Tag Archives: just-us

If feds slaughter patriot occupiers in Oregon, it will unleash an armed revolution across America… Civil War may be near

Reports that federal officials are headed to Oregon to try to “resolve” the situation where armed citizens now occupy a federal wildlife refuge building should raise warning flags for everyone. If the arrogant, tone deaf federal government attempts an aggressive assault on the compound that results in bloodshed, it might very easily spark a nationwide armed revolt against government tyranny in response.

On my podcast site HealthRangerReport.com, I’ve just posted a tactical analysis of the situation in Oregon, pointing out that if the federal government is rational, it is in the government’s own interests to see this resolved without bloodshed. After all, the nation is already on the verge of revolt as we’ve now seen with the outright rejection of both Democratic and Republican political establishments and the rise of presidential populist Donald Trump.

Tensions are running high across the board. More people than ever are now at the end of their ropes on issues like personal bankruptcy, loss of health care coverage under the Obamacare scam, loss of wages due to job cuts and the fear that comes from living with ISIS terrorists already inside U.S. borders thanks to an incompetent, race-baiting president who apparently seeks the deliberate destruction of America.

Add onto this the recent announcement that Obama and the cognitively insane leftists of the mainstream media literally wish to destroy the First and Second Amendments of the Bill of Rights, thereby enslaving all Americans under a regime of total thought control and complete disarmament.

FK – As I’ve been writing the last couple days, let’s hope they’re not too heavily infiltrated by fed nazi or NGO instigators.

Has Civil War Begun In America? Trump Tells America Clinton And Obama Created ISIS, It’s Surely The Season Of Treason – Why Are Obama And Clinton Still Walking The Streets?

Feds Arrive in Oregon to “Take Control of the Situation”

New York Magazine writer: I’d vote to kill militia members in Oregon ‘standoff’


FK – I agree that the Feds could ultimately come after them, but have they gone after those involved in the Bundy Ranch standoff last year? Do they realize they’re outnumbered?

The feds’ case: What they said of Hammonds’ resentencing

FK – “The fire consumed 139 acres of public land and destroyed all evidence of the game violations. After committing the arson, Steven Hammond called the BLM office in Burns, Oregon and claimed the fire was started on Hammond property to burn off invasive species and had inadvertently burned onto public lands. Dwight and Steven Hammond told one of their relatives to keep his mouth shut and that nobody needed to know about the fire.”

The fires were hot enough to fully consume several deer carcasses and make it impossible to determine if they died of gunshot wounds, poisoning, whatever? Uh huh.

My bet is this was once common practice by ranchers with leases and all of a sudden the fed nazis via the eco-commie trash decided to ‘crack down.’

‘Putting Lives At Risk’: Armed Protesters Vow Long Stay, Warn Gov’t Against Using Force


FK – The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:

Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.

Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends‘ who vote to kill them every time they vote.

Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights here.

How many will be truly ready for what we may have to endure?:


FK – Considering what’s going on out west right now this is very appropriate…

The ‘protesters’ held a news conference.

While others ask for help:

Good morning, new message from Jon Ritzheimer & Blaine Cooper to all patriots 󾓬󾓦😎share it please .

Posted by Saad Kooza Salman on Monday, January 4, 2016

Gun Owners of America Challenging Federal Machine Gun Ban

On November 2, Gun Owners of America (and its foundation) joined forces with Dick Heller — the very one who beat DC’s gun ban before the Supreme Court in 2008.

Working in tandem, Gun Owners filed a brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in support of a challenge to the federal machine gun ban, which was stuck on at the last minute to an otherwise pro-gun bill in 1986.

First and foremost, Gun Owners argues that the “arms” protected by the Second Amendment include fully automatic weapons, and that Supreme Court opinions have bolstered this view.

Our brief explains that the Second Amendment is not about hunting or target shooting, but about the preservation of liberty.

Go here to read GOA’s brief in Hollis v. Lynch.

Go here to help financially support the GOA brief in this case.

Since its founding, Gun Owners of America has built its reputation as the “no compromise” gun lobby.

We want to repeal any restriction that violates the “shall not be infringed” language of the Second Amendment — going all the way back to 1934.

FK – And don’t forget about the ‘Sullivan Act‘ in new yawk city and similar evils. And don’t miss reading the wonderful history of the trash that supports such evil. Typical.

How Federal Agents Can Get Away With Murder


FK – We need a new declaration of restoration. Guess what will be near the top.

How law enforcement officers can kill someone and avoid prosecution

Lawyer Adam S. Hoffinger, who represented Horiuchi and Tanella, said the defense amounts to a simple “two-prong test: “Prong one, was it in the scope of his federal duties? And prong two, were those actions necessary and proper?”

