Tag Archives: history

A Knock At Midnight


FK – What was it your master allegedly said?: “He who is without sin…?”

Yep, us white folk should all be breeding as the ancient kings decreed to produce workers and soldiers for their conquering armies. What did ‘replenish’ the allegedly newly created Earth mean anyway? And why did the Hebrew god(s) give the order to those they had created in their image before the fall, before Adam and Eve were allegedly doing the nasty and having babies?

Yep, amerika is falling, but not so much in a material way. The Romans lost their republic but continued for centuries under various dictators, just as we’ve been doing since 1865. Only our dictators are appointed by the elites then the dupes are allowed to vote for them in sham elections whereby they seek another savior that repeats the same lies the last one did so that it may obey its real masters, the NWO elites, and forward their agendas while throwing bones to the pack, or what was once called the mob.

Did the Romans fall because they stopped worshiping their pagan gods and switch to monotheism? Or was it a simple lack of will brought about by easy upbringing that always produces a softening of heart and mind?

America is dying because of a lack of men with the willingness to understand what we’re supposed to have here or with the courage to do anything about it. Will future history books even tell the truth about it or will our conquerors write them?

I rest my case:


The patriot newbie guidebook

The patriot newbie guidebook
Barry Bright March 3, 2016

Over the years I have witnessed the eb and flow of involvement in what I call the patriot movement that loosely encompasses the ‘right wing’ or rather what some call conservatism, libertarianism, ‘Christian’ conservatism, the ‘tea party’ and the militia movement and on and on.

So I’m constructing this list in what is probably for now a false hope that more of our soldiers and citizen lobbyists and activists can more clearly understand the situation we face and not be discouraged every time some battle in this larger war is lost.

And you need to take your time, follow the links, and digest this if you are sincere about fighting for your country, for the real war is here:

1. We are at war.

Stop and think about that for a moment, in all its implications. The “Liberal’(commie) trash and their globalist masters will stop at nothing to succeed in their goals to enslave us all. There will never come a time when they simply throw up their hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you, we’re going home now to live in peace and liberty with our neighbors.”

2. In war mistakes will be made.

There is no ‘god’s army’ coming to save you. The men in the white hats aren’t going to ride over the hill at any moment. Study a little history and learn that soldiers are usually average human beings, not just ‘sheepdogs,’ who make mistakes. When mistakes are made we don’t just leave our packs and our rifles on the battlefield and go home.

3. It’s all propaganda.

The word ‘propaganda’ isn’t always what most sheeple think. As I often tell people it’s ‘all’ propaganda, from the ancient tribal propaganda that is used to help keep the slaves working to Faux News to the commie news network to your favorite YouTube star or that fakebook page we waste so much time on.

4. It’s all ‘political.’

Politics is human nature is war by other means and vice versa. We will never take the politics out of politics but what we can do is pass some constitutional amendments to do what needs to be done and forbid our greatest enemies, our domestic blood enemies who have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world from turning future generations into willing slaves, as so many already are.

5. Voting does no, some, maybe a little good?

On the presidential level voting has proven to be a waste of time. The elites have consistently succeeded in putting their two approved candidates before the ‘mush heads in the middle’ and they predictably vote for the lesser of two evils who they hope will wave its magic wand and solve all their problems for them so they can go back to beer and chips or the golf course or whatever their thing is. So they once again allow a tool of the globalists to be installed in the now red house. This is because most sheeple put little to no effort into studying the ‘issues’ much less our history and the form of government we’re supposed to have here.

Congressional, state and local offices are another matter. There are times when voting and legislative action can do much good in the effort to restore the Bill of Rights and enlarge human Liberty. If you have the patience and knowledge you should get as involved as you can stand to be in lobbying your state legislature and your local elected public servants.

Read this:

What can I do?

6. It’s not name calling if it’s true.

They’re communists. They started calling themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ and several other cute names to hide their evil from the willfully ignorant. They are trash, garbage, human scat and there is no lie they won’t tell in the effort to enslave us all. They deserve no more respect than one would give a rattlesnake in a sleeping bag.

They have proven there is no name they won’t call us in their efforts to smear those who simply want to live free in the way our human and imperfect Founders who could see a brighter future intended.

I will never forget what it meant to me to be called a Nazi, or a racist or ‘right winger’ or extremist simply because I was saying we’re supposed to be free here. Their arrogance is unforgettable and unforgivable.

