Tag Archives: insurance companies

Donald Trump and Rand Paul Unveil Brilliant Healthcare Reform

FK – This is why Rand Paul can probably do us more good over the long term in the Senate than he could do in 4-8 years as prez.

Think ‘senate leadership’ and mcconnell, mccain, et al put out to pasture where they belong. Well, actually they belong in prison or at the end of a rope.

FK – They’re not confused, they’re communists or corporate shills.


Sen. Rand Paul on CBS’ “Face the Nation” – March 12, 2017

FK – Bonehead was forced out. Can Ryan be forced out?

Let the republicrats destroy themselves and lose the house and senate in the next election cycle when fewer mush heads vote because there’s not a national savior running. Then we can prepare for the civil war that must result from all this.

But I guess I’m dreaming. This is no longer a nation of men. ‘Compromising’ with our native born domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, is what got us into this mess.

The killer bees of fake news

Trump as click bait, and other thingsā€¦