FK – When the hell did we ever leave the last major recession?
I think trump is just another demagogue but if the republicrats screw him out of the nomination the RINO party will disintegrate.
If hitlery wins gun and ammo sales will remain high, the militias will continue to grow, the dumbass ‘conservatives’ and ‘tea partiers’ will stay off the golf course and couch where they retreat to every time a NWO RINO hack is installed in the now red house by the elites.
The Marxist mutt has so far failed to piss off enough amerikan men(defined very loosely) to start “Liberal”(commie) trash season but I keep my hopes up, somehow.
FK – Every prez election cycle proves there are millions of morons here who’d happily vote for a king and bow down to it if they thought it would wave a magic wand and solve all their problems for them, or throw those they don’t agree with into a lake of fire.
There will only be two cures for them: hemp and hot lead.
FK – If Trump values human Liberty so highly why wasn’t he spending his billions to support it before he decided to run? How much has he donated to GOA, JPFO, Oathkeepers and on and on?
Why is InfoWars ‘supporting’ someone with no real record and who has said it want’s a CFR member working for it?(or vice versa most likely)
I like how the cameraman is trained to keep the young hot blonde in the picture.
As for the ‘union worker’ it’s what, a one issue voter? It won’t tell us. Most of them seem like such ‘nice people’ but would they admit that a vote for hitlery or sanders is a vote to kill those of us who are demanding the Bill of Rights be restored and our nation be cleansed of all forms of communism? Would they admit they hate the police and military but will readily send them to kill those who refuse to obey their commie laws and arrest those who have stopped their enforcement as is happening out west?
Who’s training the dupes and why aren’t we hunting them?
Does the ‘union worker’ know what said it was against NAFTA in its first quest for the idiot vote and then pushed it through a demoncrat congress and signed it and bragged about it?
We have a nation of morons that fully deserve what’s coming:
FK – Trump can’t ‘bring jobs back’ on his own. He has to have the help of a republicrat congress or of a new demoncrat congress, like the one that passed NAFTA in the first place. I’m not holding my breath.
How many workers has he treated like jackasses in his career as a multi-billionaire?
We have a nation of morons that stupidly think they can believe what spews from the mouth of a candidate in the quest for the idiot vote.
Only a child thinks anything a prez candidate says during the quest for the idiot vote means anything. What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.
FK – Maybe Trump’s real purpose is to incite the ‘race war’ that the Marxist mutt has been heretofore unable to produce, or at the least to create a distraction away from candidates that at least have a record of voting for and supporting Liberty. But the average brain dead mush head voter is too stupid to grasp this.
Only a child thinks anything that comes out of Trump’s mouth or any candidate’s mouth during a prez campaign can be trusted or believed.
Our real rulers don’t want the average dumbass to understand that only tools are allowed into the now red house:
FK – ‘National Security’ is about the security of the beast system and the evil scat that runs it not ours. They consider us to be livestock.
Do they want their paid for witch in charge of the plebes?:
FK – If only we had a nation of men.
Only a child thinks anything that comes out of klinton’s mouth or any candidate’s mouth during a prez campaign can be trusted or believed.
But it doesn’t really make any difference which one lies its way into power:
FK – Gee, a Canadian that’s smarter than the average amerikan voter. The brain dead mush heads are grasping for the Hell on Earth they deserve. I hope they get it.
I’ve lately been feeling a greater sense of foreboding than ever before in my 20 plus years of trying to understand all this. The sad part is we’re not ready. The militia force that should’ve been developed decades ago is still not even a distant dream for most because they’re too pacified and stupid to even consider the necessity of fighting back. I hope they suffer horribly in this world for their apathy and cowardice.
If Trump wants a CFR troll on its cabinet then it’s no different than hitlery. It’s just another tool just as I’ve suspected. So the only difference is that for a while after a Trump victory the brain dead ‘conservatives’ and ‘tea partiers’ that voted for it will go back to the golf course or fishin’ hole or couch and then blatantly ignore, as long as they can, probably until the next commie runs for the now red house, all the damage the latest tool is doing just as they did with Dubya.
As long as there’s corn in the trough the average hog will stay in the fence. Most of them have been castrated anyway.
