Tag Archives: heaven

Teaching about the Bible in Public School: Legal or Not?

FK – Maybe we should be asking “What is the purpose of education?” Why? Because for a ‘believer’ their only purpose in this world is to ‘make it to heaven’ or be ‘enlightened’ by whatever means their version, sub-version or subversion demands.

For the ‘non-believer’ the purpose of ‘education'(indoctrination) and ‘life’ can be vastly different.

Personally I was raised rural Southern Baptist and don’t understand how anyone who believes in that childishness would want to be responsible for bringing a child into existence so their sadistic god can hold it over hellfire and demand “Be my perfect(repentant/forgiven/often mindless) slave or I’ll burn you alive in fire forever.” I’d NEVER want to be guilty of contributing to that process.

Is the purpose of ‘education'(indoctrination) of the blank slates to make them good workers, taxpayers, slaves, or to mold them into self-governing free individuals who grow up and take personal responsibility for the world they exist in and will pass on to future generations?

In a free country

there are no…

gods you cannot deny

flags you must pledge to

anthems you must stand for

tribes or groups you cannot question

laws you must obey when they represent open tyranny

charity based on government guns and not loving hearts

holy books used to scare children and adults into obedience

leaders who gain power based on words bereft of real action

liars who claim we cannot defend ourselves against their evil

wages stolen from workers before they even reach their hands

We are not free.


What to teach your kids

The purposes of gods and golden rules

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

We must raise generations that won’t tolerate this evil:

FK – They don’t call us ‘human resources,’ or ‘consumers’ or treat us as ‘products’ because they respect us as human beings. They consider us to be livestock. Everything they do must be judged on that fact.

If we oppose the commie globalists, we ‘are’ the ‘alt-right’ according to their propaganda stream. We are the modern ‘reactionaries’ Search that word, not with goolag. I’m a proud reactionary. It’s far more important than being an ‘infidel’ though I’m one of those as well.

Once again the sheeple elected a savior. Once again they ignore the reality that they need to take on personal responsibility for the world they exist in and stop waiting for it to end or for someone to ride in on a white horse, in a golden chariot or flying saucer and save them.

What can I do?

And this evil:


FK – I’m only on fakebook to share ze propaganda and force ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ to continue waking up to the reality of what will be required.

We need to be fighting to make communism/globalism and every other form of authoritarianism irrelevant.

Attempting reason with communists and many ‘conservatives’ is akin to slitting one’s wrists and jumping into shark infested waters.

We must make amerika free.

“The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.” – Sun Tzu

Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting. – Sun Tzu

As for our current situation there is only one fix for it, if it can be fixed. But western so-called men have been de-backboned and de-nutted and shrink from the idea of shedding blood when the tree of Liberty cries out for it in such a plaintive and alarming way.

The patriot newbie guidebook

Welcome to a nation of morons

What does ‘We the People’ actually mean?

It means we are responsible…

We have a representative republic, guaranteed to every state, not a democracy.

We have a Bill of Rights that acknowledges rights we are born with, not granted or created by any government.

We vote with the knowledge that voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a government gun in our neighbors’ faces and force our version of reality on them at the threat of their very lives.

We stand ready to protect our Liberty and the Liberty of our neighbors, not destroy it, via any version of authoritarianism, of any age or place.

We are prepared with knowledge and force of arms to make war against and kill if necessary those who would destroy our Bill of Rights whether they represent domestic or foreign enemies.

We do not lie to ourselves, our families, our friends, our business associates, our descendants, our enemies, about these things and do not EVER tolerate those who would have us do so.

If the troops were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.

The only real reason for the militia

What is a man, really?

A new birth of Liberty, or death

What do we need?

FK – Our enemies are here. They always have been. Trump needs to bring the troops home and have them hunt our real enemies.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

The FBI has been directly involved in setting up most ‘terrorist’ arrests. They were directly involved in the bombing of the World Trade Center in the early 90s. Stop lying.

Well duh. It’s obvious we have natural born communists who are working covertly and overtly to enslave us all by overthrowing our form of government and destroying our Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional.


3 Things Everyone Should Know About Religion

FK – I was raised in a rural Southern Baptist Church. The big Baptist church in town put their Sunday Services on the local TV station as did a Baptist Church in Louisville, this state’s largest city. You can bet there are differences.

