Tag Archives: guns

Dobyns prepares ‘21 questions’ for indifferent-to-date legislators

Determined not to let a thus-far deliberately indifferent Congress ignore the wider implications of “fraud upon the court” by Department of Justice lawyers in his case, retired ATF Agent Jay Dobyns has prepared a list of 21 questions lawmakers should ask of Attorney General Eric Holder and ATF Director B. Todd Jones. He posted the queries, along with links to media accounts, on his website Friday, and mirrored it to elicit support from forum members on CleanUpATF, the site that first posted allegations of “walked” guns from Operation Fast and Furious being found at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

“Congress doesn’t need to hold hearings on this,” Dobyns maintains. “They simply need to draft a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and ATF Director B. Todd Jones demanding truthful and complete answers. This is all it will take. If the AG and Holder will answer honestly, this will be soon be resolved for good.”

He’s making big assumptions, particularly that the Holder DOJ will be inclined to do anything but stonewall, that is, continue with the same pattern of obstruction that resulted in contempt of Congress charges against the defiant attorney general. That said, the prospect of seeing this play out will give further evidence to the public of just how little the administration values fair trials and rule of law when they perceive an advantage undermining both.

That won’t happen unless and until lawmakers responsible for oversight stop ignoring the unprecedented action of a federal judge (and a Clinton appointee at that) sidelining seven United States attorneys from a case due to fraud. Why they have remained silent so far, while troubling, is hardly unexpected to those of us involved in the early days of Fast and Furious, when the media, the Congress, and even some “pro-gun groups” had to be dragged kicking and screaming — and even harangued — into calling attention to another clear record of government-sponsored lawlessness.

FK – Why aren’t the ‘gun groups’ pushing hard to simply shut down the BATF Nazis and repeal ‘all’ the gun laws?

Yes we can, prepare for what will be required.

Bloomberg group ‘eats crow,’ faces lawsuit over erroneous gun sales claim

Background check battle to erupt in Oregon; are polls misread?

JPFO WHITE PAPER – Why Jews Hate Guns – Are they right? – And who are The Shomrim?

FK – What is Reform Judaism and what are it’s real goals? Those who claim pacifism cannot vote for voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because government is force and voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a gun in your neighbor’s face and force your political will upon them.

Gun Control Group Wants Reporter Fired For Speaking At A Pro-Gun Rally

The gun control group the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) wants Fox News affiliate WTTF to fire its investigative reporter, Emily Miller, claiming that she violated journalistic ethics by criticizing Washington D.C.’s strict gun laws at a recent event.

In its attempt to get Miller fired, CSGV pointed to a Jan. 19 speech she gave at an event held by the Virginia Citizens Defense League — which CSGV claims is “a radical pro-gun group that embraces the use of political violence.”

During the rally, Miller said that Washington D.C. “is not part of America, because they don’t recognize the Second Amendment.”

Miller also told the audience that she was “part of this fight that we’re all in.”

Citing the Society of Professional Journalists, CSGV asserts that Miller should be fired from her job on the grounds that journalists should “act independently” by avoiding “conflicts of interest, real or perceived.”

FK – Propaganda for we, but not for thee…

A vital message from JPFO’s Rabbi Dovid Bendory

FK – Maybe the problem is ‘Reform Judaism‘ and the fact that most ‘Jews’ today are secular Marxists. We won’t even get into the Bankster topic right now.

JPFO was part of my waking up, 20 years ago. As long as they keep their goal of ‘destroying gun control’ they’ll be OK.

This is a multi-front war, politically agitate while preparing for what will be required.

DEA Planned to Monitor Gun Show Attendees With License Plate Readers, New Emails Reveal

The Drug Enforcement Administration and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives collaborated on plans to monitor gun show attendees using automatic license plate readers, according to a newly disclosed DEA email obtained by the ACLU through the Freedom of Information Act.

The April 2009 email states that “DEA Phoenix Division Office is working closely with ATF on attacking the guns going to [redacted] and the gun shows, to include programs/operation with LPRs at the gun shows.” The government redacted the rest of the email, but when we received this document we concluded that these agencies used license plate readers to collect information about law-abiding citizens attending gun shows. An automatic license plate reader cannot distinguish between people transporting illegal guns and those transporting legal guns, or no guns at all; it only documents the presence of any car driving to the event. Mere attendance at a gun show, it appeared, would have been enough to have one’s presence noted in a DEA database.