Unless of course we can awaken the brain dead zombies with ‘reason’:
FK – Have you ever watched the show ‘Rome?’ You remind me of one of the senator/philosophers who wanted Pompey to confront Caesar. A pointy sword in a willing hand beats a spear of reason every time.
Here in podunk the sheeple are oblivious as far as I can tell. They’re just gonna get on the trucks as ordered or at best die alone because they’re too stupid to organize for what’s coming.
I’ve been screaming my head off for years. One thing ‘libertarian’ and other ‘conservative’ activists can never seem to grasp is just how incapable the average dumbass obviously is of grasping these abstract concepts. The hundreds of millions that will be allowed to vote for the hair and the hitlery prove this. The elites have known it all along. They play us like a fiddle, whether Rome is burning or not.
As I’ve been writing for years:
Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.
It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.
The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?
FK – Water always seeks the lowest level and takes the easiest route.
Trump is a demagogue who knows how to channel the water in the latest quest for the idiot vote. He may have had a ‘come to heyzeus moment’ and developed a conscience but I wouldn’t bet a moldy sandwich on it. Just saying in the past that he was ‘friends’ with the klintons is enough to turn me off regardless of whether he meant it or it was just for ‘business.’ I can’t respect liars and commies should be hunted.
Rand Paul was the only candidate that’s even in the ballpark of what a president is supposed to be. Cruz has a good voting record on some issues and was endorsed by GOA but his wife’s ties to Wall Street kept me away from the polls, or the ‘caucus’ here in Kentucky that was set up to help Paul.
The commies want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie. The rest is disagreement and see the next paragraph…
NAFTA was the watershed for the amerikan middle class or blue collar class. They, the corporations, want desperate workers who will do or say anything to get or keep a job, show up on time and never ask inappropriate questions, in short, tolerate being treated like jackasses or robots. It doesn’t really take much since the submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.
Oh well. At least we have candidates that are closer to an understanding of the Bill of Rights than ever before. But that will depend on how much of a faker Trump is won’t it? My deep inner gut tells me he’s dangerous but maybe that’s just the years of cynical accretion on my soul talking.
At its real roots America was always about making a buck. We just got lucky and that tiny minority that actually cared about Liberty was successful in forcing a Bill of Rights on the con-stitution. Otherwise it’s loopholes would’ve long ago led us into total slavery instead of the partial slavery we exist in now. The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional and until the ‘conservatives’ and ‘tea partiers’ et al get this in their little brain housing groups and stop choosing from among the various versions of authoritarianism we’ll stay in this gauntlet of ideologies that is the human condition.
Amerika has been an empire since, really it’s inception, but we lost the republic in 1865 when the bad guys won and they raised the black slaves into another form of slavery and lowered the rest of us to match them. When you can’t un-volunteer from something you volunteered for what are you?
FK – Big govt. or big men. We must protect ourselves from both.
And we are caught in between. Who will win and how much blood will be spilled?
Don’t miss this one:
FK – Trump’s a demagogue.
The commies want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie.
So amerikan corps paying crap wages and forcing 12-16 hour days is a ‘better way of life?’
Have any of these talking heads ever had a blue collar job beyond flipping burgers? They need to spend some time on a factory floor or go deliver freight for a while.
Not everyone will end up being a ‘professional,’ whatever that really means. In my experience if usually means kinda the same thing as ‘expert,’ a highly paid whore.
And hey, the hair went to the experts on stealing…
I’m more convinced than ever that Trump is dangerous. But the ‘libertarians’ and ‘conservatives’ that don’t really understand what they’re up against aren’t far behind him.
FK – The CFR witch likely has a scapegoat waiting in the wings that’ll do a little time in a playboy prison at best and be rewarded later.
Will we be any better off if Trump wins? I wouldn’t bet a moldy sandwich on it.
The fact that it’s still breathing to spew its bile says much about our country:
FK – The question isn’t over hitlery or Trump but as always are we ready to deal with what will be required regardless of what ‘appointed/anointed’ candidate wins?
I still can’t buy the Trump hype. If he wasn’t anointed I just don’t think the newswhores would give him the attention they do.
FK – Trump could easily accomplish all the NWO goals with the help of a republicrat congress while keeping the brain dead tea partiers and ‘conservatives’ et al on the couch or on the golf course as they did with 8 years of Dubya. The CFR witch even with its narcissism and limitless arrogance is only a highly paid expendable tool.