I’ll never forget when our preacher proclaimed “If this church ever has a dance I’m leaving!” This was because the church in town was having one.

The Louisville preacher’s sermons usually bordered on the blatantly un-biblical in an effort to please his ‘educated’ flock.

Funny stuff, or it would be if so many morons didn’t take the crap seriously and use it as an excuse to sit on their asses and wait for the world to end while passing their slavery on to their children. It’s the most pathetic/horrifying thing I know of.

Back in the 90s I attended a ‘watermelon bust’ to hand out fliers for a ‘Democrat'(loosely defined) candidate at what was called a democrat event. The crowd was listening to a gospel music band and likely preparing to go vote for Clinton/Gore. I was a registered Republican or maybe Libertarian at the time.

The sheeple don’t think. Politicians and modern priests know this and take advantage of it.
The Southern Baptists have recently proven once again that they have been infiltrated by their vote earlier this year to condemn the ‘alt-right,’ probably without really understanding what it even is.

It’s probably impossible at this time to understand all the minute details of all the current versions, sub-versions or subversions. Several lifetimes could be wasted on such.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

What to teach your kids

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

7 Government Officials Who ADMITTED Alien Life EXISTS

FK – Billions are perfectly OK with the idea that their sadistic god, that’s ‘their’ god, is going to burn the vast majority of tool using monkeys that ever existed alive in fire forever and would be quite willing to kill millions or billions in wars over which sadistic god or version, sub-version or subversion of such will have the pleasure of doing so.

And you ask why so many are still ‘closed minded?’

We’re still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark age.

I don’t ‘believe’ in aliens. I simply acknowledge there is sufficient evidence to admit the UFO phenomena exists. What it really means or will ultimately mean for humanity is still probably an open question that will remain so for generations to come.

The big question is when will mainstream scientists stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

The purposes of gods and golden rules

A modern 10 commandments

Points For “Good Behaviour”: Canadian Government Introduces the Creepiest App Ever


FK – Of course the healthiest thing one can do is never question authority and certainly NEVER fight back!

Why don’t you all shave your heads so we all look the same and no one has to feel inadequate?

And why does anyone brush their teeth in the morning? Is that for that sleep snacking?

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Why Mexican Immigration WILL END the United States


FK – None of this will matter one whit one way or another if we don’t get the commies out of the schools and universities and start teaching liberty instead of the false gods of democracy and socialism.

There are liberty minded folk of latin amerikan or whatever descent just as there are millions of white-skinned “Liberal”(commie) trash whose ancestors may have come over on the Mayflower but still don’t belong here.

We need to be kicking those who prefer communism or socialism or the Communist Manifesto over the Bill of Rights out of this country, regardless of their skin color, ethnicity, race, claimed religion, or whatever.

And we must get control of who votes and what they know.

The commies want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie. That’s the issue.

Strike the root and kill the tree of communism so the tree of Liberty can be free again. And likely this process will involve refreshing the roots of the tree of Liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants just as Jefferson wrote long ago.

But this is no longer a nation of men and most ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ or other isms that claim to value liberty lack the backbone and guts to do what will be required. Hell, you can’t even get the pathetic creatures to publicly talk about it.

Southern Commiefornia will have to be re-invaded and re-conquered or it will likely become another Venezuela.

When the southern states seceded slavery had already existed for 80 years under the U.S. flag. They had every right to secede with a system they already possessed as evil as we consider it to be today. Commiefornia will secede to force Marxism on all its residents, who like many, are stupid enough to vote for it.

Southern Texas along the border is much the same as southern commiefornia. Have they affected Texas politics in the same way?

It’s highly ironic that the descendants of those who were conquered by Spain now defend the language of their conquerors while abusing the language of those who are giving them shelter and aid and work.

We should return to requiring other languages in schools. But that doesn’t mean our national, state or local govt. business should be conducted in any of them.

What makes America, not amerika, exceptional and recognizable, is our Bill of Rights and the Bills of Rights of several states that closely mirror it. If we lose that none of this other crap will matter one whit. We”ll just return to killing each other over resources, territory or over whose version, sub-version or subversion of a sadistic god we pretend to worship.


Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.

It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.

The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?

Once again my standard answer to such:

Let’s make amerika free again!

Are we ready for the outcome of voting for the lesser of two evils, and eventually getting more evil than we can handle?

