Tag Archives: guns

Are you a JPFO force multiplier?

I’ve always considered apathy as great a threat to the right to keep and bear arms as outright anti-gun activism, probably even more so, because while “they” have billionaire funding, “we” have the numbers. That more isn’t done to demonstrate that is a nut I’ve been trying to crack for decades, most of the time shaking my head that so few seem willing to roll up their sleeves and help carry the load, be it through volunteer activities or funding support.

Case in point, out of an estimated 100 million gun owners in this country, the number reportedly belonging to the NRA is generally only put at around five million. Groups like the Second Amendment Foundation, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and Gun Owners of America weigh in at considerably fewer members. An even more marked lack of participation can be seen with many state-level grassroots gun rights groups, often staffed by a handful of overworked volunteers trying desperately to fight a state-level strategy being waged by Michael Bloomberg’s well-funded and professionally-staffed Everytown machine.

Another case in point is Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, a unique effort bringing a distinct message and a moral perspective on the evils historically enabled by a government monopoly of violence. The untimely death of founder, leader and teacher Aaron Zelman removed much of the direction, to the point where the organization was in danger of fading away.

FK – JPFO’s propaganda(it’s all propaganda) was a major factor in my early ‘waking up’ to the situation we face. I’ve always known JPFO as the group whose goal is to ‘destroy gun control.’

To me that means when this war is over all ‘gun laws’ are forever consigned to the dust bin of history and any elected, hired or appointed public servants who seek to bring it up in the future are immediately treated as the traitors to human Liberty they are.

If anything has changed about this goal then there’s a problem.

Mr. Gottlieb has done some things I’m not happy about but over all I think he’s done a lot of good, far more than most. It was at one of his training sessions back in the 90s that I heard Tanya Metaska(sp?) stand up and explain how the NRA at that time would give money to a candidate they supported but if that candidate lost they would offer money to the winner. I understood her to mean even our enemies. That was the end of my affiliation with the NRA.

Some have an issue with ‘compromise’ in any form. Compromise in minor battles may be acceptable, in some situations, but as a whole, concerning the outcome of the war, it’s not.

How Tragedy could have been Averted in France

French Gun Control Turns an Entire Nation into “Sitting Ducks”

AK-47’s are very, very, very, very illegal in France.  Their laws are stricter than California’s.  And while it’s virtually impossible to legally get a gun in that country, most police don’t even carry them, according to Fox Cable News’ Judge Andrew Napolitano.

Yet, this didn’t stop Said and Cherif Kouachi from taking an AK-47s and murdering twelve and injuring 11, right in the middle of Paris — yelling “Allah Akbar” as they slowly and methodically killed their helpless victims.

Gun control advocates like Piers Morgan have condemned the killings, while remaining strangely silent about France’s gun laws.

But in the wake of this tragic massacre, GOA posted a video reminder showing how concealed carry holders have stopped mass shootings in this country.

FK – We should have been killing the commies in France, and this country, instead of the Nazis, who in actuality are the lessor of the two evils. The Nazis haven’t infiltrated or attempted to infiltrate every public and government organization in this land.

PBS: Gun Owners of America Exposed Sen Manchin’s Gun Control Plans

Infowar Lost = Civil War 2.0


FK – This should have been split into two vids.

The point is to be ready when they say ‘turn them in’ so that the first home they raid for guns is the last home they raid for guns. The trash that participates in such should thereafter never feel safe in their own homes.

Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.

It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.

The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?

Fructose more toxic than table sugar in mice

Psychiatrists now say non-conformity is a mental illness: only the sheeple are ‘sane’

Constitutional Gun Carry A Near Reality In Texas


FK – Oh no! We can’t carry those evil vicious mass murdering guns into the presence of our ELECTED PUBLIC SERVANTS. How awful it might be if our SERVANTS became frightened of us or had to fear for their security or safety.

Kentucky has the same problem. The ‘just-us’ centers where the black-robed shysters who profit from the ‘drug war’ have set themselves above us as well need to be returned to the people. Let them hold court in a trailer or log cabin where they try those who have committed real crimes against real people or their property and turn the ‘just-us’ center into community centers or rent them out to businesses or simply sell them off. Or we could demolish them and sell ‘Liberty bricks’ and donate the money to charity or build roads.

Obama Says White People Should Thank Him For All He Has Done


FK – The Marxist mutt is responsible for the Tea Party, huge increases in gun and ammo sales, he’s kept the brain dead RINOS, republicrats and ‘conservatives’ off the golf course and the couch. If we’re lucky it’s arrogance will yet prove to the average dumbass that we need an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season.

Keep your fingers crossed and prepare for what will be required.