Tag Archives: illegal immigrants

The Colonization of European Culture


FK – If statism vs human liberty were simply a matter of race amerika would be a free country. Instead we haven’t known liberty here for many multiple generations and in truth never have.

The anti-federalists fought to give us a Bill of Rights to defend that few still deign to understand or respect. We are losing far more than a few statues or a right to breed.

One of the key foundation stones of colonization was blind obedience to authority that made possible the genocides of the past. That same foundation stone will be incremental to the genocides of the future regardless of which ‘side’ carries them out.

Real men don’t blindly obey. Real men question and when necessary kill those giving the orders.

What is a man, really?

See Israel, perceived as ‘European’ vs. the barbarians(Sound familiar? See Rome.) and its ongoing genocide against the Palestinians in the false name of ancient tribal propaganda and in the real name of global dominance.

All this evil is due to our failure to target and eradicate the sources of the anti-human liberty, anti-Bill of Rights, ‘anti-white’ if you insist, propaganda. Yet most of our real enemies have white skin. Funny thing that. They are the ones dragging the Trojan Horse through the gate.

There is NO RIGHT to work covertly or overtly to enslave or in our case further enslave those around you, regardless of the color of their skin.

The tool using monkeys long ago learned to lie about what they do and how they really live, preferring to paint their actions in the blood red lies and code words of being ‘the light’ or ‘the educated’ or ‘the god-appointed’ or the ‘superior’ nowadays being ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’ and ‘women’s rights’ and ‘the right to choose’ and ‘the right to feel safe’ and on and on.

But who or what is really behind this confusion? None of these movements would exist without the sanction of the elites. Revolutions require funding.

I feel no regret for the conquering of this continent but think it could’ve been done in a far more humane way. I’m pretty sure there are places where one can go live in a mud hut or wikiup if that’s what one prefers. Even the evil IRS doesn’t require you to file if you’re not making any real ‘money.’ The local property taxes might be another matter. And don’t let child protective services find out if you have kids.

In high school we study the amoeba in a dish eating each other and yet are taught to pretend we aren’t them.

Thoughts on “Decolonization” as an Anti-White Discourse

War is not always voluntary

Wikipedia page on The White Man’s Burden

To protect and to serve the government:

FK – Here in Kentucky the State Police leadership always oppose constitutional carry ‘for their safety.’ How disgusting.

They do not protect and serve us, unless one considers how a bull services a cow. Their job as always is to protect the state, enforce its law and enhance its revenue.

The SCOTUS has ruled multiple times the police do not exist to protect anyone.

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

The only real reason for the militia

Our cultural core has already been erased:


FK – Gee, what a concept.

Oh I forgot, there are no men left in western civ. to do what will be required.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

The ‘other side’ of this:


FK – A prime example that black folk certainly do posses the intelligence to be hucksters just as well as white folk.

That old preacher obviously does have a screw loose, whether it’s a recent affectation or he’s always been a faker.

I was sitting in a mega church once years back and the white preacher, a guy probably in his late 20s to early 30s, said “And now we get to the good shit!”

The sad fact is that without your race cards you’d have no arguments. Not that there isn’t legitimate ‘racism’ but it’s that you do lack the intelligence to focus on what matters, the human liberty of all races, not just yours.

And for the benefit of the simple-minded that goes for the ‘racists’ on all sides.

Gee, does the African continent have a Bill of Rights? If they wrote one would it ACKNOWLEDGE the NATURAL BORN RIGHTS OF ALL HUMAN TOOL USING MONKEYS or would it be an ‘allowance’ of ‘civil rights’ that can be repealed on the whims of government criminals or the masses through evil ‘democracy(mob rule)???’

Is she going to cover the genocide of white South African farmers or would she praise it?

Do robotic biological tool-using monkeys have rights?

“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx

Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!

Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

We can send the sacred, or scared, cows to Australia

A modern 10 commandments

The most important things to do

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

The Unbearable Whiteness of Being


FK – And so it begins. What should be a war for human liberty will be transformed into a race war.

White middle aged men in lycra may be a part of the problem. For the record I ride for exercise, and I carry openly when doing so.

If the middle aged ‘men’ so-called of western culture were spending part of their time spreading the message of human liberty and teaching the young how to kill their domestic enemies when necessary, and it’s way past necessary, especially in England, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

The Brits didn’t start killing their white-skinned commie globalist trash when told to surrender their guns so they fully deserve whatever is done to them, just as the average amerikan will.

