FK – The world is not what they teach you in school or Sunday school.
FK – See comment above…
FK – The world is not what they teach you in school or Sunday school.
FK – See comment above…
FK – Good job and you did it quickly and succinctly and I rarely to never leave compliments on vids. Too many YouTube stars are blowhards and beat around the bush on everything.
Have you heard of the book ‘Forbidden Archeology?’ Things have been found in very strange places. Then there’s the 200,000 year old stone tools in Mexico. I don’t think any of them were as advanced as us or some fossilized cars or telephones or whatever would’ve been found by now.
We might want to ask what the modern empire of note has really been looking for in the Middle East and S.W. Asia all these years.
Maybe it’s not taught because too many sheeple might start asking ‘When’s it gonna happen again,’ and that might not be an answer the elites want to discuss openly.
It’s easier to indoctrinate them to wait for some god to ride in on a white horse and save them from the bad guys so they don’t actually take on personal responsibility for the world they exist in and stand up for themselves.
FK – I have a hard time thinking the watchers gave up their petri dish to the tool using monkeys.
The other day I saw a report that claimed the I.Q. of the human species is actually increasing. Couldn’t tell by recent election results.
Hollywood movies, like the ancient tribal propaganda, are juiced up versions of reality, to sell movie tickets and to keep us looking for boogie men under our beds when in fact they’re in our schools, our high offices and our church pulpits. The alien franchise is sci fi horror.
So the god that’s going to burn most of humanity alive in fire forever is coming to save us? Makes me feel better.
I won’t blindly trust the first bunch that reveals themselves, nor the second, nor the 2,002nd nor any of them. Blind faith is what got us into this mess. It won’t get us out.
The Wikipedia page on Panspermia.
They can’t even keep their website from being hacked:
FK – Well let’s hope it’s real and not another ‘psyop.’
The actual site. Their Wikipedia page. And this seems interesting.
FK – Oh for men such as those who fought on King’s Mountain.
FK – We must stop allowing them to indoctrinate the young.
It’s all about control:
This seems appropriate:
FK – Obviously they used religion in ancient times to try to stifle the sex drive and train better worker bees.
Democracy is evil, another tool of the elites. Demand Liberty.
Are the alien greys biological androids, avatars, controlled by others far or nearby, like our drones?
When the commies/globalists control the government schools and universities and media it’s not ‘brainwashing’ but indoctrination.
Maybe everything’s already ‘infused’ and we’re just not yet advanced enough to see it. Maybe that’s what the ‘revelation’ or pulling away of the veil will be about.
At best those that ‘made us in their image’ and/or have subtly guided our evolution are nurturing us toward whatever they wish us to be or if we’re lucky, what we choose to be. At worst we’re someone’s resource or petri dish. Or maybe all the above.
FK – And the ‘infinite’ mind could be someone else’s 14-year-old pimple faced hacker.
I thought someone’s alleged ‘scientist’ allegedly recently disproved the alleged ‘the universe is a hologram’ theory? It’s hard to keep up with all the versions, sub-versions and subversions…
What if under ‘god’ or whatever ultimate reality is there are many multiple layers of ‘reality’ and we just happen to be in the basement? When billions think it’s perfectly OK that their throne sitting god that was patterned after the ancient tyrannical kings will burn billions alive in fire forever we know we’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.
FK – What if civilization does what it normally does and transitions into something people 100 years or 1000 years or 10,000 years back couldn’t have imagined?
This is all poking in the darkness. Our ‘science’ is only slightly more advanced than Aristotle’s when compared to the big picture. We need to stop waiting for the world to end and focus on making our world or dimension or universe or plane of existence or hard drive a place that’s worth children being born into. That’s not possible without human Liberty under which we have true ‘choice’ and true ‘free will’ where our options are not eternal slavery vs. eternal torture or slavery in this life to money, corporations, commie governments religious nutbars and on and on. Anything less is just another lie.
FK – But what is a ‘good American’ or amerikan? Wouldn’t that be someone who puts the Bill of Rights above all the other B.S. and ‘isms?’
I can’t believe he found so many on a commiefornia beach with a brain, or something close to it. Are they voting?
FK – If they consider Earth to be their petri dish they’re not trespassing.
And landowners do ‘own’ mineral rights under their property, until someone bigger and stronger takes them away.
FK – How ironic that the RINO party is being torn asunder by a demoncrat demagogue. I think the whole thing is a setup and I think those ‘at the top’ are completely capable of planning something like this out if for no other reason than the republicrat candidates have been forced to start talking openly about the Constitution and Bill of Rights regardless of whether they ever mean anything they say.
It’s hilarious only because the average apathetic cowardly dumbass fully deserves what’s coming. We’ve had the internet for 20 years now so there’s no excuses for the level of willful ignorance that still exists in this country today.
The deception has been going on for a long time:
FK – One wonders how many more books like those are floating around. So how was the original 13th Amendment removed?
The shysters of course deny its viability.
Has anyone went around to the states and researched the votes? Apparently some have and claim they have the real proof.
And of course the evil ones among us deny that it means anything.
And they show us just how evil they are(from the same article):
“But they could be playing with fire. “We’re in a constitutional silly season,” says Bernstein, “and whether you are of the left or the right, if you take the Constitution seriously, it’s very troubling.” The threat posed by the 13th Amendment is remote; as far as can be determined, no other state has followed the Iowa GOP in calling for ratification, and no bill of ratification has been introduced into the Iowa legislature. As far as their platform goes, we should all be willing to defer to Iowa Republicans on the definition of manure as natural fertilizer. So long as they keep it on the fields, where it belongs.
FK – What does ‘ratification’ mean in anyway? We’ve been forced to accept the 16th Amendment when it was never properly ratified.
Regardless of how ‘provable’ it is or was it’s not a bad idea, even if ‘esquire‘ doesn’t have the nefarious meaning some claim.
The American Bar Association even declares they exist to provide ‘ethical guidance’ to shysters, which is laughable and would of course automatically disbar all commie shysters and all shysters that prosecute obviously innocent people in the name of political or monetary gain.
I’m honestly not sure it makes that much difference if the 13th Amendment is ‘real’ or not. We won’t have the country we want until enough men that we don’t seem to have anymore decide to do what will be required and afterwards pass an amendment forbidding shysters to hold public office, which would also of course bar the occasional shyster with a real conscience. Those percentages are probably about the same as the generational politician population, i.e. tiny.