7. Don’t ‘compromise’ with them.

‘Compromising’ with our domestic blood enemies has been the problem. As someone once said, “When you compromise on something you already have you lose.” When the “Liberal”(commie) trash, republicrats(rinos), neocons, globalists, corporate workaholic jerks or whatever ask us to compromise on our natural born rights that the Bill of Rights was written to force the government to acknowledge they are demanding with their false civility and false pacifism that we surrender what our ancestors fought and worked so hard to acquire at the price of their sweat and blood.

We draw our food and water from the blood-stained ground they conquered. Let’s not dishonor them by giving our domestic blood enemies the time of day.

This is the proper answer: “Here’s our ‘compromise,’ you clearly don’t belong in America. You are communists/globalists. If you agree to leave we won’t kill you in sufficient numbers to restore Liberty here. And that means you need to get off the entire continent. We cannot afford to have commie governments on our borders.”

8. Historically we have a ‘Christian country’ and a secular government.

And the governments must remain secular. We wouldn’t accept a fundie Muslim government with Sharia law so why would we accept any other ancient human contrivance that was so obviously created to help keep the slaves working by promising them ‘paradise in the next life’ as long as they obey their Earthly masters while in this one? Those who argue otherwise are ignorant or simply lying. Allowing any version, sub-version, or subversion of whatever ‘religion’ to set the rules is and always has been just as dangerous as any other authoritarian system. We must stop choosing one version of authoritarianism over another.

9. Human history is change and transition.

Simple fact. That ‘old time religion’ is not what it was 200 years ago, and on and on. What was the ‘reformation’ and ‘the enlightenment?’ Our government was based on several examples from human history, mostly western civilization of course. But we don’t turn ‘Christians’ into torches any more and we don’t drown witches and we recognize we don’t owe ‘allegiance’ to our self-appointed masters. Rather it is they who serve us and ask us permission for what they do that benefits us or it isn’t done.

10. The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.

The Bill of Rights, which some of the Founders, known as the ‘anti-Federalists’ insisted upon adding to the U.S. Constitution, is what makes us exceptional. It’s the most valuable, important, precious document ever penned by the hand of man, bar none.

After millennia of the rule of ‘god appointed’ kings the human species began to evolve to see that this is not a wise thing for it keeps everyone under the thumb of greedy, voracious arrogant actors that looked down their noses at their subjects and slaves and said “Obey me or I’ll kill and or torture you as is my right because I’m your god, am part god, descended from the gods, or was appointed by god.” In short, we don’t have a Caesar here to pay tribute to.

The Bill of Rights is based on the most basic right any creature possesses, the right to fight back, or the right of self defense. In particular it’s about the right to self defense against tyranny in government and our natural born right to kill those who would enslave us or in our case enslave us further.

11. “But this is America, we’re already free.”

I won’t honor that with a response other than to recommend you begin the process of sincerely waking up because you’re still a coward or a whore to the system or a child that probably needs to grow up first.

In that regard –

The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:

Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.

Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ who vote to kill them every time they vote.

Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

A short glossary:

people – Those who have taken the first step in accepting the personal responsibility of knowledge and the wisdom that may come from it if they spend enough time and effort to overcome a lifetime of indoctrination.

sheeple – The average dumbass, or ‘mush head in the middle’ as a famous radio personality calls them, that would rather die than think but will turn out to vote on occasion and make their decisions based on sound bites, spin, big hair or genitalia or skin color or stuff they want to hear because it makes them feel safer. Note that it’s very easy for many people to fall back into this cycle as the current quest for the idiot vote is proving, just as the last two did.

human being – Read Dune. It’s a great examination of religion, politics, human nature, etc. In short a human being is a highly evolved animal that doesn’t just fight back for food or territory or pride but for higher principle and values that most will never understand.

sheep dog – The false concept that only a tiny portion of our population has or should try to develop the ability, potential to fight back. It can lead to the false idea that our protectors are something other than our servants.

patriot – You don’t fight for a flag or a country or a document nor give allegiance to it but to the principles and values it allegedly was created to represent, principles encompassed in human Liberty which is what allows human civilization to advance however slowly.

war – Something our modern pacified society has taught us to hate while promoting it all over the globe for false purposes. We need to bring our troops home and have them fight here for Liberty not ‘democracy’ as they should’ve been doing in the 50s and 60s because McCarthy was right.

politics – Human nature – all the little things modern homo sapiens sapiens do to one another in the name of survival.

liberty – That stirring in the human heart that most work so hard to suppress either in themselves or others that tells them ‘we can do better.’