FK – Another reason to shut them down, as if we need another one.

Insanity 2016 Rant: Same Bullsh*t, Different Puppet Election

FK – Murdered? Really? Need to read “The Real Lincoln.”

The presidency has always been the office of the elites, back to Jackson, really from the beginning.

Our country was founded by the colonial aristocrats of the 18th century, plantation owners, shysters, banksters, smugglers, etc. The diff. is some of them did truly value their version of human Liberty. Now they’re mostly whores.

It must be stressed that we can make some difference in elections beneath the now red house and obviously they do respond to proper pressure, the ‘gun rights’ movement proves this. But our weapons and the Second Amendment without the will to use them are nothing but toys to be regulated and taken.

Some links she mentioned:

Ted Cruz: Don’t Believe What I Said to the Supreme Court

Ted Cruz, Pit of Vipers, and the Council on Foreign Relations member in his family.

Building a North American Community

A Wife Committed to Cruz’s Ideals, but a Study in Contrasts to Him

And something else:

Daddy issues: Are Ron Paul’s hard-core stands a problem for son’s presidential bid?

Predictions coming true: More ‘UBC’ action on horizon

As the 2015 Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) show winds down today in Las Vegas, a new battle front over so-called “universal background checks” (UBC) is shaping up in Arizona, and it is all-too-familiar to Second Amendment advocates like Alan Gottlieb.

Freshman Democrat State Rep. Randall Friese has introduced legislation to require background checks on private transfers of firearms. If the storyline unfolds the way it did in Gottlieb’s home state of Washington, and here in Nevada, the proposals will fall short in the legislature, and then there will be a push by the gun prohibition lobby to pass a citizen initiative.

Anti-gunners passed Initiative 594 last fall in the Evergreen State, and it’s evident they took notes. Nevada first went through the legislative process, and now gun owners there are facing an increasingly well-oiled effort to push such checks, with backing from anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg and other wealthy elitists.

It doesn’t take much imagination to figure out that somebody was taking notes during the Washington campaign. With money as a weapon, Second Amendment activists are up against what appears to be a spreading juggernaut.

FK – When are ‘pro-gun'(should be pro Human Liberty because guns are just tools we’ll soon have to use to restore Liberty) ‘activists’ going to get tired of re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic and start preparing for what will be required?

Powerful New York gun ban politician arrested for bribery, kickbacks

FK – Maybe it’ll be in prison and easy to find when it’s time for the war crimes trials and executions.

Jews And Guns

Besides the extraordinary cost of maintaining a full-time force that will always be at their stations, we must also worry about the prospect of collateral damage that an armed volunteer can cause when missing his target, for example, or if the weapon falls into the hands of a child or someone not properly trained in the use of guns, or into the hands of a person intent on doing evil.

Real violence and TV violence are not the same. Even highly trained police officers confirm that when real-life shooting begins, the adrenaline rush that kicks in will often cause an experienced officer to empty his weapon even after the immediate threat has been neutralized, resulting in many shootings that were never intended. How do we balance those concerns against the image of an armed terrorist entering a school or house of worship with nobody inside who is trained and armed to respond, leaving us faced with the choice of cowering in fear or fighting armed attackers with our bare hands until our heroic first responders arrive on the scene, hopefully in time to prevent mass murder?

I am worried, however, about encouraging a plan that arms too many civilians. As someone who has spent 40 years in the criminal-justice system, I have been around guns and the people who use them for both good and bad reasons. I have seen the murder and mayhem that weapons can cause when used by criminals, but I also know of many cases in which guns were used by private citizens who, despite their best intentions, caused more harm than good, as well as cases in which a failure to safeguard the weapon resulted in horrific tragedy and the loss of innocent life.

FK – How about just forcing our governments to acknowledge the most basic right any human, any creature, possesses, that of self defense, the right to fight back against criminals whether they be in government, on the street, in the home or wherever?

But that ‘scares’ you too much doesn’t it? You’d rather a grandmother be beaten or a child be raped by thugs, when the victims aren’t otherwise capable of fighting back against superior strength or numbers in the several minutes to hours it can take for official ‘help’ to arrive.

