Tag Archives: guns

Earth shaking: Newspaper editorial lauds gun rights leader

Gottlieb, who chairs the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, was credited for providing “the voice of reason” in an ongoing, and rancorous debate over last week’s open carry incident in Olympia that led to a ban on open carry in the House and Senate public galleries. Gottlieb is working this week at the annual Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show in Las Vegas.

The editorial quoted Gottlieb, who said the open carry prohibition is “the result of a few stupid extremists on our side who not only handled their firearms unsafely, but made hundreds of Second Amendment supporters at the rally look foolish.” The comment has drawn flack, but also support, from gun owners, as confirmed by a discussion at Northwest Firearms.

According to the Columbian, the outdoor rally, at which Gottlieb spoke, “was a reasonable protest.” However, parading inside the House chambers “served to harm their cause,” the editorial stated. “It served to suggest that many gun owners are not sensible folks. It served as a misguided attempt to intimidate those who believe that crowded public spaces are not the proper forum for carrying loaded guns.”

FK – Criticizing them for simply carrying their most basic right into the presence of their ELECTED PUBLIC SERVANTS is wrong. Criticizing them for jacking around with said weapons indoors is another thing.

Our ELECTED PUBLIC SERVANTS are supposed to FEAR us!.

Apparently there are many of them that need constant reminding that someday crowds of real men might show up and render the creatures the real justice most of them so rightly deserve. How pathetic that we haven’t already. After NAFTA was passed 30 million of us should have gone to the district of commie criminals and hung lots of expensive suits along Pennsylvania Ave.

When the BATF Nazi trash murdered women and children at Mt. Carmel, Texas there should have been black-suited Nazis hanging along the highways. Too many were asleep then and too many slumber now, oblivious. But we’ve had the internet for 15 years now so there’s no excuse for willful ignorance and no excuse for why all the ‘gun rights’ organizations have not helped organize, arm and train a militia force in every county in this country to deal with this burgeoning evil.

The only battle in this ongoing war we’re winning at all is the ‘gun rights’ one. It’s only one scene in the big picture show. War is being waged on this country and the Bill of Rights from within. Our real enemies who really ‘hate freedom’ are right here, not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world. A Second Amendment that is used only for hunting and extravagant range competitions is a toy that can be regulated and taken.

After all these years there seem to be many that don’t understand our domestic blood enemies will take a parsec if given an inch, will always take 3 steps forward and 2 steps back if necessary and will only ‘compromise’ when it’s in their evil favor and take any and all favorable or ‘friendly’ response as a victory.

And they’re not traitors. One cannot be a traitor to something one hates. They are our enemies.

We should be dealing with the trash as it is. We allegedly don’t negotiate with terrorists why do we negotiate with trash?

It’s way past time to prepare for what will be required.

Sandy Hook Commission Shows Why Gun Registration Requirements Must be Defied

The Sandy Hook Advisory Commission, set up by Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy in January 2013, has apparently spent the entire two years between then and now finding creative new ways to infringe on that which shall not be infringed. Given that length of time, it is hardly surprising that they dreamed up some real doozies.

Just one such doozy (of many) was unveiled last Friday, when the commission announced that when its final report is ultimately released (planned for the middle of next month), it will include a recommendation to ban all guns that can fire more than ten shots between reloads. From the Associated Press:

An advisory panel charged with looking at public safety in the wake of the deadly Newtown school shooting agreed Friday to include in its final report a recommendation to ban the sale and possession of any gun that can fire more than 10 rounds without reloading.

FK – Any pathetic despicable coward that turns in its weapons needs to be shot down at the gun turn in point along with the trash manning the gun turn in point and along with the trash that recommended, wrote and passed the ‘law.’

Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.

It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.

If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.

The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.

What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?

It’s way past time to prepare for what will be required.

Indiana Takes First Step To Become Constitutional Carry State

Constitutional Carry is the precedent currently set in 5 states which dictates that a law abiding citizen needs no permission or permit from the government to exercise their God given right to keep and bear arms.

Alaska, Wyoming, Vermont, Arizona and Arkansas may have a new state joining their ranks if State Rep. Jim Lucas of Indiana has anything to say about it.

Lucas has introduced House Bill 1144 which would strike down the permitting scheme currently in place and would repeal whole chunks of the nearly 30 pages of laws dealing with carrying firearms.

Most important among them is the “poll tax” that requires law abiding citizens to pay for the ability to exercise their rights.  Colloquially known as purchasing a carry permit.

FK – A right applied for is a privilege.

Sen. Rand Paul Would be “Happy to Dissolve” the UN

U.S. Senator Rand Paul (shown, R-Ky.), a leading contender for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination, would be “happy to dissolve” the United Nations, the senator told gun-rights activists at a recent gathering in New Hampshire. Widely ridiculed in the United States as the “dictators club,” the controversial global body has become especially unpopular with American gun owners outraged about the UN’s accelerating attacks on the God-given rights enshrined U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment. The message was apparently popular in New Hampshire.

