’
So ‘well-regulated’ militia means they get their fat asses off the couch and get out there and learn the skills, tactics, overall strategies of combat.
Good luck getting the average ‘conservative’ or ‘libertarian’ to develop the backbone or gonads to do that. They can’t even publicly state what must happen if the commie trash or some other statist force ever orders us to ‘turn them in.’
FK – Part of the problem or really all of it is the ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ who lack the courage to make their groups actually stand for something.
The ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group has long been part of the problem. It’s probably highly infiltrated like the republicrat party which was the original party of big govt. btw. It was founded by Yankee generals who thought their future conscripts should be better shots. Read ‘The Real Lincoln’ and ‘Lincoln’s Marxists.’
In the wake of the 94 AW ban I attended a training session hosted by the Second Amendment Foundation, another group that has done much good but yet lacks ultimate courage, where I heard Tanya Metaksa(former NRA bigwig) explain how the NRA would give money to their fav candidate then if that guy lost would offer money to the winner. My respect for them ended then.
They also have a decades long history of supporting candidates the locals know better than to support.
Millions of us should be melting down the phone lines to our national congress and state legislatures demanding not only a repeal of all gun laws but a repeal of the 16th Amendment, ending the Fed, arresting the ‘progressive(communist) caucus’ in congress and trying them for treason and demanding the troops be brought home to hunt our real enemies, our white-skinned commie trash whose arrogance will NEVER find a limit of its own accord which would immediately include shutting down all their Marxist front groups and NGOs and arresting their leadership for treason.
If we’re seeking to have an informed electorate, then this poses a bit of a problem. But a recent study suggests a very simple solution helps limit the appeal of conspiracy theories: news media literacy. This isn’t knowledge of the news, per se, but knowledge of the companies and processes that help create the news. While the study doesn’t identify how the two are connected, its authors suggest that an understanding of the media landscape helps foster a healthy skepticism.
FK – Well gee I have a ‘journalism degree’ and I’ve worked as a mainstream newswhore so I guess I can tell what ‘news literacy’ is or not huh?
I can tell you this column is blatant propaganda lumping in various ‘conspiracies’ in order to ‘disprove’ them all in the minds of the simple-minded.
Only a political child believes the msm is ‘trustworthy’ or there’s ever been such a thing as an ‘unbiased’ reporter. I’ve known this for decades way before ‘fake news’ became a thing.
But our domestic blood enemies just keep lying about it because of the healthy population of morons we have in this country and the annual fresh crop of indoctrinates from the govt. schools and universities.
If someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a child. Now I’m gonna go re-enforce my ignorance on Bigfoot and beef. Not. (And why does this spellchecker claim ‘Bigfoot’ has to be capitalized. That’s rather strange for a non-existent beast.)
And I know exactly how ‘news’ is made: Go along with editorial policy or get fired.
FK – Voting is proxy violence via elected, appointed and hired public servants.
The welfare state has had the exact outcome it was designed to: create inter-generational parasites that could be counted on to be dependable constituents for the demonscat party.
It should be a privilege that is earned not a right so that we can protect our rights from parasites.
FK – If someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a child. The govt. elites proved with Waco that they don’t mind murdering American children and railroading real Americans into prison.
FK – I was raised in a rural Southern Baptist Church. The big Baptist church in town put their Sunday Services on the local TV station as did a Baptist Church in Louisville, this state’s largest city. You can bet there are differences.
I’ll never forget when our preacher proclaimed “If this church ever has a dance I’m leaving!” This was because the church in town was having one.
The Louisville preacher’s sermons usually bordered on the blatantly un-biblical in an effort to please his ‘educated’ flock.
Funny stuff, or it would be if so many morons didn’t take the crap seriously and use it as an excuse to sit on their asses and wait for the world to end while passing their slavery on to their children. It’s the most pathetic/horrifying thing I know of.
Back in the 90s I attended a ‘watermelon bust’ to hand out fliers for a ‘Democrat'(loosely defined) candidate at what was called a democrat event. The crowd was listening to a gospel music band and likely preparing to go vote for Clinton/Gore. I was a registered Republican or maybe Libertarian at the time.
The sheeple don’t think. Politicians and modern priests know this and take advantage of it.
The Southern Baptists have recently proven once again that they have been infiltrated by their vote earlier this year to condemn the ‘alt-right,’ probably without really understanding what it even is.
It’s probably impossible at this time to understand all the minute details of all the current versions, sub-versions or subversions. Several lifetimes could be wasted on such.