Tag Archives: hitlery

The Next President Will Be Who Now??!… (Hint: Not Clinton or Trump!)


FK – What moron has trusted the klintons ever? I was a moron when I voted for klinton the first in ’92 when it said it was against NAFTA when I disagreed with all its other policies. But then I wasn’t about to vote for Bush the First even though I was still in my very early stage of ‘waking up.’

In my defense I didn’t fully understand how evil socialism and ‘gun control’ are. But we didn’t have the internet then. We’ve had it for 20 years and there really aren’t any excuses anymore, except good old fashioned willful ignorance.

If this were a nation of men the klintons wouldn’t have finished their first term. They would’ve been tried and executed for treason and for waging war on the Bill of Rights.

Hitlery could rip a suckling babe out of its mother’s arms, cut it’s throat and eat its liver on live weaponvision and still get millions of votes. Despite this Trump will likely trounce hitlery unless massive voter fraud ensues.

It’s a curiosity to me why the elites allowed hitlery to lead their charge. It must have lots of manila folders on bigwigs like Hoover did. They certainly could have found far more charismatic attractive younger tools to parade before the brain dead mush heads.

As I wrote:

FK – I’m no Trump supporter but it’s so clear how evil the Hitlery is only a modern moron could think it’d make a good prez. But then the definition of a good president is lost on the average voter. A good president would bring the troops home, activate the militias and shut down the commie/globalist front groups, foundations etc., get the commies out of the govt. schools and universities and news and entertainment media and clean out the commie enclaves on the left and east coasts.

Of course the bushes, first and second, don’t represent Liberty or the Bill of Rights. Bush the first instigated the first ‘assault weapons’ ban and was openly in favor of NAFTA while Bush the second oversaw the lie of 9/11, the Patriot Act which was written before 9/11 and not read by probably any of the congress critters that voted for it, and the war in Iraq(middle east) which is about empire building not protecting our Liberty or our country.

But the mush heads in the middle will have their say because we allow them to vote their ignorance and their desire for a magical savior to wave its wand and solve their problems for them so they don’t have to lift a finger much less take on personal responsibility for the world around them.

They fully deserve what’s coming.

But they’d rather be distracted by mindless arguments:


FK – “…in a severely dramatic and very uncomfortable way…”

Reminds me of what Southerners used to call their lost war for Independence after Lincoln killed 600,000 to maintain his power to tax and his generals pillaged their way across southern states: “The recent unpleasantness.”

An enormous understatement.

And they fully deserve what’s coming. Only their children and descendants will likely be the ones to pay the higher price because no one’s gonna get beamed up:


What You REALLY Need to Know About Hillary’s Earpiece


FK – Bundy Ranch was open rebellion. The Fed Nazis just didn’t shoot back. Now they’re railroading people into prison, business as usual, and this nation of non-men is doing nothing about it.

Here’s the only thing the ‘vets’ needed to say to the witch: “If you succeed in passing ‘Australian style gun control’ we will come to the District of Commie criminals and build the granite gallows that should already be there and hang you from it. Then we will execute an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we cleanse our land of the plague that is destroying it from within.’

But then most of our ‘vets’ aren’t men either, but cowards and prostitutes. Simple fact.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

Anything else the CFR witch says means nothing, anymore than anything Trump says means anything. We know the witch’s record for which it should’ve been tried and executed long ago along with its husband of convenience and Trump has no record of supporting Human Liberty. So this is all a charade, a play put on for fools and children.

Anyone who’s watched this crap, the 4 year quest for the idiot vote, for a couple decades and hasn’t caught on to the sham is in reality lying to themselves, even if only on a subconscious level, because the last thing the average dumbass wants is personal responsibility for the world around it. That’s why they look for a prez or a savior to wave a magic wand and solve their problems for them.

It’s all about fear, and greed:

FK – Because the moronic voters(tea partiers, conservatives, ‘moderate’ commiecrats, etc.) still think our greatest enemies have brown skin and are hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.


Clinton Versus Trump And The Co-Option Of The Liberty Movement

FK – I thank you for writing what I have wanted to for months but my level of disgust with the human animal has been too high for too many years now.

If only we could ensure all ‘liberty’ activists would at least read it. I fear it’s over the head of the average dumbass.

Now back to business as usual:


FK – As the old saying goes if you want to know if you can trust the govt. just ask the Indians.