liberal – see ‘classical liberal.’ A word that was stolen by the communists after what ‘Ol’ Joe’ as FDR called him was doing in the Soviet Union finally became common knowledge over here because our infiltrated and controlled newspapers weren’t reporting it.

progressive – Another stolen word or key term used to control us and dupe the simple-minded who are usually only going to vote for a check or a job or some other benefit.

conservative – An ‘ideologue’ maybe, that often falls victim to ancient falsehoods or maybe just foolishly thinks things will ‘stay the way they always were.’ History is transition, and human civilization has been formed by various often dead or radically transformed ideologies that clawed at one another and drew blood and fertilized the soil of the human mind which again gives birth to an idea that is at first spurned then grudgingly accepted then turned into nostalgia to be cast aside for the next ‘new thing’ that isn’t always good or better.

religious – The pretentiousness that can stem from long study or natural born ignorance that tells someone they know what’s best for everyone else and they can use a wrathful god or government guns to enforce it without soiling their conscience in the least bit.

socialism – Sugar on the bait of a trap designed to imprison the human mind.

democracy – I think Mencken said it very well, as have others. It’s a false paradigm that tells us the majority always knows best when the majority very often knows very little at all and the elites have always known this which is why they do what they do and use it as their latest tool to keep us all pacified and stupid.

republic – The communist Chinese have a republic as have many others. It’s really just a word like any other and has only the meaning we are willing to enforce upon it.

So why bother? We preserve human Liberty for that tiny minority in every generation who will use it to advance human civilization. The sheeple will always graze on as long as they have steak and ice cream and a big screen or a promise of ‘paradise in the next life.’

I don’t expect the above to be popular because I always seek to tell the complete truth as near as I can ascertain it without worrying about sacred cows or simple-minded propriety. It’s way past time to wake up and grow up folks.

Books to read before you vote

madison quote on principles

And don’t miss my next two columns which address this issue as well:

Choosing sides

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

And a slightly more hardcore version:

A new birth of Liberty, or death


FK – The header is inaccurate but it’s interesting never the less. What it lacks is proper explanation which I’ll attempt to provide:

At the end there is soft allusion to the ancient tribal propaganda, from the tribe of the unmentionables that is, and the actual rare mention of ‘watchers'(two or three times in the entire ‘king james’ edition) and ‘nephilim‘(not actually in there). I’ve watched a lot of docs on this issue and read some things over the years and don’t claim to be an ‘expert,’ especially since most experts are whores for one institution or another, and showing these skulls which may or may not be ‘human’ and stones that we supposedly lack the ability to work in a similar manner does not the ancient tribal propaganda prove.

Myth and legend and esoterica and symbolism which the ancient tribal propaganda consists of is as always a mix of actual history and utter Bravo Sierra. That’s just how it works. Someone sat down and made it all up, loosely based, or it was ‘inspired,’ like modern books and movies by ‘actual’ events that our primitive ancestors obviously lacked the knowledge to comprehend. That’s how writing works.

We could go back in a time machine and record one of the original writers, whoever they really were, while working on a scroll and bring back an original copy and it would still be a bunch of stuff someone made up.

Those who argue otherwise are basically children.

What passed for ‘knowledge’ in those times was normally controlled by a cadre of elites and their immediate servants, whether priests or bureaucrats, kinda like now.

Personally I ‘think‘ not ‘believe‘ from what I have seen and read that the ‘watchers’ have indeed been with us for a very long time and probably have subtly influenced our evolution into the self-replicating biological robots(trainable slaves) that we are now. This may include influencing the writers of various versions, sub-versions or subversions of ancient tribal propaganda from various ancient cultures, for whatever real purposes.

But again, that doesn’t ‘prove’ that any of the versions, sub-versions and subversions of ancient tribal propaganda of whatever tribe is ‘true’ or inerrant. Only a child argues otherwise.

Mystery of the Widow’s Son – The Legend of the Craft

FK – One of the most interesting vids I’ve seen on this topic. It proves further the imaginative minds of biological robots and how they can spin so many different versions, sub-versions and subversions of the ancient tribal propaganda.

As far as respect goes, I respect those who respect my Liberty. The rest we need to be running from our shores.

Take the Let Freedom Ring Challenge

FK – You want to ‘heal’ the country? Really? Start by actually reading the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It says each state is guaranteed a ‘republican form of government,’ not ‘democracy.’ The word ‘democracy’ is NO WHERE TO BE FOUND in any of the Founding documents.