Is there a militia force in your county yet? Why not? Are you afraid of the ‘m’ word that’s in the Second Amendment?

The patriot newbie guidebook

The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.

Who’s our greatest enemy? Those who build the Trojan Horse or those who open the gate?

Nothing will get better until we stop worrying so much about the fundie ragheads and start rounding up and at the least deporting our real enemies, our domestic enemies.

So who or what is our real enemy? A tiny no. of fundies who manage to kill a few mush heads now and again or our own white home-grown “Liberal”(commie) trash that works relentlessly to disarm and thus fully enslave millions?

What will we do when a commie SCOTUS rules it’s OK for the “Liberal”(commie) trash, our real enemies, to demand we ‘turn them in?’ How many cowards will comply? Those are the questions that matter.

What’s an ‘illegal gun?’ Those two words are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment. A right applied for is a privilege.

Was the last ‘mass shooting’ site a ‘gun free zone?” Why are commiefornia and others still ‘may issue’ states? Why do we seek ‘permission’ to exercise the most basic right any creature possesses, that of self defense?

If the Marxist mutt and other commie extremists that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ tell us to surrender our weapons and thus our most basic right, they’ll find out what blood really is.

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Rules for the militia

FK – And don’t miss this one:

Today Jefferson Davis; Tomorrow Thomas Jefferson

FK – The Emancipation Proclamation was a political propaganda move to attempt to keep the British or other countries from recognizing the Confederate govt.

Modern commies admire Lincoln, who they consider to be a fellow traveler. The republicrat party was the original party of big govt. Simple fact.

And Baldwin is right about the amerikan communist insurgency targeting Jefferson and our Bill of Rights and form of govt. They already have, a multitude of times. After all, how could ‘slave owners’ have created a viable form of government that recognizes ‘freedom,’ which of course will be the communist version.

Commies in other countries also attack ‘dead white guys’:

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Will we soon be obsolete?

FK – I think the human species has overcome much more difficult circumstances. The automation of reality I feel may be greatly over exaggerated, not that it won’t make a difference.

We could and must refuse to be forced into automated vehicles. Succumbing to such will rip away much of what little self determination we have left. Just as we must force our govt.s to force the corporations to stop tracking us and treating us as products, or ‘human resources.’

They don’t call us human resources because they respect us as human beings.

As the ancient tribal propaganda claims, “There is nothing new under the sun,” and someone may have been here before.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

FK – Are there others making plans for us or directing what the elites do?:


FK – Assuming they don’t just ‘destroy us’ and assuming they provide us some form of a ‘choice’ or ‘free will’ it would be a mistake to blindly trust them just as it’s a mistake to blindly trust any earthbound human or human institution or version, or sub-version or subversion of reality.

When someone tells you they ‘know’ you can usually know your dealing with a child.

“The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.” – Sun Tzu

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Trump as click bait, and other things…

Aliens are REAL and will probably destroy us, says director Ridley Scott

EXCLUSIVE: World is ‘about to be told ALIENS EXIST and are HERE on EARTH’

The vid Jones mentioned earlier:


FK – As I’ve written before I think at worst we’re someone’s resource. Or maybe the world religions are real and we’ll all end up in each other’s hells.

Maybe the real problem is our lack of humility:


Analyzing the Realms of Disclosure with Pedogate & UFO’s


FK – So-called ‘free energy’ has probably ‘been kept from us’ for far longer than a century, probably for a reason, as in we’re not ready for it. I wish I could see things differently. But billions happily slave away with no conception of what human Liberty should or could be and with no sense of the personal responsibility it entails. Every quadrennial cycle of the quest for the idiot vote proves this.

Who deserves to vote?

What would the results be if millions of us were daily melting down the phone lines to our congress critters and legislators and local elected public servants demanding our Bills of Rights, our natural born Liberty, be restored?

With no desire to understand human Liberty and the personal responsibility that comes with it most deserve to be treated as slaves. Simple sad fact. We preserve what freedom we can for that tiny minority in every generation that actually uses it to move humanity forward. But we still exist in a very dark and dangerous age where billions are perfectly willing to kill millions in defense of ‘their’ sadistic god who they hope will burn the vast majority of humans that ever lived, including kids and babies, alive in fire forever while they stand around happily singing praises to it. I can’t think of anything more pathetic.