I’m in favor of affordable gas as much as anyone but what price do we make others pay to get it? Do we always just ‘take it’ as Trump wants to do? Is that the ‘christian’ thing to do?

As a commenter wrote in the YouTube comments, the Bundy’s are in prison for allegedly ‘destroying’ native artifacts.

I won’t get into the issue of how absurd it is to pretend that our own cemeteries will still be cared for 100 years from now when most people don’t even know where their own great-great-grandparents are buried. Or how absurd it is when the Indians(native Americans) demand control of all human remains past a certain age because it’s ‘their’ ancestors when their ancestors were just as nomadic as ours. See Kennewick Man.

The sad truth is that for most it’s only about this:


FK – I’ve seen versions of this for years. The question that’s long been in my mind is: Is there enough gold and silver to go around? What would a ‘dollar’ really be worth if we went back to a gold or metal based system? As the old folks around here used to say about the not-so-good-old days – “No one had any money.” Would we be like them? Lots of us have no money now whether we don’t earn it or whether our incomes can’t keep up with our incessant craving for the newest thing.

And there were cycles of depression, boom and bust, before the Fed was created. There probably always will be no matter what economic system we pretend to adopt.

When international exchanges of currency take place it’s usually by electronic means so it’s all ones and zeroes with a label anyway, except for the un-laundered drug money headed to the big banks. I read an article years ago that claimed most U.S. currency is over seas and most of that is counterfeit.

The elites get away with this garbage because they know the sheeple will always just graze and breed and only notice the wolf when it actually looks or acts like a wolf. And not always then…

Who can make war against the Beast? We could if only we would learn that we outnumber them.

Without our Liberty, our supposed riches mean nothing because they can be taken from us on a whim.

If hitlery Wins Expect Total ARMAGEDDON


FK – It’s more like ‘dark vs dark’ since Trump has no record whatsoever that proves he means anything he says since he’s never been involved with or donated to any Liberty groups that I’ve been able to learn about.

Only a child thinks anything a prez candidate says during the quest for the idiot vote means anything. What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.

Questions for your candidate

Gee, the majority of those who claim to want to live in a free country are in denial of the war being waged here. We should’ve kept our troops home from Korea and Vietnam and hunted the commies here first. We must conduct an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season or this country and what’s left of our Liberty will not survive.

The commies want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie. Most govt.s south of the border are some form of commie. We must change who votes and how we vote in this country. That’s far more important than a few brown skinned peasants coming here to try to find a better existence.

More evil the masses will ignore to get a check or a job:


FK – On the fact alone that the CFR witch openly advocated ‘Australian style gun control’ it should’ve been dragged by its heels to the granite gallows in front of any govt. building, given a speedy treason trial(Here’s the Bill of Rights you swore to uphold and here’s where you advocated infringing on our most basic right, that of self defense, the the Bill of Rights is based upon) and speedily executed.

Know thine enemies.

Why are most modern ‘jews’ secular Marxists? What is Reform Judaism? Why are so many afraid to ask these questions?

This tells us what it is:

FK – This tells us exactly what ‘Reform Judaism’ is: totalitarianism.

I call them the unmentionables. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

As I asked:


FK – The amerikan military hasn’t fought a war over Liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that won. Read ‘The Real Lincoln.’

I’m a vet, do ya want to thank me?

Will any of this even matter?:


FK – Both parties have been rigging elections for decades. But the biggest issue is we let ignorant sheeple who only want a check or a benefit or a job vote. Without that neither Trump nor hitlery would have enough support to make them hall monitor at the local high school.

Otherwise hitlery could grab a suckling child out of it’s mother’s arms, bash it’s brains out and eat it’s liver on live weaponvision and still get votes. Trump? Well we see what Trump is capable of, but we won’t know the whole story until 4 years in… if we survive that long.

Now for some entertainment:


FK – I tend to think Trump will win but my record of predicting the outcomes of prez.(quest for the idiot vote) election cycles isn’t great. I thought Dubya would lose both times and didn’t vote for it or its mainstream opponents.

If the CFR witch dropped dead the demonscat party could run Bernie and stand a real chance of beating the donald but likely they’d do something stupid like run sliden biden.

An older friend of mine beat you to the ‘retroactive abortions for liberals’ idea.

More clues of just how fucked we are:


FK – The fact that we  have a ‘dept. of motherland security’ shows we are no longer a nation of men.

Homeland eyes special declaration to take charge of elections

Regardless of which tool lies its way into the now red house we the sheeple had better get ready for what will be required.