Democracy is another form of manipulation, like religion, designed to help keep the slaves working by convincing them they have a voice when they don’t, especially in the presidential race. Karl Marx wrote in his manifesto that “Democracy is the road to socialism.”

Surely these people are capable of realizing that the communist/globalist insurgency has long used minorities of all kinds to achieve their evil goals by deceiving them into thinking they are working toward ‘freedom’ when the opposite is their goal?

So what exactly would a ‘more perfect union’ entail? For some odd reason they don’t mention that. We can guess can’t we? Commie propaganda is typically feel good horse manure that doesn’t really say/mean anything but it’s still lapped up by the gullible who prefer a pretend easy solution to their problems or a ‘savior’ instead of waking up and growing up and taking personal responsibility for the world they exist in.

It’s time to demand Liberty.

What are you really pledging allegiance to?:

FK – I’m really disappointed that he didn’t mention the definition of the world ‘allegiance‘ and it’s root word ‘liege‘ and what it means:

The Wikipedia entry on the our ‘pledge of fealty‘ is interesting as well.

We should be teaching kids about patriotism, to human Liberty, not a piece of ground and certainly not to any government or a piece of cloth that long ago lost its meaning.

The American soldier or fighting man hasn’t fought a war for Liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.

What does all this lead to?:

FK – Trump may be what so many seem to hope he is but I wouldn’t bet a moldy sandwich on it. Millions will vote for Trump for the same reason millions voted for the Marxist mutt. They want someone or some thing that strokes their emotions and makes them ‘feel’ better or ‘safe’ and that most of all alleviates them of real responsibility for what happens in the world around them.

Do Emotions Trump Facts?

Do Emotions Trump Facts? Part II

Trump’s Failure In Iowa Was All Too Predictable

Analysis: Five Takeaways From the Iowa Caucuses

More on the quest for the idiot vote:


FK – How many are arrogant “Liberal”(commie) trash that want to vote for Trump because they know it’s a ringer or a faker or a fellow traveler?

We want to think it’s because hitlery has actually admitted it wants to attempt to disarm the civilian population and thus start a civil war, that should be a restoration of the Bill of Rights and of human Liberty. I fear we and they will be disappointed.

But with so many among us that have this kind of mentality?:


FK – Where can I get a video game that lets me shoot video game creators?

In a country that calls this, the killing of real if misguided patriots, ‘entertainment,’ and votes for demagogues and those who use religion to gain the favor of the ignorant:


FK – “A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side.” – Aristotle

No, I’m not calling Cruz a tyrant. He has a good to great voting record on some issues. I can’t trust his wife, a former wall streeter. GOA did endorse him and I might very well vote for him against a commiecrat. But when people vote based on their religion we have a real problem.

When ever some one or some creature demands you ‘fear’ them then you know it considers you to be a slave.

I could only stand to watch about half that last vid as I generally find political speeches to be a waste of time:

What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.

Questions for your candidate

Scientists Could Simulate Alien Abductions over 20 Years Ago

FK – To me this helps prove we are highly advanced, or maybe not so much, biological robots.

I’ve been watching the X-Files on Netflix. I didn’t watch much weaponvision back in the 90s when it was aired. I think I’m into season three or so. The scriptwriters have been very ambiguous on what the ‘aliens’ are. Scully was ‘abducted’ and yet the scriptwriters keep her skepticism at a healthy or not-so healthy level. Actually she seems a little wishy washy at times.

Regardless, the exclusion of one thing does not guarantee the existence of another, if that’s even the right way to phrase that. Or maybe it is. We exist in an ancient universe, or we don’t and it’s all a highly advanced hologram that was created by someone’s sadistic god that ‘created’ billions of ‘humans(loosely defined)’ knowing full well that the vast majority of them would be burned alive for eternity, including babies and kids and teens, after this less than a blink of an existence. And that’s somehow better than an alien breeding program or that we could be someone’s petri dish or nature preserve?

If we do exist in an ancient universe we don’t even rank as tadpoles in the mudhole. There’s just too many ‘sightings’ by ‘professional’ types and common Jim Bobs through history to discount the reality that something is going on over our heads that we can’t or aren’t allowed to understand.

Whatever the ‘truth’ is in this matter, if there is a single one, and likely not, all the various ‘isms’ and ideologies and power structures will attempt to use the propaganda about it to their advantage. This won’t change. After ‘disclosure’ which has been happening slowly for decades for whatever real reason is finally undeniable to the common dumbass on the street and the ‘educated’ in their ivory towers and to the preachers in their fire and brimstone pulpits they’ll all simply alter their propaganda to fit the times as they always have and us news junkies on the net will have multiple worlds to worry about.