Unfortunately there are no men of any color here to stop what’s coming before it has such a grip around our throats that it can’t be killed.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

“If you don’t like America, you can GET OUT!”

FK – It’s about illegals voluntarily voting for commies once they’re here. And they ARE commies.

But yes, we do have a long way to go do we not?

The real question, as always, is what will you do when they come for your neighbors?

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Another female with much less of a clue:

FK – The ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group is ran by sheep.

What will you do when they come for your neighbor’s guns?

The only real reason for the militia

Dutch Citizens Told To Submit To Islam Or Leave Country


FK – So who and where are our biggest enemies, the ones that will do this here if they can? Why are our troops still fighting Israel’s proxy wars for empire in the middle east when our real war is here?

Why hasn’t Trump brought the troops home and had them hunt our real white-skinned enemies? Just because we have a ‘conservative’ in the red house now doesn’t mean it’ll always be that way.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Muslim Party Leader Tells Dutch to Leave Their Own Country if They Don’t Like Diversity

A prime example:


FK – That’s why they want to disarm the civilian population huh commie trash?

If only we had the men to hunt this garbage to extinction.

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

Well here’s one commie with a slight clue:


FK – They claim they need help but they won’t hire part timers or provide a schedule that lets ‘human resources’ have any real time away from wasting their time in exchange for money.

The demonscat party with klinton the first passed NAFTA and sent millions of jobs to countries where amerikan corporations could find desperate ignorant workers that would do and say anything to get a job and show up on time, do what they’re told and never ask inappropriate questions.

They don’t call us human resources, consumers and treat us as products because they value us as human beings.

A modern 10 commandments



FK – They lost their country when they voted in socialism decades ago. When they surrendered their weapons without killing their commie trash they turned themselves into complete willing slaves. They fully deserve whatever is done to them as will the average amerikan sheeple.

And we are not far behind them:


FK – They only respect ‘free speech’ as long as it profits their evil agenda.

We have an epidemic of communism/globalism that must be dealt with as the cancer that it is.

We MUST get the commies out of the schools and the universities and the textbook companies and teach reality and real history warts and all to children including basic survival skills, martial arts including shooting, physical fitness and military skills as the Boy Scouts were created to do.

Then ALL young adults must go through some basic military training where they learn basic infantry skills and get further exposed to reality before they are allowed to vote.

Yes, the AR15 and its variants is a ‘weapon of war.’ Stop apologizing to your enemies for your right to kill them.

What the commie globalist trash hopes to accomplish is our submission. Our failure to hunt them to extinction will ensure their success.

The right to fight back is the right to private property. The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

Crime is a red herring for ‘gun control.’ Always has been. Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to reduce common crime it would still be evil as it would render the common people unable to kill government criminals when necessary.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we should ALWAYS be better armed than the average soldier, sailor, Marine, guardsman, whatever.

There’s no such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.

There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you.

Doing what is required to fight tyranny is always ‘illegal.’ When the blood war starts whatever we can pick up and use or steal and use will be ‘legal.’

The question is not “What will you do when they come for your guns?” but “What will you do when they come for your neighbors’ guns?”

What is a man, really?

The words ‘illegal gun’ aren’t in the Second Amendment.

The only real reason for the militia

The most important things to do

It’s time to put guns back in the schools and educate children in reality not communist fantasy land.

What to teach your kids

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

What I told my elected public servants about ‘gun control’

AR15’s are Weapons of War? (2nd Amendment Fact & Admitting the Truth)

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

Tell Congress to End Sanctuary Cities

The recent shooting death by an illegal alien who had been previously deported from the U.S. 5 times, highlights the federal government’s refusal to enforce our country’s existing immigration laws. Please end the existence of so-called “sanctuary cities” by supporting S.1842 that would require cities and states to cooperate with federal immigration agents.

The Obama Administration’s recent decision to end the Secure Communities program that allowed federal immigration agents to detain illegal aliens held at state and local jails is only part of the problem. More than 200 cities refuse to cooperate with federal immigration agents, and the Obama Administration has done nothing to prevent them from doing so.

But Congress shares the blame as well. For years, bills have been introduced to end “sanctuary cities”, but lawmakers have done nothing. I urge you to prevent future tragedies committed by criminal illegal aliens and support S.1842, introduced by Sens. Jeff Sessions and Ron Johnson, that would end “sanctuary jurisdictions” once and for all!

FK – Click on the link, send the message…