The prez race is a ‘dog and pony show’ for the benefit of the mush heads in the middle who turn out every 4 years during the quest for the idiot vote to cheer on their latest savior.
There are over 300 million so-called humans in this country and we can’t organize enough real men to go to the district of commie criminals and to Wall Street and the left coast and do what needs to be done?
They deserve what’s coming and their descendants, like them, will be too stupid to understand what’s being done to them.
It’s only ‘defeatist’ if you’re so pathetic and cowardly that you’ll get on your knees and kiss, fondle and suck whatever they stick in your face. And there is no limit to what that may be.
As I’ve been writing for years:
Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.
It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.
The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?
What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.
The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:
Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.
Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ who vote to kill them every time they vote.
Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights
Who’s our greatest enemy? Those who build the Trojan Horse or those who open the gate?
Nothing will get better until we stop worrying so much about the fundie ragheads and start rounding up and at the least deporting our real enemies, our domestic enemies.
So who or what is our real enemy? A tiny no. of fundies who manage to kill a few mush heads now and again or our own white home-grown “Liberal”(commie) trash that works relentlessly to disarm and thus fully enslave millions?
What will we do when a commie SCOTUS rules it’s OK for the “Liberal”(commie) trash, our real enemies, to demand we ‘turn them in?’ How many cowards will comply? Those are the questions that matter.
What’s an ‘illegal gun?’ Those two words are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment.
Was the Inland Center a ‘gun free zone?” Why is commiefornia still a ‘may issue’ state? Why do we seek ‘permission’ to exercise the most basic right any creature possesses, that of self defense?
If the Marxist mutt and other commie extremists that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ tell us to surrender our weapons and thus our most basic right, they’ll find out what blood really is.
The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.
We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.
I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.
They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.
Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.
Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.
Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.
At least we won’t die for lack of ironic entertainment:
FK – And the ‘believers’ can’t see how their book of ancient tribal propaganda was written to be useful to whatever demagogue is in power or is seeking power at any given time by using various verses in or out of context to lead the sheeple a little farther down the primrose path that keeps them waiting for ‘paradise in the next life’ while their masters’ whips lash the dissenters who are always a minority back into line or torture and or kill them if they actually fight back.
The quest for the idiot vote is still business as usual:
FK – I fear many will have to be forced out of the darkness, or into a different darkness with the light at the end of tunnel still way off in the distance as is the usual result.
The question as always is not ‘Who or what will win?’ but ‘How will we win the war that is being forced upon us?’
Success brings its rewards:
FK – What they’re bringing in as always is the same ol’ tyranny under a different name:
FK – “…as is Donald Trump,” gonna be the nominee for the demoncrat party…
I like how you phrased that.
In the 4 year cycle of the quest for the idiot vote elections don’t matter as those are about the next tool being allowed to pretend to hold the ‘reigns of power’ for the beast system for a while. Everything below that does matter.
The SCOTUS appointments matter, but history shows neither party can be proven to produce a tool that will keep the commies and the ‘moderates’ out of the court.
Here’s my predictions: Hitlery = civil war; Bernie = civil war; Trump = civil war; Cruz = civil war; Rand Paul = civil war and on and on…
When the ‘conservatives'(very loosely defined, as loose as a stringless kite in a March wind) prove they’re just as susceptible to hero worship as the commies were during the last two cycles of the quest for the idiot vote then all that proves is this country is spiritually, morally, intellectually bankrupt.
And I don’t mean ‘spiritual’ in a religious sense as the mainstream versions, sub-versions and subversions were obviously infiltrated long ago if not created for the purpose of control of the population but in the sense that none have left a true love of Liberty nor the discernment to see a real defender of Liberty when he beckons or Rand Paul(even with that little beanie on his head) would be the favorite, or even Cruz, with his Wall St. and ‘religious right’ baggage.
Trump has donated to demoncrats, called the klintons his ‘friends,’ played money games, treated workers as jackasses, supported gun control, divorced and re-married multiple times which the ancient tribal propaganda is clearly against and on and on yet the sheeple have been blinded by another charismatic leader that promises them a rose garden maybe even without thorns because obviously bleeding for anything that matters is the last thing most of them would have the courage to do.