But I just don’t think we’re ready for that. Not anymore, not after 20 years of watching the 4 year cycle of the quest for the idiot vote where most of those who are just smart enough to be marginally politically concerned don’t get that they’re responding to the same lies the last demagogue told them and if they vote for it because it makes them feel good nothing will really change. The most astounding aspect of that is many of them realize it but keep doing it anyway.

Besides, what would our existences be without mystery?

See what I mean about the propaganda?:


FK – Gee, you mean aliens really exist for the government to get the tech from? What a concept.

Or maybe they just want us to think they’re that powerful. Only time will tell.

Maybe we’ll soon find the ‘reality’ we’re searching for:


FK – Or it will find us.

I refuse to activate Cortana. I deleted the ability, I hope, of google to track me through my phone, if that’s even possible. Or maybe I only deleted the online public record.

No one is going to show up and ‘save’ us from ourselves. We must as a species learn to navigate what lies before us and behind us instead of struggling so hard, as so many do, to ignore it.



Bill Of Rights Birthplace Partially Demolished By Developer


FK – Didn’t know the Bill of Rights had a birthplace per se…

Is this the company’s website?

Is this their contact form?

The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional.

Bill of Rights Birthplace Partially Demolished by Developer

Is the West Disintegrating?

By Patrick J. Buchanan

On Jan. 1, 2002, the day that euro coins and banknotes entered into circulation, my column, “Say Goodbye to the Mother Continent,” contained this pessimistic prognosis:

“This European superstate will not endure, but break apart on the barrier reef of nationalism. For when the hard times come, patriots will recapture control of their national destinies from Brussels bureaucrats to whom no one will ever give loyalty or love.”

The column described what was already happening.

“Europe is dying. There is not a single nation in all of Europe with a birth rate sufficient to keep its population alive, except Muslim Albania. In 17 European nations, there are already more burials than births, more coffins than cradles.

“Between 2000 and 2050, Asia, Africa and Latin America will add 3 billion to 4 billion people — 30 to 40 new Mexicos! — as Europe loses the equal of the entire population of Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany.

“By 2050, the median age in Europe will be 50, nine years older than the oldest nation on earth today, Japan. One in 10 Europeans will be over 80. And who will take care of these scores of millions of elderly, before the Dutch doctors arrive at the nursing home?

“Immigrants is the answer, immigrants already pouring into Europe in the hundreds of thousands annually from the Middle East and Africa, changing the character of the Old Continent. Just as Europe once invaded and colonized Asia, Africa and the Near East, the once-subject peoples are coming to colonize the mother countries. And as the Christian churches of Europe empty out, the mosques are going up.

FK – The zombie apocalypse is upon us. This is the early stage, when denial is not just a river in Egypt. If we don’t deal with our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, that are causing all this we will be washed away as well.

Brussels Cancels New Year’s Fireworks Over Terror Fears

FK – “It is better not to take risks”.

Well, there ya’ go, the modern “Liberal”(communist) mindset in a nutshell. They pass the laws that let them in/attract them, then allow them to destroy western civilization.

Speaking of enemies:

DC Pastor: Christians Have No Right To Use Guns For Self-Defense

FK – To begin with the ancient tribal propaganda that contradicts itself constantly can be twisted to mean most anything some huckster wants it to mean at the moment. It was probably designed that way.

But then again what kind of preacher is this? Does he lead a commie church of some sort that uses religion as a front? In the district of commie criminals that’s a good bet.

Esoteric Science – Getting A Good Foundation


FK – This kind of stuff, the ‘flat earth’ propaganda, is good distraction for idiots. The sad fact is the ‘truth movement’ or whatever is full of them. There are several such sites. ‘BeforeitisNews’ comes to mind as the kind of platform that attracts those who are easily distracted.

Politics and history and religion is usually a quagmire of ideologies. Nothing new about that. And the ‘very old texts,’ to include the ancient tribal propaganda, is still a bunch of stuff someone made up for whatever reasons seemed reasonable to them at the time. That’s how it works.

