Tag Archives: kids

Immunologist Proves Vaccines Protect Only Recipient, not Society


FK – So are they going to start forcing re-vaccinations on adults, and flu vaccines?

It seems to me the question to all this is why do they put in the harmful additives, can they be replaced with less dangerous compounds and can people be tested for susceptibility to vaccination problems before being vaccinated?

What would happen to infant and childhood mortality rates if all vaccinations were stopped?

Harvard Trained Immunologist Demolishes California Legislation That Terminates Vaccine Exemptions

RFK, Jr. and National Vaccine Experts to Inform the Maine Legislature on Vaccine Issues

The dtap shot: risks vs. benefits

Sheriff/CPS Kidnap 10 Children From Off-Grid Family


FK – Most of the home schooled kids I’ve known were smarter than your average sheeplet and better behaved.

Police Seize 10 Children From ‘Off-Grid’ Homeschool Family

FK – A WND story on another, more ‘normal’ family in New Jersey:

Homeschoolers interrogated on guns, vaccines

FK – Only when trash like this ‘social worker’ starts getting turned into tree food will our country begin to see the light of Liberty.

Another reason we so desperately need a militia in every county in this country. But then the ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ are all too frightened of the ‘m’ word in the Second Amendment to actually stand up and do what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed. Many of them would rather sit on their asses and wait for the world to end.

And one from the ‘enemy’ camp:

A Brief Word of Caution Regarding Joe and Nicole Naugler, The “Off-Grid” Homeschooling Family

FK – Don’t miss the comments on that one. Some are very instructive.

From skimming over a lot of this there seems to be some real issues that will have to be worked out. As long as the kids are healthy and ‘educated,’ however one chooses to define that, they should be left the hell alone. Though I wouldn’t like having to weather the past two Kentucky winters we’ve had, the coldest I remember in my lifetime, in such conditions, there are humans who endure worse. Simple fact.

Here Are 7 Surprising Things You Need to Know About Joe and Nicole Naugler

FK – A page the family seems to have created after their children were taken:

Save the Naugler Family

The Naugler’s original family website?: Blessed Little Homestead

From their site: Why We Homeschool  How We Became Homeschoolers

The family’s fakebook page.

The mother’s fakebook page.

FK – I have to partly agree with this:

Fundamentalist Homeschooling Is A Poison: Isaiah’s Story

FK – But the same indoctrination could be given to government schooled kids and most certainly to kids who attend ‘christian’ or ‘muslim’ schools. If the author is ‘bisexual’ then he/she is probably suffering from some birth defect or mental illness. Simple fact. But then this is not a pretty world and some don’t like being shoved into other peoples’ molds.

The human race has a lot of growing up to do and I don’t expect to be in this realm long enough to see that process finished.

An interesting link from one of the comment sections:

Search Warrants: What They Are and When They’re Necessary

FK – Though I don’t see how that applies to the situation at hand. CPS seems to operate in their own sphere, outside the Bill of Rights.

What’s amazing about all this is these parents, for whatever faults they may have, are putting far more thought into their time in this world than the average dumbass ever will, with their ‘normal’ home, mortgage, big screen weaponvision, bass boat, whatever. Simple fact. Most of their kids may grow up to be ‘normal,’ taxpaying sheep, but maybe one or two of them won’t, and those are the kind of people who make the world a better place, or at least a more interesting place.

Meanwhile in less ‘free’ places:

Homeschool parents who faced battering ram back in court

Schools Quiz Twelve-Year-Olds about Gay, Oral, and Anal Sex

A public hearing is taking place Wednesday morning in the Massachusetts State House to look into a controversial sex survey given to middle school and high school students.
Developed by the Centers for Disease Control and called the “Youth Risk Behavior Survey,” the survey asks students as young as 12 a series of very personal and highly ideological questions.

The survey asks students if they are homosexual and if they are transgender. It also asks if they have had oral or anal sex and if they have performed such acts with up to six people.

Whether or not they have carried a gun, smoked cigarettes, consumed alcohol and how much also appear on the questionnaire, as well as whether they have taken drugs, such as OxyContin, Percocet, and Vicodin. It asks how often their guardian uses a seat belt, if the youngster has a sexually transmitted disease, and where they sleep.

FK – Why does the human race have to go from one insanity to another? From calling an obvious birth defect/mental illness a ‘sin’ to pretending it’s ‘happy, healthy and normal?’

Every human should be educated about normal procreation as soon as or right before sexual maturity is reached. In other words if they can breed there’s a need for knowledge. Calling it a ‘sin’ is mindlessness and pretending that dangerous behavior is ‘normal’ is, well, dangerous and stupid.

The human race is still a very primitive species. We still exist in a very dark age.