I think Wilcock, greer and such are full of crap. There are a lot of hucksters in the ‘ufo community’ same as most others. It’s a good bet they ain’t all here to ‘save’ us, anymore than some guy mowing his yard steers around all the ant hills.

All religions are successful cults. The most successful don’t require too much responsibility on the part of their adherents, as in “We’re gonna get beamed up soon so we don’t have to worry about anything that happens here,” while they pass their slavery on to their descendants.

It’s all about power, control, dominance, hegemony, empire. What they fear is enough of us finally realizing that we outnumber them.

Ya know, I really have no desire to hurt the feelings of that walrus with two kids I see in the redneck mecca who I think had no business breeding and its kids that can’t help that they were born and will likely end up like their parents. So I don’t think boundless telepathy would be a good idea. We’re having enough trouble managing the net and all the govt. and corporate surveillance that the average sheeple is too stupid to understand how evil it is, as in “If I’m not doing anything wrong I have nothing to worry about.”

Maybe universal esp would be a good thing if we were all pre-programmed mindless biological robots designed to stay within certain performance parameters…. Uh wait.

I don’t think we yet understand whose illusion we’re destroying.

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Maybe the younger generations will find a way out of this darkness:


FK – If we kept the phone lines to congress and the state legislatures melted down as we should they’d be forced to pay attention. Instead everyone’s gone back to the couch or the golf course since the great savior was elected.

The war is ongoing.

War is not always voluntary

The patriot newbie guidebook

The Basics

Our enemies seem to be on the run:

FK – Antifa or whatever cute name they’re calling it this week has probably been temporarily called off because it was bad press(propaganda). We can’t be presenting the wonderful, loving, civil, pacified commie ‘left’ as being ‘violent’ especially when they strive so hard to disarm us all so we can’t hunt them when enough finally understand the necessity of doing so.

“Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?” – Josef Stalin

Don’t worry, they’ve simply gone off to some dark corner to lick their wounds and re-hash their same ‘ol lies.

What to teach your kids

“Most people prefer to believe that their leaders are just and fair, even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which he lives is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one’s self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.” – Michael Rivero

“Unacknowledged” PROOF That Aliens Are Here! 4/25/17

FK – Whenever ‘ufo investigators’ start sounding like “Liberal”(commie) trash as in “They’re here to bring us peace and tech that’ll save us from the evil fossil fuels’ then I know that’s someone who can’t be trusted.

Likewise when some simple-minded moron tells me they’re all ‘angels and demons’ I know I’m dealing with a child.

It’s not simple. It’s never been that simple and probably never will be.

The commie globalists, like the ‘military industrial complex’ and like the religious nuts that want to keep us in the dark ages, will use this issue as propaganda for their own purposes.

None of them can be trusted.

For the sake of those heavily indoctrinated in ecocommunism: A real replacement for fossil fuels might be a good thing, or it might not be. What would be its true cost? How much would the banksters charge us for it?

There is NOTHING free in this world. We pay a price for everything in some way or another. Do we want ignorant people to be able to, or think they can, ‘freely’ feed all the babies they can produce? That was called the ‘welfare state’ and was created to guarantee inter-generational constituents for the demonscat and republicrat parties.

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Our problems are never that simple:

FK – The swamp will take much more than draining:

Trump as click bait, and other things…

As we’ve long said – three to seven percent actually fought in the American Revolution. How many will fight in the restoration, and for which side(s)?

From watching this for so long I’ve concluded there really are no men here anymore. Oh some of them will fight when their backs are against the wall. But we should’ve started hunting our domestic blood enemies long before this. We should’ve kept the troops home from Korea and Vietnam and killed the commie globalists here first.

This vid’s show notes.

The patriot newbie guidebook

And still we beg them for permission:

FK – Yes, the Bill of Rights was written in an attempt the force the govt. to acknowledge the most basic right we possess: to fight back against and kill if necessary those who would enslave or in our case enslave us further.

Too bad so few have the courage to even admit this to themselves much less speak it publicly.

This is no longer a nation of men but still a very primitive society. We have a representative republic but many act as if they’re electing a king every four years that will wave a wand and magically solve all their problems for them.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

God is a Human Eater – Vatican Suppressed Scriptures – Gospel of Philip


FK – Most ‘believers’ couldn’t pronounce ‘christ consciousness’ much less explain what that might mean. And what would ‘allah consciousness’ mean?