James Jaeger: MIDNIGHT RIDE – When Rogue Politicians Call for Martial Law

James Jaeger: Unfortunately, we were not able to get Ted Nugent or anyone connected with the NRA into this or our previous film. We tried very hard to get Ted and/or Wayne LaPierre into MIDNIGHT RIDE. I called and called and wrote and wrote, all to no avail. One of our producers, who even has a personal relationship with the Nugent family, was not even able to persuade Ted to participate. I am thus very disappointed that the NRA chose to not participate in either MOLON LABE or MIDNIGHT RIDE even though they claim that “The NRA will continue to fight for the Second Amendment” in their letters and literature.

I wrote Mr. Lapierre after MIDNIGHT RIDE was released and sent him a DVD of the movie as well as a copy of MOLON LABE. In my letter to him I stated: “Wayne, this is the film I wanted you to be in. Larry Pratt and Stewart Rhodes are both in this representing their associations’ views on guns and the Constitution. Why did you not participate on behalf of the NRA? Guns are not only for profit; they are ‘necessary’ for a ‘free state.’ Do you disagree?”

I received what seemed like a form letter back from a “David K” (no last name given) starting out: “Mr. Jaeger, Thank you for your letter to NRA Executive Vice President Wayne PaPierre. Unfortunately, Mr. LaPierre is unable to respond to your concerns personally, but he asked me to respond on his behalf . . . ”

This is almost exactly the same kind of letter I get from MPAA studio executives and supposedly “conservative Second Amendment celebrities” like Clint Eastwood, Ted Nugent, Gary Sinise or their agents. All of these people, and others, whom I have contacted seem to be cowed by political correctness and the agenda of Hollywood as dictated by the 21 men that govern the MPAA studio-distributors and New York-based Mainstream Media. Otherwise, why doesn’t Wayne LaPierre go on network TV and state something like: The NRA supports the Second Amendment and believes there are five reasons to keep and bear: 1) target shooting; 2) hunting; 3) self-defense; 4) deterrent against tyranny and 5) one’s role to participate in their state militia per the U.S. Constitution?

Answer: Because if he did this – or Ted or Clint or Gary did this – they would be roasted as much as Donald Trump is currently being roasted by the Establishment and the gun-control lobby’s propagandizing networks. Any non-multibillionaire who tries to buck the Establishment or the Globalist Agenda will be met with intense heat, total blackout or who knows what.

FK – When I first got involved in the patriot movement, wouldn’t have called it that at the time, that early in my waking up, I went to a SAF training session in Gatlinburg, TN where Tanya Metaksa was a guest speaker. She explained the NRA’s lobbying process thusly: We give money to the candidates we hope win but if they lose we offer money to their winning opponent. This ended my desire to be part of the NRA. I had only been a member once for a year anyway, a few years before. This was in 1994 when the first ‘assault weapons ban’ was passed.

I’ve asked the NRA why they fear the ‘m’ word so much and didn’t get much of an answer.

I attended their annual convention when it was held in Louisville, KY a few years back and saw lots of Safari guides and multi-thousand dollar shotguns. Not that I’m against those things but it told me a lot, or rather confirmed my suspicions that despite their claims of being made up of lots of $20 members at the top it’s a rich boy’s club.

The ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group does some good things and if I were wealthy enough to become a life member and actually have a say I might do so but if I had the extra money I’d send it to GOA or some other group that has proven their mettle.

As for re-establishing the militia I don’t pretend to have the legal/research background of Dr. Vieira but I think it’ll be a snowy day in hell when all the states do such in a way we would find appropriate. When the order to ‘turn them in’ is given and a commie SCOTUS rules in favor of such as they will and the metal begins to meet the meat the militia will be made up of whomever has the backbone to show up and there’ll be nothing ‘official’ about it until we win and hold the treason/war-crimes trials.

Don’t miss the rest of that article.

Here’s the doc.:


FK – Since I haven’t had time to watch it yet I’ll reserve comment. Their earlier film Molon Labe is posted on my must read/watch page.

Their premiere page.

The problem:

FK – Sounds like a fundraiser with no meat. Where’s the beef Wayne? Why are you so afraid of the ‘m’ word?

This is what our domestic blood enemies wish for us all:

UK Firearms Attack Video: Run, Hide, Pray You Don’t Get Killed

FK – Pathetic Brits. But then we have many just as useless over here. The Brits lost all their Liberty when they failed to open “Liberal”(commie) trash season when they were told to surrender their weapons. That will not be tolerated here.

This is what makes us exceptional:


FK – The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional.

Celebrate Bill of Rights Day, Dec 15th

You’ll be Freer and Richer in the Bill of Rights Culture

Revolution is in the Air; It’s Time America

Gun Laws We Follow and Gun Laws We Ignore