During a campaign-style gathering packed with gun-rights supporters at the Londonderry Fish & Game Club, Senator Paul reportedly addressed a crowd in what was supposed to be a press-free briefing. While the senator mostly answered questions on gun rights, with the UN increasingly wading into the discussion and pushing a deeply controversial global gun-control scheme known as the UN Arms Trade Treaty, the global outfit inevitably came up.

According to a reporter from RealClearPolitics.com, who apparently did not leave the room when journalists were instructed to get out, the Kentucky senator said that a body to “discuss diplomacy” was not necessarily a bad idea. The UN and its current structure, though, and the fact that American taxpayers are forced to provide a “huge chunk” of the UN budget — about a fourth, by most estimates — is what Paul said he found objectionable.

FK – The BATF Nazi trash and Bloomberg et al are far more dangerous and close to home than the U.N. which could be dealt with via a couple of Abrams tanks. Would he be willing to see all the aforementioned arrested, tried for treason and executed as it so richly deserves?

It looks as if he’ll run. My predictions in prez races have a sorry record but Cruz probably has a better chance among ‘conservatives’ because he looks like a Baptist preacher. Paul could do more good in the Senate over the long haul and if he wins the now red house his life expectancy would probably plunge.

Unfolding debate: Do rifle-toting activists help or hurt 2A effort?

In the wake of Friday’s announcement that the Washington State Senate will no longer allow open carry of firearms in its gallery, a debate has erupted in the firearms community as to whether long gun open carry demonstrations advance or hurt the Second Amendment cause.

As one might guess, there are sharp opinions on both sides. However, this is not a discussion limited solely to the Evergreen State. This past week, a similar furor has erupted in Texas, as open carry activists reportedly confronted some state lawmakers in Austin. After that incident, the Texas House approved the installation of “panic buttons” in legislative offices.

One popular blogger, Bob Owens at Bearing Arms.com, verbally unloaded on one Texas group and their leader this week, calling them “knuckleheads.” Readers responding to the Seattle Times report yesterday are also engaging in some name-calling, intimating that a group of about 15-18 people who gathered on the Capitol steps in Olympia Thursday, before walking inside and entering the House gallery to pose with their rifles, may not be terribly bright.

There are some ironies here. The armed group entered the House gallery, but it was the Senate that yesterday banned openly carried firearms in its chamber. Concealed handguns will evidently still be allowed, but visible firearms are now being treated like other props of protest, such as signs or banners. There has long been a ban on protesting inside the legislative chambers.

FK – Don’t miss the comments on this one. Here’s my initial response to the article:

The question will soon be not whether or not they are ‘allowed’ to do it but if we have enough to do it.

Time to prepare for what will be required. Don’t understand? Go to freekentuckydotcom and click on ‘what will be required.’

It’s way past time to stop apologizing to our blood domestic enemies and to start treating them as the trash they are.

State Senate bans openly carried guns in public gallery

Here my posted comment to this:

“When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” – Thomas Jefferson

That’s what this is about. That’s all this is about. Our elected public SERVANTS are supposed to fear us. They’re supposed to go to work every day wondering if something they might do might cause crowds of armed men to descend upon them and render the justice they so rightly deserve. It’s a miracle and actually a failing that we haven’t already, on every state legislature and especially on the district of commie criminals.

It’s way past time to be ready for what will be required.

Nothing to do with Islam

FK – What group/party passed the laws that allowed this to happen? What group/party told you Brits to turn your guns into the govt. rendering you defenseless slaves? Who are your real enemies?

It’s way past time for you Brits to do what will be required.

He has several links with this vid, like this one:

Third of Brits Too Scared to Speak out on Immigration and Religion

FK – That’s because the cowardly Brits didn’t start killing their “Liberal”(commie) trash, their real domestic enemies, when they were told to surrender their personal weapons. Now they fully deserve whatever is done to them.

GOA Alert: “Fast Track” to Delegate Enormous Power to Obama

— Second Amendment Could be Impacted

Congress got back to work last week.  And within the next month, the congressional GOP leadership is expected to move a “bait and switch” scheme that could seriously impact the Second Amendment.

The scheme is called “fast track.”

In “fast track,” Congress passes a bill which delegates to Barack Obama the legislative authority to do anything he wants — ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING — so long as he includes it in a “trade agreement.”

In this case, the trade agreement is the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP or TPA) — currently being negotiated with thirteen Pacific Rim nations.

The problem is that Congress would delegate this authority to Obama without knowing what was in the top secret agreement — and possibly before it is even completely written.

FK – I told the bastards they shouldn’t be surprised if someday soon they look out their windows up there and see crowds approaching, not with signs in their hands but with tools to do what will be required.

