Tag Archives: illegal aliens

Will America Dump Trump?


FK – I can’t imagine being constantly afraid for 4-8 years that whatever is on the top of Trump’s head might decide to fly off to its home planet at any moment…

And fences work both ways. End the policies that attract the illegals. Stop the commies from registering them to vote. Look at commiefornia. It’s already gone and will have to be re-invaded. Bring the troops home, activate the militias and take our country back.

What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter:

Questions for your candidate

Trump On Hillary: Worst Secretary Of State In History


FK – The problem is the idiots keep voting for a candidate to “…make amerika great again…” No president is capable of that, well unless we get one with the backbone and gonads to do what will be required, which I’m not holding my breath for. Even Paul doesn’t have that much courage. We are a nation of cowardly whores.

I was going to lead this post with a Rand Paul vid on Trump that showed trump harping on the klintons and what nice ‘people'(loosely defined) they are. Then I noticed Paul has disabled comments on that vid and apparently on others, ticking off a lot of YouTubers and would be voters. I may be a past voter because of it. We’re truly in the shit can on this prez election cycle. But then that’s really nothing different.

Free speech is what the internet is. If Paul or his lackeys don’t get that they have a serious problem and deserve no more of anyone’s support. Holding their feet to the fire means just that.

Putting another NWO RINO hack in the now red house will only put millions of ‘conservative'(loosely defined) idiots back to sleep as they saunter off to the couch or the golf course or the fishin’ hole or the stock market, whatever their thing is. Hitlery in the now red house will at least keep everyone awake and pissed off and learning, and they all have so much more to learn in order to accept the reality of what will be required.

Amnesty danger to gun rights conspicuously absent from LaPierre CPAC speech

In his speech Friday before the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Md., National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre discussed a host of issues impacting gun rights, declaring they all depend on each other. Curiously absent from his speech was any acknowledgment of the danger amnesty for illegal aliens with a “pathway to citizenship” would pose to continued government recognition of the right to keep and bear arms.

That’s because credible polling confirms it would add a massive influx of new Democrat and “gun control”- sympathizing voters to the rolls. And that tracks with warnings issued by Gun Owners of America, curiously alone among national gun rights advocacy groups in sounding an alarm.

GOA has warned that the “pathway” will provide for millions of new anti-gun voters with the electoral clout to undo all hard-won legislative and judicial gains gun owners have enjoyed in recent years. That the administration is working toward that goal is corroborated by what Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, the official behind so-called “executive amnesty,” told the United Conference of Mayors, when he maintained that “the approximately 11 million people who are in the country illegally have ‘earned the right to be citizens.’”

Despite knowing this, and knowing that that one of the supposed “pro-gun Democrats” who betrayed NRA and gun owner support has openly proclaimed immigration “will decide who is in charge of this country for the next 20 or 30 years,” the NRA head talked about all kinds of other issues but didn’t breathe a word about amnesty.

FK – The ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group is ran by big money republicrats who put profits and their lifestyles before human Liberty.

Are ‘gun control’ advocates starting to see dangers of open borders?

In the U.S., the strong desire to protect gun rights, and the belief that our borders must be strongly secured, are both issues almost universally considered to be associated with a “conservative” viewpoint. Conversely, “gun control,” and the push for a far more open border, and much looser immigration policies are seen to be issues dear to those who call themselves “progressive” (“progressing” toward what, one might ask). As National Gun Rights Examiner, David Codrea has frequently illustrated, the connection makes some sense, because the highly permeable border and loose immigration policy do much to strengthen the political position of “gun control” zealots.

With the “Charlie Hebdo” massacre by radical Islamic extremists in France, and the subsequent attack on a kosher supermarket just days later, leaving between them 17 innocent people dead, attitudes may be changing. The powerful weapons (many not legally available to private citizens in the U.S.) were obtained by the terrorists without much difficulty, France’s restrictive gun laws notwithstanding. Apparently bought from an underground arms dealer in Belgium, these fully-automatic rifles and pistols, rocket and grenade launchers, and their explosive munitions are not difficult to find in Europe, we are now told, with many coming from large stockpiles in Albania and in what was once Yugoslavia.

But the interesting aspect about this is how these weapons in eastern Europe so easily move to western Europe, and once there, circulate freely among European Union nations.

FK – And it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if certain ‘progressive’ groups in this country already have them… What were they doing and advocating back in the 60s and 70s that some of them still have no apologies for?

Best to prepare for what will be required.

I’m no foreign military gun expert so I’m guessing these are the weapons mentioned in the Haaretz article linked above:

FK – Commie block weapons that the ragheads will use to kill European commies. How appropriate. And we need to be putting our own ameri-commies into their own loopholes:

FK – The “Liberal”(commie) trash that’s working to disarm us and allow modern barbarians into western civilization should be treated as the war criminals they are.

Never forget. You’re “Liberal”(commie) so-called ‘friends‘ voted to kill you.