FK – When millions or billions believe a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you over it that makes it very real.
FK – When millions or billions believe a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you over it that makes it very real.
FK – The FBI should be re-tasked to investigating govt. corruption on all levels and be forced to leave everyone else the hell alone.
FK – If this were a nation of men all the garbage involved in railroading him into prison would be swinging from the granite gallows in front of the courthouse with the video on the net for the world to see.
I hope all you cowardly whores who think this can’t happen to you suffer horribly in this world for your apathy and cowardice.
FK – The sad fact is that most cops like most sheeple and ‘patriots'(loosely defined) are too ideologically, mentally, immature to understand this. They’re following a ‘career path’ for a paycheck and a retirement plan. Are they even taught the Bill of Rights in cop school and that protecting it should be their first priority? Of course not.
Their job is the same as the military’s: to serve the economic interests of the state and the corporate/elitist whores that run it from behind the scenes. In the name of protecting the collective they sacrifice the individual. That’s as old as letting the cave bear eat grandma so they can draw it into spear range.
What so many ‘conservatives,’ libertarians et al can’t or won’t come to grips with is at least half the military and cops will break their door down at 3 am and kill their grandma and kids and dog on the way to ‘taking their gun out of their cold dead hands.’
We can resist this only as an organized force. We should’ve had a militia force in every county decades ago but the average dumbass is too stupid, cowardly and pathetic to see the necessity of it. We are no longer a nation of men and most will bow down to the state even though we outnumber them and wouldn’t have to be a force of Rambos to defeat them.
As I’ve been writing for years:
Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.
It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.
The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?
FK – It’s about money. That’s why they want the rich man to wave his magic wand and make them rich without them having to lift a finger. And I hope the burden doesn’t rest lightly. I hope they suffer horribly in this world for their apathy, cowardice and willful ignorance.
I’ve covered all this before. See earlier post.
FK – The fed nazis take an oath to uphold the Constitution and thus the Bill of Rights and violate both daily by enforcing evil laws that have no place in a free society. End of discussion.
The FBI needs to be taken out of the Justice Department and out from under the executive branch and turned into a group that only investigates government corruption on all levels and that only answers to the militia. The BATF nazis need to be shut down and the laws they enforce repealed and their retirement plans distributed among their victims. The murderers of the Branch Davidians and the Weaver families need to be brought to justice.
The hitlery is a criminal because it’s a Marxist and has worked to shove Marxism of whatever flavor down our throats its entire adult life and should’ve been executed for waging war on the Bill of Rights decades ago.
But we don’t have a nation of men any more do we?
Will Trump do any of this? I’m not holding my breath.
And Kardashian is fat. End of story. Kendal is hot.
Different humans(loosely defined) have different addictions and different tastes. Some are addicted to the celebrity mags and some have simple minds that love to gossip and see who got killed or shot on the evening propaganda cast and some have unrealistic notions of what the Founding Fathers were or weren’t and on and on.
Everywhere I go I see fat people and many of them obviously don’t know they’re fat, or don’t care. I’m fat but I make some effort to do something about it while dealing with my lifelong addiction to sugar, ice cream, chocolate, soft drinks, whatever.
When our major religion even says prayer is more profitable than exercise you know we have a problem. But then the ancients were more worried about starving than buying more snack cakes than they needed.
Our ‘lifestyle’ choices as some claim are all screwed up. We need to stop waiting for the world to end and to stop allowing our employers to treat us like jackasses and require all our time just to earn enough money to exist, however one defines that, and to stop allowing the government to steal its money from our paychecks before it even reaches our hands.
No one with an income under 100 grand a year should even be in the withholding system so that people have a chance to get ahead financially and have something that approaches being a real life instead of a corporate/govt./fascist/commie/whatever slave.
But then all that is the last thing the elites want for us. They’ll replace us with robots programmed to work for them and buy their crap as soon as they can. Or maybe that’s what we’re already talking about…..
FK – In reality the CFR witch is probably right. It’s a tool of the modern royalty and would probably have to kill a baby in public in front of several camera phones before facing criminal charges.
If we had a nation of men both pieces of trash in that booth would’ve been executed for treason decades ago and the FBI’s only job would be investigating government corruption and they wouldn’t have to answer to whatever piece of breathing scat lies its way into the now red house as a NWO tool.
We see how the witch operates:
FK – I doubt those are bulletproof even if the Nazimobile is.
Find out where they keep it and who has the keys.
FK – Can’t have the plebes hearing what is planned for them can we?
FK – If I had 8 grand or so that would likely mean I’m saving to buy my next vehicle. If some Nazi stole it I wouldn’t let that ride. No way no how.
Any and all participating in this kind of evil fully deserve whatever is done to them.
If we had a nation of men this evil wouldn’t be tolerated.
FK – Another reason we should’ve had a militia in every county in this country decades ago.
No piece of trash that participates in such deserves to breathe our oxygen.
And more:
FK – Sounds more like communism to me.
Why do we tolerate the trash that enforces this evil? When they willingly do so what are they? What Oath did they take?
All these things should amount to and bring blood restoration. But this is not a nation of men anymore. It’s a nation of pathetic cowardly whores.
FK – Only garbage participates in such.
FK – Liberty? What do they think about commie care and gun control? Do they know that if the Mexican police found so much as an empty cartridge in their car they’d get 5 years? We need to end passing and enforcement of ‘victimless’ crimes on all sides.
Too many on all sides are making money from the drug war for it to end easily. The result would likely be a giant global economic sucking sound…
The governments are broke but they own the presses that keep printing the band aids, or maybe it’s the banks that create ones and zeros out of nothing.
FK – All LEOs and prosecutors and judges involved in railroading anyone into prison should be executed. The only thing lower than such activity is working to disarm the common people.