Many millions of instances of self-defense with guns simply aren’t reported.

It’s time to put the governments of the world in their place, as servants to ‘we the people’ and not as our eternal masters.

A right applied for is a privilege. Life is not a privilege, it’s a right. The tools to defend said life are a right, not a privilege.

Bill Gates on His 15-Year Plan, Capitalism’s Downside, and Measles at Disneyland

The UN is working on its update to the Millennium Development Goals. How do you think it’s going?

We’re definitely on track. It will be a much longer document, and a broader set of goals than the MDGs were.

But the MDGs were so powerful because they were so succinct. Do you worry that if these goals become too broad, it will be harder to keep people focused?

That absolutely is a concern that I have. Then again, there are unfinished MDGs, and they will always have a very unique position. Key things like child health are so critical. If you have malnutrition you can’t do education very well.

I do think the new document will be so long that fewer people will read the whole thing. Then again, when we talk about books like the Koran or the Bible, not everybody reads every word of those things. I think of the MDGs like the Ten Commandments.


You’ve dedicated a ton of resources to delivering vaccines to remote areas of the world. It must drive you nuts when people in the rich world choose not to vaccinate their kids.

I just read this book called On Immunity: An Inoculation—which is so well written, it’s unbelievable—that talks about this. It’s a little bit unsurprising considering you’re saying to parents, “Hey, take this needle and inject it into your kid! Honestly, we’re sure that it does no harm!” It really takes explaining to people why this is not only beneficial to their child but to society as a whole.

The anti-vaccination crowd, it’s very unfortunate. They create risk and in some cases there have been pertussis-based deaths and measles deaths. Those are the two that show up pretty quickly when you get any group of kids that haven’t been vaccinated. People thought, “OK, we have the Internet, information will get out there.” But misinformation got out there as well.

I do think we’ll keep vaccination rates high in the US. Rationality will succeed. But it will take cases like this Disneyland thing to remind people how irresponsible it is. The science about the safety is very, very strong.

FK – Why didn’t they ask the trash why it wants to disarm the common people?

They don’t call us ‘human resources,’ and ‘human capital’ and ‘consumers’ because they respect us as human beings.

GOA’s State of the Union

–How Gun Owners Frustrated Obama’s Gun Control Agenda in 2014

“The group’s Executive Director Larry Pratt saw the West Virginia Democrat working behind the scenes, pushing gun control after Sandy Hook. He called him out and asked other gun rights groups, including the NRA, to do the same.” — Freedom Outpost, January 19, 2015

Two former Presidents paid quite a compliment to Gun Owners of America and its members last year.  For starters, President Obama said:

People ask me what I’m proudest of and what are my biggest frustrations as President. My biggest frustration is that this society hasn’t been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who can do damage. (The White House, June 10, 2014)

So in other words, he’s frustrated that Congress rejected every single one of his gun control proposals over the past couple of years.

GOA members should accept this compliment and pat themselves on the back.

FK – Some important battles won, but we’re a long, long way from the end of the war.

‘Gun control does not equal gun safety,’ says NSSF head

FK – How pathetic. Even if one of the ‘protestors’ had committed a crime that’s no reason take away the Liberty of over 300 million others. Even if some of them did some ‘stupid’ things that’s no reason to condemn all who were carrying. They need better leadership, something our movement is lacking, especially when so few see the necessity of making our elected public servants fear us and of preparing for what will be required.

Why Gun Owners Are Right to Fight Against Gun Control

“We’re going to have to take one step at a time, and the first step is necessarily — given the political realities — going to be very modest. Right now, though, we’d be satisfied not with half a loaf but with a slice. Our ultimate goal — total control of handguns in the United States — is going to take time. My estimate is from seven to ten years. The problem is to slow down the increasing number of handguns sold in this country. The second problem is to get them all registered. And the final problem is to make the possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition — except for the military, policemen, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs, and licensed gun collectors — totally illegal.” – Pete Shields, chairman of what is today the Brady Campaign, inThe New Yorker in 1976


FK – Those who don’t prepare for what will be required fully deserve the ditch they will be shot into… So many of us have been warning, for so long.