Most of them are concrete thinkers. Most of them will be sorely disappointed if their sadistic bronze age god doesn’t burn billions, including babies and little kids, the vast majority of humankind, alive in fire forever. Those versions and sub-versions that practice infant baptism aren’t doing it for symbolic reasons. Protestants don’t cajole little kids into “gettin’ saved” for symbolic reasons. Most of them don’t even know what ‘symbolic’ means. Believing in it is condoning it. That’s how that works.

We’re still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

The primary goal of the powers that want to always be is to always keep the slaves working, willingly, not by force. Force is too much trouble. Give them a false promise of ‘paradise in the next life’ and nowadays a big screen and enough steak and ice cream and the mules will keep plowing without much complaint. Throw in just a little fear via the IRS and other Fed nazis just to keep things balanced for that minority that always looks around and starts asking inappropriate/inconvenient questions.

This is no different from modern ancient tribal propaganda versions called the NIV or whatever and on and on: someone’s ‘interpretation/version of what ‘god’ is or should be. Only children blindly ‘believe’ in anyone’s ‘inspired’ false reality. Think ‘this was inspired by true events’ that we often see at the beginning of books and movies. It’s still largely someone’s fiction.

Politics is human nature and vice versa. Religion of course is or stems from politics, the need to control or the need to be free of control. Buddha claimed he was trying to free people from the suffering that stems from wanting the things of this world, more or less. Yeshua or whatever allegedly was doing basically the same thing which tells me he was probably influenced by similar teachings. He and his apostles were ascetics. What did the Buddha do at first: starve himself and seek visions, just as Yeshua was doing for 40 days before he was tempted by the devil or his own imagination/hallucinations?

And it’s all someone’s ‘opinion.’

After water and food sex is the strongest animal desire. Early civilizations saw the need to control this because of the dangers of STDs and fatherless/orphaned children to any society. Those who created the modern welfare state knew exactly what the outcome would be. It wasn’t done to help anyone but to create inter-generational parasites that could be dependable constituents for the demonscat party and thus the globalist elites: ignorant easily manipulated masses.

Thus we have the version or sub-version of the creation myth where the ‘original sin,'(not named until thousands of years later) was sex outside of marriage. Thus we have a ‘savior,’ a crazy monk, that allegedly said ‘looking at a woman in lust is adultery’ and ‘fornicators shall not inherit the kingdom of god’ or whatever.

Male and female circumcision is about stifling these animal instincts and as he said, sanitation, in a culture where the sheeple didn’t bathe as often as we moderns might not think they should have.

How can one ‘agree’ with ‘the truth’ when it’s not defined? How does this fit with being punished for ‘eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil?’ Neither ‘good’ nor ‘evil’ is ever properly defined other than being ‘obedient’ is good, being a good slave, and not doing so, not blindly following orders, which is an evil in itself, perhaps the most dangerous one, is ‘bad.’

I rest my case. It’s about keeping the slaves working.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

More on the insanities:


FK – Most sheeple are simple-minded children and are looking for some savior or another to alleviate them of personal responsibility for what happens in the world around them. See Trump and the Marxist mutt.

Questioning these ‘heavenly’ or ‘earthly’ gods throws their little minds into a tailspin. Accepting blind faith is forfeiting individual thought and replacing it with emotion. Thus questioning any of these gods modern or ancient shuts their little brains down and makes it nearly impossible to get them to question anything other than what they’ve been spoon fed.

Believers make good slaves. That’s why the elites tolerate and encourage religion.

I really hate to have to waste time on this garbage. But I’ve been forced to finally see it as a large part of the problem and why we as a species can’t seem to find freedom or even any real desire for it.

Like many of the beliefs and rites of Romanism, transubstantiation was first practiced by pagan religions. The noted historian Durant said that belief in transubstantiation as practiced by the priests of the Roman Catholic system is “one of the oldest ceremonies of primitive religion.” The Story Of Civilization, p. 741. The syncretism and mysticism of the Middle East were great factors in influencing the West, particularly Italy. Roman Society From Nero To Marcus Aurelius, Dill. In Egypt priests would consecrate mest cakes which were supposed to be come the flesh of Osiris. Encyclopedia Of Religions, Vol. 2, p. 76. The idea of transubstantiation was also characteristic of the religion of Mithra whose sacraments of cakes and Haoma drink closely parallel the Catholic Eucharistic rite. Ibid. The idea of eating the flesh of deity was most popular among the people of Mexico and Central America long before they ever heard of Christ; and when Spanish missionaries first landed in those countries “their surprise was heightened, when they witnessed a religious rite which reminded them of communion…an image made of flour…and after consecration by priests, was distributed among the people who ate it…declaring it was the flesh of deity…” Prescott’s Mexico, Vol. 3. – The Mystery of the Eucharist