Trump has a lot to prove and he shouldn’t be allowed to do it while in the now red house because sometimes tools can fly off the handle and do tremendous even un-reparable damage. But then, it may not matter anyway.
FK – As long as the sheeple and people look for saviors we’ll stay on the same filthy wide road to hell on Earth that we’ve been on for all of human history.
We are on a road with no turn-arounds or exits:
FK – That’s OK, when the donald, or drumpf, or whatever wins, he’ll just declare bankruptcy and hold a fire sale for the now red house antiques and all that useless stuff in the Smithsonian and re-develop the district of commie criminals into a new East Coast Vegas where the prostitutes will actually look like the expensive whores they are.
I like Massie being in the congress of commie criminals if for no other reason than contrast but maybe he needs to take time off to invent a weapon that even if banned can be made in any garage because we’re gonna need them.
Has the tool already left the shed?:
FK – Trump has a lot to prove. Do we want him proving it on our dime? Will he use his billions to shave down the national debt?
What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.
FK – Really it goes back to 1865 when the bad guys won and the radicals in the original party of big govt. elevated the black slaves from one level of slavery to another and lowered the rest of us to that same level. When one cannot un-volunteer from something one volunteered for one has become a slave. That’s why the income tax, that Cruz wants to turn into a flat tax which will solve nothing toward getting rid of the communism/banksterism it stems from is ‘voluntary.’
Yep, if Trump is the demagogue I think he is he’ll be Romney on steroids:
FK – As much as it may pain me to do so for once I have to agree with the newswhores. Trump has no record of supporting Liberty or ‘conservatism’ or any damn thing else.
His phenomenon is the same human nature that put the Marxist mutt in the now red house.
What will ‘making America great again’ really mean?:
If that account is true any employer that treats workers that way should be gut shot, chained to a pickup truck and dragged down the road at a high rate of speed.
Liberty means not being treated like a jackass by any government or any employer.
We need to end the ‘socialism-type policies’ that draw the illegals here and do whatever it takes to keep the commies from registering them to vote commie. That’s what it’s about.
Romney? Really?
If ‘they’ or someone, a ‘mind control’ victim or commie dupe afraid of losing its check kills Trump the conspiracy theories will likely dwarf those of 9/11 and JFK and serve as great distraction for decades.
How much of ‘the system’ are we willing to work within? What if Trump champions the same kind of ‘compromise’ on the Second Amendment that Sanders does or even goes as far as Hitlery wants to with ‘Australia style gun control?’
Don’t think that’s possible?
Regardless of who’s right or wrong about the billionaire with the hair we should as always be preparing for what will be required. That reality will come to one generation or another as it always does.
Here’s some ‘compromise’ and ‘deal making’:
FK – Oh we’ll be ‘hunting’ soon enough.
Let’s hear from the youth vote:
FK – So are they morons intentionally generated by the govt. indoctrination system or are they simply choosing between the lessor of two evils? You decide.
Oh, it’s gonna be a crazy year all right, and probably several after that…
A few out there must know what’s coming:
FK – Reminds me of a milk crate raid I went on in college with a guy who basically dared me to do it. I was picking out the best colors and he was complaining because I was taking too much time.
As they say, we must never forget:
FK – Well he was right about Marxism being a plague.
FK – Mass., I can never spell it, is full of commies to begin with. I don’t trust their plotting conniving scheming souls any farther than I could throw Hell’s front gate.
And what would it mean exactly if Trump looked at Congress and declared “You’re fired!”? Didn’t Hitler do something similar to the Reichstag?
There are millions of morons in this country, and every 4 year cycle of the quest for the idiot vote proves it, that are basically voting for a magical king to solve their problems for them.
I mean come on, millions are waiting to get beamed up and you think the average voter is capable of real rational thought? So I have little doubt that many would agree to get rid of the congress and go with a savoir, Earthly or not, and to hell with the consequences as long as it makes them ‘feel’ better.
Trump may prove to be what so many are convinced he is, a ‘winner.’ Hitler was a winner until he came up against the Russian winter and a new non-European power that he grossly underestimated.
As far as ‘destroying’ the republicrat party, the original party of big govt., goes, what do the commies do?: Infiltrate, infiltrate, infiltrate…