If the shooting passes those tests, the officer is immune, Hoffinger said.

He offered several scenarios to justify immunity. In one scenario, he said, imagine that a federal officer is ordered to protect a doctor who performs abortions in a state where the procedure is deeply unpopular. What if the doctor is attacked, and the officer shoots and kills an attacker — and a local prosecutor decides to charge the officer with murder?

“If we allowed state officials to prosecute federal officers, we could see all types of political prosecutions,” said Daphne Silverman, an Austin-based civil rights lawyer who closely follows police shootings. “What’s missing here is that we need the Department of Justice to bring federal charges” when a federal agent kills someone.

FK – Another reason we need a militia in every country of this country, as a stand alone agency, to investigate cases of government tyranny and mete out the appropriate justice with a granite gallows in front of every govt. building.

Shock Video: Cop Executes Man as He is Lying Face Down and Complying

The Police Have No Duty To Protect You: Joseph Lozito’s Story

FK – This needs to go viral.

If someone of smaller stature had been carrying a gun and used it to defuse the situation they’d be in prison. Time to get rid of the Sullivan Law in new yawk city and if they refuse bring the troops home and activate the militias and restore Liberty in these amerikan hellholes.

Gav Seim — Know the Law in 8 Minutes!

FK – Our ‘human rights’ are determined by what we decide to tolerate and what we are capable of resisting.

Through history human govt. had the power it was capable of or willing to achieve.

Law is what those in power determine it is, or what ‘is’, uh, is. In our representative republic ‘we the people’ are theoretically supposed to be in charge of this process but in reality it’s always the ‘educated’ aristocratic class, through its tools, the politicians, who determine what ‘law’ is, except for rare exception when groups, or ‘constituencies’ conglomerate their power and use it to achieve whatever goals they have.

All the ‘theories’ are great, and all humans should be born ‘free,’ but that simply isn’t the case. No amerikan alive today has known true Liberty and in actuality none ever has.

The war for Lincoln’s tariff and the 13th and 14th Amendments put all of us in the same level of slavery and it’s been downhill ever since.

So now instead of a militia of ‘able-bodied’ men of a certain age with military weapons in their homes and local armories we have a ‘national’ guard whose weapons are kept locked in federal armories.

We only have the ‘rights’ we are willing to fight and kill for. All the lies from all the pacifists and the govt. shills and “Liberal”(commie) trash won’t change that reality.

Every time your authoritarian ‘friends‘ of whatever stripe vote, they vote to kill you.

The elites consider us all to be livestock. There is nothing more important to understand than that.

Governments and those they front for understand one thing: power. Read ‘The Prince’ and ‘The Art of War.’

Guns without the will to use them are toys that can be regulated or taken. We have lost our will as a people. Maybe we’re slowly getting it back, I don’t know for sure.

The Bundy Ranch incident last year may show they are beginning to fear us again or that they are simply waiting for a more opportune time.

The shysters have created their own system of ‘just-us.’ Look at the ‘just-us’ centers they’re now building in small towns. The biggest, highest buildings often show who is the richest and most powerful in history. They want the state, represented through them, to be paramount.

The seminaries and churches were obviously infiltrated long ago, if not created for the purpose of keeping the slaves working. Religion is part of the problem. It’s a tool, always has been. Look up Chuck Baldwin, he has a clue.

Your neighbors, again, will readily vote to kill you if it suits their interests.

Again, it’s about power, them having it and the pawns not:


FK – The ‘law’ ultimately comes out of the barrel of a gun. Who will have the guns? Us or those who consider us to be livestock?

REPORT: Navy to Charge Officer Who Fired on Islamist During Chattanooga Terror Attack

What’s happening to this heroic Navy officer from the Chattanooga shooting will make your blood BOIL

Revealed: Navy Officer Did Something Heroic During Chattanooga Shooting, But May Be PUNISHED For It

What Deep Web’s Director Learned Investigating Silk Road

Silk Road Was Just Another Tech Company

Outside of the tech press, Winter notes, a lot of the media coverage on the Silk Road has been “drugs and guns and hitmen—just wildly off-base.” Off-base, he says, because when he started interviewing the people who knew Silk Road he didn’t see an outfit that was all that different from those littering Silicon Valley. “I started to meet all these core architects within the Silk Road: vendors, engineers, sellers, administrators, people who were helping with scaling,” he says. “It’s obvious in retrospect but it was just like any large tech company. But it was just not represented that way in the media, so even I was caught off-guard.”

