Tag Archives: invasion

Invisible Terrestrial Entities, Vatican LUCIFER Telsecope, CERN & Fake Disclosure 2016!


FK – The question is why does the vatican have a telescope if they blindly believe their ancient tribal propaganda as they expect their ignorant flock to do? Maybe they have an idea from all the ancient scrolls or whatever they keep locked away in their libraries that the ancient tribal propaganda isn’t so inerrant after all.

The simple-minded would rather die than actually think about the world/universe(s?) around them. The vatican/elite/globalist/bankster leadership certainly knows this. They want the tithes/taxes to keep coming in and the slaves to keep working.

When ‘disclosure’ or whatever occurs the church(es) will simply find a new verse to explain it or create a new ‘interpretation’ as they always do so the simple-minded can regurgitate as if it actually means something. Nothing much will change except that those of us who do actually attempt to give a damn about something that matters besides some sadistic asshole of a god that’s going to ‘save’ us from itself will have a whole new set of issues/problems to try to follow/understand.


Apparent Detection via New Telescopes with ConcaveLenses of Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities (ITE)

Another version of mindlessness:

FK – The smartest one knew enough to admit its ignorance. The guy with the helmet was about to have a thought? Maybe for the first time in its life?

But they all know what a tattoo is…

This proves beyond doubt that we must get control of who or what votes.

It’s all about what’s put on that ‘blank slate.’:

FK – We must program the biological robots in such a way that they remain docile and obedient.

Do you know what the word ‘allegiance‘ means?

I stole this quote from one of the commenters:

“Artificially extending childhood is the way schools cripple the majority of our population life long. Many parents have been gulled into assisting this procedure, don’t you be one of them.” – John Taylor Gatto

Don’t know if he actually said/wrote it but it fits. There are many ways of being a child.

FK – The unfortunate fact that the elites understand is that most parents are children. It’s always been that way. Probably always will be.

The question is who or what has control over what is written on the blank slates.

Why Schools Don’t Educate


FK – There’s nothing new about this. It’s just that the elites need a population of biological robots that are just indoctrinated well enough to read and pay their electric bills and keep paying their taxes and tithes.

The popularity gene comes from evolutionary biology. The monkey that didn’t go along to get along didn’t get the banana or the sex.

3 Stories That Show the War of Terror Is A Fraud


FK – None of that matters. We still have to go to war to defend god’s chosen, the unmentionables, and their ‘promised land’ according to the ancient tribal propaganda.

And what will they do to hide their lies?:

FK – This world is a dirty place. So many work so hard to shore up their denial of this.

Sources for this linked here.

And our country is the main dirt bag:


FK – How can we rid ourselves of the globalist garbage that is really behind all this? If we had a nation of men we’d have the answer.

Remember, we outnumber them:


FK – After 30 years of trying to pay attention and 20 of waking up I’ve become convinced this reality is a false flag operation.

The amerikan sheeple are the ones who’re failing.


FK – They probably knew full well ISIS(fundie ragheads) or whatever would ‘attack’ Europe, et al.

The ‘agenda’ as always is survival of the fittest. The key issue that we’re failing at is to preserve what one claims to be fighting for. A hint: it’s not supposed to be ‘democracy’ that we’re fighting for, but Liberty, and as always our greatest enemies are not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world. They have white skin and are living down the street and call themselves ‘liberals’ and ‘progressives’ and even ‘tea partiers’ whose real goal is to force their version of authoritarianism on all of us.

And McCarthy was right!!! Search it.

Most-hated senator was right

Joe McCarthy Was Right

Make those claims about McCarthy again and I’ll begin to realize you’re part of the problem.

And you are right about our situation being ‘far more complicated than that.’ Most fear to go there…

Don’t miss this one:

Chuck Baldwin: The Paris Attacks

FK – Mainstream Christianity has become part of the problem.

…and lo and behold a hired public servant pulls its head out of its ass:

D.C. Chief Lanier encourages people to ‘take the gunman out’ in active shooter situations

FK – Does this mean the district of commie criminals will now respect our most basic right? A right applied for is a privilege.

With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations – Extended Cinematic 1080p

The first vid I linked to was taken down. Here’s another version:



FK – So who are our real enemies? What ideology is causing this and will bring it home to amerika if they can?

Why aren’t we hunting them to extinction?

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

The Invasion of Europe

FK – Your democracy is what’s killing you. Your failure to demand Liberty allows the sham of democracy, another form of manipulation, to continue.

Your failure to start killing your commies and your globalists when they told you to turn your weapons over to them will finish your civilization. The ragheads will have no problem circumventing their ‘gun laws’ and importing whatever they need to rule you.

They’re not ‘progressive Pollyannas.’ They’re communists and they know full well what they do. Your failure to hunt them to extinction, like ours, is what’s killing you.

All this is intentional. The question is who is really behind this and what are their real goals? One thing must be known above all else: They consider us to be livestock.