FK – So when will the hundredth monkey pick up a rock and cast it at the right head?
FK – And all because the empire nuked the shit out of two of their cities and won ‘unconditional surrender.’ But then the Japs themselves were wiping out their ‘old ways’ in the 19th century.
Where’s the grim reaper when we need him?:
FK – If you’re an sjw slut don’t dress up like an angel. Oh, I forgot, now ‘slut’ is a good thing. Where’s the grim reaper when we need him?
That guy should’a passed on his last beer.
FK – Historically NK’s rantings are about getting more foreign aid. Maybe this time he’s afraid he’s going to get Khadafied… One wonders what would be happening if hitlery had ‘won’ the ‘election.’
FK – What does it matter if the N Koreans can’t nuke a U.S. city? The sad truth is the average yankee doesn’t give a damn about those brown or yaller folk. Few ever discuss or even know about what was done to those white skinned German folk in Dresden and other German cities in WWII.
“Better us than them” is still alive and well. Better me than them still overpowers any self-proclaimed compassion from the ‘left’ or the ‘right.’
Personally I don’t think we’d get lucky enough for them to nuke L.A. or San Fran. Search and see what those two Japanese cities we dropped Atom Bombs on look like now. Imagine a future California, that belongs in America, not commiefornia, spreading its cancer out to amerika.
The empire has been sending aid to N. Korea for decades. One wonders if suddenly the checks just aren’t big enough.
Our real enemies are here, where they’ve long been.
More stuff the blindly patriotic don’t want to think about:
FK – We should’ve kept our troops home from Korea and Vietnam and had them kill the commies here first. McCarthy was right.
As I wrote, our real enemies are here, and they’re still recruiting:
FK – Lots of ignorant 19-year-olds die in wars.
And lots of ignorant sheeple think they can have a beer summit with those who seek to destroy all they cherish:
FK – Gee, where to start. Not sure if these are Brits or Aussies. Aussies I think. Both turned their guns over to their “Liberal”(commie) trash governments without a fight so they fully deserve whatever is done to them.
Bill klinton would probably be a fun guy to sit around a campfire with and drink beer and tell jokes, but that wouldn’t change the fact it should be tried for treason and executed along with it’s wife of convenience and now it’s evil daughter that is following in their evil footsteps.
Lot’s of ignorant 19-year-olds die in wars brought about by ignorant 40-year-olds who vote for the same ‘lessor of two evils’ all their existences in this world.
Liberty, real human Liberty, forcing the governments and other institutions to acknowledge the most basic right we are born with, the right to fight back against and kill if necessary those who would enslave us further or keep us from making the world free for future generations.
This is a ‘corporate’ ad and shows the corporations can’t be trusted either. It’s like conditioning the chickens to accept their fate in the chicken coop whilst they cackle happily among themselves while waiting for the egg collector or truck to take them to the butcher.
Sadly most sheeple are happy to waste their existences here in this way. They have been conditioned away from fighting back. The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.
FK – And a commie whines about it:
FK – Meanwhile western civilization’s next civil war simmers to a boil:
FK – These young reporters make me proud and give me some hope for the future of the human species.
Their subject matter not so much. As always, who is really funding, pushing all this? Revolutions don’t happen without money.
What’s the real reason for destroying western civilization and human liberty?
It’s way past time to start being really careful about which ‘lesser of two evils’ we support:
FK – Trump needs to fly to N. Korea in Air Force One and see if his charisma can overpower the police state. Maybe they keep N. Korea for the same reason they kept Cuba all those years.
FK – It seems to me they’d have to have Star Trek like sensors to delve deep into the Earth and find out which rock is gonna move or give way next in order to ‘see’ an earthquake coming like we now see hurricanes and storm systems.
FK – Should be re-titled the #1 risk to human so-called civilization. The earth will shrug us off again some day. It’s time for a massive die off anyway. So many in this country alone fully deserve it. Every presidential election cycle proves this by millions of morons spending all their time trying to control others instead of prepping for another inevitable cataclysm on this ancient planet in this ancient universe.
Or something else may get us first:
FK – Commiefornia sliding into the ocean would be a bad thing?
How can we arrange for hitlery, bernie and trump to be out there when it happens?
Another version of ‘the big one?’:
FK – The big shots never appreciate being made to look bad.
Or we could be doing it to ourselves:
FK – More likely they have something out there floating around now to help soothe the already pacified moronic mind. Western civilization has gone from being a too violent species to being so pacified as to not be a danger to anything but another slice of pizza.
Mindless pacifism is a far greater evil.
FK – Have you been to the area around Chernobyl? The wildlife there seems to be doing well outside of some deformations. But then all I know is what I’ve seen on docs.
I’m not defending the Jap govt. or Nuclear power. I don’t pretend to know how it could be made ‘safe’ if that’s even possible. But Hiroshima and Nagasaki to my knowledge are thriving cities. Don’t know what the health issues are there now if any.