FK – It’s all about keeping the skeer on while pretending to do something about a phenomena they really can’t and maybe don’t want to control…

Whistleblowers Reveal CPS Child Kidnappings in Kentucky Adoption Business

In 2006 and 2007 investigative reporter John Boel exposed much of the corruption taking place in the “child protection” system in Kentucky. His reports were broadcast in the local media at that time, and included some amazing interviews with former CPS whistleblowers, documenting the depth of the alleged corruption within Kentucky CPS.

In a report aired originally on WLKY Target 32 News, news anchors begin the story by explaining that the station had to go to court just to get permission to air their investigative report, because the State of Kentucky attempted to censor their report from the public.

Reporter John Boel states that they were “being swamped with complaints” against CPS in Kentucky. He explains that his report gives an “in-depth look” into Kentucky CPS which exemplifies what they were hearing from so many other families who were coming to them.

Boel reports that children are often removed quickly with no evidence of parental wrong-doing, and that the State retaliates against those who try to fight back.


FK – Time to force the legislatures to deal with this issue, and if they won’t, find out why. Obviously CPS has too much power.

Settlement Won’t Even Cover Medical Bills For Baby Whose Face Was Blown Apart By Police Grenade…

Habersham County, GA–  In May of last year, Bounkham “Baby Bou Bou” Phonesavanh, 19-months-old, was asleep in his crib. At 3:00 am militarized police barged into his family’s home because an informant had purchased $50 worth of meth from someone who once lived there. During the raid, a flash-bang grenade was thrown into the sleeping baby’s crib, exploding in his face.

Beyond the disfiguring wounds on the toddler’s face, the grenade also left a gash in his chest. As a result, Bou lost the ability to breathe on his own and was left in a medically induced coma for days after the incident.  Bou was not able to go home from the hospital until July.

No officers were charged for their near-deadly negligence, and the department claimed that they did not know that there were children in the home.  They defended their reckless actions by saying that they couldn’t have done a thorough investigation prior to the raid because it “would have risked revealing that the officers were watching the house.”

Now, a nearly $1 million dollar settlement has been reached between the family and the county.  One of the terms of the settlement is that the family may not sue individuals involved in maiming their son. Instead of coming from the wallets of the negligent officers, it will come strictly from the taxpayers.

FK – The shysters involved in these ‘settlements’ should be paying out of pocket for the difference. The insane ‘war on drugs’ and ‘war on terror’ must end and real safeguards installed for the use of these SWAT Nazis. We must gain control of how these Jr. Nazs are educated/indoctrinated. They must learn to put the Bill of Rights first.

But I fear we will be forced to do what will be required before that happens. Our governments and ‘just-us’ systems are just too far gone.

No Charges for Cops Who Disfigured Toddler with Grenade During Negligent Drug Raid

FK – Maybe they managed to do something right:

Supreme Court: Cops Can’t Violate 4th Amendment by Prolonging Traffic Stops to Wait for Drug Dogs

FK – The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!

What to Say When the Police Tell You to Stop Filming Them

GOA Alert: Anti-gun Loretta Lynch Sworn in as Attorney General

ACTION: Please take action by clicking here to hold Senators accountable — “spanking” Senators who supported the anti-gun Loretta Lynch, and thanking those who opposed her. This is an action item for which everyone (even those living in anti-gun states) should be able to take part!
Twenty Republican Senators helped break filibuster against Lynch

Loretta Lynch was sworn in as the 83rd Attorney General of the United States on Monday.

Lynch is an extreme, anti-gun advocate who supports reenacting the so-called “Assault Weapons” ban which sunset in 2004.

While every Democrat supported her, the Republicans listed below cast their support, as well. For starters, every Senator below — both bolded and non-bolded — voted to break the filibuster against her nomination.

FK – This might help with some of them but I fear McCommie(The Kentucky one) is too far gone. I told it Kentucky should be ashamed of it but many of us figured out what trash it is long ago.

The war crimes trials will involve republicrats as well as commiecrats.

McConnell Introduces Bill to Reauthorize Patriot Act Until 2020

Republicans move to extend spies’ power to collect phone data

FK – At least we’re slowly winning in one arena:

South Carolina House overwhelmingly passes unlicensed concealed carry

Gun control groups outspend NRA 5 to 1 in Vermont, lose on background checks

FK – The fact alone that we have to beg trash for a restoration of our natural born rights shows how far down the sewer this country has been for a long time.

Bakers Fined $135,000 for Refusing to Bake Gay Wedding Cake


FK – Another reason we need a militia in every county in this country, to dispense swift justice to the trash that so fully deserves it.