You’re not gonna get beamed up child. It’s time to wake up and grow up and take personal responsibility for the world you exist in. The ancient tribal propaganda isn’t gonna save you. It wasn’t even written for you.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Choosing sides

The Inconvenient Truth About The Bible, The Gods & UFOs


FK – It’s winter in the northern hemisphere. We all expand this time of year.

Trump is historically no more religious than my dog. He owns casinos. They don’t build those things to give money away to the poor. We’ll have to wait until Trump has an actual record before history or the liars who write history can pass judgement on him.

The ‘heavenly host’ would likely be whatever beings altered our DNA and turned us into tool making monkeys, or whatever really happened. Ancient ignorant sheeple would call things they didn’t understand ‘angels and demons and spirits.’ They’re still doing it.

Flying scrolls sounds like the cylindrical craft that have been seen down through time.

Most believers don’t really even read their ancient tribal propaganda, that wasn’t even written for them. It’s like arguing with children over the existence of Santa Claus. It’s over their heads.

Why do ‘spiritual beings’ need physical flying air or space craft?

No one has yet proven there are structures on Mars. I’ve seen a lot of very questionable low res pix and other obviously photoshopped crap but no real evidence. That doesn’t mean there’s nothing there…

If there are several to many more advanced species visiting this planet or that have claimed it or whatever they may very well be at odds with one another for whatever reason and thus produce the ‘good’ guys and the ‘bad’ guys that our ignorant ancestors called the ‘fallen ones’ or the ‘heavenly host.’

It’s even possible that some of these ‘advanced civilizations’ have some insane belief system of their own that they seek to force on others. If ‘disclosure,'(the average dumbass having to daily think about or deal directly with the reality of ‘contact’) happens then the magisteriums or whatever will simply point to the verses about the ‘watchers’ or whatever to explain them or maybe come up with a whole new version, sub-version, or subversion. Religion won’t die. It will simply evolve as it always does.

We are born into a world of mysteries and will likely die in such. If there’s a big beam up it likely won’t be what many are expecting or want. (See vid below)

Modern ‘religion’ has been turned into another way to keep humankind enslaved if it wasn’t designed that way from the beginning.

Wikipedia page on Melchizedek

My standard answer to such:

You’re not gonna get beamed up child. It’s time to wake up and grow up and take personal responsibility for the world you exist in. The ancient tribal propaganda isn’t gonna save you. It wasn’t even written for you.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war.

Waking up is hard to do

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

‘Free Will’ would be not being forced to make a ‘choice’ –

Choosing sides

“I can’t prove any of these things but I feel this way.” Well there you have it. Believers of all kinds suffer and die every day, usually because they ignored that tiny minority that was trying to get them to get off their mental and physical asses and pay attention and take responsibility for the world around them. Blind faith got us into this mess and it won’t get us out.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Any huckster can learn how to use a ‘hypnotic voice’ or form of preaching or speaking to enthrall the simple minded. Seen it done many times. Check the recent quadrennial quest for the idiot vote.

Who deserves to vote?

I’ve never stopped being a ‘truth seeker.’ It’s too bad you did.

The mysteries mentioned above:

FK – Best vid he’s done in a while. He should do more like this and avoid the fuzzy photoshops…

Here’s another one who’s good at ignoring real ‘inconvenient truths’:


FK – Did Jesus own casinos or say it’s OK to re-marry after divorce?

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. The ‘big deception’ is upon us all right. It won’t be what most expect.

And here’s what our schools are churning out to lead us into the future:

FK – The key is that he learned to be indifferent, or rather his indifference was enforced or as was done to my generation steered in the wrong direction, toward supporting the commie revolution that was going on in the sixties and seventies… and really long before.

Looks like the commie schools had exactly the effect they were built to have:

FK – And the republicrat party was the original party of big government:

Books to read before you vote

The victors write the history books. Who’s writing them now?

What to teach your kids