Which side will you take?

FK – By ‘gas’ did they mean tear gas or whatever they use to control riots?

They don’t hire prison guards because of their superior intellect but because of their ability to obey orders. A lot of the younger ones probably have little to no cultural reference to the ‘gas chambers,’ real or not, of WWII. Which makes this all that much more horrifying.

Too many ‘adults'(very loosely defined) already prefer to believe ‘it can’t happen to me,’ so they deserve whatever is done to them.

If this were a nation of men every govt. building would have a granite gallows in front of it with this inscription:

These gallows are to be used only for elected, hired or appointed public servants who have broken their oaths to uphold the Bill of Rights. Any who use them for any other purpose will be shot down in the streets by anyone who sees fit with the shooter receiving our nation’s highest honor: ‘The Armed Citizen’s crosshairs.’


Gary Johnson: the Establishment’s Secret Weapon


FK – So once again the only question left that matters is: Are we ready for what will be required?

BREAKING NEWS!! Trump to Drop Out of the Presidential Race


FK – Wouldn’t surprise me one bit at this point. But then I wouldn’t be surprised if an army of pink flying pigs descended from the stars and began to consume us all.

And civil war? Why I’ve never been capable of imaging such. The only real question is: Are we ready?

Could Trump actually drop out of the race? And what would happen if he did?

FK – You gotta love how commie propaganda always throws out a bone or two of reality to make it seem ‘unbiased’ or whatever:

“It’s important to note that Trump has said nothing indicating he’s considering leaving the race. And he may well still believe he’s going to win, since after all, he’s doing great with the Hispanics, the African-Americans love him, women are totally on his side, the middle class is completely in for Trump, it’s incredible, believe me. But it’s not as though his behavior has been all that predictable up until now.”

Trump is a demagogue and likely a plant that will probably trounce hitlery in November and then spend 4 years changing very little beyond throwing a bone or two to the ‘teapartiers’ or whatever to keep them on the golf course or the couch. Of course the “Liberal”(commie) trash will bemoan his every move, even when it benefits their agenda. In other words, the NWO’s long term goals will not be greatly affected.

But I could be wrong despite the fact Trump has no record of working for human Liberty. Regardless of which tool lies its way into the now red house the only question that matters is: Are we ready?

People Still Drink the Kool-Aid After THIS?!?


FK – They don’t need kool aid or fluoride in the water. The elites know full well how willfully ignorant/cowardly the average dumbass is. They constructed a religion for them long ago to tell them they were going to get beamed up soon and thus had no responsibilities but to pay their taxes to Caesar and obey the magistrates appointed over them and go to war if ordered by the authorities.

We don’t have Caesars any more but millions would willingly bow down to a king if presented to them as long as they got a check or some other benefit out of the deal. such as more false security.

It’s always up to that tiny minority to make a difference and say “No, HELL NO! We’re not gonna do it that way anymore!” The ‘gun rights’ movement has made some modest progress over the last couple decades though we still have a long way to go, politically that is, if we aren’t told to “Turn them in,” then by gawd we’d better walk out our front doors and start killing the “Liberal”(commie) trash that are waging war on us or we will fully deserve whatever they do to us.

The presidency is still a lost cause but political action can make a difference in other arenas. This is proven but too many are too simple-minded to comprehend this.

Ideology won’t do you a damn bit of good when the hot metal starts flying through the air. For that you must learn the difference between viciousness and cruelty and develop the resolve to do what will be required.

Too many are still in deep denial of our situation:


FK – I haven’t recognized any of the assholes that have occupied the now red house as ‘my president’ for 20 years.

Carlson seems to have some waking up to do.

“…resort to extremism like stealing elections…?” Huh? The “Liberal commie trash and their masters are waging war on us all and on the Bill of Rights. This is a war. WE ARE AT WAR! It’s time to get over your denial of this situation!

Passport? Is the idea of fighting back really beyond his reality? This is no longer a nation of men and Carlson, if he’s not a faker, is a prime example of this reality.

Trump wins, throws a few bones to the ‘conservatives,’ tea partiers, whatever, then continues on with the NWO agenda? What if he turns, complies with a new commiecrat congress on an AW ban/turn in, commies on the SCOTUS that make everyone fear Hitlery so much? What will the ‘strong man’ do then?

Are we ready?