Why aren’t we killing them? Can someone tell me?

Fort Hood Survivor Rallies For Constitutional Gun Carry


FK – A right applied for is a privilege. Our blood domestic enemies are not ‘well meaning.’ The trash knows full well what it does. We’ve had the internet for 15 years. There’s no excuse for willful ignorance any more.

Best to prepare for what will be required.

FK – Well, you know my response to this by now… Not that I still won’t repeat it as long as I draw breath.

New ammo for gun rights activists headed to Olympia Thursday

When Second Amendment activists gather tomorrow on the Capitol Steps in Olympia to protest the impacts of Initiative 594, they will have some new ammunition that bolsters their arguments during the campaign that passage of the measure would be an unfunded mandate and add to an already overwhelming backlog in the state’s pistol registry.

Examiner learned Monday that the Department of Licensing’s firearms program is backlogged more than a year. According to DOL spokesperson Christine Anthony, “We are currently entering Sept. 2013 pistol transfer applications.”

Anthony provided this information via e-mail. She added that “There is not enough staff or funding for this program to keep up with the workload that has come in.” She said there is a funding request to the Legislature for additional personnel to work on the backlog.

I-594 advocates had deceptively insisted that passage of their measure would not “create a gun registry.” Technically that was correct, because they knew a handgun registry already existed, and I-594’s mandate that all gun transfers (not just retail sales) be done through federally-licensed firearms dealers has the effect of expanding the pistol registry by logging all of the private sales, loans and gifts or inheritances. Whatever else that may be called, it is handgun registration.

FK – You see folks, the trash never stops lying. We will have to force it to stop. The only limit to “Liberal”(commie) trash insanity is the limit we force upon it.

I sent the newswhore trash mentioned in the article a nice message:

I won’t be able to make it but here’s some info you might want to include:
Sourced here.
Here’s what the Second Amendment actually means regardless of how much our blood domestic enemies with white skin, the “Liberal”(commie) trash and other assorted authoritarians lie about it:
The right of the people to overthrow or prevent tyrannical or authoritarian government by force of individually owned arms, purchased or manufactured without government permission or taxes levied or paid, inferior to, equal to or superior to those commonly carried by soldiers, marines, sailors or militia members of any fighting force in the world shall not be brought into question. The right of the people to protect themselves from criminals in government, or any institution that may seek authority over them or from any common street criminal shall not be brought into question. Those elected, hired or appointed public servants who do question this proclamation and/or the people’s natural, most basic right, that all our other rights are based upon, that of self defense, shall be arrested, tried for treason and executed.
There’s no such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.
And here.
The Second Amendment, as the rest of the Bill of Rights, is an acknowledgement of our natural born rights, not a granting. The entire Bill of Rights is about keeping the governments in their place. The Second Amendment is about the common person’s right to own weapons of war so that we can keep the governments in their place by keeping the ‘monopoly on force’ in the hands of the people where it belongs, as in ‘We the people.’ Remember that? It will not be infringed any further and the ‘gun laws’ in existence will be repealed. End of discussion.
But I’m not holding my breath that your confab will detail any of this reality because of this:
“Liberal”(commie) trash will never change. We will have to eradicate them to fix this mess if it can be fixed. They killed 170 million in the 20th century, they’ll have no problem killing again for their communism. It’s time to prepare for what will be required.
Liberty or death didn’t mean the Founders were going to blow their brains out if the British didn’t grant them Liberty. It meant they were going to blow British brains out.
Have a nice day trash.
Barry Bright
FK – Be sure to click on the links above and tell the trash what you think about it’s newswhore training.

‘Registration the next step’ admits anti-gun Seattle P-I reader


FK – And it’s a matter of time till the BATF Nazi lowlife lying baby killing trash moves to ban those machines or demand that only ‘licensed’ gun makers use them, or whatever other evil they think the ‘conservatives’ in the u.S. Congress will allow them to get away with. The trash should have already been de-funded, shut down and tried for treason for even enforcing these evil laws.

Guns and cars, oh my, the “Liberal”(commie) trash really hate that:


FK – How many amerikan schools can do this? In reality they should be practicing/competing with full auto weapons bought without govt. permission after a complete and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season that was commenced when they were told to turn the weapons in years ago, but they live in a worse police state than we do.

The Second Amendment isn’t about ‘sporting’ shotguns. Its about hunting and killing the trash that tries to take it away.

Actor Liam Neeson on Paris attack: Americans have too many guns


Why I’m no longer an “anti-government extremist”

FK – Gee, I don’t know how I missed this one.

The Second Amendment without the will to use it is just a toy turned into a privilege that’s waiting to be regulated and taken:

FK – And best of the three:

FK – I know, let’s kill some people based on 3000-year-old tribal propaganda.