No. This is no longer a nation of men. We should’ve had the militia force in place to deal with all this evil decades ago. If we had Hitlery would’ve already been executed for treason long ago.

More trash that would’ve already been executed if we had a nation of men:


FK – It took us all these years to figure out the contempt the “Liberal”(commie) trash have for those who don’t submit to their evil?

Not me. I’ve long recognized we must conduct an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season if we’re to have Liberty here and a restored Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional.

It’s time to get over your denial and develop the resolve to do what will be required.

Sadly it will be up to a younger generation that still has a lot of waking up to do:

FK – Miss. Borowski is a real treasure and should be our nation’s first female president but she still has a lot of waking up to do like most in every generation.

What if Sanders had been allowed to win? Would we all have just rolled over and gone along with full-blown communism?

What if hitlery wins and her SCOTUS nominees say it’s OK for a commiecrat congress to tell us to “Turn them in?” How many cowards will comply versus doing what our Founders did and kill their native born white-skinned enemies and enough government employees to make a difference?

Julie or someone like her should be president some day but that won’t happen unless enough of us develop the resolve to do what will be required for our domestic blood enemies will NEVER just throw up their hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you. We’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.”

There is no such thing as a right to work covertly or overtly to enslave or in our case further enslave those around you.

As a friend of mine used to say it will be a target rich environment:


FK – It will all depend on what your definition of ‘disturbing’ is.

Trump Wins The GOP Nomination


FK – The whole convention process is a distraction. The commies are still applying 1960s tactics, if not strategy.

And Jesus allegedly did threaten all those who didn’t want to be his daddy’s slaves with eternal torture. Look it up.

I suppose it would’ve been fun for the circus like atmosphere including the Infowars rolling sideshow but I have no business getting that close to screaming commies.

And ol’ Vermin should be Trump’s V.P. That would be a match made in the propaganda lab.

We’ve had the internet for 20 years so there’s really no real excuse for any of this except good old fashioned human insanity.

From the inside:


FK – The header should read ‘infuriated morons.’

From those looking for a savior to those who think anything that spews out of a candidate’s mouth during the quest for the idiot vote means anything to the apatetic that don’t care one way or another to those in the ‘conservative’/’libertarian’ movements who think we will resolve this peacefully and are scared to death of the ‘m’ word in the Second Amendment.

What will we do if Trump is or isn’t what so many think he is or if the elites shove their CFR witch into the now red house and disgust with the republicrats puts the national congress into the hands of the commiecrats again?

Are we ready?

As I was writing:


FK – We’ve had the internet for 20 years. It’s easy to learn how evil socialism and any form of ‘gun control'(sheeple control) is and why the commies want us disarmed: so we can’t kill them when enough wake up to the necessity of doing so but Marxist front groups like the Turks just keep lying. They won’t stop lying until we force them to.

There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you. They are waging war on us, this country and the Bill of Rights.

Young minds and old lies will bring fresh blood:


FK – Why didn’t you ask them if their system would be voluntary and why not and if they favor disarming the common people and why?

Yes, we should have a ‘system’ where no one is treated like a jackass, either by any govt., our employers or by any other institution.

The ‘conspiracy’ is proven by the fact that the rich have no problem funding these commie front groups and working to disarm the masses so they can’t fight back.

Politics is Fake and Staged


FK – But the morons will vote for them anyway.

What You Need to Know About Donlad Trump


FK – We won’t ‘know’ anything about Trump until four or eight years down the road. Even then we’ll still have to hold the war crimes/treason trials to get at the ‘real’ truth if that’s even possible.

If we had a nation of men the klintons and their entourage and their masters that made them and put them in place to include the Bush dynasty and the donors/leadership of the Marxist front groups/foundations/news media et al would’ve been executed for waging war on the Bill of Rights decades ago.

The war is here.

Is there a militia force in your county yet? Why not? Are you afraid of the ‘m’ word that’s in the Second Amendment?

Or do you fear this?:

FK – The fat pinko almost got its sign right. It should be ‘klinton.’

They should be scared. We should be hunting them. They’re waging open war on the Bill of Rights and on this country. Oh for a nation of men. Who’s paying them? Why do we tolerate covert and overt war on our Liberties? There’s no such thing as a right to work to enslave those around you in socialism much less to disarm them so they can’t kill you when enough finally wake up to the reality of doing so.

EPIC RANT: The Government Will Not Protect You From Tractor Trailers


FK – As a friend of mine used to say, it will be a target rich environment.